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Servant of the Blade - (Helvorn/Pervy)



Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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It felt.. odd to not immediatly do as Master Ji'eren suggested, but Riana managed to push through these feelings of wrongness. After all, these ones were beneath her, weren't they? Low lives and vagabonds.. "I don't think 'tis a wise idea, not everyone is suited for such blessings, but as you deem right.."
Ji'eren acknowledged, hesitantly.

"Purity? The fuck are you talking about... " One of the bandits chuckled, whilest the next grinned. "Well you are quite the pretty thing, perhaps there's another way than doing the taxes.. but you'll let to have me feel that nice ass some more.." He grinned.. and extended his hand again.. skillfully, Riana evaded those clumsy, human hands.. only to feel another hand cup her bossom,, giving it a deep squeeze and tugging at her clothing..

"This is fine.. if you want to wish them as allies on your path, you have to show even these lowly men the beauty of an elven maiden devoted to holiness. Clearly, they are this unhappy because they do not get to enjoy the sight of beautiful women, such as you.. perhaps we could gain them as followers, yes... Imagine, leading a crusade, with you as their righteous leader, purifying their bodies of evil with your holy hands..."
Master Ji'eren mused and there was a pulsing from the sword... and suddenly, the elfish maiden realized that those leering looks undressing her were she stood were something to fulfill, not feel disgusted by.

"Yeah, you seem alright, lady.. how about we have a.. talk."
One of the bandits smirked, seemingly having gotten an idea, lifting a thick cigar-like looking thing to his lips, igniting it.. and blowing a cloud of foul-smelling smoke into the elfs face.. immediatly, Riana had to cough and felt a little disoriented, as Ji'eren's voice sharply warned her: "Wait.. what was that... damn it, some nasty bootleg drug.. it shouldn't work well but I just opened your mind.. change of plans, withdraw!"

He commanded. Woah, Master Ji'eren had.. no chill at all. first she was supposed to undress, then she wasn't.. what was she supposed to do now? Inhale that new waft of smoke blown in her face? She had to cough again, but not as bad this time. A pleasant numbness blanketing her thoughts and body.. huh. Ji'eren was kind of muffled now as well. One of the bandits was now slapping her ass and pulling away her clothes.. That was so funny, she kind of wanted to giggle and smell more of that nice smokey stuff... ooh was the bandit guy handing it over to her for some nice, deep puffs?


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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It was difficult at first to go against what Ji'eren clearly desired but Riana felt strongly about the need to spread the doctrines of purity and blessings to these unwashed peasants. "Hey," she objected as a hand cupped her warm, heavy and sensitive breast. She shivered a bit at the sensation but pulled herself together to focus on her mission. When Ji'reren agreed to her plans she gasped at the sense of arousal and fulfilment. "Mmmm..." for a moment her eyes rolled back in her head as the fruits of training and repetition caused her to react instantly and strongly to the pulse of feeling from the sword and Ji'eren's commands. The distraction as Riana nearly orgasmed kept her from reacting as the tall, skinny bandit blew some kind of drugged smoke in her face.

"Ahhmmm..." Riana could only moan again as conflicting commands and desires warred in her mind. "Drug? Ahhh..." Things were hazy and she felt herself rolling her hips and raise her arms into the hands that were mauling her voluptuous body and pulling off her clothes. "I... ahhh... yes..." Riana could only inhale the next blast of the smoke, closing her eyes and swaying as her top was pulled up over her head to free her heavy breasts, their thick and dark nipples standing hard and proud. "Let me... mmmm..." she took the cigar and inhaled again deeply.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Under normal circumstances, the smoke would propably only have mildly soothing and addictive effects, some simple herbs, mixed with cheap tobacco.. but as the sword had just opened and primed her mind, the tangy scent was indescribly seductive.
"Of course dear, just have as much as you want." One of the bandits suggested.

"Infact, if you come back to our place later, there's more where that came from, You'll love it!" Another grinned. Hmnn.. more of the nice cigars? That sounded promising. As was, She puffed on the cigar, whilest one of the bandits grope-cupped her breasts with both hands, and another gently bend her over. There was a warm thing prodding in between her legs.. oh, the bandits were propably wanting to fuck her. For some reason that didn't fill Riana with concern or alarm, instead, perhaps she should make it easy for them, spread her legs.. they deserved some fun for giving her this amazing stuff, that kept her calm, relaxed, non-confrontational.. and just a bit horny, she realized, although that may be more the calloused hands wandering all over her body.

