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Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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“And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor, Shall be lifted -- Nevermore!”

That was what the doom sayer was shouting from the town central square. He seemed to be speaking in nothing but babbled insanity, and one might pity those who seemed to try to find wisdom in his words. Those who saw the wisdom no doubt were affected by the state of the latest town Yuki found herself in ever since her departure from her wretched master. She was greeted at first by a dead guard, decapitated and dead on the ground. Then by a grieving family that seemed not at all bothered by his death, but by something else as a middle aged man shouted. "This fucking town! Corrupted, and unprotected! Slavers just come and go!" he shouted angrily, though clearly had a reason to stay if he hadn't left already, a reason soon answered by the farm he had running behind his home. There seemed to be no other guard she saw other than the dead one, possibly attributing to the town's poor security.

Yuki would find that the state of the town was in total chaos. Though she would need to stay here to make some coin for food and the like before she could leave. Either that or risk trying to find some game that wasn't warped for her to eat. Mutated creatures only caused one to vomit what they ate. The population was entirely human, with some scarce traces of Anudorian and Amazonian, though Crolians were not to be seen. She would spot a notice board that seemed ripe with opportunity. Upon reading the requests, it wasn't so full of opportunity as one would think. It mostly consisted of requests for female companions. Paid minimally. Though there were things that didn't involve just requests for companionship.

There was a request to deal with a band of brigands that would come into the town uncontested, slaughter any who interfered, and take one or two townsfolk with them, usually women. It seemed to pay a somewhat pitiful 50 denarii for such a dangerous task. Meanwhile, there was a request to deal with a harpy presence that's been plucking town guardsmen and farmers alike, stealing most of the men that dare venture out of the town. There didn't seem to be a reward stated, just that the client wanted the harpies alive.

Finally, there was a request Yuki just barely managed to read. "Please stop the mayor of our town, he is a corrupt crook and he's selling us like cattle!" the request read, before a guardsman walking by snatched the request and tore it apart. "Fucking pissant, every day he leaves it there. He needs to learn a lesson on when to quit." the guard said openly, before walking off.

Though, it was late, and Yuki needed a place to sleep for the night. The inn was a natural choice. Though when she went in, she found the price was absurd. "50 denarii a night." The balding, rounded inkeeper told her flat out. Though, one look at her figure and he smirked. "Free room and board to maids though, plus a little extra 10 denarii per day. What do you say?" the man requested. Though it wasn't hard to imagine what doing this line of work entailed, as Yuki would in a nude apron, seemingly vastly depressed. A shitty pay for a shitty job. An awful town for a woman in an awful position.

However she wished, Yuki would have to earn some coin. She would need rations for the trip. 50 denarii would cover all her travel expenses, whenever she wished to leave.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki, had been to some awful towns before, but this one was in a league of its own. As soon as Yuki entered she was greeted with an unsightly sight of a decapitated guard, and the screaming ravings of a mad man. It even seemed that the families barely cared for each other in this forsaken place. When passing by the corpse she felt slightly sickened, by the family lack of compassion. Even before the middle man shouted those words, Yuki already realized that this town was mainly going to be lawless, and the guards would most likely just abuse their power rather than uphold the law. Great, from one hellhole into the other. Yuki thought.

Making her way through the city, Yuki noticed that the town lacked any kind of order, as she made a mental note to be careful. Preferably not being outside during the dark, as this town barely seemed to be safe during the day, the night probably would be a lot worse. Finally she found what she was looking for, a notice board. At first glance it seemed to be filled with request. Though when she got closer to the board, it crushed her spirit a little, as the board seemed to be filled with more unsavory requests, rather than work that would appeal to her. Are you kidding me? What kind of scum would use the notice board for such vulgar requests? Yuki thought.

Luckily however, Yuki found a few requests that weren’t vulgar in nature. Though, the first one, while it appealed to her, the coin was ridiculously little. Not to mention she would need help with it, lowering the potential gain from the job more. The second, seemed like it would pay a whole lot more, and possibly something she could do on her own, however it seemed like a rather dubious request, as usually one wouldn’t care if the harpy would be alive or dead.

The final request, Yuki read, was rudely interrupted by a guard, snatching it away from her. Yuki merely held her tongue, at the guard’s comment, as it might be better not to get involved with this for now.

