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Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

Flesh Teaser missed trying to grab Silmeria again! ((Forgot to put that before your turn.))

Silmeria casts her Mantra of Speed, losing 50 MP. She has 70 MP left. Unable to muster the strength to stand up and fight, Silmeria simply lays there trying to catch her breath.

Under the influence of Silmeria's Mantra, Amanda launches into her attacks, determined to draw the attention of Flesh Teaser away and give Silmeria a chance to get back into the fight!

Attack Rolls:

Amanda: 6+5=11 vs. Flesh Teaser: 5 (HIT!)
Amanda: 20+5=25 vs. Flesh Teaser: 12 (HIT!)

Amanda lands both her hits for 400 each, a total of 800 damage! This leaves her foe with 3,360 HP.

Ignoring the fact that Amanda just hurt her, Flesh Teaser instead targets Silmeria again!

Grapple Attempt:

Flesh Teaser: 6 vs. Silmeria: 21

Somehow, despite being almost helpless on the ground, Silmeria avoids being grabbed!

Important Stats:

Amanda: 1/8 Adrenaline Left!

Supreme Succubus: Pregnant 7/20


1: Get back into the fight!

2: Continue to lay there, unable or unwilling to move.

((Note: She'll regain some stamina with the start of her next turn.))
Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

Completing her spell Silmeria slumps on the ground avoiding an ill aimed tentacle she watches Amanda lay into the beast causing its next attack on the chantress to also miss. Gathering her energy Silmeria stands up and points the tip of her glowing staff to the creature "Holy Blast!" She lets out an attack on the tentacled fiend intending to burn the demon something she should have done before.
Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

Attack Roll:

Silmeria: 7 vs. Flesh Teaser: 2.
Silmeria: 19 vs. Flesh Teaser: 10.

Silmeria lands for 1,200 damage, her Holy Blast dealing 2x the damage thanks to Flesh Teaser being demonic. Flesh Teaser has 2,460 HP left.

Attack Roll:

Amanda: 26 vs. Flesh Teaser: 12.
Amanda: 22 vs. Flesh Teaser: 11.

Amanda deals 800 damage, leaving Flesh Teaser with 1,660 HP. Amanda's adrenaline wears off!

Grapple Attempt:

Flesh Teaser: 24 vs. Silmeria: 28.

Flesh Teaser misses!

Important Stats:

Supreme Succubus: 6/20 Pregnant.


1: Keep Attacking Flesh Teaser.

2: Attack the other Succubus.

3: Other?
Last edited:
Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

Under her spell Silmeria feels as her attack duplicates mid flight the holy blast scorching and charring the skin of the tentacled Succubus. Regaining some of her hope thay they could beat the beast as Amanda unleashes another devastating hit on the beast its next attack is alot more accurate then its last nearly grabbing the Chantress.

Her face grim line she once more channels holy power into her staff, "Holy Blast!"

Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

Wasting no time, Silmeria launched her attack again!

Attack Rolls:

Silmeria: 28 vs. Flesh Teaser: 19.

Silmeria: 24 vs. Flesh Teaser: 5.

Silmeria does 1,200 damage again, leaving her foe with 460 HP.

Attack Rolls:

Amanda: 9 vs. Flesh Teaser: 23

Amanda: 11 vs. Flesh Teaser: 17

Amanda misses both times!

Grapple Attempt:

Flesh Teaser: 9 vs. Silmeria: 2.

This time Silmeria is too slow, and the tentacled succubus grabs her!

Important Stats:

Supreme Succubus: 5 Turns remaining on pregnancy.


1: Try to get free and finish her!

2: Other?
Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

<<OOC: Sorry about my silence I recently went to the hospital and well this sorta fell away.>>

Silmeria launches another volley onto the tentacle fiend heavily scarring the demon, moving with an speed borne of desperation it slides around Amanda's blows to grapple the Chantress. "Let me go!" Silmeria struggles in her bonds failing to escape.

<<OOC: Don't forget Speed Mantra.>>
Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

((Damn, everything alright?))

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Silmeria: 15 vs. Flesh Teaser: 29.
Silmeria: 26 vs. Flesh Teaser: 18.

Silmeria gets free on her second try!

Attack Rolls:

Amanda: 7 vs. Flesh Teaser: 25.
Amanda: 16 vs. Flesh Teaser: 4.

Amanda lands her spell on her second try, dealing 400 damage! Flesh Teaser has 60 HP left, and is on her last legs!

The Supreme Succubus has 4 turns left on her pregnancy.


1: Finish Flesh Teaser off, then turn on the other Succubus.

