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[SH] General Discussion & Info

Re: [SH] General Discussion

I have a major character, I'm thinking i might make something for a minor character. Any suggestions? NOT SLUTBUNNY
Re: [SH] General Discussion

I'd sorta suggest maybe Isbjorn, so you can be a polarbearlady becausereasons. I:
Failing that, you could have some Rancher-like person, farmhand or something. I'm pretty sure we'll be needing at least one Rancher thread.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

Farmhand could be cool.

I could work on RJ's farm. Hurm. I'd have to look over the approved races to see what I'd like to play as though.


In addition to Dinosaur People, I'm going to make Armadillo people, just fyi.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

I don't know if RJ even wants to play, and his farm won't exactly be a ranch in that sense, that, and I already have plans for him as far as supporting characters go. *Cackles maniacly*

Now if someone else would roll up a Rancher Major Character, I believe that'd be nice for your potential character. Feel free to pester people to see if anyones interested in taking you along for the ride.

And yay Armadillos, I think?
Re: [SH] General Discussion

Thinking a derpy little wood elf as a farmhand for Bovinians or something. "Taking care of da coooows."

EDIT: Or maybe a derpy little dark elf. I dunno yet
Last edited:
Re: [SH] General Discussion

I wouldn't have made Sir Kicke Deathboot if I didn't want to play. You just think I don't want to play because Kicke is A SLAVER OF JUSTICE
Re: [SH] General Discussion

Oh man, I should write this post of RJs out, and put it in a golden frame or something.


Man. This is one of them moments.

Time to go burn something down.

And maybe get working on some threads or something.

PS: Stop trying to be bad RJ, you are worse than that.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

Does anyone have any ideas for other things they'd like to see as far as races go?
Re: [SH] General Discussion

I imagine most will be anthro/furry races, but I have a request that any human(oid) slaves I come across have nice thick bushy pussies~ :D
Re: [SH] General Discussion

I have splurged out some more minor quirks for Race Creation.

And still need to get things done and stuff.

*Goes to play vidya and procastrinate further*
Re: [SH] General Discussion

Take your time, the longer you procrastinate the more I can resist the urge to have not-bakan become Rance and violate Host's character.
Re: [SH] General Discussion


Aust and i wanna join you and CW on your adventure!

Can please has?
Re: [SH] General Discussion

So for a few reasons I'm gonna have to restrict character creation, as, surprise surprise, I'm already being slow at responding to threads.

Mind Flayer and Courage Wolf will likely end up with a thread at some point, but anyone else wanting to join is going to have to join with them(on terms acceptable to them).

*Fumbles about trying to update the two threads he GMs for*
Re: [SH] General Discussion & Info

I'd make the attempt to GM for someone if they want me to, Fishie.
*Starts dusting off the place* Fuck, this is old. And I was unfortunate enough to go dredging in past mistakes. Ain't no helping it now I guess.


Take an extra +2 damage whenever you take HP damage.
When under 1/2 HP take [whatever penalty].
[whatever] addict: Healing from sources except [whatever] is halved
OR Only [whatever] counts as food when resting or whatever.
Combat Paralysis - first turn of a fight is skipped (probably boring and should not actually be used).
OR Take a big penalty during the first round - -4 to any rolls, take +4 damage from any attacks
?OR? Can't do any offensive moves during the first turn. Buffs only.
?OR? All actions cost 3 SP in addition to whatever in a combat until you spend and action and 5 SP to shake it off.

WEAK VS [Phys/Mag] - against attacks of this sort, -3 to your defending Agi/Wil/whatever roll.

When you take ?P damage, take half as ?other?P damage.
Hp > 1/2 SP = Masochist
MP > 1/2 HP = Bloodcaster

Noncombatant: -2 to rolls in fighto. [This seems pretty big and maybe should count as 2, or should be broken up into -2 to all attacks and -2 to all defense or whatever]

Take damage if you spend more than 4 MP/SP equal to how much it went over or whatever.

