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Grim Reaper
May 9, 2012
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This is a game I've been tinkering with on and off for the past few months. It's a raising / corruption sim with 3D images made using Illusion's HoneySelect. You play as Calvin who now lives with his niece Megan, and the goal is to corrupt her. It's a fairly modest game. While it's technically an RPG Maker MV game it plays nothing like a regular RPG as it is pretty much purely menu based with a point-and-click system.

Right now there are over 30 events and more than 70 images. The game is still in active development with a new version released each month.

One last thing: I made all the images in 1280x720 resolution, so for best results make sure you maximize the screen.

Save your game after the oral scene and keep that save. That is where the game's content currently stops and continuing to grind up Megan's stats will likely screw up the game later on. I'll continue to update this part of the post to give people a heads-up on where the game currently 'ends'.


I'm now up on Patreon. If you like this game consider .

Content: Incest / Male x Female / Male Protagonist / Voyeurism


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Re: Cohabitation

Any chance you have some screens or overall information of how the scenes and such will play out? Fetishes involved, if it's CG or 3D-style, etc...

I know a lot of people on this site, myself included, aren't huge fans of the recent surge in 3D hentai games as of late. Of course, that's more for the low effort games that abuse the free models and such, there are some gems out there.

Anyway, just suggesting adding a bit more info about the sexiness itself. It also helps in confirming that the link isn't a virus or such things when we have visual proof of the game's existence without downloading it first.
Re: Cohabitation

Any chance you have some screens or overall information of how the scenes and such will play out? Fetishes involved, if it's CG or 3D-style, etc...

I know a lot of people on this site, myself included, aren't huge fans of the recent surge in 3D hentai games as of late. Of course, that's more for the low effort games that abuse the free models and such, there are some gems out there.

Anyway, just suggesting adding a bit more info about the sexiness itself. It also helps in confirming that the link isn't a virus or such things when we have visual proof of the game's existence without downloading it first.

Re: Cohabitation

First issue I noticed was if the first thing you do once thing game actually starts is grope megan the grope image gets stuck on screen. You can still click the other things, if you can find the buttons, but nothing I've found made it leave the screen.
Re: Cohabitation

First issue I noticed was if the first thing you do once thing game actually starts is grope megan the grope image gets stuck on screen. You can still click the other things, if you can find the buttons, but nothing I've found made it leave the screen.

Whoops, forgot to erase the picture during the event. Fixed.

Thanks for pointing it out. I'll upload a new version in a little while. I've already made some additional changes since my original post and I'm currently working on a 'Watch TV with Megan' event.
Re: Cohabitation

Other potential issues, but maybe NYI ?
- "Sink" and "Trash" action do not seem to make the time advance
- Nothnig happens when ordering items
- Nothing happens when cooking diner for Megan
- Nothing happens when spying at night time

A display of the current $$$ would be helpful as well. :)
Edit : the time/day as well.

Do you plan to show the 4 stats ? Or to keep them hidden ?
Re: Cohabitation

Other potential issues, but maybe NYI ?
- "Sink" and "Trash" action do not seem to make the time advance

Fixed. Thanks for pointing them out.

- Nothnig happens when ordering items
- Nothing happens when cooking diner for Megan
- Nothing happens when spying at night time

Currently no content for any of those choices.

A display of the current $$$ would be helpful as well. :)
Edit : the time/day as well.

Do you plan to show the 4 stats ? Or to keep them hidden ?

The tutorial tells you how to do this: press the shift key. It'll bring up a small status page.
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Re: Cohabitation

New version:

- Fixed reported bugs (hopefully).
- Added a few new events (help her with schoolwork during the afternoon and watch TV with her during noon).
- Added first 'progression' event (first kiss), which should take roughly a week of in-game time of building up Megan's stats to activate. It should activate during the afternoon.
- Added text at the end of every event to inform the player of stat changes.
- Added a message for each map telling you what time of day it is.
- Added some place holder stuff: the divider event at midnight is the same as in the morning, I plan to change it once I actually create unique events for the midnight version. Likewise you can have breakfast during the evening because I haven't yet made dinner events.

I'll probably change the requirements to activate that first progression event. They're a bit high and nobody likes grinding too much.

I'd recommend saving after that kissing event, getting your stats too high afterward might mess up the progression and flow of later events.
Re: Cohabitation

Thanks for the quick feedback.