Well, before Yuki could make a final decision as what to do, she had to seek shelter, as she felt like wandering around in the dark in this place would be a death sentence. However, what she didn’t expect was the ridiculous price the inn keeper asked of her. 50 Denarii, that’s insane!? Yuki thought. After hearing the man’s request, Yuki took a quick look around the establishment, noticing a girl naked just wearing an apron. Ugh, this place is horrible. Yuki thought. Though, she didn’t really see any other option. ''I assume you don’t have a less, humiliating and degrading job I could do?.'' Yuki, said rather coldly to the innkeeper. ''And if I would work here, what exactly would I be doing besides serving things, mostly naked? After all when I see her, this place looks more like a brothel then an inn.'' Yuki said somewhat displeased.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

The man frowned. "I have only a need for that kind of job here. The men take care of everything else in the back. Trust me, you don't want to work with them." he stated. "Just wear the outfit, clean rooms, and serve breakfast." he stated. "Any extra you want to earn is on you. It's your business what you wish to do with customer requests, and it's not my concern. I learned the hard way that it's too much hassle to run a business like that. Let the girls decide on their own, how much of a bonus they want." he stated. Despite being very shady, he did seem to have a business-like approach to his shadiness. "Do ya want the job or not?"
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki while listening halfheartedly to the innkeeper looks outside the nearest window. The sun was setting, and she had no desire to be outside during the night. While also being low of funds, Yuki doesn’t seem to have very many options right now. Though she really loathe the idea of prancing around in front a bunch of man nearly naked, it would be better than being caught outside during the night. After hearing the full explanation how things go here, it didn’t seem to be all too bad, if she could just deny any sexual request. ''Nn… I really don’t, but my options are limited, so I will take it.'' Yuki says with a heavy sigh, clearly annoyed that has to do something so humiliating, after she finally taught she wouldn’t have to do things like this again.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

The man grinned, and invited her to step into the back. Where there was half a dozen maid outfits hanging, smelling like they were clean, but only had the front apron. The rest was vacant mind the maid hair band. Yuki was expected to be only wearing that when she came out, including all her weapons put away so the customers don't have to worry about an armed maid assassin. "Remember, treat the customers with respect. They will be rather thankful to see your backside, so if you take it too personally, then we'll have a problem." he warned her, before putting Yuki to work right away. She would move around the restaurant, delivering plates of food. She'd fell like any man that wasn't already looking at another maid was looking at her, which was almost everybody considering she was new.

For the first hour, the customers just settled on stares. Though, soon enough the doors were kicked open to yield to a rather burly well built badarian man with a shaved head and scars all along his face, and what seemed to be half a dozen men following behind him like some kind of gang. When he came in, the customers soon either hightailed it out of the inn or ran upstairs to get out of this man's way, who was dressed in light armor. The maids seemed terrified of him. "How've you been, pork chop?" the burly man inquired, grinning. The inn keeper shrugged. "Fuck, your ugly mug again. Here to burn down my inn? Or can I still entertain you with the pleasantries." the inn keeper asked. And the burly man just laughed. "Get some fucking food for me and my boys. Meat, whatever trash you got back there. I want meat." he said, before him and his crew came in, and sat at a long table. His eyes admired Yuki, but went no further as he talked with his crew, telling bloodthirsty jokes of using spines and skulls like puppets. Though his leaving Yuki be ended when the inn keeper asked her to bring out a massive order for all seven men.

Doing so, Yuki would have to come forth and deliver the plates of food. The crewmen each took whatever chance they had to gaze at Yuki's ass. Meanwhile, when she came to deliver the food to the leader, he suddenly reached out, and put his hand to her crotch, one finger slipping inside her pussy instantly as he began to skillfully massage her insides. He didn't say a word to her. He only stared at her with a face that screamed of his psychotic nature, while gazing right at her face to see her reaction to him suddenly stuffing his fat middle finger into her cunt.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki simply followed the man to the back room, where she could see a dozen of aprons hanging from the wall. Yuki begrudgingly began to remove her attire, neatly folding them, and storing them together, including her weapons. Yuki took a bit of time putting on her apron, as she had trouble with fitting it around her breasts, as it took her a while before she put on her apron where her breasts wouldn’t suddenly pop out. Before coming out Yuki tried her best to calm herself, chanting in her mind that she would only have to endure this for one day. Then she finally stepped out blushing with an annoyed look on her face, while the apron was tightly hugging her skin to make sure no accidents happen. ''Understood, as long as they can keep their hands to themselves for the most part, we won’t have a problem''. She stated.