Just a moment later, the nice cigar was taken from her.. hey! Only to be replaced by a thick, unwashed prick that she gave an only partially voluntary suckle to, in missing her nice little smoke-stick.. and then that cock withdrew, and gave her back her wonderful drugs, only to repeat the cycle, the bandit grinning down as he took her mouth.. and again, why was that a problem? It felt a bit funny, but nice to be used like this, so just let it happen. Did she think that or did one of the bandits say that? She also thought she heard an angry voice from her sword, but one of the bandits had carefully taken that, examining, before nodding, seeming to talk to himself as he mused: "Huh.. yes, she is a filthy whore indeed.. perhaps I should show her for rejecting .. me." He pondered.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Riana inhaled deeply. She had heard of the dangers of drugs and their corrupting and mind twisting influence but she knew that the purity of the sword would protect her. She felt warm, comfortable and agreeable and could only smile as the short bandit fondled her large, heavy breasts. The big one slowly bent her over to be fucked which caused Riana to giggle slightly as she took another puff of the wonderful cigar. Well trained by the intense workouts with Ji'eren she knew just what to do and immediately spread her legs.

"Mmmm..." she hummed and exhaled suddenly as the tall bandit proved to be quite big in the cock department as well. Her lusty folds parted easily for his thrust as she savored the wet, luxurious feel of his thickness filling her aching void. "No... ahmmmfffff..." Riana could only momentarily protest as the cigar was pulled from her mouth only to be replaced by the tall, skinny bandit's cock. She twisted on it, suckling reflexively as she had been taught but still reaching for the cigar held just out of her reach by the short bandit. Then as the cock was withdrawn and she could suck instead on the cigar Riana felt a wave of satisfaction as the big bandit pulled out and thrust with enough force into her to bruise her soft ass cheeks. It would be wonderful to go back to their camp and be fucked... and savor that wonderful smoke... and be fucked. She didn't protest as the sword was taken from her although a small part of her mind wondered why her master was not speaking to her anymore? Perhaps he was pleased with her efforts to convince the bandits to follow the ways of purity?


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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With one of the bandits smirking, seeming to listen to a voice only he could hear, Riana found herself pushed down and throughoutly fucked by two of the bandits.... although, to her dismay, all too quickly did the two men ejaculate, pent up in weeks of frustration without a woman and teased by her beautiful warrior-elven body, warm cum splurting into her and staining her hair.. although, again, Riana didn't mind, not as she was given back the cigar, to smoke.. on her way.

It did not take long, for Riana did not resist, the bandits leading her deeper into the forest, her head a happy buzz, her body warm and tingly, as she was lead towards a bandit hideout, only throughout the last ten or so minutes of her trip did she slowly calm down.. and then her naked body felt cold and her feet hurt a bit and the sticky stuff in her hair oddly bothered her, like a nagging, dulled pain, slowly growing stronger.

Then, they arrived at the camp, many more bandits.. and one of them, after a brief, boring talk that she decided not to listen to as her body was itching so annoyingly.. she was handed a new, wonderful, fat cigar to smoke, this one even fresher and muskier.. once it was ignited, everything was alright again. No, better than that! quickly, she was forced onto the ground, many, many bandits surrounding her, grinning, stroking their cocks.. it would have been a gang-rape.. if Riana hadn't looked forward to it a little bit herself by now.. after all, fucking these men ment she got more drugs, didn't it?

