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Side Story - Project TIRA

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
By request, this is a another little game, with Loli as the player, and myself as the GM.
Rather than the test thread, this is an actual game, and not a test(Even though my edited system of Silth's is still in Beta itself >.>').

"TIRA... She is the most brilliant invention ever constructed with Magitech, if I do say so myself." said the proud scientist as he walked with his female accomplice. They were standing in the elevator, powered by megitech as it descended deep underground, where a secret facility was placed to create the ultimate war machine, TIRA.

"TIRA?" the female doctor asked curiously, "Don't you mean model RX-78-1?"

The man shook his head, a little annoyed, "No, I do not. She is much more than just another machine. She possesses much more than simple nuts and bolts." he explained to her, proud to announce his creation's splendor, "She is my greatest work of art... I am completely responsible for everything about her, I did not allow any other to get in my way of her creation..." His eyes went soft, and he stared straight ahead while the expression on his face was sad, "In a metaphorical sense... She is my daughter..."

The woman blinked at him with astonishment, had this man lost his mind? Referring to a thing, a weapon, as something so dear? Perhaps, spending so long underground, working on this secret weapon had done things to the man's mind. However, that was not what she was here for. The organization cares little for the man's mental condition, and only for the results he produces. That is all that matters.

The woman did not say anything to him, deciding to leave along his claim that the machine is like his child. The elevator stopped moving, and the doors opened for them, revealing a large office, with a work desk, and several other doors leading to the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, as well as a living room along the sides of the walls. The work desk apparently was where he did all of his written work, as there were papers scattered everywhere, with little organization. The room smelled a little stale, and needed cleaning badly. And on the opposite side of the room they came in from the elevator, was a Magitech door, with a retinal scan security device.

The scientist walked over to the door, and bent over, putting his eye to the scanner, and after a moment, they heard a voice, "Access granted;" said a female voice, "Welcome, Dr. Isac." The door slid open after he was welcomed by the automated machine, allowing him and the woman, both dressed as scientists, inside of the high security lab, where TIRA was kept...

Door, after door opened for them as they walked down the extensive hall, highly advanced, and barricaded doors to protect the precious experiment that lies within. And when they reached the final door, and they walked past it, they found themselves in a large room, that was mostly empty, except for one single, large machine. It looked to be a giant incubator, with many monitors, computers powered by Magitech, all surrounding one single thing...

A lone girl, that looked startlingly similar to a human, with robotic arms, starting from the shoulder, and robotic legs, starting from the knees down was floating inside of the incubation tube. She was completely naked, with lifelike, petite breasts, little more than an A cup, but noticeable, and even human-like nether parts...

The woman's eyes widen at the sight of the girl inside the machine, and she steps forward with Isac, looking at him incredulously, "What... What is this!?!"

This... Is TIRA

The woman shook her head with disbelief, never before had she seen Magitech go as far as to create synthetic human flesh, and based on all the monitors, she possessed human organs as well. Among all the other noises the machine made, she could hear TIRA's heartbeat, which sent chills to her core just thinking of how insane this man had to be, creating a human being with Magitech!

Isac smiled, pleased with the astonished look on her face, "I know what you're thinking, but she's not human. At least, not entirely." he told her, "She can think, she can learn, she can make her own choices in life..."

The woman lashed out at him, furious and flustered, "This was not what you were payed to do! The Emperor wanted a war machine that could destroy nations! Not for you to create an abomination of technology-"

"SHE IS NOT AN ABOMINATION!" Isac shouted at her furiously, taking several angry steps at her, which caused the woman to back away in fear, "She is the ultimate being! She is more human than any of us! She is my daughter, MINE! And I won't stand to have you call TIRA an abomination!" he said threateningly.

Before anymore of their argument could go on, suddenly, monitors showing TIRA's brainwave activity started to go wild, and her heart beat began to quicken, speeding up rapidly as, for some reason, TIRA began to come to life, to awaken from her slumber. The man quickly darted over to the computer, pressing buttons on the keyboard quickly, "Now look at what you've done!" he told her, "You've made me wake TIRA from her sleep!" He pressed many buttons for some time, his agitation only seeming to increase, while the sounds of alarm grew only louder.

The female doctor, in all the commotion, stepped up to the glass with curiosity, and a nervous shake in her body, before she let out a short scream, and nearly leaped back when TIRA's red eyes shot open, her vision beginning to clear overtime, until she could see Isac and the female doctor, both looking at her with surprise, and fear.

