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Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Just tossing the idea out there, because I've been tempted to do so for a while.

Basically, it'll be a combat heavy game. In that you get a mission, say you're leaving for the mission, arrive at the mission, fight some stuff, go home. For those of you who've played it, think Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Tactics Ogre, Onimusha Tactics, you get the idea.

The PCs will be a mercenary group in a worldsetting of my own creation, taking jobs through the Department of Mercenaries and Guilds. Between missions, you'll have as much downtime as you like to try and organise the next job, buy equipment and interact with each other. I'll have no limits on player numbers, however each job will have a party minimum and party maximum, so you'll need to form groups to fit the job requirements.

As far as what's allowed in the game, due to the world setting, races are somewhat restricted. The races out of the player's handbook are allowed with the exception of Gnomes, although unlike in normal DnD, there is a lot of tension between races. Half-orcs may be attacked on sight in certain places, half-elves are considered abominations by pure elves, and generally not accepted by humans either. The Elven and Dwarven nations are technically still in a state of war, although separated by a vast human empire, who has a very tense peace with the Elves, and is slowly absorbing the Dwarven kingdom, earning some resentment. So basically, the races don't like each other much by default.

As far as everything else, I allow a select number of books in my games, it keeps me from having to veto things I think are too powerful, or just plain don't like, and it helps keep players who don't have a 100 book library from feeling like they can't keep up.

The following books are allowed:

Core Rules, Player's Handbook II, Complete Series (Sans Psionics), Magic Item Compendium, Spell Compendium.

If you make one hell of a good argument, I may allow you to take one or two things from outside this list, but probably not.

Anyways, if anyone's interested, post now or forever hold thy peas.
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

*raises hand and hops around in her seat*

Imma so playing Jess!!
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

I'll play if you allow a class from Complete Adventurer.

Edit: Should have read more, sign me up.
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

So, what level are we? How are you doing stats? What about HP? Normal wealth by level?
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

So, what level are we? How are you doing stats? What about HP? Normal wealth by level?

I've got two people interested and already with the hard questions?

Starting at 1st level, I think. And by 1st, I mean 3rd, being the first playable level. So 3rd level.

Stats are 32 point buy. If anyone should need me to explain what that is, I'll do so when the game kicks off properly

Hitpoints are full at first, and thereafter rolled as normal with the following exception; if you roll under 1/2 of your hit dice rounding up (a.k.a 1-4 on a D8, for example) you instead take the next dice up from said 1/2. (e.g. 5 on a d8) Basically, you'll always have a minimum of just over half hit points for your hitdice, meaning large HD classes are not penalised by bad rolling, but it still allows for variety between person to person. (And yes, this system does mean that a wizard/sorcerer has a 75% chance to get 3+con mod per level)

And yes, standard wealth per level at creation. From thereafter, things will likely deviate as you'll be taking jobs that pay in cash, and may have the option of looting gear from people you kill. Of course, the DMG charges a fee for assigning you the job, usually about 20% of the pay, upfront, so successfully completing mission is a good idea, surprisingly enough.

Another little tidbit is I'll be keeping track of various people's/group's reputations with various factions; which will help you get more high profile work from some, and get you even the simplest jobs refused from others. Groups will be associated as the name of the group, plus the name of the group liaison or face. Charisma will also affect reputation grown/penalties; as the more charismatic you are, the stronger impression you'll leave.
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

So, I'm seeing a few options now.

1) I attempt to start this thing nowish, and cater for jobs and missions that require 1-2 characters, and hope that the game moving will attract more players.

2) I attempt to start this thing nowish, and put in some NPCs to fill out numbers, and again hope that the game attracts more players at a later date.

3) I abandon the game due to lack of interest.

Thoughts anyone?
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

No one has any thoughts or opinions that'd like the share? I'm looking especially to Shrike and Tass here...

If this keeps up it'll be option 3 for sure, if I have to pester my players into posting I'm not interested in running for them.
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

I'd go for a mixture of options 1 and 2, start it up, and only add one or two NPC's to balance out anything the party really needs. I am also up to playing two characters, so long as it isn't going to be too RP-heavy. I do enjoy combat posts though :)

Also, maybe a little more background info on the game or something might draw more people. Country names, notable people, that sort of thing.
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

I agree with Shrike.
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

I might be interested in joining up, except that I have very little experience, no idea what you lot are going on about 3rd lvl is 1st lvl, and none of the books above mentioned. So if we can work around that stuff I'll look into it.
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

I might be interested in joining up, except that I have very little experience, no idea what you lot are going on about 3rd lvl is 1st lvl, and none of the books above mentioned. So if we can work around that stuff I'll look into it.

3rd is first means that you will start at third level instead of first, and the 'core rules' book is short term for the set of the Dungeon Master's Guide, the Player's Handbook, and the Monster Manual. So, I would guess you at least have the Player's Handbook if you are thinking of playing a D&D game. If not, and you are interested in trying, a good resource would be .
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

I still recommend getting at least the PDF of the 3.5 Player's Handbook, because while the SRD is full of rules knowledge, it doesn't actually tell you thinks like how to build your character.
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

For your assistance, the 3.5 character creator.

Quite complex, and the feats don't tell you what they do, but it might help a little.
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

We'll burn that bridge when we get there I guess. When do we start making characters?
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Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

Also, if you need additional characters I can pull up one of my iterations of Granth.
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

Right, so that's four characters then, I say we get this on a roll :)
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

Curious: what is your oppinion on the master transmogrifist class from complete arcane?
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

Curious: what is your oppinion on the master transmogrifist class from complete arcane?

Short answer: Druids do it better.

Long answer: If you're interested in going into it, I'll allow it; but do keep in mind that I pay attention to things such as potential inability to cast while shifted. If you don't have hands, you can't use somatic components. If you don't have a mouth capable of intelligent speech, you can't use verbal. And you won't be able to take natural spell. Ultimately, I don't think that class is particularly impressive, but it's your decision, not mine :p

Alright, I'll start setting things up over the next few days.
Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

Re: DnD 3.5 Skirmish Game

Short answer: Druids do it better.

Long answer: If you're interested in going into it, I'll allow it; but do keep in mind that I pay attention to things such as potential inability to cast while shifted. If you don't have hands, you can't use somatic components. If you don't have a mouth capable of intelligent speech, you can't use verbal. And you won't be able to take natural spell. Ultimately, I don't think that class is particularly impressive, but it's your decision, not mine :p

Alright, I'll start setting things up over the next few days.

Mostly, I had to ask because all DM's have different takes on just how polymorphing works.