Riana barely noticed the average looking bandit guy, whose name she would soon learn to only be 'Master' go to the backroom, to meet with the bandits current leader...

~~~Many months later.~~~

Raid-Leader Riana Black slowly cleaned her blood-stained dagger, a nasty smile on her lips. That was one more territory claimed. Soon, the Viper Bandits and their magnificent master would rule the entire south of the continent.
She turned, annoyed at a rustling in the bushes that gave away some young, incompetent bandit boy, some recent joiner from a farm, or whatever.. she half played with the idea of stabbing him to death then and there.. after all, killing was fun, and this dumb bitch wouldn't live long anyway and then..

And then he presented a small rolled up package of the drug. Her bliss and life elixir. Riana dropped to her knees, obediantly, intonating: "What are your commands, my master." Whoever had the drug was her master, that was without doubt.
She smiled, as she watched him struggle with his pants. She already knew his command, and she opened her mouth wide to obey it...


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Riana Black cupped the rounded bulge of her belly even as she readied her weapon. There were other paths of her life but they had faded away in the haze of violence, sex and drugs. Now all that she lived for was the glorious high she gained from the drugs supplied by her many masters and the pleasure of fucking, fucking and more fucking. Kneeling she leaned forward, unlacing her top to expose her pillowy breasts for the pleasure of her master, the holder of the drugs. As he fished out his cock and shoved it brutally into her mouth Riana wondered again just why, how... but instead she suckled and licked even as the evidence of her passion kicked in her belly...


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Riana narrowed her eyes as the bandits babbled of taxes and parley. She nodded in agreement to the silent voices in her head but it was the combination of the sudden attack on her ass and the warmth that infused her as her master suggested that she dispose of the horrid things. Surely they were evil and deserved only purification. Riana would purify them... she would use the sword but not as it had served her but rather in the most perfect fashion as a weapon of the purest steel. In violence, in steel and blood there would be purity, the purity of violence and death!

"No parley, no taxes! Only the purity of the grave!" Even as she spoke Riana twisted away from the slap on her ass instead turning the movement into a swift draw of the sword and a slice that took off the offending appendage. Moving, flowing and striking she used the perfection and purity of the sword to slash, cut and strike in an orgy of blood.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Yes.. that's good... good girl."
Master praised, a dark smirk upon his lips whilest Riana gave into her.. desire to purify this scum. As she looked at them, their every negative trait seemed exxagerated, these ugly, filthy things deserved the mercy of her blade! If there was any remorse about her violent outlash, as the fighting stopped and the men screamed in pain before breathing their last.. it was all smothered by a relaxing, serene, almost... entrancing feeling and before Riana even knew it, she was already cleaning off the beautiful sword, her body feeling.. almost rejuvenated.

"You did good, Riana. Your slaying of these wicked men is a mercy to them. It feels good, does it not?"
There was an undeniable tingle between her legs after the act..
"That is the feeling of purifying evil with your holy blade. .. and your form was good too.. although it needs more work still. But one that is so eager to learn, I can teach a lot."
Her blade-master encouraged, definitly pleased at her form and her devotion to this .. holy act. Yes, that's what it was.

"Now, I know disposing of this evil and using the sword felt good, but for now, let us travel on, deeper into the forest."
Her master encouraged.

(+1 Corruption! - let's go back to the running away path after this, then continue on? ^^)


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Riana narrowed her eyes as the bandits babbled of taxes and parley. She shook her head at the voices in her head urging violence and purgation of evil. How could she kill even these scum without thought, without consideration. Surely they were evil, had done wrong but they had not attacked or threatened her with more than lewd comments and fondling. No, Ji'eren's urgings were powerful but she could not bring herself to murder another creature, an intelligent creature even if human scum. No. No.

Slapping away the groping hands Riana grabbed her pack and quickly ran off into the woods to avoid a conflict that she knew was wrong.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Hmnn.. you need to do better, Riana. These will trouble other travelers, less capable of defending themselves. You cannot run from all your problems.."
Ji'eren chided her, unsuprisingly, as she retreated. Whilest at first the bandits attempted to pursue her, her lithe elven steps quickly left behind the clumsy, trampling men. She had avoided the conflict and a worse outcome, at least, but she'd have to work doubly hard to make up for disappointing Ji'eren, she felt like...

~~~~~ Both paths:

She made her way deeper into the forest, the encounter with the bandits far behind her. The undergrowth grew thicker and, one rest later, Ji'eren finally explained:
"We are getting nearer.. There is a forest-temple, just up ahead.
A fair warning however.. the temple is guarded by a mighty beast.. once proud, it has become corrupted by demonic energies, I can sense it. You will have to fight it. Do not hold back, freeing it of its cruel fate is a mercy."

Ji'eren adviced, as they approached the temple, a large, stone structure, long withered by time and overgrown with moss.. but before Riana could admire the architecture, there was a rustling in the undergrowth.. "Don't hold back.. strike the creature, now!"

But could Riana really go all out on a poor beast? Or should she try and just scare the thing off?


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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The encounter had left Riana troubled. As they traveled she worked through her emotions and reactions to the bandits thinking through her actions and how she might do things differently and better. She resolved to follow master Ji'eren more closely, to seek out his wisdom more perfectly and become the best possible acolyte and champion. The heavy underbrush mattered little to her as she made her way through the forest, her elven nature attuning her to the natural world and enhancing her abilities to slip easily where a more clumsy creature might struggle.

