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Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout (ALPHA)

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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Guilty. The worst of the worst. You were captured, tried, and sent to the final stop for so many of Tamberlyn's forsaken criminals - the infamous Ironscar Prison. More of a fortified execution center than a prison, you've been held down, marked with the iron-colored mark that gives the site its name, and been told your time. Three days. In three days, your tale comes to an end, in the early winter. Unless the impossible happens... You manage to escape.

Chained to a bench with others waiting execution, there's time to size up your fellow criminals, and perhaps find a plan... If, of course, you can get your limbs free. There's also the guards outside the cell door, and they'll react to too much noise.

Time to describe yourselves and early convos.
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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise sat on one side of the line of prisoners, her dusky skin covered byt he thin cloth shift all the prisoners wore. Unlike the others, she was both gagged, and had her arms bound solidly up past the elbows, her hands in tight bags gripped around wooden balls, tight enough to prevent any movement in her fingers, all the way up her arms to the shoulder. Her off-white hair hung loosely and ragged between her and the back wall, long enough to nearly sit on.

Her face was sharp and angular, that and the ears belying more of her elven heritage. Her eyes betrayed a great deal of intelligence, flicking back and forth across the room, though she held still otherwise, giving a small nod to any of the other prisoners that made eye contact with her.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Seated on the bench across from Elise sits a rather tall man, with slightly paling skin, and long white hair hanging down over his face, his head hung low, as if he had resigned himself to his fate. His fists, however, were clenched, the knuckles turning white as if he was actually exerting effort, the chains between his shackles taut with tension. If one listened closely enough, they might be able to hear a muffled groaning coming from behind his hair.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Amongst the many people on the bench was a rather irritable, stick-thin man with rather little to mark him out from the crowd beyond his obscenely long hair, and as he sat, he thought angrily: A black mark. One tiny little group of lost children, dead for attempting to murder another children. That wasn't what I was even tried for. I happen to be a sorcerer with something other then dragons as my source? Oh, I'm the result of consorting with the darker powers...such nonsense...And these fools didn't even give me enough benefit of the doubt to prove myself, just said they'd heard about this before and I was to go on the chopping block.

What was said was "And thus to you, from there, was seen the colors of rouge and scarlet, whatever are you in for, angry looking man?"

As this was said, the man attempted to manifest his true nature...with the result being little more then a slight look of irritation from himself.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The man with the long white hair raises his head to stare at the stick-thin man, everything but his green eyes hidden behind his rather long bangs. "First thing I remember.......I woke up in a puddle of my own waste in the middle of a church. Hear they're gonna roast me over a fire." he says, his voice rather calm as his chains rattle slightly from his exertion of effort. "And you, you sickly-looking man. What are you in for?" he asks, his voice low as he finally gives up and relaxes, his eyes staring at the man as the chains between his hands slacken, and he eventually clasps his hands within each other.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

For a moment, he muttered to himself, a single second, and then responded with "Ah, but to see the colors of the blade, the slash of a simple beheading, no, but that would be too correct, that would be the crime I actually committed. In point of reference, it would be existing, that would be my crime, and it would deserve a death by conflagration. Ah, but I see there is a second attempting to get our interest, whatever can we do to let her communicate...." With that, a snap of the fingers, and a smile, he looked at her "One nod for death by burnination, two nods for death by beheading"
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise turned to look at him, rolling her eyes slightly before giving two nods. Then to explain why, she lifted her hands up to about the level of his neck, and made a sideways notion, miming a cut across it. Murder or Assassination then, most likely.

Dropping her hands again, she nodded towards the door, and the guards behind it, then glanced at the two speakers, down to her hands again, and let out a shrug and a noncomittal mumble.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Outside, the guards could be overheard.

"Huh, what was that?"

"Sounds like the usual crap. They always gotta find out what each other did."

"Well, at least they're not like that one guy..."

"Yeah, heard he's still being isolated. Not sure I want to know why he looks that way."

While the two guards outside were talking, however... A strange mist flowed into the cell from the tiny opening high up on the ceiling. Settling towards the floor, it resolved into a human form, then further shifted into a highly attractive woman. She held up a finger as if signaling for quiet, then twisted the finger in a turning gesture. At that, the chains and bindings loosened, and slid away. She dissolved into mist again and vanished through the opening, but there was what appeared to be a veil of sorts left behind.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise visibly stiffened at the sight of the mist, instantly drawing conclusions in her own head about the woman that appeared from it. In an odd turn of events, she worked some form of magic to loosen the room's bindings, then disappeared again the way she came, leaving the half-drow puzzled, and much more capable. Slipping her hands free and setting the considerable bindings down quietly, she reached up and removed her gag as well, a look of concentration on her face as she thought about how best to go about her newfound, but still possibly temporary, freedom.

First thing's first. The woman left a veil behind, and She figured she was best off in the group to inspect it. She gave the active pair a meaningful glance each, then bent over and scooped it up carefully, looking it over.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The veil seemed to have a number of odd designs on it.

