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Servant of the Blade - (Helvorn/Pervy)


"Oh is that so?" Said undead fiend leaned low, watching beween Riana's legs, taking in thirstly her abundant, masochistic arousal. "I was a queen, once. I had many warriors.. honorable, strong.. you are not like them. You are a mere plaything." She smirked, and, whilest the strange ropes did indeed release Riana's arms and legs, they only did so to bind the same behind her back.. and then began coiling along over the girls eyes, blinding her.

"I think you are the type that enjoys being helpless. Your arousal slave to another. Oh do protest if you wish. I will divine the truth from between your legs and upon your skin ... and if you lie.. I shall have to punish you further.. intruder.

That is what you are. This punishment just reward and consequence of it. That is the lesson y ou will learn today. Nothing you make me do is out of cruelty, it is all a result of your own actions. So choose. honesty or lies, reward.. or punishment. But perhaps you crave the latter more?" She cooed, with dangerous dominion dripping out of her voice.

Rianna glared at the undead woman as her bonds and the position of her body left her no other real options. "Queen? You may once have been a queen but now you are but an undead monster to be destroyed." Yet despite her bravado Riana feared the truth in the words of the fiend. Were not her loins not just moist but wet and heated at the thought of bondage, punishment and helplessness? She squirmed and tried to break free again as the bonds or wrapping shifted to blindfold her and bind her hands behind her back. Would she deny the truth merely to take the punishment? "I am not a slave, not a whore! I am a warrior of honor and righteousness."

"Very well then." The undead queen/evil abomination nodded. "We all choose our own fate's paths." She laughed, not entirely pleasantly as Riana heard a rustling.. before something cloth-like, yet sharp impacted her back, making her rock forward upon the wooden contraption she was still riding, digging with, at this point annoyingly more pleasant than painful sensations in between her legs.
"If warrior or whore, your choices in some regard remain the same.. punishment, or obediance." The bandage whip cracked again along the back of the entrapped Riana, as the dark queen stepped closer, smirking, reaching out to pet along Riana's exposed breast.
"It is not my hand that causes you this pain.. even though you may enjoy whatever this hand does to you. It is your own mouth." She explained, pinching Riana's nipple at the end. "Do you enjoy this treatment, warrior-whore?" She then questioned.

Riana gasped and bit her lip at the surge of pleasure that threatened to overcome her carefully built facade of defiance. "Ahhh... cease this torture..." Her face was flushed with emotion and growing arousal as her body reacted instinctively in line with her long training by the master of the blade. She jerked slightly at the lash to her back but managed to restrain any cry for now as again such punishment had been often meted out by the demonic spirit of her weapon. Riana did jerk and pull back at the touch to her full, lush breasts although she hissed at the pleasure the grinding motion of her loins made against the horse.

"I am no whore but a warrior-champion." Riana shook her head at the lich's words yet the sharp pinch to her nipple drew a low moan. "No... no..." she panted. "This is an abomination."

"Your expression doesn't say 'cease this torture.. neither do your words. You should thank me for teaching you proper discipline." The ancient, but for her age quite distractingly attractive undead cooed and continued, now gripping those nipples tightly and pulling on them, pulling Riana forward, her cool but sensual body rubbing up against the entrapped woman from behind.
"Actually.. you aren't acting like an inexperienced whore either.. someone else has already trained you, no?" She cooed sensually

"Prepared you for the picking. What do you think my little lewd fruit, are you ripe for picking and consumption?" She grinned, caressing along Riana's chin next, nodding appreciatively. "Your body does seem luscious and well trained.. I will enjoy seeing it serve me."
She affirmed, bandage-like ropes tugging and teasing Riana in place if she tried to wiggle around and escape her erotic torture too much.

Truly Riana felt a thrill of arousal at the mention of harsh sexual discipline. The past years had been ones of strict and constant training by her demonic master both in physical drills and in her dreams and thoughts. "Ahhh... discipline..." Her words were more of a moan than whisper. "I am... ahhhh... " Riana's words were cut off into a louder moan when her nipples were tugged and teased. She ground her crotch onto the harsh wooden horse in reaction to the surge of arousal as her body slipped into a familiar pattern of response.

