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Shop, and missions

Re: Shop, and missions


"I left a small..."package" in Iris's room... Could I ask you to please move that item into my own room?... Preferably by yourself if possible..."

Preferring not to raise inquiry from the guards on why there was a tied up girl in Iris's room, Luna hoped to have a person she already "knew" to a certain extent, to move it.
Re: Shop, and missions

( Iris has 33 9mm bullets in total )

Jesse raised her eyebrow at the request, her eyes were blinking with suspicion as she answered,

"... Alright..." she agreed, her voice sounding much darker than anyone was used to.
Re: Shop, and missions

Smilling in response, Luna thanked the woman, not clear whether she was aware of the change in voice, or that she simply didn't care.


"Thank you, I'll leave it to you while I'm gone then."

Bowing out of the way, the brown haired-girl returned to standing behind her sister, allowing her to take care of the business she needed to take care of.
Re: Shops, and missions

Iris didn't pay attention to the conversation that went on between Luna and Jesse. Even if Iris had thought about what Luna meant by there being there being a package in her room she wouldn't of thought that Luna had tied and gagged poor Fleur and left her there. With Luna behind her Iris spoke to Jesse.

Speaking in a friendly tone Iris began to talk to Jesse.
" Jesse, there was something I wanted to ask you. Do you have any idea where I could find a Sub machine gun? "

Iris loved her 9mm handgun and all but she figured a sub machine gun could do more damage.
Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse tilted her head at Iris.

"Sweetie... Don't ya think that if I knew the answer to that question, I'd have a sub machine gun in my stocks?" she reminded Iris about how much of a collector she obviously is.
Re: Shops, and missions

Iris shook her head a little before answering Jesse's question, her voice slightly disappointed sounding as she spoke.

" No, I guess not. I just figured if anyone knew where I could get a sub machine gun it would be you... Anyways I'm about to head out on a mission. Could I have a pair of body armor? "

Iris would give Jesse the outfit she had on now if she got a pair. She wouldn't need these clothing if she got body armor.
Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse held her hand in front of Iris's face at the mention of a mission, interrupting her.

"Not another word out of you, I don't want to hear about it," Jesse seemed upset again, as her sudden behavior sprung up as soon as Iris mentioned she was going on a mission.
Re: Shop, and missions

* Without saying another word about her mission with Luna and Emily Iris hugged Jesse and said sorry. She then attempted to get a pair of body armor from Jesse. If she got a pair she would put it on and give Jesse the outfit she had now. *
Re: Shop, and missions

(( Hey Raptor, sorry. That post sucked. Let me edit it before you reply. ))
Re: Shop, and missions

* Jesse returned the hug and accepted the apology. Iris exchanged the clothes with the armor and changed into them in public. Jesse then attempted to call Iris sweetie and give her a kiss. If Iris accepted she would wave the three girls goodbye when they left. *
Re: Shop, and missions

(*cough* anyway, lets go back to normal posting in the mission thread shall we?...)
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena walks into the shop, looking around,

"Hey Jesse, you around? I need to talk to you about something!"
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena looks around to make sure no one's in the store, then slowly pulls her panties down, revealing her cock to the shopkeep again,

"Remember this thing? Y'know? The one you want me to do you with?" She grins as she pulls her panties back up, "As fun as it has been poking this into random girls and making them squeal, it's doing weird things... I mean, I thought after sex, you're supposed to feel tired, especially if you have man parts. But when I do it, they get really tired... like... well... as if they were caught by a monster according to Violet. Do you have any idea what happened to me? And more importantly, am I going to wake up one day as one of those... monsters?"
Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse got away from behind the counter, and led Selena to a more secluded area where they could both sit, and speak silently.

"Selena... First off, you're not going to turn into a monster. Second... Yes... What you're doing is very similar to what those monsters do..." she took a deep breath, and mused over her words for a second, "... What happened to you, is that you've changed into... Well, one of those women you've likely met at that prison who have the same equipment as you... From this point, and on, the only way you'll survive, is by having sex with women... Don't ask me why, this is what I was told... But... Don't worry, sweetie... Just make love to Kitty, and whenever she says no... Just assume she's saying yes... She's into that, as you may have noticed. And, as you make love to her, you should be fine, you're not going to turn into a monster, you're just..." she seemed to blush and giggle a little, "... Going to be really horny from now on..."
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena grins and relaxes a little as she looks around,

"That's fine I guess, I don't know... maybe I should talk to the person in charge about this. Who the hell is in charge of this place anyway?"
Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse suddenly acted as if she saw a ghost, the pupils in her eyes going small.

"S-sweetie!" she started shaking her head back and forth, "No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no! You have to keep this a secret while you're here! The one in charge is the very woman I had to try and keep your secret hidden from while you were gone!"
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena smiles as she remembers what she was told by the guard as well as the mental image of Jesse dragging Violet around the inn, yelling at the top of her lungs,

"Thanks... by the way, what did happen that time? I was told you just yelled everything's fine! But I assume the good doctor would not be bribed so easily..." Selena looks somewhat distracted as she seems visably aroused, "She felt good around my cock~"
Re: Shop, and missions

"Well... After I found her, trying to tell the guards that there was a certain someone out to get everyone, I sort of... Convinced her that if she didn't tell everyone it was a bad dream, she would... Well," she cleared her throat, "That's another story..."
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena suddenly moves forward towards Jesse, brushing up against the shopkeeper as she smiles unerringly,

"I still haven't gotten you back for your happy little fun time with my ass the other day~ I think it's time I returned the favor!" She suddenly lunges forward, trying to remove Jesse's clothes, a hint of what could easily be mistaken from playfulness in her eyes.