Doubleslap. Two attacks, costs 200g, 4-5 SP. Can be different dudes.
- Upgrades: 400g for 3 attacks.
Power attack. 3 SP to count STR one more time when figuring damage. Increase cost exponentially to count STR again - aka 9 SP for +2*STR, 27 for +3*STR. 200-300g?
- Upgrades: 400g to reduce from 3SP to 2 SP, and consequently exponential costs to 4/8/16 etc.
Elemental attacks. 2 SP, 2 MP, change damage to [element]. 250g?
- Upgrades: SWORDBEAM. For an additional 1SP/MP, can be ranged as well.
Counter-punish. Pay 3 SP to make an attack against anyone who missed an attack against you last turn. Can be done in addition to your normal actions. 200g? (Maybe limit to 3/2/1 by weaponsize (S/M/L)?)
- Upgrades: 300g to reduce SP cost by 1. Next level is 900 etc?
300g to increase limit of Counter-punishments by 1, if doing that? Next level is 900 etc?
Grab. Str vs Agi. If hit, no damage and both you and the target take -3 evade or someshit. Requires 1 hand, so can't use a 2h weapon to attack them next turn or whatever. Str vs Str to maintain. 100g?
- Upgrades: 300g to use the other guy as a human shield 1/turn. They take whatever damage you would have if someone (who isn't them) attacks you.
Throw. THROW WEPON. As normal attack, but it's ranged and you become Disarmed. 100g. 3 SP.
Upgrades: Boomerang that shit - you do not become Disarmed on a miss (but you can't use it for counters etc for the rest of the round). 200g.
Ricochet - EXTRA boomerange that shit. You get it back even if you hit (but still can't use it for the rest of the round). 400g. Optionally increase SP cost.
Impale - Target takes -2 to rolls per size of weapon until they spend 4HP/SP to pull it out. Not compatible with boomerangin'. 200-300g?

Counter Stance - 2SP/turn. +3 Evasion. If attackers miss, you get a free hit on them. If they try to change target, make a normal (non-free) hit against them too? 100-150-200g?
[Racist] Stance - 2SP/turn. +2 Dmg/Hit/Evasion. Only works against a specific race. 100-200g?

Maybe give bonuses to skills if they're used in certain stances or whatnot, or only be allowed in certain stances or someshit.


BURN WARD - Give 1 target [Fire] Resistance. Lasts for 1 battle/scene. 4 MP, 200g.

Fire Shield - anyone melee-attacking the target of this spell takes 4+Int Hot Damage. 1 battle/scene, 6 MP, 400g I guess.
Heat Haze - Anyone ranged-attacking the target of this spell takes -2 (-3?) to hit. 1 battle/scene, 4 MP, 300g I guess? Maybe make it possible to cast on multiple people, for 4 per person.

I Can't Think Of A Name - Target gains Liquid Form. 1 battle/scene, 6-8 MP, 400g?
Ice Armor - Target gains 4 Armor. 3 turns, 4 MP, 200-300g?

Chain Lightning - 10MP, Single/Ranged/Storm, Int vs Wil, 8+Int Dmg. Hits 3 people. 400g?
Ride the Wind - gain Flight. Lasts 3 turns, costs 9 MP. 300g
Lightning Meme Storm - 8MP. Take every person on the battlefield. Roll 1dthatnumber 5 times; they take damage as per ^. 500g.

Poison Weapon - Target deals 4 extra Poison damage when they hit with their attacks. Lasts 4 turns? Battle/scene? Iunno. 4 MP. 200g?
Fugue Poison - Target feels slow and sluggish and takes -4 to hit with attacks. 4MP, 300g?

Fulminate I guess - Each DoT spell on the target immediately does its damage for the turn, then ends and spreads to 2 other random targets with -1 duration (minimum 1). 4MP, 300g.

Engraving of [Element] 300g - 15 MP - Ritual - 1-2 hours - makes all spells of [element] cost half as much. Lasts a day. Works by suffusing an area with magic of the particular element, so it will work for people besides the caster, including enemies. Bad for cum elementals. Maybe good for Void Souls? Expect phenomena related to the element - warmth and embers for Fire, weird smells for Poison, etc.

