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Should I make a Bestiary?


Well-known member
May 7, 2018
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Hey all. So... Long story short, I'm a guy who's into systems and creatures and biology, and that translates over to my interests, sexual and otherwise. I was reading some of the monster lists over in the RP, and I was... Inspired. Without getting into that too much, I made this thing, and I was wondering what people thought of it and if anyone would like to see more of this kind of thing, in something like a bestiary.
I posted this in Everything Else, and someone over there suggested I put it somewhere over here. This seemed like an appropriate place, but someone tell me if I'm intruding or anything.

Gossamer Worm

The Gossamer Worm is a dark blue flatworm, usually about three inches wide and around an inch thick when fully grown. Its adult length can be anywhere between 3 and 8 feet from end to end, though exceptionally old Gossamer Worms can be much longer. Gossamer Worms will turn red when excited, and produce black scar tissue that cannot change color. They also produce a clear mucus across their bodies.

On either end of a Gossamer worm is a flat orifice in line with its body that can produce bands of sheer silk webbing, not unlike ribbons. The Gossamer worm also has prehensile antennae up to a foot long, two on either side of its body, which can not only grasp objects with surprising strength, but are also incredibly sensitive to vibrations and chemical signatures, allowing the gossamer worm to feel, taste, smell, and hear with them. The worm also has two rows of simple black eyes on both flat sides of its body, recessed into protective pockets in its flesh.

The Gossamer worm also has a cloaca in the center of its body - This is one of the only discerning features that allows one to differentiate the belly of a Gossamer Worm to its back. It uses this cloaca for reproductive, consumption, and excretory functions. Inside the cloaca is a long prehensile mating limb, with three fleshy prongs around the opening at the end that it can use as rudimentary fingers. This retracts into one end of the worm - The other stores its long, powerful flat tongue, which has an incredibly soft, silky side, and a more abrasive side not unlike a cat’s tongue, with a circular opening at the end. It uses the tongue to clean its body, as well as to ingest liquids and spray a highly corrosive digestive fluid at prey and threats through the opening in the tip.

Opposite the cloaca is a set of three eyes, arranged in a straight line along its back. These are more developed eyes than the simple ones, and are used to gather more information about specific objects than the simple eyes across the rest of its body could allow. It can retract these eyes into its body to defend them - Strangely, the muscles used to do this are also apparently appropriated in other functions. One of the outer eyes will retract repeatedly while the worm is producing suction with its tongue, while the other will do the same while the worm is orgasming.

Gossamer Worms, while not possessing legs, are still surprisingly mobile when they want to be. They are capable of hanging from silk produced by their spinnerets, and retracting the silk to redigest and reuse it. With their secondary and primary eyes working together, along with their antennae, they’re capable of travel at great speeds through arboreal environments. However, their highest speeds require them to leave behind silk, quickly draining energy and nutrients from the worm, and even slower movements using silk can be very tiring. They’re better suited to quick bursts of silk usage, especially as their secondary eyes aren’t particularly suited to navigating new environments.

The worm is also capable of grasping branches with its antennae, though it’s difficult for larger specimens to support their entire weight this way. By far the most efficient means of travel for a Gossamer Worm is the simplest - Slithering or crawling.

It is important to note that Gossamer Worms are not affected by the adhesive on their silk, and are able to free their prey simply by squeezing their bodies between the strands of silk and the victim.

-Habitat & Hunting
The Gossamer Worm lives almost exclusively in temperate and tropical forests. This is due to the worm’s hunting style; A Gossamer Worm will typically use its antennae create a den in soft soil once it becomes fully grown, around which it will set up a “fence” - A carefully applied network of silk bands surrounding the den site in a column that reaches from forest floor to the upper reaches of the canopy, sometimes with a “roof” over the area. The exact structure of the fence depends on the age of the Gossamer Worm; younger specimens will tend to create broad, thin silk sheets for catching insects, while sexually mature specimens will begin to create dense, strong, tightly wound threads with more space between them to catch larger prey and potential mates. The den site will often be around a pool of water or a notable structure or place of shelter, as this provides the Gossamer Worm with permanent bait to lure in large creatures.

Once the Gossamer Worm has established a fence, it will spend most of its time hiding in its den, periodically coming out to maintain the webbing. Extraordinarily, the Gossamer Worm is able to render its webs almost completely invisible to the visible light spectrum by liberally applying mucus from its skin to the silk. If the Gossamer Worm does not continue to apply its mucus to its fence, the fence will become translucent once dried.

The webbing itself is extremely adhesive whether it’s dried or not, and contracts as tension is applied to it. The fence is usually not strongly adhered to the ground, and thus prey will often find itself being dragged both inward and upward as it tries to free itself, typically being ensnared in more and more threads or ribbons. Smaller prey, such as insects, will often not be strong enough to cause this effect. The silk also has an incredibly high tensile strength, but is easy enough to cut due to low shear strength and a lack of adhesive on the insides of the dense cables produced by sexually mature Gossamer Worms.

Once a Gossamer Worm has ensnared prey in its fence, it will usually depend on sound or smell to alert it to the presence of the prey. However, even if its prey isn’t noticed immediately, it will rarely be left for more than an hour. Once a Gossamer Worm is aware of prey caught in the fence, it will come out to investigate. If it decides the animal caught in the fence is not a potential mate, it will consume it by dissolving its flesh with digestive enzymes and drinking the resulting fluids with its tongue. Gossamer Worms have been known to sometimes feed off of the bodily fluids of its prey if it excretes them readily enough, instead of full digestion. This is, however, typically temporary - The worm may be starving or sick, and unable to produce digestive enzymes, or it may simply not be hungry at all, and thus will often feed on some of the extreted fluids of the victim and release it when it becomes too troublesome.