For the first hour of work, Yuki gave it her all, and tried to work as swiftly as possible. While serving the costumers, Yuki would always act polite, as she would while serving her previous master. Though, Yuki would never act warm or inviting, and tried her best to maintain distance. All the while hiding her, shame and irritation from the costumers, only showing it on her face when her backside was turned to them, making her more ashamed as she could feel the stares burning onto her butt. For a while she taught the evening would go uneventful, even better then she expected, as the costumers kept their hands to themselves. Until suddenly a big burly man, with half dozen of people came inside the inn. Yuki noticed how instantly everyone made way for their group, and how terrified the maids looked. I got a bad feeling about this. I hope they leave soon. Yuki thought. The bad feeling only became stronger when she heard the stories, as she felt a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. Yuki also didn’t like how the leader, kept staring at her, though she made sure to hide her annoyance and disgust.

Until, Yuki was tasked with bringing several plates of food towards the table, as her plan was to swiftly serve them their food and make sure to not stay too long. Yuki, began to feel extremely uncomfortable and humiliated when, each time she put down a plate, the man took a close look at her ass. God this is the worst, please stop staring, please stop staring… Yuki kept repeating in her mind. Until Yuki reached the leader, when she went to put the plate in front of him, she suddenly felt his thick finger slip into her pussy, making her nearly fumble the plates on the floor, while releasing a gasp of surprise from the sudden insertion. Instantly Yuki would look at the man, while for a split second she glared with rage at the leader, though quickly she regained her calm demeanor somewhat. ''S-Sir… if you don’t mind, I have to serve these plates. Yuki said while her breathing began to speed up, you could see her body shiver slightly as her insides where being rubbed by the man, as you could clearly see tears well up in her eye’s, wanting to escape this situation as quick as possible. Yuki wished she could just lash out, but with the other maids around, it seems like it would be a bad idea. All she could do for now, is try to keep calm and hopefully she could get out this without anybody getting hurt, besides her dignity.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Hearing her request, the man grinned, as if he liked everything he heard. "Question." he began, fingering her non-stop. "What is a woman with muscles like yours doing working as a fucking maid?" he asked her. "You aren't like the other pitiful whores here. Not when you act this fucking composed when a murderer is fingering your cunt." he stated, before withdrawing his finger as she request, taking it to his mouth to lick it clean of her juices. "So, you gotta be strapped for cash." he said, before taking a purse from his pouch and placing it onto the table. If Yuki investigated it, it'd contain fifty denarii. "Place your fucking plates. Then, come to my room. I will speak with you." he said, leaving the money there for her to take it or not. Though, he didn't seem like he was giving her an option about joining him in his room. He seemed to be ordering her to do it, while the inn keeper turned a blind eye.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki could barely keep herself straight when the man began to pump his finger into her, occasionally releasing muffled groan, trying her best to endure it. All the while she could feel the rage of wanting to kill this man building up inside her, as this was beyond humiliating. When he began asking questions she just stayed quite, as it seemed he already figured out her situation, absolutely disgusted when the man licks her juices from his finger. When the man placed the money on the table and turned to leave, her former composure turned into a rage filled glare, as he went up his room. Yuki quickly finished her business serving the rest of the food, before grabbing the pouch from the table. It was pretty clear that, Yuki couldn’t refuse this request. ''I will be heading to his room now.'' Yuki states calmly, before leaving to go upstairs.

Yuki goes all the way, until she reaches the man’s door. Before entering though, Yuki suddenly disappears and instantly appearing where she has left her sword, quickly getting it, before she returns back to her previous location, calming her nerves before entering the door, drawing the sword. Alright, now to get rid of this filth, and make this town a better place.Thinks Yuki. She then openings the door, if nothing is interrupting she continues and enters the room. ''Don’t move, or call out for help, or I will make sure it’s the last thing you do.'' Yuki says coldly. ''I first want to know, what you were going to propose, and if I were you I would choose my words carefully.'' Yuki says sharply, standing ready to charge at him, as soon as he tries anything.