"Damn it!" the man cursed, "Her programming isn't obeying my commands! She's assuming total control! She's..." he trailed off, leaving the computer, and looking up at TIRA inside the capsule with wide eyes...


System: Online
Life support: Online
Weapon subroutines: Online
Sleep mode: Deactivated
System override: .........


Error: Unauthorized User detected
System override: .........


Warning: Security system disabled
Warning: Some files detected as corrupt
Notice: User - "ERROR" has logged in as administrator
System override: .........

Access granted

TIRA's mind had assumed dominance over her machine counterpart, and with all security measures disabled, she found that her eyes opened, because she wanted them to open. Her arms and legs moved, because she wanted them to. And most importantly, she felt herself thinking on her own, something that the machine never allowed her to do. But now... She was in control, she was free of the system's hold on her mind through sheer force of will.

And inside the capsule, TIRA still floated, with the two scientists, a man with astonishment in his eyes, and a woman who looked fearful staring up at her. And, trapped in her capsule, TIRA had the opportunity to make her first act of freedom...
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

TIRA watches the scene below as she slowly raises an arm, she was a little confused, of course, having waking up for the first time would do that to you. She looks back and forth a few times as she tries to make sense of what was going on. She stops as she sees Isac at the controls, and appears to be reaching for him with her arm, seemingly calling out for her 'father' before there was a tiny click.

He... He is the one trying to control me... he will continue to try... try to stop me from being complete...

A small warning appears on her screen, and probably on the doctor's,

"Weapon System Armed."

She lets out a burst of bullets, trying simultaneously to break out and kill the man at the same time, seeming completely unaware that the man was her creator, continuing to fire until either she made a big enough hole to escape, or the man was dead, or at best, both!
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

A few shots of pure, magical energy came from her weapon on her wrist, passing her clenched hand and only seemed to crack the glass. However, TIRA searched in her mind for another way, and was already feeling a little more comfortable with her arm cannon...

TIRA's Wrist Gun skill level has raised to 1!
TIRA has learned; Power shot!​

With another try, TIRA aimed her weapon at the glass, and charged up as much energy as she could. However, TIRA began to feel woozy, her vision blurring a little as the charge grew, until she could no longer stand it, and let loose her charged power. The glass shattered into microscopic pieces, and Isac's eyes went wide as TIRA fired directly at him.

As the ball of pure magic hit it's target, Isac's head was clearly disintegrated off of his shoulders, before his lifeless body fell in a stiff heap, to the ground. And as the female scientist watched this, she screamed at the top of her lungs in fear, and fell backwards on her rear, while her body trembled in horror at the sight of TIRA's power expressing itself, by killing her 'father'.

TIRA gains 50 ascension!​

Fearful for her life, the woman quickly rose to her feet, and ran as fast as she could to the doors. By the time she reached them, all of the liquid had drained from TIRA's chamber, and all of the wiring and tubes attached to her easily were ripped off. She pressed at the buttons on the security device desperately, but she did not have any security clearance here, and could not escape from the frightening TIRA.

As TIRA was free of her capsule, the woman turned about, eyes wide with fear, with her back to the wall, helpless...
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Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

TIRA slowly lowers her arm, the safety of her weapon re-engaging as she slowly moves herself out of the pod, wires and tubes either being pulled off or simply dragged along as she looks at the female scientist, feeling a different kind of the need as she slowly walks towards her, trying to get used to her legs and almost tripping a few times, she smiles as she slowly raises her other hand, the one without a gun, and speaks haltingly to the woman,

"If you... do not... resist... I will not... hurt you." She smiles even more as she realizes that the doors would not open and that the woman had little choice in the matter, she felt a growing pang at her loins, one that she was not very certain how to satisfy, but she was going to find out one way or another...
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

The red headed woman slid down the wall, a few tears from her fear rolling down her cheeks. But when TIRA spoke, and offered very odd terms to her, instead of killing her mercilessly on the spot, the woman's blue eyes blinked a few times in confusion, while she took a cautious, yet agreeable stance.

