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The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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We’ve been ripped off before by buying h games you don’t know much about, some times it turns out the content sucks. Other times we do it to get a feel for it before we start giving them money.

There are other times that people don’t wanna waste money at all. What are your thoughts? Should it be defended?
Honestly , I don’t think it should. Some creators need that income. Some have either put in all their time on their work or doing it to test the waters to see if they can make a profit. I understand that many have exploited this (Patreon), but still nobody works for free.

That’s why many have free demos. So the consumer can test out the product before they invest.
This would have been a bit better bait if it was titled "Should I have to listen to moralfags jerk themselves off verbally". Moralfags would have bitten super quick, because hahaha, which in turn would have drawn the opposite side.
Honestly , I don’t think it should. Some creators need that income. Some have either put in all their time on their work or doing it to test the waters to see if they can make a profit. I understand that many have exploited this (Patreon), but still nobody works for free.

That’s why many have free demos. So the consumer can test out the product before they invest.
Case by case basis, and some don't have demo (or proper one).
Eh, there's different tiers of piracy. There's "I don't want to purchase this game I'm interested in due to high cost/no trial version available/the Guilty Hell dev made it", where you wouldn't have bought the game anyway. No financial impact on the dev.

Then you have people who buy a copy of a game then share it with others in a group or forum like this one. Still fine in my opinion, a little bit of a dog move maybe but hey, someone has to provide the links for the first tier pirates. At least the dev gets one guaranteed sale from the group.

Third tier are people who pirate/buy games then try and make a profit off of it by sharing it out. Dick move.

In regards to this forum however in particular, I find that most of the 'regulars' will be happy to purchase a game if its both good quality and a reasonable price. Look at games like SHRIFT for example, quality and type of content is debatable sure, but you can't deny that the dev puts in effort. In return he gets sales even from us filthy gajin freebooters. Also, game is very cheap for what you get compared to what 1000 yen games usually consist of.
BARRAGE is the tits, and while the dev made some sub par work (the fallout game was eh) I'll probably continue to buy whatever he puts out.

Make a good game, and people will be more comfortable paying money for it. The purchase is more justified in the consoomer's mind.
I think it's pretty safe to say that most active people who use this site (not the broken english speaking link begging accounts) have bought at least four or five H games.

Oh, and Patreon and Enty cunts who lock demos and trials behind paywalls can suffer for all I care. Pirate away.
There are two questions to consider here(and neither of them are particular to h-games).

1) Are you depriving the developers of their income? If you would never have bought the game ANYWAY(for instance, if you just don't have much money to spend on games/porn) or if you pirate the game to try it out(much harder to justify if there is a decent demo) and then buy it later, then it's pretty clear cut that you're not harming anyone. This obviously gets a lot messier if you share the game.

2)Do the developers DESERVE that income? For hentai games it's generally a much flimsier argument(some devs may be dicks, but just because you're a dick doesn't mean you don't deserve to get paid - at least, as a general rule, I'm sure people can think of exceptions). On the other hand, I think we can all agree that the world would be a better place if Disney headquarters were burned to the ground and all their IP was made public domain.
There are two questions to consider here(and neither of them are particular to h-games).

1) Are you depriving the developers of their income? If you would never have bought the game ANYWAY(for instance, if you just don't have much money to spend on games/porn) or if you pirate the game to try it out(much harder to justify if there is a decent demo) and then buy it later, then it's pretty clear cut that you're not harming anyone. This obviously gets a lot messier if you share the game.

2)Do the developers DESERVE that income? For hentai games it's generally a much flimsier argument(some devs may be dicks, but just because you're a dick doesn't mean you don't deserve to get paid - at least, as a general rule, I'm sure people can think of exceptions). On the other hand, I think we can all agree that the world would be a better place if Disney headquarters were burned to the ground and all their IP was made public domain.

1) If we put Patreon aside as a money-making concept, I think if the game is worth the purchase, then you definitely should invest in the developer via buying the game. The issue stems from some developers only packing maybe a few hours' worth of content beyond what you experience in the demo. While one could argue that finishing the game that fast is on the person paying, I have to ask why the game was so short to begin with. Also, VN's are the laziest form of "games" and I will fight you on that.

2) This point kind of ties into the first. As I pointed out, what's the depth of content? Is it just a few hours of content, or enough to last for a time? Will I replay it? Sure, a demo can give me an idea of the latter, but not the former. I have to know before I buy something if it's worth the money. I think we have to apply the rule of "separating the art from the artist" for the latter part of your argument, too. Jontron made some really bad statements about statistics a few years back. Pewdiepie has been incidentally associated with anti-Semitic/Nazi imagery. Both are still popular more as an indicator of their value as content creators and not as people. I'm sure some of Jon's fans would feel inclined to tear his asshole open verbally while singing his comedic "genius" in the same breath.