Yuki uses Instant Transmission Twice to get her sword back before entering the room
The character can teleport themselves and anyone they are in contact with to any location that they have been previously, or can see from where they are.
-If out of combat, the character pays 6 EP, and teleports to any location that they have previously been to or can see from their current position.
-If in combat, the character pays X EP and teleports to any location up to 15X feet away from where they currently are. The space they enter must be empty and visible to them.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki: Fine
HP 48, PP 38, EP 54/66

When Yuki burst in, armed, she'd find that the crewmen had selected a few of the maids and were stark naked, fucking them. One was fucking the pregnant maid on the bed as she was bent over. Another was having a maid ride his cock while he relaxed in a chair. And a third had a rather excited looking maid wrapping her arms and legs around him while he drilled into her, fucking her while standing and holding up her weight.

The boss himself was sitting on his lonesome in a wide chair. He had his jaw resting on a fist supported by his elbow on the arm of the chair. Seeing Yuki enter wearing her true colors, he grinned. "Should I really?" he inquired with a shrug. "I guess you have no idea who you're talking to, but that's fine." he shrugged. "I was going to give you some paying work. Since you're some kind of vigilante of justice too, it all works out with what I want you to do." he stated. "First of all, put that fucking sword down before I give you a concussion and put a slave collar on you." he warned her with a frown. Three men were on alert, the rest couldn't seem to give a damn about Yuki in the quite crowded room. Too small for this many people, but big enough for four beds. "Neither of us want a scene here, and you have more to lose than I do, what with that fucking two face mayor that everybody wants gone. So, drop it, and close the door. Or this will get really ugly." he warned her.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Before Yuki could finish her sentence she suddenly realized what she stumbled into, as she didn’t quite expect this many people to be here, especially not fucking each other. The groans and noises of them fucking each other made Yuki visibly uncomfortable, as the last word of her sentence didn’t sound as sharply as she meant it sound. Yuki was a lot loss for words for a second as all her previous confidence had left her body, but soon after she regained her composure a little, however there was clearly visible blush on her face as her eye’s seemed to do their best to avoid looking at the people fucking.

Indeed, Yuki had no idea who this man really was though she assumed he might be the leader of the bandits she saw a notice about, she figured she could simply kill him while he would have minimum protection, making her getting rid the rest potentially easier. Although even if this wasn’t the case, this man clearly was a psychotic murderer, she didn’t need more reason beyond that. I really wouldn’t call myself a vigilante of justice, but more like someone that is trying to atone for the horrible things she has done. Yuki stated. Even though the threats didn’t faze Yuki at all, it was pretty clear from the situation that if she went on the offensive it could only end badly. Why would someone like you be concerned with the mayor, as it would seem that a corrupted city like this would fit you perfectly? Yuki questioned. Although she really didn’t want to be unarmed in front this guy, it was clear that he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Thus she listened to his demands, leaving her sword outside and closing the door behind her. As Yuki stood there, she couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable with all the fucking going on wanting to leave as soon as possible. Yuki also felt suddenly extremely self-conscious about her attire, feeling exposed while tugging on her apron as she was trying to hide as much skin as possible.
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Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Contrary to her want, once she obediently left her sword outside, he stood up, whipped a chair out from under a table, and slammed it down, intending for her to sit down across from him as he sat back down. "Sit, make yourself cozy. We'll be here a while." he said. "The mayor is an asshole to literally everybody. You ever hear the term, no honor among thieves? Well, that applies to him up to the eleventh degree. In this part of Badaria, you have to do the worst kind of shit to survive. Someone like you, running around trying to absolve whatever sins you had to commit to reach where you are now, might even understand that fact. It's why you're sitting right fucking here, right fucking now." he stated. "But some people take it really too far, they do it just for the SAKE of being evil, instead of making it their livelihood. Don't take it the wrong way, I am the bad guy and that little bell of justice ringing in your head isn't making a mistake, but I couldn't give less of a shit how you feel about how I put food on the table in this shit hole of Badaria. But there's an evil in this town that trumps even me. He's even got posters out trying to bring me down. He doesn't even charge me with crimes I DID do, like theft and murder. He wants people to think I'm selling human beings. Fucking where would I sell them? To the next mother fucker that has no money?" he asked. "So what does that fat fucker do? He has most of his guard form a fucking ghost unit, act like they're MY boys, and steals people. Great excuse to kill the loyalist guards who wanna do the town good, like that one idiot out front." he points his thumb back to the guard who died.

