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Side Story - Project TIRA

Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

As TIRA learned by the woman's name tag, her name was Rosa. And Rosa seemed to like the idea of staying safe. That is, until she backed up, crawling along the ground into the wall, and felt something moist against her back. And when she turned her head to see blood on her coat, she was about to scream, before she just happened to turn as some kind of creature fell from the ventilation, and immediately leaped at her, wrapping it's many legs around her arms and body, and pinning her to the ground.

TIRA heard the woman scream, before a tentacle from the creature's mouth shoved itself into her mouth. And she also heard a sound of skittering in the vents, before another creature fell from the vents opposite the side the other attacked Rosa, while it's sights were set on TIRA...

Battle Commencing!

You've been surprised by the enemy!

:Special condition:

Rosa must access the computer on the west side of the room to close the vents, and stop any further infiltration of Jumpers!

Jumper A appeared from a vent at A-1
Jumper A moved three spaces to D-1
Jumper A attempts to grab Rosa from the side; 43 Vs. 23
Rosa was grappled for 20 GP!

Jumper B appeared from a vent at Q-1

Status Check:

Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 28 / 28
Action Points: 34 / 34
Pleasure Points: 18 / 18
Armor Class: 28
Magic Points: 60 / 60
Corruption: 100 / 5
Mentality: 15 / 15
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0


Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

TIRA looks at the jumper on Rosa and charges her arm cannon, "I would get down... if I were you...!" She releases a charged shot at the creature, hoping to quickly kill it.
Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

TIRA's shot, while it hit it's target, also hit Rosa as well, who let out a muffled scream of pain when TIRA's poorly aimed shot hit her as well as the jumper...

This didn't stop the jumper on her, for it quickly got to work on using it's many legs not holding her down to claw at what few garments she had left after TIRA had her way with her, easily stripping off her pants, and black panties, while it readily curled it's phallus shaped tail down, aiming to penetrate Rosa, and fill her with it's eggs...

TIRA uses, Power Shot on Jumper A; 37(22, 15) Vs. 44
TIRA hurt Rosa as well!
Damage to Rosa: 6
Damage to Jumper: 6

Rosa attempts to break free; 25 Vs. 24
Rosa lost 1 GP!

Enemy Turn

Jumper A attacks Rosa's clothing!
Damage: 8
Rosa is now nude!

Jumper B moves 5 spaces to L-4

Status Check:

Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 28 / 28
Action Points: 34 / 14
Pleasure Points: 18 / 18
Armor Class: 28
Magic Points: 60 / 60
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 15 / 15
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 50


Re: Side Story - Project TIRA

TIRA looks at the jumper near her and hurries to try to get towards E3 to get another shot, albeit a normal one, off at the one attacking Rosa, "I told you... to duck dammit!"

(I think I have enough AP to do this, the demonstration post wasn't very helpful with this -3-)