Shining Finger - (Single,Melee,Magic) (Int VS Agi) (Deals 10+(Int*2) Damage) 3 MP 200g THIS HAND OF MIND GLOWS WITH AN AWESOME POWER ITS BURNING GRIP TELLS ME TO DEFEAT YOU

Restore - It's a healing DoT. 6 MP 200g.

Seed of Life - ritual - 4 hours. If the target is taken down to 0 HP, Seed of Life heals them for [either full or a normal heal]. Costs the recipient 2 MP/day beyond the first, or something. 10 MP, 300-400g?

Rebuke [Heritage] - It's Pain Bolt but hits everyone of a particular Heritage. Typically used on the Undead I guess? 400g, 6MP.

Dispel - Removes buffs n shit. 6MP, 200g?
Reject Ground - Target gains levitate. 4-6 MP, 3-400g?
Doublecast - Pay the cost for this spell, then cast two other spells as well. Pay full cost for all 3. 6 MP, 500g.
Burden of Time - 6 MP. Int vs Wil. Does 4+Int damage to SP. Duration: 3 rounds.

Warrior's Guild:
Weapon Runes
Bitch-Ass Wizard Rune - [staffcost]g - lets this weapon count as a staff of similar efficacy to the amount paid. Focii use up Rune slots.

Wizard Bullshit
Silver Wand (1H) (200g) (+1 to Magic Rolls) (0 focus slots)
Gold Wand (1H) (400g) (+2 to Magic Rolls) (1 focus slots)


This is a WIP of my shitty races I guess.


EDITED (2pts left to spend, which I guess come from you missing that penalty to Attributes gives 2 instead of 1 point, but Approved after correcting this. Althonotsureaboutcummingalcohol) (ADDED RESISTANCE AND KINSHIP, -1 PER )

REEDITED - Nightvision, -1 Cha. Replaced unapproved quirk with Venom Resistance.

Life: 40

Mana: 20

Stamina: 30

STR: +2

END: +4

DEX: +2

AGI: -1

INT: +1

WIL: +2

CHA: -1

BEA: +0

PER: -2

Diet: Omnivore

-Male Stats-

Cock(s): 1

Cumloads: 4

Cumrank: 1

Potency: +2

-Female Stats-

Breasts: 1 Pair

Milkloads: 2/Breast

Milkrank: 1

Fertility: -2

Birth Type: Live

Offspring: 1-2

Pregnancy: 4 Days

Growth: 3 Infant, 3 Child, 6 Teen

Native Terrain(Underground)(-2pts): Underground-Type Terrain have 1 Hour Less Travel Time for the Race, and certain Modifiers doesn't effect them. The Race also gains +3 to Terrain & Combat related Rolls when on Native Terrain.

Cross-Sterile(+3pts): You recieve a -5 Potency/+5 Fertility penalty when breeding with partners not of your own species.

Venom Resistance

Nightvision(-1pts): No visual perception penalty in areas with little light.

Resistance(-2pts): +2 to Defender Rolls VS Offensive Spells

Kinship(-2pts): You recieve a +2 bonus to rolls when working together with someone of your own race(if they too have Kinship)

-Venus Mantrap Plantgirl(Average)-

EDITED (5pts left to spend, as I denied the Photosynthesis thing. I suggest giving them Sexual Fluids as diet, and maybe raising Attributes a bit) CARNIVORE, BLOODWHATEVER, EXOTIC MELEE

Life: 35

Mana: 25

Stamina: 30

STR: +1

END: +2

DEX: -1

AGI: -2

INT: +0

WIL: +2

CHA: +0

BEA: +1

PER: -1

Diet: Carnivore

-Male Stats-

Cock(s): 1

Cumloads: 3

Cumrank: 2

Potency: -6

-Female Stats-

Breasts: 1 Pair

Milkloads: 2/Breast

Milkrank: 2

Fertility: -4

Birth Type: Egg (Seeds)

Offspring: 1-2

Pregnancy: 4 Days

Growth: 3 Egg, 3 Child, 6 Teen

Native Terrain(Forests)(-2pts): Forest-Type Terrain have 1 Hour Less Travel Time for the Race, and certain Modifiers doesn't effect them. The Race also gains +3 to Terrain & Combat related Rolls when on Native Terrain

(Ideally would be configurable or chosen upon birth, or something).