Riana stiffened and tried to resist, jerking away from the seductive touch of her undead captor. Yet the tight grip of the bandages kept her locked in place as strength seemed to flee from her body as her every instinct screamed to submit. "I am... I am a trained warrior not a whore... ahhhmmmm..." Riana protested as the sensuous touch along her chin sent thrills down her spine and a spark of heat in her loins. "My training is... is... mind and body... I am pure... ahhhh... I am not an offering, not to be picked and taken," yet the heat pulsing in her body and the wetness between her thighs spoke in denial of her protests.

"Yes. Proper warriors are icons of unyielding discipline!" That last word was emphatized with another whack upon Riana's back. "Hmnn yes I think we can work on.. with you. It might take a lpaisittle, but we have centuries to spare."
The undying mistress smirked, cool but dextrous hands wandering over Riana's skin to soothe and entice her as her protests continued. "Warrior.. whore.. You will do whatever your liege commands, that is what matters." She educated.

"Spread your legs and relax.. let the training sink in." She demanded, as unholy ropes tugged on Riana, letting the training implement dig deeper into her own body, now slick with her own wetness and easily sliding in between her spread lips. "But if you keep denying it like this..." She sighed... "You need to embrace!" Another whipstrike on her back. "FURTHER!" And another "Discipline!" She demanded, as the slave-breaking imnplement sang and Riana's body responded with a choir of forbidden desire.
And then, she just kept going. There was no need to increase the pace of either teasing or punishment. Riana was a well-grown fruit ripe for the harvest, and through unyielding, undying training she would be shaped into what the lustful undead desired.. and without anyone to permanently destroy the undead, there was none left to avert her well-trained fate..
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Riana grunted at the blow but only glared at her tormentor. "My service is to the king and our nation. My people are long lived and patient. You will never break me." Yet as she spat back defiance her body, deeply and harshly trained to respond to discipline and sexual stimulation betrayed her. Riana's nipples tightened gloriously while her hips ground almost imperceptibly along the horse. She felt the thrill of painful stimulation against her swollen clit and puffy, aching folds as the sharp smack of the hempen bandages pushed her into patterns of behavior instilled by the master of the demon sword over the past years. "Foul creature, my liege is the king. His armies will defeat yours and he will come himself to this abomination and rescue me. Your time is... ahhhh..." Riana moaned and writhed as the cool, dry fingers found her clit and nipples. "Your time is... mmmm... over... over...."

Arching her back Riana's mind tried to resist the blows, the harsh commands and the flood of irresistible pleasure and pain. As the bonds tightened and her strong, lithe thighs were spread further the patterns of submission and response flooded her mind as did the endorphins generated by her sensitive body. Broken and remade by the Blade into a helpless slut Riana could only moan and writhe her hair whipping about her body as she tried to deny the steady, inevitable pressure to give herself over to absolute pleasure and obedience. "No please... please... ohhhhh... spare me... my fate is to serve... to serve..."

"Yes. Your fate is to serve."
The Pharaonian dominatrix nodded with satisfaction, hands wandering over the elf-warriors slender, but toned body. "It is amusing to me, how you believe the living can outlive the dead." The undead queen mused, feeling out the body that would be her plaything. "And that fire serves a slave well.. it makes them determined and impossible to break away easily for others, once I am through with you. This is an honor, you understand, slave?" She growled, and her hands resumed a more determined approach to the body she was toying with.
"To devote themselves to me, to earn my personal attention, only a true warrior can aspire to. Your companion will serve as a plaything, but you.. you can devote yourself fully to my cause, eternally."

She cooed, and the undying beauty continued punishing.. and pleasuring it's prey, curiously purring as she found just how aroused and sensitive Riana's body was, and mistaking her throughoutly instilled masochistic instincts for a natural inclination. Perhaps she wasn't all that wrong.
Riana didn't have a choice, not in the long run. Pleasure and pain kept mounting, only to stop before giving her the sweet, soothing release of giving herself fully, and beginning to mount again, each time, the demand for submission became a little more intoxicatingly sweet, and finally.. she just saw no point not giving in anymore. The sword had prepared her well.
"Are you ready to serve your queen now, slave? Can we begin your training in earnest?"