I think we can't exclude crowdfunding in this situation, though. Unfortunately, it has created a kind of sub-market of people who have "concepts" and may/may not have made Patreon their primary income. In that way, we have to ask the question of "do developers deserve to earn money?" Obviously, people who put their blood, sweat, and tears into something deserve some form of compensation for their hard work. How much do they deserve, though? If I'm putting together a game, do I deserve money without proving my commitment or competence with a previous project? Should my word be sufficient for you to hand over your money?

I think the complexities of piracy are murkier than "does someone deserve to get paid?" We need to examine the reasons of why someone would be compelled to pirate content and if it can be justified with little scrutiny as to the morality behind such actions.
I go by the 'get the yarrr extended demo, if I like it enough I buy it' moto.
Most porn games are shovelware though, undeserving of a single penny.

Ironically most of the games I like the most are free anyway, it's almost like a passion project turns out better than a quick cash grab.
It's what Patreon should have been, a way for whales to support good devs with their passion projects, instead of a business model for people to get paid for doing nothing.
All piracy should be defended
It's a service problem. If buying a game is easy and it is priced right, then people will just buy it. The best way to reduce piracy is to just make the game available at a reasonable price(And make available a demo so people can try it out). This is also why AAA games get pirated a lot. But not that piracy is a bad thing for developers either, as an old EU study on it said piracy has minimal impact on sales and in most cases actually increases sales by a small amount

As it stands buying a h-game is complicated in many cases and most of them have no demo/demos not worth much. They also often seem to be very expensive for something with minimal gameplay, graphics and story. Often the porn aspect is disappointing as well, and the whole thing just wasn't worth the customer's time.
The amount of bad h games out there makes people want to pirate first, and buy later. And that is definitely the right call to deal with the average quality. But if they enjoy something, they should go back and give the dev some money to make sure the good quality stuff keeps getting made
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Should probably also be concerned with spending money on something intangible. You're only purchasing a license to use the software, one which can be revoked whenever the dev feels like it. Personally, I won't purchase something like that unless my intention is just to give someone money.
I use nyaa, only ever had trouble finding rare or old stuff.
The best way to reduce piracy is to just make the game available at a reasonable price(And make available a demo so people can try it out). This is also why AAA games get pirated a lot. But not that piracy is a bad thing for developers either, as an old EU study on it said piracy has minimal impact on sales and in most cases actually increases sales by a small amount

As it stands buying a h-game is complicated in many cases and most of them have no demo/demos not worth much. They also often seem to be very expensive for something with minimal gameplay, graphics and story. Often the porn aspect is disappointing as well, and the whole thing just wasn't worth the customer's time.
The amount of bad h games out there makes people want to pirate first, and buy later.

Or, a bit of a solution from the opposite side, if minimum wages are enough for people to pay their bills AND have some spare to spend on things, instead of barely scraping by.

Also, some game have really promising demo but then kinda flop in the full game because some of the stuffs teased just doesn't get played out properly in the full game/axed, so frankly more often than not trying the full game then buy if it's worth it is better.
To me, it REALLY depends on the game/creator in question. I pirate a LOT of them, and usually end up deleting them. However, the one that I do keep, I actually go ahead and purchase it as a show of good faith in the creator, as I'd like to see more from them.
Can I say a proverb?
A door closes and a door opens.
In the sense that they can close certain sites, but if others open, it is an infinite circle, they will certainly open other more functional sites than KA and KM.

What do I think about the topic of this post?
The war between pirates and copyrightists started before the internet and will never end. Man likes to do things in reverse the so-called "action equals reaction" phrase.

I probably said bullshit, but that's how I see it from my point of view.
Can I say a proverb?
A door closes and a door opens.
In the sense that they can close certain sites, but if others open, it is an infinite circle, they will certainly open other more functional sites than KA and KM.

This. People are getting so teary-eyed over a literal nothing. This isn't The Pirate Bay where it was the largest free torrent site on the net and the most well-known, thus guaranteeing the easiest access to the most content. Its death, while tragic, was a necessary wake-up call to "pirates" to not allow their sites to get too large in the event it catches the attention of some less-scrupulous asshat(s).

What do I think about the topic of this post?
The war between pirates and copyrights started before the internet and will never end. Man likes to do things in reverse the so-called "action equals reaction" phrase.

I probably said bullshit, but that's how I see it from my point of view.

The issue has less to do with an inverse of the laws of physics and more to do with people refusing to give to a corrupt system that benefits the whiniest (and richest) assholes the world has seen. I used to be able to find Busty Invaders From Mars on Pornhub. Now, I have to torrent it because Wicked didn't like the fact that someone was hosting their content on a free streaming site. Given that the adult film industry is full of Harvey Weinstein's, I'm not keen on supporting that industry.
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