2: Other?
Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

((Oh you know a few broken bones, torn ligaments the usual car accident stuff. Also I can marry Morphine right now that stuff is the bomb. Its like the tits of drugs once you have some you never want to be without it. Sadly can't motorboat it though.))

Silmeria manages to free herself from its clutches her accelerated movements shrugging off the more powerful fiend even as her new ally managed to land another fierce blow onto the demon.

Burnt, bleeding, and nursing a few bruises its obvious that the beast was on her last legs, the nearly non-existent wind nearly blowing her over.

Silmeria wasn't a spring chicken herself her clothing stained with her cum from both organs, along side Amanda suffering nearly the same, taking note of the Supreme Succubus nearly at term with her child.

"Amanda it looks to be on its last legs, though I want to repay it for raping me... Beast surrender and we- I promise to at least let you live.

Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

((Jesus Tittyfucking Christ, that's awful! Glad you're alright though and walked away from it.))

Silmeria forgoes her turn to try and negotiate with Flesh Teaser, who ruefully shakes her head.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You'll understand some day, but not today."

Sharing a quick look with Silmeria, her companion simply shrugged in response, and ...

Attack Roll:

Amanda: 14 vs. Flesh Teaser: 30 (auto counter)

Tried to attack their foe, only to be tricked! Flesh Teaser came forth with a burst of speed, seeming to find a second wind and ignoring her own injuries to grab Amanda, wrestle her back into the magical chair, and then in moments she was sucking off the helpless woman again! Amanda shuddered and moaned as she found herself being given a blowjob again, her body responding to the pleasure even as she weakly struggled, knowing she couldn't get away on her own! Amanda suffers 70 pleasure even with her shield negating half of it, and gains 160 KP. She has 55 stamina left!


1: Try to free Amanda.

2: Let her have some fun while you watch.

3: Let her have fun while you risk death in attacking the other Succubus, who's literally ignoring you.
Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

Silmeria shakes her head in sadness and watches as Amanda moves to finish the flesh teaser off, only for the Succubus to snap out and grab her. Yelping in surprise Silmeria works her way over to them and tries desperately to tear the Succubus off.

Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

Free Amanda Attempt:

Silmeria: 18 vs. Flesh Teaser: 19
Silmeria: 7 vs. Flesh Teaser: 27

Silmeria can't free Amanda!

Amanda helplessly struggles, unable to get away from the blowjob!

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 16 vs. Amanda: 3

Amanda shudders violently as Flesh Teaser continues to hit her most vulnerable spots, the woman unable to handle the pleasure of her blowjob any longer. A sharp cry of passion erupted from Amanda's lips as her orgasm crashed through

her, and her eyes shot wide. Unseen to Silmeria, there was more going on, something she only became aware of when suddenly Amanda's back arched sharply, and she let out a scream, "oh god yes!"

Moments later, Silmeria could see Flesh Teaser's mouth working overtime as she greedily swallowed all of Amanda's spurting load, but something else was going on. Flesh Teaser suddenly seemed a little more healthy, while Amanda suddenly seemed a bit weaker! A quick use of her spells revealed the reason.

According to her scanning ability, Amanda had jost lost some of her 'health', which in turn had gone into their enemy. Flesh Teaser was quite literally beginning to suck the life out of Amanda!

Despite her shield, Amanda suffers 70 pleasure and an orgasm. She gains 190 KP. Amanda has 110 stamina left, and 61 HP.

Flesh Teaser now has 474 HP.

The Supreme Succubus has 2 turns of pregnancy left.


1: Try to free Amanda before she's literally sucked off to 'death'.

2: Watch and learn what is awaiting you!
Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

Silmeria begins working even harder at prying Amanda away from the Succubus when it was clear she was quite literally sucking her dry.

Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

Free Amanda Attempts:

Silmeria: 14 vs. Flesh Teaser: 15
Silmeria: 22 vs. Flesh Teaser: 16

Silmeria is able to free Amanda on her second try!

Attack Rolls:

Amanda: 14 vs. Flesh Teaser: 17
Amanda: 1 vs. Flesh Teaser: 10.

Amanda can't hit their foe!

Grapple Attempt:

Flesh Teaser: 20 vs. Silmeria: 14

Silmeria finds herself targeted, and grabbed by Flesh Teaser!

The Supreme Succubus shifts, preparing to give birth next round!


1: Try to struggle free and kill Flesh Teaser before it's a 3 on 2!

2: Other?
Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

<<OOC: Wait babies are born combat ready?>>

Its an struggle for Silmeria but, she eventually manages to pry off the Tentacled fiend from her friend. Only to watch as it dodges Amanda's blows and begin to grapple the young Sylvari once more.

Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

((From monsters yes. Also if you got pregnant from your companion raping you while under the influence of a parasite trap.))

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Silmeria: 23 vs. Flesh Teaser: 29.
Silmeria: 8 vs. Flesh Teaser: 17.

Silmeria can't escape!

Free Silmeria Attempts:

Amanda: 9 vs. Flesh Teaser: 17.
Amanda: 4 vs. Flesh Teaser: 29.

Amanda can't free Silmeria!

Penetration Attempt:

Flesh Teaser: 14 vs. Silmeria: 11.

Flesh Teaser forces Silmeria into the all too familiar chair again, restraining her! Then she proceeds to begin sucking her off, and quickly is able to bring Silmeria to an orgasm! The young woman explodes in an orgasm inside the mouth as Amanda watches helplessly and in horror. At the peak of her orgasm, Flesh Teaser bites down into her cock again, and this time Silmeria can feel some of her soul and life energy being sucked out of her even as she spurts her load in helpless pleasure. Flesh Teaser hits all her vulnerable spots, intensifying the pleasure Silmeria feels! In the meantime Flesh Teaser uses her tentacles to fuck both Silmeria's ass, and pussy! Silmeria suffers 140 pleasure and gains 107 KP from the rape and orgasm. Silmeria has 63 Stamina and 56 HP left.

Flesh Teaser now has 488 HP.

The Supreme Succubus finishes giving birth to her 'child', and with an evil look between them, both mother and daughter lunge for Amanda!

Grapple Attempts:

Supreme Succubus (Mother): 19 vs. Amanda: 11
Supreme Succubus (Daughter): 24 vs. Amanda: 28.

Amanda dodges the Daughter, but ends up grabbed by the original Supreme Succubus! She lets loose a scream of shock, realizing both of them are in BIG trouble!


1: Try to resist the pleasure and hold out as long as you can until Amanda can take care of business/or you're sucked to 'death'.

2: Succumb to the pleasure and enjoy it until Amanda can free you, or you get literally sucked 'to death' (Note: Doesn't kill you, just KO's you for a while. More info on that IF we get to that point).

Current Stats:

Character Name: Silmeria (Bloodshifter) Blood Moor

Character Race: Sylvari

Character Class: Chantress

Starting HP: 56/70
Starting Mana: 82/120
Starting Sexual Stamina: 63/180

887/50,000 KP

400/3,000 XP

Very Weak vs. Anything with tentacles inside or outside their body (Plants count) (+10 pleasure), Strength: Half KP gain.

Has Amanda Johnson.

Amanda Johnson

Halfling: Mathosian+Elf.


Starting HP: 64/75
Starting Mana: 50
Starting Sexual Stamina: 116/125

KP: 8,414/50,000

400/3,000 XP

Weak vs. Being Unable to Fight/Escape their rape (IE: Magical Chair Restrained or some form of special restraint skill that effects them for either a singular turn, or over a long period of time) (+5 Pleasure), Weak vs. Pussy Rides (+5 Pleasure), Weak vs. Blowjobs (+5 Pleasure). Strengths: Half MP loss on Caster Skills, 2x Effectiveness on Class Specific Skills.

Shield: 630/700.

Silmeria's Skills:

Mantra of Persistence - While this buff is active, each party member has 25% more Health, 20% More Mana and 30% more Sexual Stamina. This buff remains active from the time it is cast through an entire battle, unless the Chantress is raped. Once penetrated, the buff fails and must be recast later when she is free. Mana Cost - 50.

Mantra of Speed - While this buff is active, your companion is able to have two actions per turn. If they are being raped, they have two chances to escape penetration. If attacking, they can attack twice with the same skill at only the cost of one cast. This might be one of the more useful spells later in the game, along with Persistence. As with all buffs, if the Chantress is raped, the buff ends. Mana Cost - 50.

Replication - This skill allows the Chantress to replicate ANY ITEM in the game except an item that you can only have one of at a time upon their dropping. A highly useful skill, it is used at the end of a fight, so plan your mana usage wisely. Mana Cost - 60.

Holy Blast - This skill deals 300 Holy Damage if it hits, double against undead and demons. This damage cannot be reduced, nor enhanced, it will always do 300 damage to non demons or non undead, or 600 if they are demonic or undead. Magical Attack. Can't critical hit.

Smite - This skill deals 400 Holy Damage, double if against an undead or demonic opponent. Mana Cost - 50. Level Gained: 5. Magical Attack. Can't critical hit.

