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Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva's Stats:

1100/1500 XP, 1341/1500 KP. KL 0/6. Level 3.

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 20
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 40

HP: 60/60
Stamina: 60/60

Items: 9 MM Handgun (8 Rounds Left)

Shiva hears nothing back from her captor, the speaker system apparently either having been turned off, ignored or only working one way.


Move on.

Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva growled a little, and clenched her teeth in anger, "I know you can hear me... You son of a bitch..." she cursed him, "Your corruption won't save you from me... I'll wipe you from existence before I'm done making your life miserable..."

Wanting to live up to her promise, she proceeded onwards, somehow hoping the sick, twisted bastard himself would be there, and she would put an end to his life...
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva's Stats:

1100/1500 XP, 1341/1500 KP. KL 0/6. Level 3.

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 20
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 40

HP: 60/60
Stamina: 60/60

Items: 9 MM Handgun (8 Rounds Left)

Shiva enters a room with a stairwell leading up as her exit, and other than that the room is totally empty!


Move on.

Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva put a hand on her face at the sudden twists and turns she has been constantly taking, and sighed in annoyance, "... Did the architect have a mental defect when he made the blueprints for this place?" she asked aloud, knowing the voice was likely listening.

Shiva continued to press forward, walking up the steps...
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva's Stats:

1100/1500 XP, 1341/1500 KP. KL 0/6. Level 3.

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 20
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 40

HP: 60/60
Stamina: 60/60

Items: 9 MM Handgun (8 Rounds Left)

Shiva enters a room that is about thirty feet in total size, well lit and has one exit, a stairwell leading, predictably, back DOWN. She suddenly catches a THIRD map piece out of the corner of her eye, and scoops it up. Once more that voice fills the room.

"Congratulations Shiva on finding map piece number three. Your one step closer to facing me directly, is this not fun? Ah, I almost forgot, as your aware of already, you must fight a boss in order to keep this map piece, and you must defeat him. That said, meet the Four Armed Titan. Do enjoy, and perhaps you'll have another baby with him too. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Once more a force shield blocks her exit, and the gargantuan Titan suddenly comes into view, even uglier than she had imagined!

Enemy Stats and Description (See image page for more detail if it exists):

Level: BOSS

4 Armed Titan: The four armed Titan is a massive beast, and he has a fully formed human penis which is extendable, meaning he can hold you in the air with his four arms and rape you at the same time. His grapple consists of grabbing you in his arms and simply holding you in the air while he tries to penetrate you. Don't let him or you won't like the result. His skin seems to be made of hardened lava rock, yet feels like human flesh, and the eyes are completely yellow.

Grapple Attempt:

Titan: 61 Vs. Shiva: 50+22=72

Shiva dodges not one, but all four arms as they swing for her, likely panting slightly from that much effort. At least she hadn't been grabbed!


Attack big ugly!

Get Raped by him.
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Rolling quickly out of the beast's way, Shiva was relieved to escape it's grasp, and raises her gun to fire...
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva's Stats:

1100/1500 XP, 1341/1500 KP. KL 0/6. Level 3.

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 20
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 40

HP: 60/60
Stamina: 60/60

Items: 9 MM Handgun (8 Rounds Left)

Attack Roll:

Shiva: 50+40=90 Vs. Titan: 51 (LOL)

Damage Calculations:


Shiva blasts the Titan square in it's left eye, and it rears back in pain, bellowing before lunging at her again.

Grapple Attempt:

Terror: 57 Vs. Shiva: 50+9=59

... and Shiva dodges once more, but just barely.



Get Raped.
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

(Shiva has 7 rounds left, about to be 6 after this shot)

Feeling the adrenaline pump through her veins, Shiva leaps to the side again, out of it's way, and took aim at the monster again, quickly wanting to see it die as soon as possible...
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva's Stats:

1100/1500 XP, 1341/1500 KP. KL 0/6. Level 3.

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 20
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 40

HP: 60/60
Stamina: 60/60

Items: 9 MM Handgun (7 Rounds Left)

Attack Roll:

Shiva: 50+41=91 Vs. Titan: 69

Damage Calculations:


Shiva blasts the beast again, and it simply runs at her, not slowing down one bit.