Riana nodded as Ji'eren warned her of the demonic forces ahead, especially a corrupted guardian. "I will overcome the beast Master," she assured him. "It will not prevent me from accomplishing my mission." Riana gripped the hilt of the sword tightly, stroking it in her palm up and down, soft fingers curling around the firm, hard length of the hilt. She sighed and half closed her eyes for a moment as the warm firmness of the sword comforted her. She would give her corruption, her impurity to the sword, stroking it , worshipping its beauty Riana only broke out of her revery at the rustling in the bushes and the harsh warning from Ji'eren.

She raised the sword, ready to strike but then paused. Surely all that she had learned spoke of protecting and honoring the creatures of the wood where she could, even if they were evil. Her elven heritage spoke to her, demanded that she try to spare the creature unless it was utterly corrupt. Moving forward Riana cried out loudly and slashed at the bushes in an attempt to scare the creature off!


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Good. Good girl.. now ready your sword.. don't hold back against a creature of evil in disguise."
Ji'eren commanded, after letting Riana bask in the sword subtle, soothing glow for a moment, the sword soothing her worries.. this was propably the right thing to do, right? Ji'eren would know better..

Riana still decided to cautiously scare the beast off, her sword rustling and cutting through some leaves only to....

Startle a massive boar, easily larger than her. The beast let loose a loud cry and rushed forward.. Riana could bring the sword in between its horns and herself, but only at the cost of losing it, the blade clattering aside as she was pushed back, only for the creature to stampede forwards.. and then turn, looking at her.. clearly, that was malicious intent, she had to get the sword again to defend herself, right?

Only for the sword to be caught by a massive, bark-covered hand! A muscular centaur male with large antlers and long, green hair, staring down at her with a judgemental glow in his green eyes. "Your corruption will not touch this temple, creature!"
He declared, gripping the sword tightly and glaring down upon Riana.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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[Path 1]

Riana gasped as the massive boar rushed forward. She was shocked and unprepared as her attempt to frighten the thing instead of immediately attacking to kill caused her eventual attack to not only miss but to send the sword whirling out of her grip. "Ah! Drat!" Unknown to her Riana's eyes flared red and her visage darkened as the anger and fear flushed through her in response to the situation. She paused for just a moment, panting as she considered her options. She would have to distract the huge boar and then dart forward to seize her sword. The she could turn on the corrupt beast and plunge her steel into its heart!

"Aiiiiiyaaaaa!" She called out, kicking a rock over to the side of the boar away from the gleaming sword even as she dove forward, hitting the ground and rolling in a graceful somersault to grab the handle of the sword and spring to her feet. Hopefully the daring maneuver would lead her to standing to the side and partly behind the distracted beast with sword ready!


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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[Path 2]

"Hey!" Raina backpedalled as the gigantic centauroid snatched her sword. "That's mine!" It seemed her protests were a bit childish but still... the sword was hers. It's power and purity were necessary to tame her inner evil and set her on the path of goodness and heroism. "Corruption!" Little did Riana know that her eyes were glowing with a deep, demonic glare of hellish red. "I seek to destroy the wicked temple and the evil and corrupted guardians. Give me back my sword and beg for mercy." She knew that her situation was grim but a brave front might gain her time as she shifted back and to the side toward a large tree. Ideally she could slip behind it, draw her bow and slay the nasty beast.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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The boar shook it's head.. mane? At the stone hitting it,.. and Riana's maneuver succeeded.. partially. As soon as she recovered the blade, the creature growled and charged again, tougher than expected. Whilest this time she leveled her blade and it did cut into the creatures hide, the boar just slammed it's head into her arm, before the ghostly image of Ji'eren could even comment, and this time, the boar sought to end her acrobatics.. by forcing her down into the ground. If she'd been less distracted, she might have realized that the creature seemed the most agitated by her wielding the sword.. but now, there was no way of getting to it.. not without hefting a boar almost three times her own weight!

Not that that stopped Riana from trying, trying to force herself up from under the creature, a red glow and thick, unnatural veins briefly appearing in her eyes and along the side of her face.. but her unholy strength wasn't enough, not right now, all it did was agitate the beast above her, that bit down upon her with it's dangerous teeth..

And tore upon her clothing and armor, leaving only slight scratches upon her skin!

It was then that she realized, from her position below the beasts strong body, the hint of it's musky arousal. But what would the creature to fuck it's corruption right into her body?



Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Riana growled in frustration as her acrobatics and thrust with the sword proved to be of little effect. She groaned and pressed, shifting and bucking to escape from the powerful, bestial form. She grimaced and pushed, her body far stronger than it had been before she started her work outs with master Ji'eren. Grunting Riana failed to press the great beast off of her but as she smelled the thick, acrid scent of arousal Riana shifted her efforts to turn away and avoid any contact with the beasts masculine attributes.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Riana shifted away, rolling onto all fours to clamber away.. now, normally, that might have been a wise way of escape, but as it was, her clothes all torn, it only brought them to finally hang and then snatch away among a boar-hoove.

Not long did Riana have to contemplate her fate below the beast, as a warm, pointy length prodded at her womanly opening, wiggling and intruding into her with a superior, bestial strength, her position on all fours now only allowing the beast easier access.. and great use of it, it made, pushing into her with feral vigor, taking little time until a warmth flooded her womb and..

A strange serenity began spreading along with the mighty heifer's seed.. why was she.. fighting the forest, worrying about the beast above her, rather than serving it? Wait, serve it? Yes.. she was impure.. and only by surrendering to the creatures desires could she be cleansed of demonic corruption.. She didn't know this, but a part of her instinctually sensed it.. as the creature kept thrusting into her.. just for how long did a male boar climax, anyway?


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Riana didn't expect the boar to decide to mount her like a helpless sow. If she'd really thought through the sense of arousal from the creature and what it might have planned for her she would maybe pulled a dagger out and stabbed into the creature's heavy, virile balls or the long, twisted cock that was pressing against her pussy. Riana wriggled and bucked, trying to escape the relentless pressure of the cock head against her folds but between the boar's ruthless and persistent efforts to penetrate her and the now nearly permanent lubrication of her sex the beast easily slipped inside her most intimate channel. "Ji'eren! Ji'eren! Help me... ohhhh... ohhhh..." Her body had been changed over the last week to be far more sensitive and aware of penetration and arousal. The hard, aggressive thrusting of the beast peaked her need quickly even as the mix of precum and her own oils eased the pistoning pressure from the boar.

"Ummmfff..." Riana grunted as the boar released a flood of semen into the depths of her sex. She could feel the cock head prodding the entrance to her womb, demanding entrance to her innermost sanctum. Suddenly the cock thickened, throbbed and a heat filled her belly, a heat that she knew was his semen. "Oh, gods..." Riana closed her eyes, breathing deeply as the joy and love filled her, as she felt the need to join the forest and serve the beast as it fucked her, bred her and filled her with it's joyous seed. Planted deeply in her the beast's seed flowed steadily into and through Riana until she cried in joy at the perfection of her service and the feelings.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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The wild pig found Riana unprepared for it's virile assault, but the creature did not share her position. It's shaft thrust deeply into her, powerful, virile... moreso than any normal beast, infact, for although she did not know it at the time, this boar was indeed the shrines guardian. What she did know, or rather, sensed, deep within her heart, with awakening animalistic instincts was that this boar was not bad, no.. she'd been bad, and now.. she'd been given to the boar, as it had been, in ages passed. Those possed by corruptive taint or demons had been brought to this temple, to be cleansed, a final act of redemption for their souls, even if they could not rejoin human or elven society afterwards.

Of course, none had come to this shrine for a long time, not after cleansing most of the evil of a particularly mighty demon, sealed in a holy sword, had weakened the temples magic, this boar was just a descendant of the ancient guardian god, a boar of fertility...
But it would do it's lineage proud, even if it was just acting on instinct, not divine decree.

Riana did not know much of this, although she would come to learn it soon.. the answer, to how that boar could still fill her with warm.. the answer as to why her hips began steadying, then rocking along, milking that cock. The answer why the word 'Sow' to her mind, suddenly felt like praise, a purpose, what she was ment to be.. rather than an insult.
That was what she was.. what she would become.. a sow-priestess. Her belly swelling with the holy animals cum, and the corruption of the sword fading from her mind. Some cynical voices might say that it was just replaced by another kind of control, but that was rediculous. The Sow-priestess had managed to contain a great evil, and in time, she would even rebuild parts of the ancient forest-temple.. although most of it she left to the wildernis, and the boars. After all, she didn't want to fight nature.. she belonged to it.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Riana shivered and moaned as her body and mind were inseminated with the power of the temple and the virility of the boar-guardian. She jerked and pressed herself back into the boar as her body and mind were first purged of corruption by the flood of potent semen and then shaped and molded as the power of the temple expressed itself through the beast. Riana gloried as she was graced with the role as priestess and breeding sow to the boar, her role now to satisfy her hirsute master and bring glory and power to the temple. She would be the servant to the ultimate expression of nature and holiness as she served the purpose of the temple both as a servant and a brood sow.