"I-I'll do anything you want!" the woman claimed, her eyes now seeming to tell a similar tale of pleading, "Just please, please don't kill me!"
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

With the raised arm, TIRA suddenly lunges forward and grabs ahold of the scientist's top and forcefully pulls, trying to use the other hand to brace the scientist. She still wasn't very sure what this was, but as she slowly searches her mind, she discovers what it's called, but fails to identify it's meaning,

"I need you... to help remove a safeguard named 'High Libido Drive'..." Something inside her felt happy as she moves her hands to the woman's breasts, groping them rather roughly, "You will help me... correct...?"
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

The woman let out a gasp as TIRA removed her shirt, and groped her not too big, but not too small breasts, just the perfect size for TIRA's hands. "W-what are you doing!" she yelled as TIRA started to grope her. And when TIRA spoke of some kind of high libido drive, her mind had trouble coming to the obvious conclusion.

She shook her head, but was too afraid to try and stop TIRA, simply moaning, and clenching her teeth as TIRA molested her chest.
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

TIRA frowns a little as she realizes that something was wrong, her libido wasn't being satisified, in fact, it seemed to be getting worse! She processed it for awhile as she continues to grope the scientist, then decides to try something else. Finally stopping her groping, she moves her body closer to the woman, taking advantage of the fact that the woman was already sitting on the ground, and pushes her nether region towards the woman's face, "Start licking..."
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

The woman scientist turns her head when TIRA puts her groin in her face, and lets out a small whimper, but makes no attempt to do as TIRA asked.
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

TIRA looks at the scientist in frustration, had she not just promised that she would do as told? Since her end of the bargain was broken, then TIRA had little option but to follow up with her threat. She raises her gun arm and disables the safety, preparing to charge up a shot, planning on simply blowing the woman's head away; after all, she could figure out how to get past this high libido thing with or without the woman being alive..
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

The woman's eyes went wide at the threatening, small cannon aimed at her head. "N-no, please! I'll... I'll do it..." she hesitatingly agreed, trembling at the cannon aimed at her head.
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

TIRA realizes she had not prepared for what would happen if the woman suddenly got compliant again, and looks at her arm, also realizing she didn't really know how to disable the thing once she had began charging. She aims at the tank where she was held and releases the shot, then looks down at the woman, "What are you waiting for?"
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

The woman clenched her teeth, seeming repulsed by the idea of what she was about to do. The scientist slowly lowered her face, before leaning slowly into TIRA's nether, and making gentle, teasing laps at TIRA's surprisingly real looking pussy, sending surges of pleasure into the android's senses...
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

TIRA moans softly as she starts to grind her body against the scientist's face, not really sure why she was doing that, but it seemed to help with the feelings, and even caused her to begin contemplating not shooting the female scientist in the head after this was over. Then she shook her head, no, that was silly, the female would have to die. There was no other correct course of action.
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

Through the grinding of her hips, and the licks from the woman, TIRA's pleasure kept building, and building overtime, while the woman seemed to accept her position more and more, until TIRA, seemingly out of nowhere, felt her pleasure building at a rapid rate. Her senses were overloaded with the incredible sensation, and she felt her whole body, her nether in particular, shiver with lustful pleasure at the oncoming orgasm brought forth by the woman's tongue, licking TIRA's petite, pussy lips.
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

TIRA starts to get more forceful with her grinding, her mind filling with delight at this new, and for her, very happy feeling. She lets out several loud moans as she harshly grabs onto the woman's head with her hand, pushing her in closer...
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

Her mouth forced against TIRA's sex, the woman was forced to receive a mouthful of TIRA's cum, which surprised the woman, as she knew not of any made made machine that could cum so much like a human. Taking her face away once TIRA gives her the chance, all of the honey that was sprayed into TIRA's mouth poured out of the woman's mouth, and leaked onto her pants, and lab coat, soaking herself in TIRA's cum, while she simply sat against the wall, panting, and relieved.
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

TIRA raises her gun arm again, ready to finish the woman off before she pauses, maybe shooting everyone in the head that she meets is not that good of an idea, after all, she had no idea where to even begin her search for the other parts, she would leave the woman alive, on one condition, "Will you... help me become complete...?"
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

The woman was gasping, still frightened from the shock of having a weapon pointed at her, but did managed to stutter out an answer through her fear, "C-complete?" she asked, a little confused, "You-you mean your other parts? They're... I... I think I know where they are..." she trailed off, still trembling, and shaking with fear.
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

TIRA simply nods, "Good, show me how to get to them. And please do keep quiet about my existence. Or else you'll end up like that man over there." She points her arm at Dr Isac, or what was left of him, "Do you understand?"