Riana snarled wordless defiance at the undead queen even as her captor gloated over her. Her body writhed and moved independently of Riana's will as the woman worked her body with the skill born of centuries of experience. So well had Riana been trained that her instincts for the perfect blend of pleasure and pain, power and submission were truly indistinguishable from her own desires. So deeply had the power of the Blade corrupted her that she could no longer recall her own desires.

Minutes stretched to hours in a mindless blur of sensation. Riana truly did not want to fight, could not fight for her will had been supplanted by the will of her master. Now trapped deep in the pyramid Riana inevitably surrendered with eager pleasure to the desires of her mistress. "Yes... yes Mistress... grant me the honor of experiencing your control and place my own utter servitude at your feet. Train and shape me into your perfect slave."
A while later. It mattered little to her, as the only thing more shattered than the elf-army was Riana's will, now bound to the mistress of the pyramid. A daring group of elf-scouts had attempted a round two at what she had failed at, destroying her mistress.. what an alien thought.

The ancient armor wearing and gold-painted slave-warrior of the queen readied her khopesh-blades. She would slaughter anyone daring to question her mistress without hesitation and with the sexual fulfillment that only committment to her duty and a true mistress could bring. She'd been easily trained and broken in but a few days, reprogrammed, so to say, from what master had granted her, more brutally, but also more throughoutly, an instrument of war, and the occasional carnal enjoyment of the perverted pharaoh. It mattered not, she only, ever yearned to serve. And after she dispatched of these filthy intruders, perhaps the most worthy would join her mistress training halls, and join her side as undead guardians of the pharaoh....

