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ShadowWolf's Streaming - Cities: Skylines Derpery (Maybe)

Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Empty ALL the Clips!

Going live soon:
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Reactivating attempts.

So, I've re-installed OBS after some stuff screwed up on me, and going to try to attempt streaming again. Probably going to make the first attempt be a run on XCOM: Enemy Unknown, running a mod that makes things a bit easier on me.

EDIT: Seems things are working again, so will be attempting the stream. If you want to peanut gallery or discuss directly my fails, I'll try to have my Skype on as well when I stream.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Reactivating attempts.

Going to be going live at about 1400 Eastern. Maybe 1500, depending on if I have to do something else first.

As stated in the previous post, I'll probably have my Skype on, aiming for at least one person in that who is also watching the stream chat, as a means for being able to respond to questions/comments/snark faster than me trying to remember to alt-tab to check periodically.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - XCOM Shenanigans, now with zero Action Cam.

Will be going live soon. Time to show people how I troll some of the difficulty nuts.

Here's the stream link:

And don't expect use of the Action Cam, that thing gives me headaches.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - XCOM Shenanigans, now with zero Action Cam.

Derping around with another XCOM stream, mostly fine-tuning settings for streaming.

Also planning on a major streaming run on Saturday.

And like last time, I'll have my mod running, as well as having my Skype up to talk with anyone who wants to.

...Or not. Having technical issues.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Suddenly, SimCity Societies.

Suddenly, randomly changing what I'm planning on streaming! Because I feel like it.

So, I'll be going live here shortly, and will just be randerping the map.

- Over pretty quickly.

NOTICE: Further streams will be delayed until I can determine why OBS has decided to start randomly crashing on me.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Suddenly, SimCity Societies.

Okay, so... Been doing a few tests, and I think I've gotten the stuff more/less working on my end. There currently seems to be a bit of an issue between Twitch and my browser still.

What that means is that while I can still stream, I can't really see a blasted thing in the chat. So, if I'm going to do more streaming, which I'd like to, I'll need to have someone assisting. Mostly, all the assistance will entail is monitoring the chat and alerting me via Skype, or whatever other voice-chat type program I end up using if Microshaft keeps grabbing the stupid ball.

IN OTHER NEWS: Planning another SCS:D game stream for soonish. Here's what the options for city type are, let me know if you want to see anything in particular.

I'll probably cause a disaster spam at the end. And if it's a Fun/Romantic style... Well, I'll probably trigger a few Mimes versus Clowns fights.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Uninhabited Volcanic Islands of Undisclosed Location

Recently obtained the game Evil Genius, and I'm considering streaming it.

For those unfamiliar with it, it's a Dungeon Keeper style game, where you're playing as the Evil Genius running a villainous organization in the style of the old campy spy movies. Complete with bright neon-yellow jumpsuits as the standard uniform for your basic minions.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Uninhabited Volcanic Islands of Undisclosed Location

Evil Shenanigans afoot:
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Evil Genius Shenanigans

Going to look at setting up another run on Evil Genius. So, a question on the off chance that there's actually someone who'd watch it:

Which Evil Genius should I pick?

The choices are:

Maximillian - Pretty much the standard Evil Genius choice, bald fellow who gets research done for cheaper. Starting henchman ends up getting a teleport move.

Alexis - Female Evil Genius, her minions lose Loyalty slower than the other Geniuses. Starting henchman is the only ranged choice among the "Primary" henchmen.

Shen Yu - Oriental Evil Genius, enemy agents spend less time on missions to the Island. Starting henchman is highly skilled at uncovering new Acts of Infamy on the World Domination screen. Also generates zero Heat, which is the measure of how much you're currently ticking of the "good guys".
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Evil Genius Shenanigans *CANCELLED*

Given that I've not even gotten any indication that this has even been looked at, I'm cancelling the plans for further streaming.

I might pick up again at a later date, but for now, it just doesn't seem worth the effort, since apparently no one is interested.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Evil Genius Shenanigans

Fuggit, gonna stream this anyway. 60s-70s spy genre parody ahoy.

Unless I get a post requesting otherwise while I'm setting up, I'll likely end up using the apparent "easy mode" choice of Shen Yu. He's the one I saw used most in the YouTube videos I looked up for this game. Probably because Lord Kane's high plotting speed and zero Heat generation are highly useful early on.

EDIT: Going to be delayed a bit, there's some work going on that I need to accommodate. Especially since it's being done by the person who pays the bills.

EDIT2: Looking like best time to try again may be in about 4 hours.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Evil Genius Shenanigans

For anyone who might actually give a flying fuck, I'll be going live on the stream in just a few.

Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Evil Genius Shenanigans

On the off-chance someone wanted to see it, but missed:
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Evil Genius Shenanigans

Throwing this out, since I've been considering it: I may at some point attempt a Sims 3 stream. Details and other stuff may depend on response.

...Also, it'll depend on what I have access to when/if I do the stream. Currently, I've only got access to Hardware's copy, so limited access but several expansions/add-ons. *IF* I can manage to get my own copy, I'll have better access, but be more limited in what I can do.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Evil Genius Shenanigans

Assuming there isn't ice storm knocking out power, or I don't get distracted working on the Angry Bear, I'll likely end up picking up the Evil Genius game again for streaming tomorrow. Will likely be from the save I made at the end of the last stream.

EDIT: Oh, and it'll maybe be more interesting than the first stream, since I'll be up to the point where there'll be "Forces of Justice" agents starting to show up.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Evil Genius Shenanigans

Postponing my planned streaming run a bit. Apparently, my system decided it was a good time to clean out.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Of ZZ Top Beards and Musical Shenanigans

So, shifting gears again. (Big fuckin' surprise, right?)

Managed to work out how to get LOTRO streaming properly. Decided I'm going to derp around, do a little showing off of the in-game player-generated music system, show off the effects of the somewhat infamous "Inn League Sinister Keg", and maybe do some drunken adventuring derpery with my Dwarf Minstrel.

EDIT: Derp, forgot to mention... I'll be looking at running the stream in a couple of hours.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Of ZZ Top Beards and Musical Shenanigans

Going live a bit sooner than I'd expected.

Hop in, if you want, and have fun trolling:
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Of ZZ Top Beards and Musical Shenanigans

Right. That ended oddly. Crashed out suddenly. Sorry about that. Probably happened around the time I tried to switch back to full screen due to UI issues ingame.