Venom Resistance(-2pts): The race only recieve half Venom Damage.

Flame Weakness(+3pts): The race recieve up to an additional 50% Flame Damage.

Frost Weakness(+3pts): The race recieve up to an additional 50% Frost Damage.

Dominant Genes(-3pts): Offsprings resulted by breeding with this race(male or female) results in this species, unless the partner also have Dominant Genes.

Aphrodisiac Thorn Fling (Ranged,Venom) (Int=Hit) (Costs 3MP to Use) (Forces Will VS Endurance Check, If Defender Loses: Becomes Aroused/Horny)

Acidic Bite (Exotic Melee) (-5pts)(Melee,Physical)(4+Str dmg)(User restores Life equal to Damage Dealt)(Str/2+Dex/2=Hit)(Costs 3 MP or SP to Use)

Bloodthirst(-2pts): For every successful hit taken/given, +1 to Attack Rolls & -1 to Defense Rolls, stacks up to 5 times.

Sewing the Seed (Minor Quirk)(-1 pts): Childgrowth does not progress past from the Seed (Egg) phase until the seed is sown in soil.

Yo dese flowers look like babes and dey wanna rape ya and they jizz maple syrup and their milk is honey.


EDITED (Not yet approved, they have +2pts total point balance, spend these, choose for natural attack and they'll be approved afterwards) I FORGET WHAT I DID

Life: 25

Mana: 20

Stamina: 25

STR: +1

END: +1

DEX: +0

AGI: +1

INT: -2

WIL: -2

CHA: +2

BEA: +4

PER: +1

Diet: Carnivore

-Male Stats-

Cock(s): 1

Cumloads: 4

Cumrank: 1

Potency: +2

-Female Stats-

Breasts: 3 Pairs

Milkloads: 2/Breast

Milkrank: 1

Fertility: +6

Birth Type: Live

Offspring: 3-5

Pregnancy: 2 Days

Growth: 1 Infant, 1 Child, 2 Teen

Bite Attack(-3pts) (Melee,Physical) (8+(Str+Dex)dmg) (Str/2+Dex/2=Hit)

Heat(+3pts): At the end of the Week, the Character must seek out a partner for intercourse. During Heat, females gain -6 Fertility, and males gain +6 Potency.

Lengthy Pregnancy(+5pts): +1 Pregnancy Time

Kinship(-2pts): You recieve a +2 bonus to rolls when working together with someone of your own race(if they too have Kinship)

Dominant Genes(-3pts): Offsprings resulted by breeding with this race(male or female) results in this species, unless the partner also have Dominant Genes.

Cross-Sterile(+3pts): You recieve a -5 Potency/+5 Fertility penalty when breeding with partners not of your own species.

Racial Fetish(Biting)(+3pts): The race as a whole have a deep-rooted fetish for something, and suffers a -3 penalty to Willpower & Endurance when the Fetish is exploited.

Racial Fetish(Catfolk)(+3pts): The race as a whole have a deep-rooted fetish for something, and suffers a -3 penalty to Willpower & Endurance when the Fetish is exploited.

All those knots

Short little buggers of They're Matriarchal, and their ruler referred to as the Alpha Bitch. Love to chase cats for tail. :V


I decree it to be so.



EDITED (+3 Total Point Balance, Spend them, and choose for their natural attack, then they are approved) +1 NATARMOR

Life: 35

Mana: 20

Stamina: 40

STR: +4

END: +4

DEX: -2

AGI: -2

INT: +0

WIL: +2

CHA: -1

BEA: +0

PER: -2

Diet: Omnivore

-Male Stats-

Cock(s): 1

Cumloads: 2

Cumrank: 1

Potency: +2

-Female Stats-

Breasts: 1 Pair

Milkloads: 1/Breast

Milkrank: 1

Fertility: +2

Birth Type: Live

Offspring: 1

Pregnancy: 2 Days

Growth: 1 Day Infant, 1 Day Child, 2 Day Teen

Digging Claws Attack(-3pts) (Melee,Physical) (8+Str*2)dmg) (Str/2+Dex/2=Hit)

Native Terrain(Underground)(-2pts): Underground-Type Terrain have 1 Hour Less Travel Time for the Race, and certain Modifiers doesn't effect them. The Race also gains +3 to Terrain & Combat related Rolls when on Native Terrain.