Class Specific Skills:

Sexual Frustration - The name to this is misleading to say the least. This passive skill doesn't block pleasure the Chantress suffers, nor does it increase her chances to avoid getting raped. Instead it allows her a little payback. When the Chantress is raped to an orgasm, her body rapidly channels the pleasure she suffers into raw energy, and upon her orgasm the Chantress's body will release this energy in the form of a directed blast of damage upon any enemy raping her at that time. The damage will be equal to 2x her MAXIMUM Sexual Stamina, so to begin with an orgasm would deal 360 damage to any and all enemies who were alive at the time she suffered an orgasm.

Heavenly Delight - The Chantress can, once per battle, choose either herself or her ally to target with this. This spell allows for whoever is targeted to completely resist taking KP from that point on until she suffers an orgasm. Once the target has an orgasm, the spell is broken and she can gain KP again. Very useful in a situation where things aren't going well and you need a boost, or in combination with a class that can deal damage when they orgasm, allowing them a cheap way to kill something, or seriously mess it up. The only drawback to this spell is it consumes whatever mana the Chantress still had at that point, leaving her very limited until she can regen. If she has some potions though, this isn't such a loss. The Chantress can't cast if she is penetrated, or penetrating, but she can if she's grappled. Mana Cost: 100 to start.

Amanda's Skills:

Soothing Memories - This skill allows the Ritualist to restore 25 HP and 25 Sexual Stamina when cast. The skill can only be used on someone who is not being actively raped, and is not grappled. It may only be used once per six turns and only in combat areas. Mana Cost - 20 This skill gains more potential power with each level, upping it's D roll by +5 for every level you gain. Doesn't rely on accuracy ratings.

Splinter Weapon - This weapon spell allows the Ritualist to cause a weapon to magically attack all targets in the area for +100 damage. If this is placed on any weapon, and the attacker succeeds in hitting their target, the damage will be dealt in it's full to every enemy. This spell lasts 5 attacking turns, or until the Ritualist is raped. Mana Cost - 30. This spell also affects her OWN attack spells as well as that of her companions. It does not add to Shadow Damage skill. Doesn't rely on accuracy ratings.

Spirit Bind - This channeling spell is two-fold. It may be used to either take information from a recently killed enemy that could prove useful, or it can be used to briefly bind the spirit of a fallen enemy to serve as an ally. If it
is used to gain information, the Mana Cost is 35. If it is used to bind the spirit as an ally, the Mana Cost is 55. This spell only lasts 3 turns or until the Ritualist is raped. If she is raped before her turn comes up, then her
spirit ally will vanish and not attack, as it will attack directly after she does. It deals the same damage as whatever attack the Ritualist was trying to use. If used for information purposes, you get two questions, and that is all
you will have time for. Doesn't rely on accuracy ratings.

Shadow Shot - This spell allows the Ritualist to hit an enemy for 400 shadow damage. This damage is immunity ignoring and cannot be reduced by any known method. Mana Cost - 0. This spell can't crit hit. Magical Attack.

Class Specific Skills:

Spirit Shield - This shield allows the Ritualist to channel the energy of her pleasure from rape into a reflective shield. The shield blocks 50% of the pleasure she would suffer, and deals back all of her pleasure into damage of her enemy. The shield will block a total of 700 pleasure before it is exhausted, becoming unusable until the Ritualist has spent one FULL round of combat free of grapples, like the Necromancer's ability. It gains 40 more points to block with per level of the character.

Spiritual Salvation - The Ritualist has a small chance upon being forced to orgasm for a rapist of making it forever turn against it's old ways, causing it to fight for her. While the skill is worthless on a boss, it is useful against
it's minions. It can only activate on one enemy at a time however. This has a 20% chance of triggering with each orgasm she suffers.

As a Half Mathosian, Amanda's Spirit Shield starts with 1,400 points, and gains 80 per level. As a Half Elf, Amanda uses only 50% of the MP her skills cost.

6/8 Adrenaline

560/700 shield
Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

Unfortunately the tide of battle shifts the long fight having tired Silmeria she is unable to stop the Fiend from trapping her and penetrating her, meanwhile she watches Amanda as she is beset on by the two Succubuses.

Tired and things looking grim Silmeria tries to resist the pleasure she is receiving.

Re: Silmeria (Bloodshifter)

((Incoming WALL of Text!))

Round 1:

Silmeria is trying to resist!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Amanda: 18 vs. Supreme Succubus (Mother): 28.

Amanda can't break free!

Flesh Teaser continues to suck off Silmeria, who can only grit her teeth and try to hold back against the sexual pleasure, unable to get free!

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 15 vs. Silmeria: 7.