"Only guy on duty, and look what he got for his justice. He's fucking dead. And I'm getting blamed for killing the poor sap. Honestly, I just wanna get blamed for what I actually did a this point, fat fuck just wants me to stop robbing him, hahaha!" the muscular man laughed. "So, we both have something to gain here, and can settle whatever problem your tight little pucker has later. I need someone like you to take that fat fucker down. So... Are you sure you're not the lame little justice bringer you're acting like?" he asks again.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki took the chair and placed herself onto it, trying get as comfortable as much as she possibly could be in this situation, while making sure she wasn’t exposing herself while sitting down. Yuki would quietly listen to the man while occasionally going into deep thought. The last part visibly annoyed Yuki, because she knew that he was right. The only reason she was sitting here right now was because of her sense of justice, if she really wanted to just repent for her sins, she wouldn’t even consider taken such dangerous work. Yuki didn’t want to trust this man, but his words where rather compelling, and did make some sense to her. Though, it was clear that the idea of working for someone like him physically disgusted her, but in the end her sense of justice won out over that feeling of disgust. You’re right. The sensible thing would be just to turn my back on this city and never come back, but I want to help out these people. She stated with pride. Why I am such an idiot? She chuckled to herself.

I don’t trust you, and to be honest after what you did to me, you disgust me. However it’s obvious that this town is far beyond miserable, and I am inclined to believe you are telling the truth. She stated. Only one thing confuses me, why would you need my help? She questions the man in front her. You seem to have quite a few men under your control, and I am certain you could decimate any regular guard. She states. So am I safe assume, the only reason you want my help is because I am a woman capable of defending myself? She asks.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

The man grinned. "Precisely." he said. "I'm a bad guy, don't doubt it. I was gonna just scoop you in here and enjoy the sensations of your flesh, but then I noticed you weren't some pushover. So, the plan itself is simple, you're a girl that can kick ass. And I'm sure the girls working for that fat swine will want their own revenge. I'll act like I'm making a peace offering, sell you to him, and get one of the maids in his 'royal estate' to hand you your weapons before the fat fuck plugs you. Then you gut him, signal us, and we bust you out. And then you know what?" he inquired, leaning forward. "Then we can get a relationship going here. You get what you want, all the bad guys go away, and I get what I want, all the fucking loot inside that fat fucker's house. What better thing could a beholder of justice like you ask for? Bad guys fighting bad guys. And we can keep it that way. Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. I'll knock out all the bad guys in your way and rob them blind. Meanwhile... All those innocent people you wanna protect won't know a fucking thing. How's that sound, little miss justice?" he inquired.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki couldn’t help but frown at the man’s plan, it sounded extremely risky for her. There was also no way to tell if he was talking the truth, after all they could just simply sell her and leave her be. However this might be the best chance she has to help out this dreadful city, after all it hurt her to see how gloomy it was. I really don’t like this sound of this plan, even if I could fully trust your word. The amount of things that could go wrong is enormous. She stated. However as long as her spirit powers weren’t blocked she could always simply leave the place, with this backup plan in mind it seemed like she could chance it. However, this might be the only way I could help the people of this place, but if I found out you betrayed me, I will make sure you come to regret it. She states calmly, making it sound more like a promise then a threat.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

The man nodded. "I don't doubt it. You could either have been an idiot or powerful for bursting into that door with such zeal. I'm assuming the latter. All I'm asking you to do is put yourself in another situation like that, only this time, follow up." he stated, before leaning back in his chair. "Now, we're done for now. We'll begin this plan in the morning. See how it goes. So, miss justice, did you want to earn that fifty denarii or just take it from me?" he inquired. "I'm not gonna take it back from you, I don't want it. But you can earn it, if you want to." he smirked at her lewdly. Otherwise she could just leave.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