Cross-Sterile(+3pts): You recieve a -5 Potency/+5 Fertility penalty when breeding with partners not of your own species.

Natural Armor 1(-3pts): +2 Armor.

MOLE PEOPLE. Short, but buffasfuck, due to clawing out holes through dirt and rock and shit. Them and Dorfs are homies.


EDITED (+3 Total Point Balance, spend these points and they are approved and ready to swarm some sewers) -1 WIL, SHORT GROWTH TIME

Life: 25

Mana: 20

Stamina: 25

STR: -2

END: -1

DEX: +4

AGI: +2

INT: +1

WIL: -1

CHA: -2

BEA: +0

PER: +1

Diet: Omnivore

-Male Stats-

Cock(s): 1

Cumloads: 3

Cumrank: 0

Potency: +4

-Female Stats-

Breasts: 1 Pair

Milkloads: 2/Breast

Milkrank: 1

Fertility: -4

Birth Type: Live

Offspring: 3-5

Pregnancy: 3 Days

Growth: 1 Infant, 1 Child, 2 Teen

Venom Immunity(-5pts): The race is immune to Elemental Damage.

Kinship(-2pts): You recieve a +2 bonus to rolls when working together with someone of your own race(if they too have Kinship)

Racial Fetish(Group sex)(+3pts): The race as a whole have a deep-rooted fetish for something, and suffers a -3 penalty to Willpower & Endurance when the Fetish is exploited.

Racial Fetish(Dirty sex)(+3pts): The race as a whole have a deep-rooted fetish for something, and suffers a -3 penalty to Willpower & Endurance when the Fetish is exploited.

Man, they're everywhere.


EDITED (-3 Total Point Balance, fix this and they will be approved, IE upping them to Average and spending 7pts or somesort, up to you) AVG, +1 WIL (up from -1), KICK ATTACK, +1 ARMOR, -1 STR/DEX/PER, +1 END, -5 MP, +5 SP

Life: 25

Mana: 20

Stamina: 30

STR: +1

END: +2

DEX: +1

AGI: +2

INT: +0

WIL: +0

CHA: +2

BEA: +0

PER: +0

Diet: Omnivore

-Male Stats-

Cock(s): 2

Cumloads: 2

Cumrank: 1

Potency: +0

-Female Stats-

Breasts: 1 Pair

Milkloads: 2/Breast

Milkrank: 1

Fertility: -0

Birth Type: Larva

Offspring: 2-3

Pregnancy: 4 Days

Growth: 2 Infant, 2 Larva, 4 Teen

Flight(-10pts) (Costs 3SP/Turn) (Can't be struck by melee during Flight)

Cross-Sterile(+3pts): You recieve a -5 Potency/+5 Fertility penalty when breeding with partners not of your own species.

Lightweight(+5pts): This race is easily encumbered by heavy loads, and suffers a -1 Penalty to Agility for every Milkload, and every second Cumload, above Base Race Values. If the Penalty exceeds -3, natural Flight is disabled until the load is lightened.

RIDER KIIICK [Natural Melee Attack](-4pts) (Melee,Physical) (moves from ranged distance to melee distance) (8+(Str+Dex)dmg) (Str/2+Dex/2=Hit)

Natural Armor(-3pts/Pick): +2 Armor, Max 3 Picks

The ka are a race of beetlemans, with the women known as ka-women and the men as ka-men. They have a strong, innate sense of JUSTICE and frequently attack via jump kick, channeling their belief in JUSTICE into devastating blows by shouting.