-lewd end-!

~~~~~Cautious approach~~~

Riana accepted the mission to defeat the undead minion with stoic determination. Her loins were churning with heat, her breasts heavy and her nipples achingly hard with desire but lately she always felt that way during times of great adventure. Certainly this was no different yet the depth of her Heat worried the corrupted paladin of the elves. Yet this was the last hurdle, the final battle after which she could take her well earned reward at the side of the King of the Elves.

Yes. She definitly wanted the king of the elves, not a demonic master. She would not risk running into any traps recklessly. Step by step, she pushed through, silently cutting down lesser undead, until she met with the twisted, if beautiful, pharaonic creature within the heart of the pyramid. Dark hair, slightly tanned skin only barely hidden in bandages, her body in pristine condition, although clearly maintained by necromantic energies, Riana could feel the womans power...

And her own.
Both she and Gwin following her had been tired by the pyramids guardians. She could do this, could defeat the vile creature before her, but the undead thing that was the lynchpin of the undead armies power held unnatural grace and danger. How could Riana approach this fight best, how would she..

A whispering in her mind. Her true Master, the sword. There was an easy way to do this. Follow the years of training and teaching and give in. Let him take control and deal with what this little elf-maiden struggled with..

No.. No she could do this, she could call upon the unholy might of the sword without being swallowed whole, she had pepared for this... right?
(there are three endings here. Giving into the sword, resisting the sword and succeeding, and resisting the sword, trying to, but failing due to your corruption stat throughout the game being too high. up to you which part you want to do first, just mark it down :) )
OOC: Give in to the Sword


Riana dismissed her own doubts about the lust and Heat that she felt as she faced the undead guardians of the unholy pharaoh. She harnessed the heat, the tension and churning desires to focus her martial and magical powers to a blazing inferno of perfection. All thoughts of failure and defeat were purged from her mind the paladin aided by her squire cleaved through every barrier to her confrontation with the evil power at the center of the lurking pyramid. Perhaps Riana would burn herself out, perhaps she would be defeated or fall to the power of her glorious master but no other options but total victory regardless of the cost remained for Riana. She felt a momentary twinge of regret that Gwin might be killed or capture and corrupted in the battle but she knew that the young squire had willingly accepted those risks as part of her service to Riana.

Exhausted, injured and yet sustained by her own will and the healing magics that Gwin and Riana carried, the elven paladin, the bright but tainted avatar of martial fury faced the mocking and dangerous foe. Holding up her sword Riana swayed for a moment as the twisted pharoah confronted her with a wave of necromantic power. She dismissed the seductive whisperings, the easy path of power as the climax of her life, of her service to her people for the last decade and more came to a sudden decision. "No..." Riana whispered... "you are not my master but my weapon against evil. I call upon your power to shield us from this creature. If I fall we both fall..." Struggling, shivering with the surges of pleasure, pain and deeply conditioned need to OBEY Riana stepped forward slowly, steadily and with increasing sense of purpose to defeat this creature. She would deal with her master later but now... now they both would have to join together or both fall.
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The wave of unholy energy dispersed upon her similiarly unholy blade, Riana stepped forwards, accompanied by the angered screams in her mind, the demonsword protesting.. but despite all it had done to her, despite the perversions and the training, Riana stood firm!

Another blast of necrotic energy scarred her beautiful arm, only to be cut apart, her blade cutting through foul magic and the rotten flesh that had spawned it, tearing through a tattered bandage covered, outstretched hand to bite into the once-womans skin below.

Riana cut onwards, cut deep and with determination and a clash of infernal and unholy powers burned throughout the room, making Gwin take a step back and cover herself, Riana only protected by her unholy sword that creaked under the power..

And cut deep into the mummy-pharaoh, beautiful but unholy flesh rending, at the same time as the sword bent and broke in a wave of unholy power!

Riana found herself blasted back, losing consciousness fast as she watched the undead burn to cinders in crimson-red flames... And startled awake with a slight yelp.


This dream again. It was hard to shake off her warrior-past.
Not that she wanted to forget anything about it. Her hardships had gotten her here, made her everything she was now. Gwin, her assistant was now the champion of the armies and a mighty hero in her own right, but she, Riana Silversword had ascended much higher.
She looked upon the man resting besides her. Long, blonde hair. Aquiline features and a certain stern demeanour, even when he was sleeping he exuded nobility and might. Her beloved, her husband, the King of all elves. Truly, she was happy.

His eyes opened. "Can't sleep, slut?"