I think an idiot would fit better, after all I am agreeing to this insane plan of yours. Yuki stated with a sigh. Yuki felt a shiver of disgust come over her as threw her a lewd smile. I think I will consider this money as payment for the crazy job you just offered. Yuki says coldly at him before standing up and making her way to the door, stopping right in front of it looking back at him. There is one last thing I am wondering about, why not just attack him straight up, why does he need to be dead before you can raid the estate? Yuki wanted the leave the room as soon as possible, however this part was particularly bothering her, as he made it sound like the mayor himself would be no threat.
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Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

The ill intented man shrugged. "We're just going to get you out. We're not going to face his force in the mansion and then the responsive force not inside it. We're not gonna take it over until AFTER the soldiers within disperse because they don't have a paycheck anymore." he replied.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Makes sense, I will see you in the morning then. She says, before finally exiting the overcrowded room. After picking up her sword from the floor, she slowly made her way downstairs. Yuki mind was plagued with the feeling she was about to make a horrible mistake. However it didn’t seem like he was lying, after all if he didn’t seem like the type that would choose the diplomatic solution if he just wanted to sell her as a slave. Still she didn’t feel too good about how vulnerable she would be, but hopefully in the worst case scenario, she wouldn’t have to do something too disgusting, however that might just be wishful thinking. All she could hope for is that things would go perfectly, and perhaps she could also put her little plan in motion to take out both of them.

Once she finally reached downstairs, she came up to the counter placing her sword right in front the innkeeper. Am I still needed down here, or is it okay for me to call it a night? Hopefully she wouldn’t have to work much longer tonight, as she wanted to be in good shape for tomorrow.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

The inn keeper squinted his eyes at her. "Oi, why aren't you in the outfit?" he questioned her, looking angry. "The other girls were all bought out, and the only one I have left is you, and you're toting around like a mercenary!" he growled. "Get your ass back in that outfit and see to it that none of the customers need anything for the night! Fucking useless new bitch." he threw his hands up angrily.

Depending on Yuki's choice she could sleep in the shabby place for the night. Various patrons also offered her coin to sleep with them. But she naturally refused them all.

(Yuki acquired 10 denarii.)

She'd get sleep for the night, before the inn keeper would make her serve breakfast before she'd be allowed to leave to decide whether she'd come back or not. At the same time, the tanned bald man came down, outright kidnapping Yuki out of the building before she'd have to do anything. The inn keeper didn't even say a word as he'd likely face the criminal's wrath. They came out onto the streets, and the criminal produced what looked like a metal collar. "Fake slave collar." he declared, putting it on his own neck to show that it had no effect, before handing it to her to put it on her neck. "Wear it, play the part. You can't refuse orders. Do what you can to slice the slob's throat. Got it?" he questioned. His manor was just up the way, so once Yuki made up her mind they'd depart up the hill with an 'enslaved' Yuki in tow. "We'll be outside of town. Send a signal that the deed's done. Good idea might be a fire. Just make a commotion."
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki glares angrily at the innkeeper, but her expression softens as she knew that she broke the rules.''Sorry about that, I just didn’t feel safe going into that man’s room without any protection. I will go back to work immediately.'' She said. Quickly she changed back into just an apron. Immediately she went back to work, this time she worked a lot more swiftly, not caring as much about showing off her naughty bits to the patrons as she was trying to make up for breaking the rules. After refusing various offers, her shift was finally over as she crawled into a shabby looking bed, but she was used to a lot worse so it didn’t matter a lot to her.

After a somewhat unpleasant night sleep, she woke up ready to work. After dressing in her apron, and heading back into the main room the serve people their breakfast, she got rudely interrupted by the bald man that came downstairs. ''Huh? Wait can you first let me put something on?'' She pleads, while being dragged outside in merely an apron. While trying her best to make sure her breasts weren't popping out the apron and covering up her firm round butt, Yuki listened to the man’s explanation. ''Understood.'' She said seriously, while she took the collar from him, Yuki looking a bit suspicious at the collar while being rather hesitant to put it on. After a bit she finally made up her mind and snapped the collar around her neck, quickly returned to covering up ass as she felt uncomfortable being this exposed outside. ''P-Please hurry, I am not fond of exposing myself like this.'' She stated, with a bright blush across her face. Ahh, please let the streets be empty, and the place close by. She hoped, while following the men to the place.
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