EDITED (-7 Total Point Balance, unless you're fond of the Rat-Chi Blast, you can just remove that and spend a point and they'll be approved. Of course, choose for their Rat-Fu Attack) -1 TO 2 STATS THAT I FORGET, -FIRE/COLD RES, +MAGIC RES, +GLUTTONY

Life: 25

Mana: 40

Stamina: 20

STR: +2

END: -1

DEX: +1

AGI: +2

INT: +1

WIL: +3

CHA: -1

BEA: +0

PER: -1

Diet: Omnivore

-Male Stats-

Cock(s): 1

Cumloads: 3

Cumrank: 1

Potency: +8

-Female Stats-

Breasts: 1 Pair

Milkloads: 2/Breast

Milkrank: 1

Fertility: +2

Birth Type: Live

Offspring: 2-3

Pregnancy: 4 Days

Growth: 2 Infant, 2 Child, 4 Teen

Rat-Fu Attacks(-3pts) (Melee,Physical) (8+(Str+Dex)dmg) (Str/2+Dex/2=Hit)

Rat-Chi Blast(-8pts) (Ranged,Magic) (4+(Int+Wil)dmg) (Dex OR Int=Hit) (Costs 5 MP or SP to Use)

Native Terrain(Desert)(-2pts): Desert-Type Terrain have 1 Hour Less Travel Time for the Race, and certain Modifiers doesn't effect them. The Race also gains +3 to Terrain & Combat related Rolls when on Native Terrain.

Recessive Genes(+3pts): Offsprings resulted by breeding with this race(male or female) results in the partners species, unless the partner also have Recessive Genes.

Venom Weakness (+3pts): The race recieve up to an additional 50% Venom Damage.

Magic Resistance(-2pts): The race only recieve half Frost Damage.

Racial Fetish(THICC)(+3pts): The race as a whole have a deep-rooted fetish for something, and suffers a -3 penalty to Willpower & Endurance when the Fetish is exploited.

Gluttonous(+3pts): Incurs a -3 Penalty to All Rolls after Resting, which is cleared upon eating Food/Drink. Recovers Cumloads/Milkloads at half rate.

An odd, very distant cousin to the Suttar that lives natively in the world's desert regions. Unexplainedly, they have a natural affinity for magic, as well as resistance to most forms of it, yet as a whole have poor health, and are vulnerable to what the common Suttar is immune to. They also tend to be on the heavy side... yet despite their health problems, they are agile, strong, and naturally inclined to martial arts, as complicated as the spells they weave. (totally not because their name sounds like Sammo Hung.)


EDITED (-9 Total Point Balance, fix somehow, also choose for natural attacks, perhaps rename fetishes to 'Biting' and 'Lactation'?) -1 INT (WAS 0), -1 WIL (WAS -1), +3 END (WAS -1), -1 STR (WAS 0), -1 MELK (WAS +2), INVERTED BARBED TONGUE

Life: 30

Mana: 25

Stamina: 30

STR: -1

END: +2

DEX: +2

AGI: +3

INT: -1

WIL: -2

CHA: +1

BEA: +2

PER: +1

Diet: Omnivore

-Male Stats-

Cock(s): 1

Cumloads: 3

Cumrank: 1

Potency: +0

-Female Stats-

Breasts: 1 Pair

Milkloads: 3/Breast

Milkrank: 1

Fertility: -6

Birth Type: Live

Offspring: 3-5

Pregnancy: 4 Days

Growth: 2 Infant, 2 Child, 4 Teen

Claw & Bite Attacks(-3pts) (Melee,Physical) (8+(Str+Dex)dmg) (Dex=Hit)

Heat(+3pts): At the end of the Week, the Character must seek out a partner for intercourse. During Heat, females gain -6 Fertility, and males gain +6 Potency.

Racial Fetish(Pain/Sadomasochism)(+3pts): The race as a whole have a deep-rooted fetish for something, and suffers a -3 penalty to Willpower & Endurance when the Fetish is exploited. Fucking crazy-ass cat mating

Racial Fetish(Lactation)(+3pts): The race as a whole have a deep-rooted fetish for something, and suffers a -3 penalty to Willpower & Endurance when the Fetish is exploited.

Barbed Penis(-1pts): +1 to Penile Penetration sex rolls, +1 to rolls to prevent ending penile penetration.

Barbed Tongue(+1pts): -2 to Oral giving sexrolls.

Soft Soles(-1pts): +2 to Stealth Rolls when not wearing footwear.

Nightvision(-1pts): No visual perception penalty in areas with little light.