Grapple Attempt:

Titan: 91 Vs. Shiva: 50+11=61

Shiva can't dodge fast enough this time, and suddenly finds herself lifted up high into the air, held in the beasts four strong arms, feet off the ground!


Attempt to escape grapple.

Get Raped!

Hangun (7 Rounds Left)
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva cries out, "No!" as she was finally grabbed by the beast, kicking, and squirming around in it's grasp, desperately wanting to get away before it inserted it's cock inside her.
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva's Stats:

1100/1500 XP, 1341/1500 KP. KL 0/6. Level 3.

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 20
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 40

HP: 60/60
Stamina: 60/60

Items: 9 MM Handgun (7 Rounds Left)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Shiva: 40+27=67 Vs. Titan: 51

Shiva gets out of it's grip ....

Grapple Attempt:

Titan: 62 Vs. Shiva: 40+11=51

... and promptly is grabbed again!


Attempt to escape grapple.

Get Raped.
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Irritated, Shiva promptly tries to escape the grapple again.
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva's Stats:

1100/1500 XP, 1341/1500 KP. KL 0/6. Level 3.

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 20
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 40

HP: 60/60
Stamina: 60/60

Items: 9 MM Handgun (7 Rounds Left)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Shiva: 40+26=66 Vs. Titan: 43

Shiva once more escapes his grip ...

Grapple Attempt:

Titan: 74 Vs. Shiva: 50+47=97 (NICE!)

... and this time easily dodges the bastard when he tries to grab her again!


Attack him!

Get Raped!
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

As soon as the monster come grabbing for her, Shiva takes a leap up, stepping on it's head for a boost, and flipping in midair. Once upside down, she points her guns at it, attempting to shoot at it's head.
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva's Stats:

1100/1500 XP, 1341/1500 KP. KL 0/6. Level 3.

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 20
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 40

HP: 60/60
Stamina: 60/60

Items: 9 MM Handgun (7 Rounds Left)

Attack Roll:

Shiva: 50+44=94 Vs. Titan: 55

Damage Calculations:


Shiva's shot rings true, blasting the Titan in the back of it's head, ripping it half off. The creature lets loose a roar powerful enough to drop a few rocks from the ceiling, then dies in a bloody heap. Shiva gains 500 XP and reaches Level 4! 10 Stat Points to allocate freely.


Move On.

Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

(10 points into strength)

Letting out a victorious sigh upon her opponent's defeat, Shiva walks onwards, with all intentions on finding, and killing the force behind her captivity...
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva's Stats:

1600/2000 XP, 1341/1500 KP. KL 0/6. Level 4.

Strength: 50
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 20
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 40

HP: 60/60
Stamina: 60/60

Items: 9 MM Handgun (7 Rounds Left)

Shiva enters a room with three exits. A stairwell going up, a stairwell going down, and a door in the far center wall. As she enters, she also discovers that there is someone else in the room with her. Or rather, she discovers she's walked in on ... herself?

Enemy Notice Roll:

Doppelganger: 76 Vs. Shiva: 40+37=77

So far, the enemy has not noticed her.



Run Away using one of the exits (specify which one)
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva was a bit stunned to see an exact copy of herself, but quickly reminded herself that this was likely another trick from the monster who trapped her here, and raised her gun to fire.
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva's Stats:

1600/2000 XP, 1341/1500 KP. KL 0/6. Level 4.

Strength: 50
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 20
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 40

HP: 60/60
Stamina: 60/60

Items: 9 MM Handgun (7 Rounds Left)

Attack Roll:

Shiva: 50+19=69 Vs. Doppelganger: 55

Damage Calculations:


Shiva fires her gun, and to her surprise, blows the head of her double clean off, killing it! After her enemy dies, she notices it dropped some kind of short sword, which could come in good use if she ran out of ammo she might think. Shiva gains 50 XP!


Grab the sword and move on.

Leave without the sword.

(Specify which exit for either.)
Re: Shiva (RaptorJesus)

Shiva let out a sigh, and felt a little remorse from killing... Her double. For as far as she knew, she might have actually helped her, but she wasn't about to take that chance.

Putting her gun in her left hand, Shiva took the sword, and held it in her right, and decided to take the stairway up...