Silmeria can't fight the pleasure she is getting, as her dick is constantly being sucked on. Silmeria suffers 70 pleasure and suffers an orgasm as the tentacles toying with her help to tip her over the edge again! Silmeria helplessly spurts inside Flesh Teaser's mouth, feeling more of her soul and energy get sucked out of her spurting dick in a pleasurable way. Silmeria gains 60 KP and has 173 Stamina left. She loses 7 HP and has 49 left until she is 'defeated'.

Penetration Attempt:

Succubus (Mother): 20 vs. Amanda: 17.

Amanda cries out as she is overpowered, even with her adrenaline boost and forced inside the tight pussy of the Succubus who'd just given birth. Amanda struggles, not wanting things to end like this, but the pleasure is intense. Amanda screams when the Succubus suddenly clenches in an orgasm around her, having been unaware of how little stamina it had left. Amanda suffers 55 pleasure and barely resists giving up her seed right there thanks to her shield. As it stands, she gains 130 KP and has only 61 stamina left until she has a powerful orgasm! She deals 110 damage due to her shield.

Round 2:

The Daughter Succubus forgoes her turn, watching, while Silmeria can't get away!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Amanda: 32 vs. Succubus: 23

Amanda manages to free herself!

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 5 vs. Silmeria: 22.

Silmeria manages to resist any pleasure for now...

Grapple Attempts:

Succubus (Mother): 6 vs. Amanda: 31
Succubus (Daughter): 1 vs. Amanda: 23

Amanda manges to dodge both Succubi, her eyes darting over to Silmeria for a moment, but realizing she has no prayer of helping her with two succubi trying to pin her down.

Round 3:

Silmeria is helpless and can't escape!

Attack Roll:

Amanda: 27 vs. Succubus (Mother): 24

Amanda begins to seek revenge and redemption as she lashes out with her spell, hitting the Succubus who'd just raped her for 400 damage. The (Mother) Succubus has 90 HP left.

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 15 vs. Silmeria: 16.

Silmeria resists again!

Grapple Attempts:

Succubus (Mother): 20 vs. Amanda: 24
Succubus (Daughter): 28 vs. Amanda: 23

Amanda dodges the Mother, but the Daughter Succubus grabs her this time!

Round 4:

Silmeria can't break free!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Amanda: 16 vs. Succubus: 14.

Amanda breaks free!

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 23 vs. Silmeria: 8.

Silmeria is unable to hold out any longer, as Flesh Teaser's skilled mouth begins to pleasure her once more. Silmeria's body shudders as she suffers 70 pleasure, and gains 35 KP. She has 103 Stamina left!

Grapple Attempts:

Succubus (Mother): 2 vs. Amanda: 16.

Amanda Counters the Daughter, dealing 400 damage! The Daughter Succubus has 200 HP left.

Round 5:

Silmeria can't break free!

Amanda tries to attack the Mother Succubus, only to be countered, pinned and mounted again! Amanda shudders as the tight pussy slides over her cock, and begins to ride her! Amanda suffers 55 pleasure which is cut to 27 thanks to her shield. She gains 75 KP and deals 55 damage to her foe. The Mother Succubus has only 35 HP left! The Mother Succubus has used her turn!

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 15 vs. Silmeria: 3

Flesh Teaser continues to suck Silmeria off, as the woman suffers 70 pleasure and gains 70 more KP. Silmeria has 33 Stamina left until an orgasm.

The Mother Succubus used her turn, and the Daughter simply watches.

Round 6:

Silmeria can't break free!

Amanda feels her adrenaline surge die down again, and realizes she could be in big trouble without it!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Amanda: 7 vs. Succubus: 17.

Amanda is held down and kept in place by the Succubus!

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 2 vs. Silmeria: 26

Silmeria resists her pleasure!

The Mother Succubus grins wickedly at Amanda, and begins to do something different...

Skill Activation:

Supreme Succubus: 13 vs. Amanda: 1.

Amanda fails to realize what is happening until it's far too late. Suddenly the Succubus leans down and passionately kisses her, and then drives her hips down over Amanda's cock as she breaks the lip lock. This forces Amanda into penetrating deeper inside the pussy than she's already been, and the woman screams when she feels herself penetrate the womb of her rapist! The moment she does, she can feel some kind of special 'mouth' like thing fix itself to her dick, and begin sucking on it too. Amanda lets out a wordless howl of pleasure as the sensations are too much for her, and she begins to wildly spurt her load inside the pussy and womb gripping her. As she helplessly spurts, her screams of pleasure are abruptly silenced by the Succubus passionately kissing her again, and all Amanda can do is writhe in helpless pleasure underneath the body of her rapist, her shield doing nothing to protect her from this new, erotic attack. After an indeterminable amount of time, Amanda's body was spent of it's seed, and she could feel her adrenaline flow rush back into her body. However, she somehow knew she'd been forced into giving up her seed as well as healing her rapist. The knowing look on the Succubus' face told Amanda she had most definitely impregnated her, and the look shared with the other Succubus told Amanda that the Mother was instructing the Daughter to take her place.

