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Servant's Wing

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The left wing is used for the several workers - cooks, farmhands, guards and so on. The first floor contains their dining room and the kitchen, while the second floor holds their bedrooms.
The bedrooms are small, but comfy, holding a wooden bed, a small table with a chair, a locker and a sink - with running water, no less. They are aligned along a corridor leading into a lounge on one and a restroom on the other end. A stairwell leads down into the dining room with the adjacent kitchen and pantry.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris blinks and then smiles "Hello Vharya. I saw you in the fields earlier today. My name is Vandoris Jinininininini, Mister Quinn said that I should follow you for now as you show me around." She decided not to ask about the punishments that Mister Quinn seemed fond about, not yet at least, until she was sure he was out of hearing range.
Re: Servant's Wing

Mister Quinn smiles politely. "Well, I will leave her in your capable hands." And with that, he closes the door. His steps quickly move away from them.
Vharya grins and adjusts the straps of her farmer-style denim overall barely containing her ample bosom. "The boss can creep ya out when ya first meet him. As long as ya don't mess up ya have no reason to though."
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris smiled and walked up to Vharya and bluntly asked "What does Mister Quinn and Brizzaer do in the punishments? They said you've been on the recieving end of them..."
Re: Servant's Wing

Vharya would blush if she could. As it is all she can do is fiddle with the straps. "Best case? Briz fucks ya till ya can't walk straight and sends ya back to work immediately afterwards. Ya're messing up after that - and ya sure as hell will after that pounding - and the boss has a go at ya. Didn't get to the worst stage, thank yer Gods." With sudden determination she hooks her thumbs under the straps and snaps them against her bare flesh - it doesn't seem to hurt her that much. "Well, let's get started on yer tour."
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris nodded. "WEll, care to show me around? I also have a question," *She snickers* "Got milk?" Vandoris prepared to dodge out of Vharya's way if she tried to punch or attack her.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vharya doesn't punch Vandoris. Instead she calmy waits for the lioness to relax again. . . before giving her a rather gentle punch on the upper arm. "Burok pulled that joke on my first day here - and about every other time he sees me. He's quick to forget." She spreads out her arms. "This here is the dining room. Dinner is at 6, don't be late or the orc eats yer food." The floor is out of wooden beams with a simple green rag over it. The walls are painted in plain white. The table in the middle is clearly meant for a larger staff.
With a snort Vharya turns around and heads for a closed sliding door in the back of the room.
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Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris blinked and simply said to Vharya "I'm the new cook. How will I forget?" She smiles to herself at how light the punch felt. She quietly walked behind Vharya, pondering if she really did have milk in her bosom... *Milk* She thinks to herself, licking her lips.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vharya's bust is not the only large thing on the minotaur - as Vandoris can easily see. Her rear is as fleshy as her bosom, yet very firm and in a perfect heart shape. It positively seems to try and burst out of that overall. "I guess that's right", the minotauress says with another snort. With one hand she pulls open the heavy sliding door, revealing the kitchen behind it with all necessities. Like the dining room it is completely furnished with wood, and another door is on the far side. "This one leads to the pantry", Vharya explains.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris ears flicked at the pantry part and she walks up to Vharya from behind and lightly licks her ear whispering into it "Want to get to know each other better Vh-ar-ya?" as her tail wickedly rubbed against Vharya's slit and her own.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vharya grunts in surprise and reaches over her shoulder to caress Van's face. . . Or, more accurately, to suddenly grab her neck and throw her over her shoulder. The next thing Van knows is that she lies on the kitchen floor with a heavily breathing minotauress above her, though it does make her bosom heave quite a bit. Vharya stares down at Van for a long moment before. . .
"You're lucky I'm in the mood", she sighs as she picks up the lioness and lays her onto her shoulder.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris blinks and gasps a bit before she just begins to laugh. "That was great. You really have got to show me how you did that Vhar." As her tail being sneaky slipped into the denim part's and swirled around Vhar's breasts.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vharya grins. "Get groped by Burok a bit and you learn it all by yourself." She does breath a bit heavier as her breasts are carried. She opens the pantry, a spacious room lined with shelves full of baskets and sacks. Van is able to take that in before Vharya puts her back down. "Running around in that skimpy clothes. Anybody can tear those off", the minotauress huffs as she reaches out and yanks down the generous neckline of Van's top, freeing her breasts.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris purrs and simply says "They were made that way so I didn't have to worry about tears and rips down by tentacles..." She reaches and grabs Vhar's straps and watches as the denim-covered Vhar's breasts reveal themselves. Vandoris licks her lips looking at Vhar's breasts.

(What cup size if I may know?)
Re: Servant's Wing

((Solid DDs, as expected of a cowgi- errm Minotauress.))

Vharya chuckles as her breasts spill out of the overall. "Ya've been drooling for these since you first saw me, haven't ya?" She reaches out and pulls Van's head towards her bosom. The lioness' head quickly disappears in her cleavage. "Fine, ya gonna have them."
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris smiles and nuzzles the insides of Vhar's breasts, licking everywhere while she breathed in Vhar's scent here. Her tail began to rub against her own slit and Vhar's denim-covered one as her paws moved and lightly flicked and groped Vhar's nipples and breasts.
Re: Servant's Wing

A deep moan leaves Vharya's lips as Van licks and gropes her tits. After a bit she tilts the lioness' head upwards and meets her in a hungry kiss. She slowly sways her hips to persuade the denim overall to fall down, which it does only hesitantly. It seems to want to cling to the gorgeous bottom for a bit longer. "Drop yer pants", Vharya breathes. "Gonna take ya for a ride."
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris shrugged and her tail moved oddly and her pants dropped to the floor. "Pretty neat isn't it? The only thing holding my pants up was my tail, makes it conveinant." She smiles a toothy grin at the gonna take ya for a ride part and begins to lick Vhar's breasts, and sucking lightly to see if she did have some milk in her breasts.
Re: Servant's Wing

"Neat it is- mmmmph", Vharya moans out as Van suckles on her nipple. It's pretty sensitive, but not squirting milk. "Yer lucky I didn't get knocked up recently, I needed those damn pumps every hour", she breathes.
Van suddenly finds herself lifted once more as the minotauress locks her arms around her waist and brings her down on her back. Not hard, but not too gently either. One of Vharya's thick fingers is already probing the outer lips of her pussy.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris smiled a little sadly hoping for some milk when she gasped as Vhar probed the entrance of her slick sexlips "Moving a little fast are we?" She murred before her own paws moved and groped Vhar's buttcheeks and then rubbed Vhar's slit as did her tail, her mouth licked and swirled around Vhar's breasts moving from each one.