Just because she had managed to shake off the sword influence, didn't mean that all that training and demeaning her demon-master had done to her had left her unaffected.
The king didn't want a mate, or a lover, he wanted to rule undisturbed and he'd been quite pleased to find that his queen was so easily trained and broken in. Oh sure, she pretended to be royalty and his advisor, even an equal, at court, just as tradition dictated, but looking at her, naked but for the beautiful silver 'necklace' he had put on her, they both knew exactly what she was.

A flick of his wrist made a golden chain appear from Riana's throat, tugging on her with the insistancy of a will that could not be denied, someone so much stronger than she was. She'd done so good, this was her reward.. a reward she found herself pulled between his legs for. "Then busy yourself attending the royal sceptre some more." The beautiful elven king demanded, with a demeaning grin. There was a brief thought of dislike, of resilience of indepence.. until a further tug from the powerful slave-collar pulled that thought right out of her head.
She'd been trained to enjoy the sensation of being subjugated like this. Sometimes that was the only reason why she tried to think any non-slave thoughts anymore at all. Her beloved husbands rule was of course absolute, both over his people and over her very being.

Riana sighed as the dreams of her past faded into the visions of her present and future. Long lived as all elves but especially those who had been touched with magic she would live long centuries by the side of her husband, lord and master. Endless days by his side in the throne room or on the field and endless nights. She sighed again and smiled, content that all was well with the kingdom with the terrible foes destroyed, the latent threat of the demon sword broken and her own well trained Gwin leading the armies much as Riana had done in her vague and fading memories. She smiled and nodded at her husband as he stirred, her eyes dipping in submission even as heat stirred in her loins at his powerful and commanding tone. He'd spent many months early in their marriage exploring her nature and then reinforcing the powerful lessons of the Sword with those of his own.

Ffull, slick lips found the head of the royal cock as the magic of the collar and chain worked together with Riana's own ingrained compulsion to submit and serve. A small orgasm rippled through her as his cock found the back of her throat and hands gripped her hair with irresistible force. Sucking and bobbing her head Riana pleasured her kingly husband as her hand found the slight swell of her belly where the mid wives promised fraternal twins sheltered and grew. As her arousal took her the queen prayed that the father was truly her elf lord.
Resist the sword but fail!


Riana struggled to dismiss her own doubts about the lust and Heat that surged through her body she faced the undead guardians of the unholy pharaoh. She harnessed the heat, the tension and churning desires to focus her martial and magical powers to defeat the foul creatures yet the steady throb of her loins and aching tension in her nipples made it difficult to think of anything but slaughter and submission. Riana knew that her fate would be decided in this final confrontation. Could she defeat the foul creature? Perhaps... but could she gain victory without using the power of the Sword... without the strength of her glorious Master? Raina knew that she would need the powers and protections offered by the Sword to win this battle. Yet opening herself up to the strength of the blade, letting the magic flow fully through her to create that perfect fighting machine would risk falling to the incredible pleasures and desires that the sword offered. She might become an invincible heroine but at the risk of becoming the perfect slave... the sensual and desirable submission to her loving, dominant Master. Yet would it be so bad to worship the Sword, to open herself to every desire and demand of the demon? Did she think that it would be wrong to offer such a creature a path back to the vulnerable natural world, to offer up her womb to bear a demonic avatar that she would nurture in her belly, birth into the world and suckle at her own breasts?

As Raina entered the final chamber, the deepest throne room she shivered as the power of the undead pharaoh pressed against her own will. Raising the sword Raina mustered her strength and will. "No... you are not my master... not..." She wavered, swayed, fighting the conflicting pressures of the undead temptress and the sword. There was a way... a third way yet Raina struggled to find it. "You are not... not... ahhhh..." Flowing waves of pleasure throbbed through Raina's loins as energy from the sword enveloped her body. She was tingling, throbbing and horny. Her entire body was a single erogenous zone. Raina stroked the hilt of the sword as the world swirled around her in a pulse of red and black pleasure and submission. Shivering, shaking Riana knelt and held the sword point down and hilt up. She leaned over and kissed the hilt. "Master, take me as your bride and slut... channel your glorious energy and might through me... let me be your victory and your slut. Slake your eternal desires on my willing body."
Riana had indulged herself quite often, the dark lines of obediance marking her skin bearing witness to each and every time.
The sword had been by her side and, without a doubt she was a warrior.. but compared to the threats she faced, she was but a little girl, needing the mighty demonswords aid. It wanted to posess her, to turn her into an unholy, twisted version of herself, eager to serve in fully freeing her master and unleashing him upon the world before becoming his favoured plaything.