Suddenly 'mommy' flipped off of her, leaving Amanda to fight the 'Daughter'.

The (Mother) Succubus is pregnant, 20/20.

Amanda immediately found herself being charged at by the 'Daughter'!

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus (Daughter): 17 vs. Amanda: 16.

Amanda is tackled even despite her adrenaline boosted strength and speed!

Round 7:

Silmeria can't get free!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Amanda: 29 vs. Succubus: 22

Amanda manages to free herself!

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 14 vs. Silmeria: 13.

Silmeria continues to be helplessly sucked off, the pleasure finally too much for her to handle. Silmeria suffers 70 Pleasure and another orgasm! She gains 60 KP and loses 7 HP. She has 42 HP and 143 Stamina left.

The Mother Succubus is Pregnant, 19/20.

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus (Daughter): 20 vs. Amanda: 19.

Amanda once more is grabbed!

Round 8:

Silmeria can't get free!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Amanda: 33 vs. Succubus: 14.

Amanda shoves the Succubus off her again, growling "get off me!"

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 24 vs. Silmeria: 13.

Simleria continues to be sucked off, and this time Flesh Teaser hits a vulnerable spot, intensifying what she feels! Silmeria suffers 140 pleasure and gains 70 KP. She has 3 stamina left!

The Mother Succubus is Pregnant, 18/20.

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus (Daughter): 26 vs. Amanda: 19.

With a snarl of her own, the Succubus tackles Amanda down again!

Round 9:

Silmeria can't get free!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Amanda: 21 vs. Succubus: 8.

Amanda gets free AGAIN, angry as sin.

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 28 vs. Silmeria: 25.

Silmeria's body trembles as Flesh Teaser continues to hit her most vulnerable spots, and the woman can't take it! Another orgasm explodes out of her as she helplessly spurts more of her seed, soul and life into Flesh Teaser's mouth, unable to stop it. Silmeria suffers 140 pleasure and gains 95 KP. She loses 14 HP. She has 28 HP left and 43 Stamina.

The Mother Succubus is Pregnant, 17/20.

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus (Daughter): 23 vs. Amanda: 27.

Amanda dodges the Succubus, and prepares to attack!

Round 10:

Silmeria can't get free!

Amanda tries to attack the Sucucbus, but is baited into the terms of the Succubus instead, and before she can react, she finds herself pinned to the ground and mounted by her! The familiar tightness of Succubus pussy grips her cock once more, and Amanda cries out as the pleasure hits her. Amanda suffers 28 Pleasure as her sheild negates some of it, and gains 75 KP. She deals 55 damage back to the Succubus. She has 97 stamina.

The Succubus has 145 HP left, and 80 Stamina. She used her turn.

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 14 vs. Silmeria: 9.

Silmeria continues to be sucked off like she's a lollipop, unable to resist it. She suffers 70 pleasure, which is enough to make her orgasm AGAIN. Silmeria gains 60 KP from her rape, and loses 7 HP. She has 21 HP and 143 Stamina left.

The Mother Succubus is Pregnant, 16/20, while the Daughter used her turn.

Round 11:

Silmeria can't get free!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Amanda: 11 vs. Succubus: 16

Amanda can't break free!

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 24 vs. Silmeria: 6

Flesh Teaser continues to hit Silmeria's most vulnerable spots, and the woman can only shudder and convulse in the chair as she's sucked off towards paradise again. Silmeria suffers 140 pleasure and gains 70 KP. She has 3 Stamina left.

The Mother Succubus is Pregnant, 15/20.

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus (Daughter): 16 vs. Amanda: 17.

Amanda manages to resist her pleasure for now, but knows she has to get free soon or they're both possibly doomed!

Round 11:

Silmeria can't get free!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Amanda: 26 vs. Succubus: 28.

Amanda can't break free, and cries out in frustration!

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 28 vs. Silmeria: 27.

Silmeria is overpowered by her pleasure, unable to hold it back. Flesh Teaser continues to suck her dick, and once more Silmeria's body responds with a powerful orgasm! Silmeria suffers 70 pleasure and gains 60 KP, losing 7 HP. She has 113 stamina and only 14 HP left before she's 'defeated!'

