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Side: Carella and Granths room


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
(This thread is for Phoenix and Lolis characters, since they're in a seperate room.)

The room has to beds, one near a window, the other near a large wooden pillar. It's lit by lanterns. Carella glances up as Granth enters, having not lcoked the system she made to lock the door.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Sounds like someone is having a fun time next door. How long have they been at it. Granth says as he walks in. Oh, and which bed is yours? He adds on.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Carella points to the bed that was further away from the room making sounds, "That.. .one."
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Granth gives a small chuckle. Of course that one. So do you have a real reason for doing this job? Aside from the pay, of course.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Carella flops onto her bed, looking up, "I have.. my reasons..." She smiles, "Although... money is one of them..."
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

One of my biggest reasons is that it gives me a chance to have live targets to test spells on... well live targets that the city gaurd forces don't mind. Granth says as he begins to use a spell to clean himself and his clothing.

Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Granths spell cleans the grime of the road off of him and his clothes. The door remains unlocked. The soft moans coming from the next room continue, and both can clearly discern more than two distinct voices.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Carella walks up to the door, fustrated and locks then, then flops onto her bed, covering her head with her pillow, "Stupid... carnel needs..."
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

As long as they aren't the zombies or something we're fine. Granth says before getting a slightly greenish look. And combining that thought with your previous statement breeds bad mental images.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Carella laughs and smiles as she tries to get some sleep, "Yeah... zombie sex... what is wrong with people nowadays..."
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Moving over to his bed, Granth lies down. Night.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

(Wow, the ninja rolled a one on his move silently check.)

1d20+5 = 10+5 = 15
1d20+1 = 20+1 = 21
1d20+4 = 8+4 = 12

Order is: Granth, Carella, Intruder. People at the door will be going last once they get in.

Both Carella and Granth awaken abruptly after a few hours to the sound of the chain on the door rattling, someone is pushing against it, and the moaning they heard coming from the other room is now coming from out in the hall. Carella jumps out of bed as someone comes in through the window, nearly on top of her with a three pointed dagger. He's dressed all in black and wears a black mask and cowl, all that shows are his almond shaped eyes and his fingertips. He immediately draws two weapons, a long slightly curved sword from over his back and similarly curved short sword from his waist.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Damn, and I was enjoying my sleep two. Granth says before deciding he doesn't want to risk hitting Carella with one of his preferred spells. As such he draws mana into his hand before releasing it with a punch and a word. The magic splits into three bolts as they home in on the intruder. As he does this, Granth climbs out of bed carefully so as to avoid disturbing his concentration.

(Magic Missile.)
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Carella simply draws an arm back then slams it into the ninja as hard as she could, "Can't you knock... like a normal person?!"
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

3d4+3 = 3+1+3+3 = 10 damage

The magic bolts come in, and the ninja recognizes that they're impossible to dodge, so he simply takes the hits, preferring to keep himself prepared against the nearer targets attack.

1d20+9 = 14+9 = 25 vs DC16 = hit
2d6+4 = 2+3+4 = 9 damage

Carella gives the ninja a solid right hook, the unexpectedly direct attack nearly breaking the mans nose, as he is unable to put up any real defense.

1d20+11 = 19+11 = 30 vs DC21 = critical hit (on a d10 too, ouchies)
1d20+6 = 6+6 = 12 vs DC21 = miss
1d20+9 = 16+9 = 25 vs DC21 = hit
1d10+3 = 4+3 = 7x2 = 14 damage
1d6+2 = 4+2 = 6 damage
20 damage total

The man repays her in kind, however, as he slashes twice with his main sword, the first attacks swiftness surprising her enough that it badly gashed her stomach. While she avoided the second hit, he used the opportunity to stab at her with his shorter blade, giving her a nick on her neck as she spun out of the way, giving Granth a clear shot at him.

(Giving you a break since he just nearly cut Carellas hp in half.)
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Carella lets out a scream and tackles the man to the ground, or at least attempts to (initiate grapple)

(btw, Tassy, don't forget to roll to confirm for crits)
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

And now... You're open. Granth mutters before using his favorite spell. With a few arcane words, a ball of electrically charged mana forms in Granth's right hand before he flings it at the Ninja.

(Orb of electricity, lesser. Complete Arcane p.116)
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

(He rolled a 20 on the confirm check. I do rolls before I do a post, confirm as I write these out, and don't feel like writing in the confirm rolls. There's a bunch of stuff I leave out.)

1d20+4 = 20+4 = automatic success
3d8 = 5+3+3 = 11 damage

Granths ball of electricity comes right when he's not expecting it, so he is unable to dodge. The bolt scorches his clothes, and sends his muscles twitching, but he remains standing.

1d20+13 = 18+13 = 31 vs DC23 = success
2d6+4 = 6+3+4 = 13 damage

Carella tackles the man to the floor in his moment of weakness, wrapping around him before he can react. His head bashes into the foot of the bed as he falls.

1d20+2 = 2+2 = 4 vs DC20 = failure

The ninja beneath Carella remains limp, apparently concentrating, but Carella shakes him about, spoiling his concentration on whatever he was trying to do.

The shaking and moaning at the door continues, the chain beginning to stress against whatever is pushing at the door.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Carella starts to punch the man as she looks up at Granth, "Watch... the door...!"
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Don't worry, you finish off that guy, I'll handle them. Granth says charging electrically charged mana into his right arm and pointing it at the door. They're going to be rather surprised when they open that door.

(Hold action; if the door is broken down this round, cast lightning bolt.)