In v0.20 :

- Trying to go to the kitchen or the shower sends you back to the bedroom. (Fade to kitchen -> then immediatly fade back to bedroom).
This happens at all times of the day except early morning.

- The amount of money doesn't decrease every Sunday (although we get the message).
Re: Cohabitation

I'm into voyeurism and chirarism, so I'll follow the dev here :)
Will it have any semblance of progressive corruption?
Also, good choice with Honey Select, they have a good usage of light effect to make beautiful scenes :)
Re: Cohabitation

Thanks for the quick feedback.

In v0.20 :

- Trying to go to the kitchen or the shower sends you back to the bedroom. (Fade to kitchen -> then immediatly fade back to bedroom).
This happens at all times of the day except early morning.

- The amount of money doesn't decrease every Sunday (although we get the message).

Also experiencing the above first bug.
When I am finally able to make it into the kitchen (first thing in the morning or one of the evening options, don't remember which) it's possible to advance the time of day to further than allowed, as each activity doesn't perform any checks before being performed, so when I try to exit to another screen I'm just left with a blank screen.
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Re: Cohabitation

Interesting game, I love the scenario. One question - any reason you picked RPG Maker? It seems like this game would have been perfect for Ren'Py. Not saying it's the wrong choice, but I am curious.
Re: Cohabitation

Inspired by Kowaremono Risa? I like the game, unique use of rpgmaker. Can't access bathroom or kitchen though.
Re: Cohabitation

I'm into voyeurism and chirarism, so I'll follow the dev here :)
Will it have any semblance of progressive corruption?
Also, good choice with Honey Select, they have a good usage of light effect to make beautiful scenes :)

Yeah, gradual corruption is the plan. In games where you can corrupt the girl I've always been a lot more interested in the middle parts where the girl is really uncomfortable giving a handjob rather than the end when she's a complete whore who'll do anything.

Interesting game, I love the scenario. One question - any reason you picked RPG Maker? It seems like this game would have been perfect for Ren'Py. Not saying it's the wrong choice, but I am curious.

RPG Maker's idiot-proof GUI and the way it handles a lot of the more simpler thing for you works well for me, and I've worked with the various versions of the program a lot in the past. I've tried Ren'Py before but couldn't really get a handle on it.

Inspired by Kowaremono Risa?

Not intentionally or directly but I do love both the manga and the anime (and by trying to refresh my memory as to what this was I found out there's a new episode, so thanks for that), so it probably did creep into my ideas for the game at some point.

Thanks for the quick feedback.

In v0.20 :

- Trying to go to the kitchen or the shower sends you back to the bedroom. (Fade to kitchen -> then immediatly fade back to bedroom).
This happens at all times of the day except early morning.

- The amount of money doesn't decrease every Sunday (although we get the message).

Thanks for the bug finding. These should hopefully be fixed now.

Also experiencing the above first bug.
When I am finally able to make it into the kitchen (first thing in the morning or one of the evening options, don't remember which) it's possible to advance the time of day to further than allowed, as each activity doesn't perform any checks before being performed, so when I try to exit to another screen I'm just left with a blank screen.

I think I've fixed this one by editing the cooking event to only allow you to cook a large meal between early morning and noon but I'm not entirely sure. So, if anyone is still experiencing this one in the new version please report it.


- Just reported bug fixes.
Re: Cohabitation

Very original concept I must say.

There's a lot of incest games but that idea of actually sharing the room with your niece is golden. :D

Also, gradual corruption is the way to go. Don't be rushed by people and at the end you'll put together a little gem of a game.

On another note... how do you save the game?? :p

Edit: Nevermind, I've found it!

Edit2: One suggestion... it would be possible to get rid of that RPGMaker chime that sounds EVERY goddamned time you click on something? :rolleyes:

Edit3: I've got a black screen when returning to the room after having being in the shower and kitchen (both empty) later in the day. I don't know exactly what time, but what I did before I went to the shower was to play the study on bed event (repetition) and then work on a complex task.


Yeah, I got it. When I do the complex project is time of day 5, so it gets to ToD 8 but the scenario doesn't change (that time is supposed to be not possible), so if you click on the computer you can work again on a complex project and get the ToD to 11 and so on... nice cheat in there! :D



Problem is, I can only 'take a nap' on bed so the day doesn't advance and if I go to other locations then it blacks out when returning to the room.