The Mother Succubus is Pregnant, 14/20.

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus (Daughter): 28 vs. Amanda: 19.

Amanda can't stop her rape, and the Succubus continues to ride her! Amanda suffers 27 pleasure after her shield negates some of it, and gains 55 KP. She deals 55 damage to the succubus. Amanda has 70 stamina left.

The Sucucbus has 90 HP left, and 30 stamina.

Round 12:

Silmeria can't get free!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Amanda: 21 vs. Succubus: 24

Amanda can't break free!

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 20 vs. Silmeria: 8.

Silmeria can't stop Flesh Teaser from hitting all her vulnerable spots or sucking her off, and finally it becomes too much again. She can feel a powerful orgasm building up inside of her body, one she knows will be the end of her. Silmeria is unable to keep herself from succumbing to her pleasure, and one final orgasm races forth from her, exploding into Flesh Teasers mouth. Silmeria suffers 140 pleasure and gains 95 KP from her rape. She loses 14 HP, and as her orgasm begins to subside, she blissfully knows no more, as her HP has run dry.

Silmeria has been sucked dry, to 'death' and will remain 'dead' until Amanda kills everything, or is raped to 'death' herself.

The Mother Succubus is Pregnant, 13/20.

Amanda reacts with horror as Silmeria's struggles suddenly go silent, and Flesh Teaser releases the magical chair restraints on her. Amanda cries out in alarm as Silmeria's 'lifeless' body drops to the floor, realizing that she's
'dead!' She begins to struggle even more, realizing that she has to get free now, or she might suffer the same fate. Already she can see the look on the Succubus' face that is raping her, knowing that Womb Fuck thing is coming!

Special Skill Attempt:

Succubus (Daughter): 29 vs. Amanda: 28.

Amanda's struggles aren't enough, and soon enough she is screaming in pure pleasure as she is given another hot womb fucking. Like before, she is forced to penetrate the womb of the 'Daughter' Succubus, unable to pull out or resist it in large part to the mouth thing sucking her too. As the pleasure mounts, Amanda realizes she can't hold back, and, despite her best efforts, she finally succumbs to her pleasure. Amanda screams, her head whipping back as she cried out to the stars above, releasing her built up pleasure in wild spurts. Amanda can feel her adrenaline fizzle out, the will to fight literally being raped out of her even as she is forced to give up her seed and impregnate another succubus. By the time her orgasm has died down, Amanda is completely stunned, unable to move. When the Succubus flips off of her to await her birthing, Amanda can only moan in both horror, and anticipation as she watches Flesh Teaser come towards her, knowing there isn't a thing she can do about it! Amanda suffers enough pleasure to max her bar out, have a shared orgasm with her rapist, and her shield does nothing to save her. She is unable to move, which means Flesh Teaser will be able to get her into the magical chair, and enjoy the helpless woman for quite some time. Amanda has 56 HP left, and full stamina.

Round 13 and beyond:

Silmeria is 'dead'

Amanda can't move due to being stunned after having the fight raped out of her.

Both Supreme Succubi are pregnant:

Mother: 0/20
Daughter: 6/20

Flesh Teaser grins at the helpless form of Amanda, and casually lifts her up into a grapple. With no resistance forth coming due to the woman being stunned, it's a simple matter for Flesh Teaser to completely secure her prize, and fully restrain Amanda once more in her magical chair. As the woman lays there helplessly, Flesh Teaser grins wickedly at her, and whispers into her ear, "I told you I'd take you again. And now that your friend has been taken care of, there's no one to save you this time. You are MINE, and I will greatly enjoy you."

Amanda can only moan weakly, unable to offer any resistance as Flesh Teaser's mouth claims her cock once more. Amanda can only lay back in the chair even after recovering from the stun and enjoy her blowjob, knowing she's powerless to avoid it, and helpless to escape it.

After recovering from her stun, Amanda can only writhe in pleasure, trapped in Flesh Teaser's magical chair. Restrained perfectly, and unable to break free, Amanda can only enjoy the pleasure given to her by the skilled mouth, and as the first of many orgasms tears through her, wildly spurting out of her and into Flesh Teaser's mouth, she throws her head back and screams "Oh god yes! It's so good!"