If threatened, the Gossamer Worm will usually defend itself by fleeing using silk-assisted locomotion, or spraying digestive enzymes at its assailant. Should its fence be destroyed, the Gossamer Worm will often try to set up a new fence relatively nearby.

The Gossamer Worm is renowned for its odd method of reproduction. When a prey animal of significant size, such as a human or deer, becomes caught in the web of a sexually mature Gossamer Worm, it will appraise the prey, and potentially select it as an incubator, colloquially referred to as a “bride”. The criteria Gossamer Worms use to select their incubators is largely unknown, though they seem to prefer more docile and sexually receptive female specimens. The appraisal thus involves physical probing with the cloaca, tongue, and spinterettes of the worm - It will also use the opportunity to adjust the webbing around the prey to both secure the potential incubator and ensure its comfort.

If a Gossamer Worm does not find the potential incubator to its liking, it will often simply release the victim from its fence and allow it to flee. Very rarely will a Gossamer Worm simply kill and consume a prey animal they have considered as a potential incubator, unless they are highly aggressive.

However, if the Gossamer Worm instead “approves” of the incubator, they will then begin mating with them. This is not technically considered sexual reproduction - The incubator provides no genetic material in the exchange at all. The worm actually produces live young inside its own body via asexual budding. These larvae are around the size and shape of a knuckle, and the worm will produce dozens of them to offset the difficulties imposed by asexual reproduction. It will inject these, along with a white, viscous, nutrient-rich fluid, referred to as “milk”, into the incubator’s womb or other non-vital orifice. The larvae then feed on the fluids around them, growing rapidly over the course of a week. Many of the dozens of larvae will prove not viable, leaving around a tenth of their number to crawl out of the incubator’s womb.

While the young are growing inside the incubator, the Gossamer Worm parent is quite busy. After initial copulation, it will bring the incubator into its fence, usually near the den, and begin building a partial cocoon around them to restrict their movement while still providing the worm easy access into and out of the cocoon. This cocoon is often referred to as a “dress”, as it somewhat resembles a transparent wiggle dress produced from many layers of Gossamer Worm silk. The cocoon is, essentially, a secondary den and fence for the Gossamer Worm - Its purpose seems primarily to be protecting the worm from the incubator in case of unforeseen aggression, and to allow the incubator to move around and remain healthy while still under the ultimate control of the Gossamer Worm. The worm will remain under the cocoon as often as it would normally stay in its den, completely abandoning the den.

Once the cocoon is in place, the Gossamer Worm will obsessively clean, feed, and protect the incubator, and also repeatedly copulate with them while its young are still inside the incubator, primarily to feed the young Gossamer Worms more “milk”. This milk is also what it feeds the incubator, and it will often feed more milk to both the incubator and its young than they actually need if it possibly can. It is no secret that the repeated sessions of copulation and intensive, obsessive care are meant as an attempt to make the incubator less aggressive; indeed, it will often use its tongue to stimulate the clitoris of a female incubator, whether it’s cleaning her or copulating with her. The “milk” of the Gossamer Worm also contains mild aphrodisiacs, meant to further reduce the aggression of the incubator.

Once the young crawl out of the incubator, what happens next depends largely on the incubator’s physiology and previous behavior. A Gossamer Worm will often abandon an overly aggressive incubator, attempting to rear its young by itself by feeding them with the “milk” from its mating limb, and leaving the incubator outside of the worm’s primary fence.

Should the Gossamer Worm take a liking to the incubator, however, it will likely keep them. The Gossamer Worm may inject a lactation-inducing hormone into one of the incubator’s orifices if they are a mammalian species, and often the worm will modify the dress to allow the incubator to move freely. This is usually preceded by the worm taking down its fence to regain the nutrients spent to build it, and the incubator then acts as the sole fence and den of the Gossamer Worm. The worm will continue to feed itself, typically relying on a more active style of hunting for most food, and will also accept any food offered by its incubator. The young will also start feeding themselves, typically setting out on their own one by one as they find good places to set up dens and fences. A Gossamer Worm will sometimes remain with an Incubator indefinitely, mating with them over and over again. Again, it largely depends on the continued behavior of the incubator.

Should a Gossamer Worm be killed or die while its young still need to be fed, some of the young can often still survive. While inside the incubator, they can grow at a reduced rate by feeding off of the fluids in the womb, though even fewer of the young will survive with fewer nutrients, and should the incubator feed them when they come out, they can make it to adulthood. However, it’s more likely that the young worms will die, either within the incubator or after exiting them.

The Gossamer Worm is very long-lived and grows at a rate of around six inches in length per year, after growing to around two feet in length during its prepubescent period of around twenty days. A Gossamer Worm will be adolescent for about a year, catching and eating primarily small prey, and reach sexual maturity after being alive for a little over a year, at approximately three feet long.

After around seven years of life, the Gossamer Worm will reach exceptionally old ages. The problem is fairly simple - The worm, at this point, is usually finding it harder and harder to maintain a fence normally due to its sheer weight, and either must find inventive ways to move around its own fence without disrupting the silk, has a very atypical fence that is much easier to maintain, or must start hunting actively. An active hunting style is much more difficult to maintain for Gossamer Worms, and most will die from predation or starvation without a permanent fence to protect and feed them. However, a few are clever enough to make it work.

It should also be noted that older Gossamer Worms are more likely to maintain a permanent relationship with one of their brides, in the hopes that they’ll be able to feed and move via the bride. These older worms will often become so attached that they will cling to the bride even after the bride eventually dies, until the worm eventually joins them.

Not even close, actually x3 Way too girthy, too many legs, no silk use, etcetera. That being said... Where's that from? O///3///O

That image is from Rio Bitch Exorcist 3.

Is it its shape like at 3:32, and it does shoot webs, ?