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Sex Mugen

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Re: Sex Mugen

Link to those?

Also still waiting for the new Schussel's password to be cracked...
Re: Sex Mugen

Wheare i can get this heroes ?
Re: Sex Mugen

Link to those?

Also still waiting for the new Schussel's password to be cracked...

Sure thing. note, there are two Athena's XIII, neither is compatible yet, or have special animations for sex/rape.

Athena_XIII v6.5


Athena Asamiya XIII

The new Minotaur most of you likely have already if you've kept tabs on the other forums. He and his horsey pal now perform double penetrations.

Pages are here:

The original version, i recall it being updated to 4.0 but it's listed as 1.0

The Double Rape one by a seperate auther.
Re: Sex Mugen

Ah, alright.

Back to waiting for Schussel then.
Re: Sex Mugen

Ah, alright.

Back to waiting for Schussel then.

Haven't seen this thread move for a few weeks. Just wanted to give an update that someone found the new Schussel. No password needed.

Re: Sex Mugen

Haven't seen this thread move for a few weeks. Just wanted to give an update that someone found the new Schussel. No password needed.


Beat me too it. I downloaded that yesterday but didn't get a chance to post. From what I can tell, the downward rape move with Minotaur now works with her nicely.
Re: Sex Mugen

For Kuromaru Plus, I'm having trouble getting moves 11-14 (mugenhentai.creatuforo.com/siguiente-tema1199.html) to work. Any pointers? I've been looking at the command file, but I'm still not sure which set it is. Thanks.
Re: Sex Mugen

I haven't tried that version of him yet, I have a Plus and Lite Version, but their animations are different, I guess i have older versions. All I can say is, make sure the buttons are mapped correctly, and than try following the move list again. I didn't need the move list to learn too many of the moves in all the versions I have of him.
Re: Sex Mugen

Got it. The hard part is not messing up the trill.

~D, DF, F, D, DF, F, x/y
Double-tap directional key to select/switch position
After selecting position: x for auto mode, y/a/b for speed selection, c to climax, z to cancel, select to enable/disable screen shaking.
Re: Sex Mugen

ol, stupid me, thanks for clearing that up, could've sworn that was what I was clicking on before, but must not have been because it worked just fine right now.
Re: Sex Mugen

Does anyone know of any characters that make the other characters inflate/give birth afterwards?
Re: Sex Mugen

Does anyone know of any characters that make the other characters inflate/give birth afterwards?

Yes I know Kai does for sure (Kuromaru Plus or later models of Kuros Absorb finish), don't know of any others and don't have a link for you atm which is why I'm here. The Double Minotaur that was posted on the site doesn't work any more. In addition to some of the girl characters.

To which I ask if anyone has files of Kuro/minotuar compatible characters. If they will post them here or post on the forums that their links are dead. I don't have a clue how to host other wise I'd post the ones I'd got for you.
One of the people on forums posted an archive doing something simlar but, a good amount of these characters don't work (for me at least).

Sense I don't speak spainish and have to use the translater for the site, it feels rude of me to post on their site. Maybe I'm just being to shy.
Re: Sex Mugen

Yes I know Kai does for sure (Kuromaru Plus or later models of Kuros Absorb finish), don't know of any others and don't have a link for you atm which is why I'm here. The Double Minotaur that was posted on the site doesn't work any more. In addition to some of the girl characters.

To which I ask if anyone has files of Kuro/minotuar compatible characters. If they will post them here or post on the forums that their links are dead. I don't have a clue how to host other wise I'd post the ones I'd got for you.
One of the people on forums posted an archive doing something simlar but, a good amount of these characters don't work (for me at least).

Sense I don't speak spainish and have to use the translater for the site, it feels rude of me to post on their site. Maybe I'm just being to shy.

What exactly do you mean by "don't work"?

Are you getting a specific error message? If you are, please share, I think I may have an idea as to how to fix it.
Re: Sex Mugen

What exactly do you mean by "don't work"?

Are you getting a specific error message? If you are, please share, I think I may have an idea as to how to fix it.