Amanda lost count of how much time went by, all she knew was she was feeling good getting a never ending blowjob like this. Flesh Teaser continued at a steady pace, and Amanda just couldn't handle it. The pleasure was never ending, and she was in heaven enjoying it. It didn't take long for Flesh Teaser to work the first orgasm out of Amanda, a white hot wild spurting release that consumed her. That was just the tip of things though, for Flesh Teaser didn't stop there, she continued to suck Amanda even through her orgasm, the sexy woman helpless against the continuous onslaught of sexual pleasure. Before long the unwavering pace of her blowjobs was bringing Amanda to her second orgasm, every bit as good as her first one. By now Amanda didn't even care that she was effectively healing her foe every time she blew a load, those worries were long gone. All she could think about was how good this felt, and how skilled her
attacker was, and how long it would take for her next climax. She didn't have long to wait, for soon enough orgasm #3 was upon her, crashing through her as she convulsed in helpless pleasure in the magical chair.

Then, something wondrous happened. Flesh Teaser suddenly began flickering her tongue over Amanda's shaft, toying with the vulnerable tip of her cock even as she helplessly blew her load. At the same time, the blowjob motions got longer, deeper and sped up in pace, the change tipping Amanda past the point of no return. Two more rapid fire orgasms, #'s 4 and 5 erupted from her body as she violently succumbed to the pleasure, load after hot load of her pleasure vanishing into the wondrous mouth she felt around her. It was too much for her, and she threw her head back again, screaming loudly, "OH GOD! FUCK YES!" By now she was panting heavily for breath, the near constant pleasure of her never ending blowjob taking it's toll, but still Flesh Teaser didn't let up. Just as fast as she'd drawn three orgasms rapidly out of Amanda, the succubus returned to the previous unwavering pace, literally teasing her and torturing her with desire. Amanda wanted to succumb to her pleasure again, wanted to feel herself helplessly let go as she was sucked dry. She began convulsing in the confines of the chair as orgasm #6 approached, and finally peaked. She could feel herself growing weaker with each orgasm, but this one left her feeling like she was barely hanging on. By now though Amanda was too enthralled with the pleasure she was getting out of this, and even if she had wanted to fight, there was no escaping this chair, and no denying how good the sex was. No, Amanda was done for, and she knew it. She also didn't care, the pleasure she felt was worth losing this fight. She began to thrash about in the chair, weakly moaning as orgasm #7 rapidly approached, knowing this was it. The home run orgasm, the end of the line for her. It all came down to this final blowjob, this last orgasm and she'd be done for. As 'death' rushed up to meet her, Amanda embraced it, her orgasm rushing up equally as fast to spread throughout her entire body. Her mind and body were ablaze with passionate lust for this, and there was no turning back. Finally, it all became too much for her, and her body succumbed to what she thought would be the last orgasm of her life. As her mind blanked out and her energies faded away, she could hear Flesh Teaser laughing, knowing the succubus was laughing at how easily she'd defeated Amanda, and how easily she'd sucked her soul out of her ...

Amanda suffered 910 pleasure and gained 1,260 KP over 12 additional rounds of hot sex. She suffered 7 orgasms and was hotly defeated. While she was being raped, the 'Mother' Succubus gave birth to yet another Supreme Succubus child, and the one Amanda impregnated was counting down til she gave birth.

Some time later, both women would awake with a start. Silmeria would awaken first, having to take a brief moment before memories of her intense blowjob of doom came rushing back to her. Her eyes sought out the situation, and locked upon a single grizzly sight.

Amanda lay motionless on the ground, sticky seed covering parts of her body, indicating while Silmeria had been out, Amanda had been utterly dominated. Flesh Teaser was near by, seeming stronger than she remembered, and not one, but three Supreme Succubi were close. One seemed to be gravely injured, while another seemed to be pregnant still. The third seemed to be completely healthy, and Silmeria found she had no recollection of impregnating a Succubus a second time, meaning the healthy Succubus had to be Amanda's child. Not to mention the one currently sitting there, looking very far along in her pregnancy had to be Amanda's too. It might suddenly dawn on her that with both the Supreme Succubi appearing to have been knocked up, and Flesh Teaser even stronger than when Silmeria had blacked out, that must mean Amanda had been raped by all three of them before succumbing to the darkness of 'death'. Only Silmeria wondered if they had been dead, or something else. Amanda was motionless, but Silmeria could vividly recall being sucked dry of her life force, yet she was here. Was she a ghost looking down over their defeated bodies, or was she still herself? The dull ache of her body from it's sexual encounters suggested she was still alive, which meant Amanda could be waking up at any time. It also meant they weren't out of danger, for the moment these succubi realized they were still alive, they would be attempting to rape them once more.


1: Attack the heavily wounded, not pregnant succubus.

2: Attack Flesh Teaser.

3: Attack the healthy Succubus.

4: Risk Death and try to kill the pregnant one before she can give birth to another foe!

((Jesus Fuck, 25 rounds of rolls and shit later ... ))