Slaughtering the wicked felt good. Submission felt good.. and all the demon had to do was remove the remainder of Riana's morality... slaughtering in the name of her master was what really felt good. Who or what was secondary to his will and her lusts.
As she opened herself more, Riana felt for a terrible, wonderful moment that it was too late. like a collar snapping shut around her soul, the swords unholy magic embraced her. She could feel it burn away an unneeded part of her. She could feel her own defeat.
She relished every second of it. She had requested it.. and it happened, the sword feasting upon her innocence and soul, even as the demonic, masculine form of her master manifested before her... picking up and choking the undead almost too casually, breaking her like a mere distraction before smirking down, towering over Riana, whose eyes looked up in admiration.. with a dark red glow that showed her posessed state.
"Haaah.. much better.. That sword was insidious, you know. The only way of escaping it was someone willingly releasig me. As a reward, let me consume you whole.."
The demon smirked and embraced her.. and kissed her.

There was a terrible pull, and Riana could both watch him lean back and slurp up something.. from her, and feel herself.. who she was.. disappear into the beautiful, unholy mans maw. She watched him chew, watched him smirk in dark triumph, watched him gulp down.. before leaning forwards again, and pushing an inhumanely long tongue out.
And, on the tip of that tongue was something.. hers. Dripping with demon saliva and corrupted energy, parts of it torn out and replaced with her masters twisted energy.. yet how could she deny the offer of her soul, sliding back into her body, a twisted, perverted thing now that filled her with an oily, filthy feeling as it slid right back where it belonged.. and worked hard to adjust her into the perfect demon-slut.

"Now, let's see.. slaugther for me." The demon demanded, and all Riana's pussy could do was spasm in lust as she drove the accursed blade through Gwin, her innocent companion, only to watch the demonlord reanimate her as some sort of unholy servant of her own.
"Good.. completely twisted. A fitting vessel for my full rebirth into this world. Now, bend over. I will fill you.. with myself. You will be my mother and slave alike. All your training was to ensure you'd be a fertile nurturing ground for my dark splendor."

The demon laughed, and rammed it's dark rod into her!

Riana shook and twisted in orgasm in pain and pleasure as delicate lines of dark ink swirled around her throat in an intricate weave of mystical symbols intertwined with writhing figures of a buxom elven woman ravished and dominated by demonic shapes. The tattoo visibly sealed the final mark of her defeat even as her mind melted before the power of her demonic master. She could feel her breast swell further, nipples lengthening even as sharp ripping pains in her hips and womb accompanied similar changes to her fertility and ability to bear demonic offspring.

"Master... take me... ahhhhh..." Riana moaned softly as her very soul was ripped from her in a flood of agony that mortal words could not describe. She felt an eternity of raging fire and irresistible cold as her soul was devoured, savored and then remade into the perfect conduit for her master's will. No longer entirely an elf or any other natural creature the demonic energy pulsing in her new soul pulsed from her every pore in a blaze of dark light. Desire, need, adoration and servitude were woven deep into the very fabric of her mind and body as the darkness of her new pulsing heart tainted Riana with the will of the demon lord before her.

Swaying, her glowing red eyes gazing at the looming figure of darkness and terrible power with love and lust Riana did not hesitate to plunge the gleaming blade into her squire. Dark metal dripping with unholy energy pierced Gwin to the heart. The young elf jerked and twisted on the blade as the light of her existence faded and was replaced by a red glow that matched that of her mistress. "Yes, master... your will is mine. Let her truly serve me as toy and bodyguard." Riana felt no remorse as Gwin was slain and transformed through treachery and evil only a glowing sense of satisfaction as she began the dark spread of her master's dominion over the world.

Knowing what her master desired Riana did not need a command to slip free of her clothing and kneel before the dark presence. Ass arched high she was a brood mare in her heat for the demon, moaning and sluttily hot as his ebony shaft impaled her. "Breed me master, breed me in your time."
Pain. Pleasure. What did it matter when she could serve master. Her purpose and joy of existance as his dark bride. That was all she was now, and all she could ever be, looking at her overly sexualized bossom.. still, eagerly her master tugged and teased those large nipples, smirking at his more succubus than elf-like mate.
"Quite the masterpiece you are, if I do say so myself."
The demon confirmed with a smirk,.. and invaded her deeply with his red hot rod, if her body hadn't already been converted, indubitably the unholy heat would have seared her, but as it was, it only warmed her with the prospect of demon seed finding it's destination. She'd be the dark Eve of a new generation and army of demons. She had a lot to do.. but luckily, no will or desires of her own would get in the way. She could just, always, lean upon her master, and there was no need to worry of her own anymore. His strong arms would keep his broodmare safe and unworried.