Felidae are CAT MANS and they're fucking adorable. Unsurprisingly, they loev milk. Possibly surprisingly, they get really violent when they get their freak on - lots and lots of yowling and biting and scratching and rough stuff in general.

I ran out of fun things to build the race with and they ended up kinda generic, I think

-Cum Elementals(Good)-
EDITED (+7 Total Point Balance, preferably try to generalize their fetish, IE 'Engulfing' or something, and spend the remaining points, afterwards these can be approved) REGEN, +1 CUMLOAD, +1 CHA I GUESS

Life: 40
Mana: 20
Stamina: 20

STR: +0
END: +4
DEX: +1
AGI: -2
INT: -1
WIL: -1
CHA: +1
BEA: +0
PER: -2

Diet: Sexual Fluids

-Male Stats-
Cock(s): 1
Cumloads: 7
Cumrank: 3
Potency: +10

-Female Stats-
Breasts: 1 Pair
Milkloads: 1/Breast
Milkrank: 0
Fertility: +4

Birth Type: Egg
Offspring: 1
Pregnancy: 2 Days
Growth: 1 Slime Core, 1 Teen 2 Adult

Natural Armor*3(-9pts): +6 Armor

Frost Weakness(+3pts): The race recieve up to an additional 50% Frost Damage.

Amphibian(-2pts): Can breathe and stay underwater indefinitely, can travel through water.

Fetish(Engulfing I guess)(+3pts): The race as a whole have a deep-rooted fetish for something, and suffers a -3 penalty to Willpower & Endurance when the Fetish is exploited.

Liquid Form(-10pts): Can't be grappled(but can still grapple), can go where solid beings can't go, recieved physical damage is halved(after armor bonuses), but suffers from a cumulative -1 Penalty for every six hours gone without consuming liquids, such as drinks, cum or milk. Also suffers from up to an additional 50% Elemental Damage, IE Storm, Flame, Frost, Venom.

Weak Point(Core)(+5pts): For every increments of 4 this character's Defender Roll is exceeded, the character takes an additional 50% damage.

Sexual Healing(-3pts): Every Load of Milk or Cum heals the character for 1HP/Rank.

Genderlocked - It could look like a chick, but it's still 100% splooge. Treat allathat as cum I guess.

Natural Regeneration(-3pts): The character heals 3HP per combat round or non-combat hour, resting included.

Cum Elementals are - surprisingly - made out of cum! They're a type of slime-critter, whose cores generate thick and virile semen in lieu of the traditional weird jelly.

Conception involves their core dividing, and then being ejected to start synthesizing it's own cum to animate. This can sort-of be accelerated by cumming into forming puddle as it works, though generally subjects can't cum in voluminious enough amounts to speed it especially significantly, not to mention that the core needs to assimilate enough the ambient magic to actually animate the cum in the first place. Enough cum and a magically-enriched environment can birth a slime in mere minutes, though they tend to be extremely disoriented and stunted with severe multiple personality disorders, indicating that the slime needs this time to develop a sense of self. Memories often are written into the core from their parent-slime, though with not always 100% completion or accuracy.

The core is essentially the slime's brain, organs, house of soul, everything, all rolled into one, so it being damaged is extremely painful and dangerous for the slime. It uses magic to animate itself, so slimes traditionally have limited magical capacities, as the majority of their spiritual power is geared towards keeping their bodies animated. They are also prone to ponderousness and exhaustion, due to the core also having to move the rest of the body via magic, as opposed to owning whole muscle systems, etc. geared for mobility. Less large-scoped, precision movement seems especially easier for slimes, however, such as the manipulation of 'fingers'.

The core is a fist-sized, heart-shaped chunk of gel. It is more solid and far less mutable than the rest of the fluid body it resides in, but is still able to change shape and size - it's just significantly more difficult and slower for the slime. The core glows in relation to how hard the slime is exerting itself, and - if stroked gently rather than forcefully hit - causes immense pleasure to the slime.

They also get off on having things inside them, but only if they're inside them HARD. Like, engulfed and shit. That's like a universal slime thing I guess. Unless some fegit ignores my deepest lore I guess I guess.