And yet another thing: when you grope her tits in the morning, it seems that suspicion gets actually lowered a lot instead of increased.
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Re: Cohabitation

Very original concept I must say.

There's a lot of incest games but that idea of actually sharing the room with your niece is golden. :D

Also, gradual corruption is the way to go. Don't be rushed by people and at the end you'll put together a little gem of a game.

On another note... how do you save the game?? :p

Edit: Nevermind, I've found it!

Edit2: One suggestion... it would be possible to get rid of that RPGMaker chime that sounds EVERY goddamned time you click on something? :rolleyes:

Edit3: I've got a black screen when returning to the room after having being in the shower and kitchen (both empty) later in the day. I don't know exactly what time, but what I did before I went to the shower was to play the study on bed event (repetition) and then work on a complex task.


Yeah, I got it. When I do the complex project is time of day 5, so it gets to ToD 8 but the scenario doesn't change (that time is supposed to be not possible), so if you click on the computer you can work again on a complex project and get the ToD to 11 and so on... nice cheat in there! :D


Problem is, I can only 'take a nap' on bed so the day doesn't advance and if I go to other locations then it blacks out when returning to the room.

And yet another thing: when you grope her tits in the morning, it seems that suspicion gets actually lowered a lot instead of increased.

Sounds like the same problem that cooking large meals in the kitchen was having. Like with that the fix should be simple enough: limit when the player can do complex projects.

For the groping it seems I had the variable to 'set' to 5 rather than plus 5.

As to the sound suggestion -- do you mean the 'cursor' sound (the sound the game makes when you move through choices and such) or the 'decision' sound (the sound the game makes when you confirm a choice)? The latter I have no problem getting rid of but I kinda like the former.

Anyway, thanks for the bug reports. I probably wouldn't notice some of these; I'll probably put up v0.22 tomorrow with these bug fixes and some other minor stuff.
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Re: Cohabitation

As to the sound suggestion -- do you mean the 'cursor' sound (the sound the game makes when you move through choices and such) or the 'decision' sound (the sound the game makes when you confirm a choice)? The latter I have no problem getting rid of but I kinda like the former.

I mean the 'decision' sound, yup. It's the most annoying one by far. :p

Of course you could replace it with something less strident...

Thank you and good luck with your game. I'll be watching. :rolleyes:
Re: Cohabitation

Also... may I suggest to make a thread at...:

It would be a shame that your game loses itself into the myriad other posts this huge forum has, you know?

LoK Forums is a cozy place where I can guarantee you that you'll get the attention you deserve my friend. ;)
Re: Cohabitation


- Bug fixes.
- Changed shower background to better fit later shower scenes.
- Removed the confirmation sound.

If anyone happens to want them RPG Maker MV can automatically make builds of the game for Mac OS X, Android / iOS, and web browsers.

Right now I'm working on higher affection / lewdness versions of current events, which should help the game segue better into the first progression event (first kiss).

I've also been messing around with the idea of 'Favor Points'. Once you raise her affection high enough you can start taking her out to the mall. As you spend money on her you'll build up those points which you can then spend on favors. They'd essentially be ways for Calvin to get off early on, which means they'd be incur major affection loss and a suspicion gain. My problem with this idea is that they'd become more and more useless as you progress through the game and the idea of introducing a mechanic only to later drop it bugs me for some reason.
Re: Cohabitation

Great start so far. I'd say it's a solid proof of concept. Looking forward to seeing more.

The Favor idea is interesting, as a thought the favors could escalate to make the mechanic last longer. Lets not forget the protagonist lives there to help out financially. And Megan is pretty naive, you could ask her all sorts of favors to make money, like pictures of her breast to sell them, jack off strangers at the mall for a quick buck.
Megan we need the money! While working on the computer ask her for a massage because you're stressed Megan we need the money, I can't work under this pressure. And escalate it, show me your breast, it'll help me relax. Jack me off, I need to relax, this work is very stressful.

I mean, theirs countless possibilities.

Lol just thought of something. Later on you buy her a dildo, those you stick on the wall, (while she's still semi prude) you stick it on the separator. Then one day you take it down, and stick your dick between the separator, and she fucks it thinking it's the dildo....... ok, you'd really have to be dumb to not notice the difference.

Wow... I'm getting all these ideas. Anyhow, looking forward to more.