She'd been a mighty warrior, but only at his behest and guidance, he needed her not fighting anymore, nor harmed, he needed her as his toy and breeder. So that's what she'd be. The defilement of her body filled her new twisted mind and soul with inhuman joy.

"Hmn.. 't was fun staining your pure soul. Now how best to bend you.. ah I know.."
He smirked and, even as his shaft thrust into her in a quickening rush, as hot, unholy precum flooded her, her feet reshaped into hoves, bare pussy covered by a patch of dark fur and a slender, animalistic tail slithered out from her back as she became more beast than woman, in a way. She could feel her master filling her with a beasts instincts too.. infernal desires that flared to unbearable, wonderous levels as his cum flooded her and invaded her very depths.. one of many demon-descendants to be born for him soon..
succubus_by_arsenal21-d5b0r51_400sq.jpg Riana moaned as her body was twisted and transformed by the merciless phallus of her Master. Much as her soul and mind had been warped into the image of his perfect slut and breeder by the devouring of her very self so to had the thick, heated prong driven the changes in her form. Once voluptuous and feminine, curvaceous for an elf she now was profoundly sexualized with heavy breasts topped with long thick nipples, a sleek and rounded belly, a narrow waist that flared out to broad hip and a plump, heart shaped ass that cried out to be squeezed and spanked. Gone were the dreams of being the loving wife of the Elf lord, the gentle mother of his children and the good queen of the land. Now instead Riana would serve in Hell as the whore-bride of her powerful Master. Mixed with demonic taint and the highest and purest of elven heritage her corrupted womb would bear hellish creatures who would stride the planes with fell power and cruel ambition. "Master... I am yours..." she moaned, pleased that she would finally serve the Master openly and with abject subjugation.

The former warrior, champion and hope of the Elven peoples screamed in agony and pleasure as her master pierced her body with the unholy power that was his cock. She was at once virginally tight and sluttily slack and open for him as the relentless pressure claimed her body. Surrender to his glory and power, the evil domination and desire was all that Riana could imagine now as she pressed her ass up and back into his thrusts with desperate need. Already the heated, corrupting precum was leaking into the soft, welcoming flesh of her sex, flowing into her, mixing with the tainted magic already glowing with back radiance from her soul to further twist her. "Master, ahhh! Master... twist me into a demonic form so that I may serve in Hell at your side. Mark me as a beast as I shall be your slave and wife. " Hooves formed and a long, prehensile tail grew while eyes glowed with a yellow, dangerous glint.

As her Master fucked her hard, slamming her body with blows from his cock that not mortal could withstand Riana sensed that Gwin had moved in behind their Master. Crouched down the once innocent squire had been mutated as well. Once slender, lithe and almost girlish with a healthy glow and tan Gwin now was well curved although not voluptuous, deathly pale with red eyes and black, claw-like nails. Gwin knelt and leaned forward to lick and suckle at the Master's balls while she stroked Riana's throbbing and obscenely large clit. Teasing and pleasuring Gwin's ministrations, the surge of her own dark energy into the demonic orbs precipitated a huge cascade of unholy seed as the hulking demon drove deep and flooded Riana with his glorious, fulfilling essence.

"Master, master... master... I can feel your spawn forming inside of me... thank you for taking me as yours."
Resist the sword but ultimately fail


Holding up her sword Riana swayed for a moment as the twisted pharoah confronted her with a wave of necromantic power. She tried to dismiss the seductive whisperings, the easy path of power as the climax of her life, of her service to her people for the last decade but could not shake off the lingering taint, the well trained reflexes of submission and the pleasure of demonic corruption. Her dark tattoos glowed with a hellish taint as her form was wrapped in a red and purple glow of twisting energy. Riana could feel the demon struggling to manifest from the prison of the sword while the power of the undead queen sheathed Riana and Gwin in a corsucating aura of wickedness. Brilliant flashes of black, white, purple and red scattered through the room, blasting statues and pillars as the titanic powers of the demon sword faced off against the ageless sorceress.

"No... no... I will not yield to your perversions and blandishments you bitch." She took a shuddering step toward the pharaoh as Gwin stepped to the side in a flanking, supporting position as trained. Riana lowered the sword to point at the mummy. "I will not follow your wickedness, I will not surrender my body and soul to you." Riana twisted and moaned, shivering at the waves of pleasure and pain coming from the undead ruler of this twisted pyramid and the powerful and tainted pulsing compulsions flooding Riana's mind and body with commands to submit. "I will... I will use evil to fight evil and in doing so destroy both." She motioned to Gwin to flank the creature even as Riana swayed and struggled to advance on the woman yet still maintain her own will and identity.