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Shattershield Ridge (ToC PvP Arena)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
A mountainous section of cliffs, covered in scraggly grass and the broken remnants of arms and armor. The region is rife with caves that bend to the will of the victorious at the goddess' behest, allowing them to enjoy their prizes in the manner and setting of their choosing.


Another day, another strange, vaguely ominous location for Ona to find herself in. Idly kicking a broken wooden shield off the side of a cliff and watching it bounce all the way to the bottom, she turned as the last echoes were fading and continued on her way, looking for an opponent while idly keeping her left hand on the hilt of her sword.
Yaeko had always felt quite at home among mountains. Indeed, she had been raised on one mountain and then had lived in a temple atop another when she had decided to pursue martial arts as her life's passion. Her comfort was doubtlessly helped by the fact that, thanks to her genetics, she could take just about any path she liked up a cliff, the sharp talons on her feet and hands allowing her to scale up the side as easily as some could walk a path to the top. And she was rapidly shuffling up the side of a particular cliff when a broken wooden shield would just barely miss striking her, the discarded thing instead hitting a section of rock above the the scaling woman which jutted out just enough to give her cover from sight and falling debris.

Newly invigorated to get to the top and figure out just why someone was throwing things at her, the dragonkin would rush up the final distance toward the ledge and pull herself up onto the road just in time to find a woman walking away, seemingly unaware of having nearly beaned Yaeko with a shield. The short warrior-monk sighed when she realized it had probably been an idle act rather than a targeted attack, but decided to speak up anyway. First, however, she would brush some of the dirt from her long, white robes and arm herself with her long yari, removing it from where she'd tied it into the wide sash around her waist in order to avoid losing it while scaling, One could never sure how bloodthirsty even seemingly normal people might be, especially around this place.

"Oi!" She called to the other woman after making her preparations. "Please do be more careful, Lady Warrior! Not all of us walk the footpath! That falling debris did nearly give me quite headache..." she complained, idly rubbing her forehead around one of her branch-like antlers as she recalled what might have happened if she hadn't been protected by the rocks.
Ona jumped in shock when Yaeko called out to her, having not heard the other woman's ascent up the side of the cliff despite her haste. She turned, drawing the short sword at her hip and holding it straight out at the woman who had suddenly appeared behind her. The long polearm in her hands further caused Ona to visibly tense, but after a few seconds her brain actually processed what Yaeko had actually said, "Oh!" prompting her to slowly lower it as a blush crept over her face.

"Ohhh.... S-sorry! I uhh, d-did not see you coming up!" Her initial stumbling over her response came as much due to how rusty her Amazonian was as it did from the actual embarrassment about having nearly brained the stranger with a falling piece of debris. After an awkward pause, Ona would lower her weapon further, seeing that the stranger wasn't immediately jumping to attack her. "I'm... My name is Ona, despite my error, I am pleased to meet you," she said, dipping at the waist in a formal bow. After she'd straightened up, she cleared her throat and, after another moment of silence, asked; "Errr... W-would you... Like to get some something to drink... Errr, coffee later? I haven't met many who didn't just attack outright when encountered outside of the hall, it's kind of refreshing."
The sohei would smile at Ona's polite bow, happy to confirm that the act was born of brief oversight than of malice. She would reply to Ona's kind greeting with a slightly more theatrical bow of her own, flourishing her long yari with a little twirl that ended with it pointing off to the side as she bent low to show her respect for the other woman. Planting her weapon once more as she straightened, she would announce herself. "I am simply Yaeko. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Dame Ona."

"I will gladly take you up on your offer, though I am afraid it will need to wait until later," Yaeko cheerfully continued. An offer to drink with one such as Ona later was one that she would never readily turn down. But first she had something else in mind, though it might have been to Ona's disappointment if she had been hoping the sohei was the type to avoid violence entirely. "As for the others... It is true that they can be quite dangerous and too quick to the point, yet I find myself unable to blame them overly much. They have just found themselves swept up in the revelry. And who would not be? This is a chance to test ourselves against the mightiest without fear of death," she reasoned, speaking as only a warrior who was currently on a winning streak could.

"And speaking of that... how confident are you in your sword, Dame Ona?" Yaeko asked the question with a grin, likely easily cluing Ona into what she was after even before she continued. "I will not force you to duel me if you do not wish it, there is no fun in that. But I will be honest, I scaled this cliff looking for sport before my night's meal and you seem to carry yourself quite capably."
Ona blushed again when referred to as "Dame" by the stranger that she'd nearly brained with a discarded piece of broken equipment, but despite an intention to correct the formal title would allow it to pass, especially given what Yaeko said next. Her expression broke into a bright grin, then turned to a slight frown, but then slowly broke out into a grin again. "Fairly," she answered confidently, responding first to the challenge. "It's just Ona, I am not a proper knight, not yet anyway... I must confess to similar reasons for being out on this cliffside, so perhaps it's fortunate that I almost conked you on the head?"

Raising her sword and taking a step forward into a more readied stance, Ona would give a slight inclination of her head. "Would you prefer to set any terms beyond the... Usual? I assume from your confident tone that you are an adaptable sort, but if you have qualms against the use of magic as some do, I would be willing to forgo it."
"Oho! No, I would never insist on such arbitrary limitations! Use all the magic you like and I shall do the same!" The white-haired dragonkin responded with an earnest smile. At the same time, her left leg shifted backward ever so slightly and she readied her long yari by taking it with both hands and repositioning it so that the butt of the weapon was low to the ground behind her and the tip was high in front of her and pointed toward Ona. "I am ready when you are. Let us revel together!"

Not wholly sure how you want to handle this. Do you want to grab a guest GM or go about this some other way?
HP = 67/67, PP = 47/47, EP = 74/74, Status = Fine
: HP = 60/60, PP = 70/70, EP = 50/50, Status = Fine

Ona would only smile serenely when Yaeko confirmed that they wouldn't be placing any limitations on what they could use to fight one another, and would briefly close her eyes as she stiffened in preparation. Violet scales would spread across what little visible skin she had, mostly across her cheeks and brow, and when her eyes flicked open again they were crimson and sibilant. "Ready," she murmured in a much louder, more booming voice before striding forward at a sedate pace despite the purposeful movement.

(Draconic transformation X = 8, costs 7 EP, 4 EP upkeep, +2X bonus to melee damage, Bull Rush checks, Overrun Checks, Swim checks, and weapon and power attack rolls, a +X bonus to AV and Grapple checks, and a +X bonus to damage rolls with ranged weapons dependent on Body. Also WALK FORWARD.)