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ShadowWolf's Streaming - Cities: Skylines Derpery (Maybe)

Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Of ZZ Top Beards and Musical Shenanigans

A little impromptu, but trying out another LOTRO stream, this time derping around as a Runekeeper, instead of a Minstrel.

EDIT: Ended early, while I try to figure out why there keeps being issues on the video end of things.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Of ZZ Top Beards and Musical Shenanigans

Going to try LOTRO again here. Entire focus of this stream will be showing off some of the usable music files that I've got for the in-game player-generated music system. As long as the audio doesn't crash, or the stream end abruptly, it shouldn't matter too much if the video gets borked.

for the tunes.

EDIT: Or not... Looks like I'm back to not streaming until I figure out why the attempts aren't even showing up.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Back to SimCity Societies stuff.

So, readying making an attempt at derping up a resort-typed place in SimCity Societies: Destination. Probably going to stream if I do.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Back to SimCity Societies stuff.

And live.

EDIT: Stopped early due to emergency involving biological processes. Will make another attempt when I'm sure things have settled down.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Back to SimCity Societies stuff.

Well, going to give this another go, with the warning that the stream may suddenly stop, given the fact that I may suddenly need to go make an extended stay in the bathroom, as the lower system kind of feels like it wants to start cleaning out.

Anyway, trying to get a Resort-type place up and running with SimCity Societies: Destinations. I've not read any kind of guides on this, or even really done a tutorial for it, so the locale shall be given the name of "Grand Derp". I'll be at least including a Snowy Mountain landmark, so I can set up a Skiing place.

Also, going live.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Possible revival with Sims 3.

So, might be reviving this shite now that I've got Sims 3. If I do, will probably start off with some misadventures of a male Sim named Herp Derpson, at least until something else comes through... Looking at getting a second monitor so I can have the Twitch browser window up on that, since Sims games seem to be really finicky when windowed, at least for me. That'll let me see any questions or other derpery when I run.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - DRUNKFAEC DBXV!

So, the Sims 3 stuff kind of didn't happen, partially due to some minor technical goofs. HOWEVER! I've been playing Dragonball Xenoverse a bit recently, and I've gotten things set up for doing a run through the Frieza Saga missions with Male Voice #8, which was voiced by one of the Abridged guys. And includes the jokes.

So, Sunday evening, from around 2000h Eastern (8PM), I'll be attempting to stream my run with that... After I've had a drink or two of a Tullamore Dew/Pressed Apple Juice mix. Joining me on commentary will be Lucas, who might or might also be impaired.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - DRUNKFAEC DBXV!

Or you could play parallel quest mode with Arjay (because I also have this)
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - DRUNKFAEC DBXV!

Oy. RJ, Impaired Lucas, and Drunkfaec Wolf on PQs? This could get amuse.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - DRUNKFAEC DBXV!

Never stated that I thought you wouldn't be.

More of a "Not sure, so make no comment one way or the other" thing.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - DRUNKFAEC DBXV!

Just to let people know, ShadowWolf and I did a test run of things because we needed to calibrate our recording stuff yesterday; I woke up this morning and only remember what happened up to a certain point.

This can only mean good things. :B
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - DRUNKFAEC DBXV!

You're using OBS right. All other methods are inferior.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - DRUNKFAEC DBXV!

As long as it doesn't decide to do the Crash-out Conga, yeah.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - DRUNKFAEC DBXV!

Okay, so missed posting the start of the stream.


the replay, at least for a bit.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - DRUNKFAEC DBXV!

So, considering doing a round 2 on the drunken DBXV PQs. This time, I'll try to have a bit more booze available for me, so I might get a little more noticeably impaired.

If this happens, expect me to be using my new gag character, since I managed to beat the game and unlock the extra character slots.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - DRUNKFAEC DBXV!

You'd better have put the best move in the game on that character.

Shake that booty.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Choices ahoy.

So, that second impaired run on DBXV kind of fell through, in part due to me having some sudden health issues that kind of made me not feel like playing much in the way of games for a bit. That feeling's pretty much past, now.

So, decision time. If I stream again, which option seems more interesting to folks, should anyone actually be arsed to look at this thread:

1) More DBXV, possibly impaired.
2) LEGO Worlds.
3) Sims 3 derpery.
4) Don't bother, no one wants to watch.

And no, at this point, I'm not taking any suggestions on other games to stream.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Inbound.

I'm probably going to try streaming something later this evening, in about 4-5 hours. Dunno what yet. Might even try seeing about having someone else on to act as chat moderator for the stream or something.