One seemed to be some sort of square-like design, almost as if a map or some such.

Another seemed to be a small stone or the like.

Yet another seemed to be a bag.

And a lantern...

And finally, a coil of rope.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The bindings fell off of Gilfer and, even as they did, a smile sprinted across his face, and he thought to himself: Well, at least there's something to be done now. Ah, but so many freed at once, the noise will rise soon, I must act quickly. Now, here's hoping I can actually say this without sounding like a nincompoop or revealing us to the guards.

Looking to the Reaper, he held up one finger and stated simply "So, how can one be to be acquiring your name, angry sir? I have been referred to by the naming of Gilfer, previously, in other livelihoods and acquisitions." While he said this, he slid, as slowly as he could, closer to the door, keeping his hands, to all appearances, in the manacles.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel grabs his chains as they fall off of him, holding them in his hands as he stands, looking over at the stick-man and growling low. "Mekel." he speaks, rather quietly, so as not to alert the guards, moving towards the door quietly as well, knowing to keep himself scarce until the opportune moment arouse.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

How interesting. The woman held up a finger to this Gilfer as well once he started towards the door, bidding him wait. She cast a quick spell, a short mumble and wave of a hand all she needed to confirm waht she had already guessed; The veil mas magical in nature. And given the type of magic and it's appearance...

Daintily picking at the small square on it, she pulled it free, producing a much larger sheaf of paper, a map indeed. Next was the stone, the freed version showing alchemical workings, a thunderstone. Bag of supplies, long coil of rope, She left the lantern in place for now, tying the veil around her arm to keep it safe.

Glancing around at the still bound others, she gave them a reassuring nod, then pointed at the larger man, motioning him towards the door silently. She had a plan...
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Guards Perception check:
DC 15, Both with +3 from stats & ranks.

"Huh? Thought I just heard movement in there..."

"Shouldn't have... Well, let's check, just to make sure."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

After a moment, Gilfer looked disappointed, but then he shrugged, and, before Mekel had a chance, he got up, stepped the remaining half-foot to the door, and placed his hands infront of the guards faces as they arrived, even as eyes formed in them, slime pouring off them, sticky grips, each eye had a brilliant multi-tinted glare. More formed on his hair, spread across it at seemingly random locations as the hair became a jungle of bloodied veins, some of it spilling onto the ground in a horrifying massacre of sanity.

After a moment of glaring at them, he began "Greetings and salutations my erstwhile enemies, I would not advise shouting, everybody knows what my kind can do at this range, I could easily devour your souls, rip away your sanity, and leave you with little more then a husk of your broken self. But for now, let's talk about your jobs, and how valuable they are to you. Are they worth seeing three, extremely irritated criminals murder you, or would you much rather consider an early retirement? You could, after all, claim that we were still in chains when you came through, that you saw nothing at all, and all it would cost you is some mediocre spirits opinion of you. Just unlock that door."

( Perception first roll, +8 because 5 perceptive eyes, and second roll is Intimidate)
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

With quick reflexes, and a growl of effort, Mekel throws his arms up, attempting to wrap the chains around the neck of one of the guards and immobilize him, his hair exposing a scowl of anger for a brief moment before falling back into place. He was damn determined to get out of here, and he wasn't about to let anyone stand in his way.

(( Roll for grapple))
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Whelp, pissed off Reaper nuked a peaceful solution...

The guards both looked like they weren't overly high ranked. In fact, the one that Mekel grabbed might've even been on his first week. Leather armor, and clubs for disabling roudy inmates. Also, it seems like the one being strangled happened to be the one tasked with door duty.

Rather than respond, the guard that wasn't getting choked out merely fell to his knees and left a distinctive dark spot on the lower part of his armor, gawking slightly at the eyes.
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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

For her part, the slim woman merely stayed out of the way. The others were handling themselves plenty well, and she only had limited resources herself, unless she could find somewhere safe to call on more aid, with the time that took.

Instead, she glanced at the pair's belts, looking for what she hoped was there. "Get the keys, if they have them." She said softly.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel pulls tight on the chains, feeling a crunch, before releasing them, the guard falling to the floor in a heap. "Dammit. Didn't even catch the unlucky sod's name." he says, the chains clattering to the floor at his feet, the Reaper reaching down and yanking the keys off of the dead man's belt, jingling them towards his fellow escapees. "What say we stage a little bit of........Chaos?"
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

After a moment, Gilfer grabbed the key, calmly moved to unlock the door, and stepped out, stating to Mekel "Enjoy your nourishments, Sir of many angry moments." And with that, he grabbed at the individual on the ground's neck and pulled him into the cell, before clamping one of the manacles down on it. "Enjoy your rest sir, you have certainly earned it." With that, as the man died of lack of air, he bit a bloody chunk out of the mans arm and stated "Just a taste, you understand. Personal weakness."
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