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Servant's Wing

Re: Servant's Wing

Briz' only reply is in stretching Van's ring even wider, relentlessly pressing forward. . . until with an almost audible pop the head with it's broad crown slides in. Briz throws her head back and hisses. "Ooooh Lolth, your ass is gripping me so tightly, girl. Mmmm, let me do something about your pain, darling. . ." Once more Van feels the Dark Elf resting on top of her, pushing her into the table. One slender hand crawls around her hip, searches and finds Van's clit. Gently they brush over it as Briz sinks another inch into the Lioness' ass.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris grimaces before gasping and moaning, as the head popped into her rear passage. 'It's soooo huge" She gasped out amazed at how thick it felt in her. She moaned loudly as her clit was rubbed, her tail began to slowly brush the undersides of Briz's breasts, as she felt inch after inch of Briz's herm cock enter her.
Re: Servant's Wing

"Mmm, it is, isn't it", Briz purrs. "And I'm not even halfway in yet." It's true - there are five more inches waiting to be pushed inside. The Dark Elf's tongue flicks out and lashes along Van's ear. "You should've heard how the girls back home squealed when I first packed that into them. Nothing quite like a Drow cumming her brains out with a fat cock up her ass", she purrs as she slowly feeds more girldick into Vandoris.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris lets out a long lust moan as she wiggles her tush against Briz's herm cock. "Moooooooooreeeeeeee." She purred/moaned out, as her tail tries to wrap around Briz's waist and pull her deeper in.
Re: Servant's Wing

A playful slap on just that tush reminds Van just who is in charge here. Inch after fat inch sink into the lioness, accompanied by purrs and moans from Briz. Her girlcock never seems to end - every time Van thinks she is full there is another bit of dick pushed into her. After a long while she can finally feel the Drow's hips pressed against hers, and her testicles resting on her mound. "F-fuuuuck, it's soooo deep inside you", Briz moans into her ear as she keeps on caressing Van's button to take the edge off that ass stretching.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris slumped against the table, moaning. one of her paws weakly begins to knead Briz's balls and rub them against her dripping slit. She also lightly grinds her hips against Briz'.
Re: Servant's Wing

Van can hear Briz moan seductively into her ear as she grinds her hips into the lioness, moving her member around just a bit in her deepest depths. "Mmmmm, you're so tight. Gonna need a moment to stretch you out so you don't squeeze my dick off", she breathes.
Re: Servant's Wing

Vandoris moans and purrs out "Take your time. I don't mind having that thing in me. It puts to shame most of the males in my tribe." She wiggles her tush.