More like they were unfinished, where characters didn't interact with the Kuro/Minos. Their is a few errors in this game I know how to fix. On to make a character selectable you have to go to the "select.def" file in the data folder of your mugen game. No usally you'll find the characters name in their def file Ie:"may.def" right click it go to property cope the name "may" the paste it in the correct place in the "select.def", Your gonna want to be sure the name of the character folder and the name of the file match. I couldn't select my because her folder was named May_xx so I renamed it "May" in addition I type may the same way in the "select.def" and I could select her.

Thats the only bug I know how to fix. In short be sure the characters name in the folder and def file match the one in the select.def file. Note: The ingame display name is unaffected by this as far as I can see.
Re: Sex Mugen

More like they were unfinished, where characters didn't interact with the Kuro/Minos. Their is a few errors in this game I know how to fix. On to make a character selectable you have to go to the "select.def" file in the data folder of your mugen game. No usally you'll find the characters name in their def file Ie:"may.def" right click it go to property cope the name "may" the paste it in the correct place in the "select.def", Your gonna want to be sure the name of the character folder and the name of the file match. I couldn't select my because her folder was named May_xx so I renamed it "May" in addition I type may the same way in the "select.def" and I could select her.

Thats the only bug I know how to fix. In short be sure the characters name in the folder and def file match the one in the select.def file. Note: The ingame display name is unaffected by this as far as I can see.

That isn't a bug, Mugen is something you build up, or you download something already built completely from someone else's work.

Select file is for the sake of character selection. It also gives you the option to add stages, either randomly, or per character.

System File is for the sake of the game engine settings, for example, you want to change the window screen size, you go there, running speed on your computer, and other things.

You have the option to download and add screen packs, so that you aren't limited to only a few boxes. i am currently using a screen pack that can give me up to 3,000 characters.

With some of the characters I have, I have a line of code to give them a victory quote after each match (not rounds)

The character glitches you are encountering, are really the work of several different people who all at one point or another edited a character for this game engine, and specifically for sex mugen gaming. Characters you see not compatible with one another, isn't necessarily a glitch, or that they are incomplete, they may very well be finishes characters, only a few authors go through the painstaking trouble of creating new sprites and codes to give some insane animations and gameplay elements.

This is the nature of a mugen, mishmash of randomly combined characters from countless people,with countless versions of the same character, designed for different things. it somehow all works in the end because it's built on the same engine, but don't expect anything to ever be a solid game because few would work to make one.
Re: Sex Mugen

That isn't a bug, Mugen is something you build up, or you download something already built completely from someone else's work.

Select file is for the sake of character selection. It also gives you the option to add stages, either randomly, or per character.

System File is for the sake of the game engine settings, for example, you want to change the window screen size, you go there, running speed on your computer, and other things.

You have the option to download and add screen packs, so that you aren't limited to only a few boxes. i am currently using a screen pack that can give me up to 3,000 characters.

With some of the characters I have, I have a line of code to give them a victory quote after each match (not rounds)

The character glitches you are encountering, are really the work of several different people who all at one point or another edited a character for this game engine, and specifically for sex mugen gaming. Characters you see not compatible with one another, isn't necessarily a glitch, or that they are incomplete, they may very well be finishes characters, only a few authors go through the painstaking trouble of creating new sprites and codes to give some insane animations and gameplay elements.

This is the nature of a mugen, mishmash of randomly combined characters from countless people,with countless versions of the same character, designed for different things. it somehow all works in the end because it's built on the same engine, but don't expect anything to ever be a solid game because few would work to make one.
Okay, next question. Does anyone have their own mix match of characters on their mugen? I'm not good at the whole adding characters part, and I never will be same as that you can post the examples 100 times, I'm just not following on that, so I would be extremely greatful if someone added their own version with extra characters on here to play.
Re: Sex Mugen

I have a huge request for someone who can help I will gladly traade my collections since i have a vast amount of games. However could someone get me loli fighter mugen, and the most updated mugen which has 20 monsters and 200 heroines. I will make it worth your while.
Re: Sex Mugen

You need to check before you post, sir. Loli is not allowed on the forum. Also, as nice as your offer sounds, trading H games isn't really a... thing, I don't think. People just sort of upload them to be nice? :eek:
Re: Sex Mugen

Check for it, I know they have it on the front page.
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