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Slavefire - new game project


Demon Girl
Dec 3, 2013
Reputation score
Hello everybody, I'm back with a new game project, a side scrolling 2.5D RoR (With an interesting twist to the game mechanic) starring Starfire from Teen Titans before she joined the team.

You can read some of the game info over at my site

But in brief: Starfire tries to rescue Blackfire who is being carried off by aliens. It's all a trap and Blackfire knocks her out and sells her as a sex slave to a giant alien space station which is the biggest whorehouse in the galaxy.

Starfire is fitted with a power inhibitor collar but when they begin to train her they discover her orgasms overload the collar giving her a chance to escape. The collar resets after a while, this forms the base of the game's mechanic. Starfire has no powers and needs to hide and escape from station security, and the only way to recover her powers for a brief time is to have another orgasm!

So the game will have to be balanced between those modes of play, but hopefully this will answer the complaint people always have about RoR games, that you have to "lose to get rewarded".

This is a very old animation I made using my Starfire model, it's not representative of what the game will look like, but it is the model I'll be using, ported to newer software.

I'm interested in feedback and suggestions, plenty of details need to be finalized and the gameplay will need to be playtested thoroughly for balance to make sure it's fun, but I'm pretty happy with the ideas I have and I'm confident I can make it work.


Tentacle God
Oct 28, 2014
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

After Injustice got DMCA'd, I'd just be wary of using copyrighted characters/names etc. so be careful man!


Demon Girl
Dec 3, 2013
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

Yes I am aware but I will assert that it is a porn parody if it comes to that. If push comes to shove I can always rename, no one owns copyrights to "alien princesses with superpowers". My original concept was just the super heroine and the inhibitor collar mechanic, but the more I thought about it the more Starfire fit in just perfectly.

Right now the big danger for this game is lack of interest from the community, that would kill my motivation. Hell I'd welcome a DMCA it would mean it's getting noticed!


Grim Reaper
Apr 19, 2010
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

Links aren't working. Can't see the animation preview ether.

EDIT: Working fine now
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May 3, 2009
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

Weird that the friend above can't see the preview and use the links, they are working fine for me :confused:.

Now, about the game, it's a really cool idea and I loved the concept, specially with the main character being the lovely Starfire. Now, the same as the gentleman Hentaiwriter I'm worried about the possible unpleasant law attack against parodies. I'll be praying and hoping with all my might that this does not happen.

Without any more ranting, I'm extremely curious about some things. The concept is awesome but I find it really hard to imagine how to implement it in a side-scroller game, so, some questions, if you don't mind:

What engine do you plan to develop this game in?
Do you plan to make this game a sequence of levels or a general map like kinda, megaman ZX?
For the parts related to the buying clothes, getting them stolen, approaching customers to get currency, you are going to make a neutral stages/rooms in which you interact with npcs by talking to them or you're going to make an overworld map which you do this by random events similarly to the akabur games?
How do you plan to make the game main objective progress? (as like, the stages you need to finish that need some pre-requisites, with or without main plot elements with character interactions)

I really liked some old animations you'd done before, specially the cammy ones. Wish you all the best luck possible with the game, mate.

Edit: Forgot one thing. I liked the animation quite alot, and I'm happy with the fidelity you were able to follow with the model, but if you could make the front bangs of the hair more similar to her Teen Titans style, I'd be super duper happy :D.
Edit nº2: I know it's hard when starting a game and presenting it to the community and you feel like it's not getting enough attention, that hurts a lot, but at the start it's kinda like that. Just keep up posting some updates on progress so that the thread will still be in the eyes of our ulmf fellas (as so many new threads are made and olders updated, a lot get pushed to the 2-3 page, and sometimes it happens without most of the lurkers being able to see what it's about)
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Mar 17, 2012
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

You'd think if they were going to go after someone for a teen titans parody, they would have gone after Zone. Pretty sure they did more than one even. And they even mimicked the art style pretty closely. But then again that was some time ago.

As for the game, sounds interesting, will be watching.

And just because people don't comment, that doesn't mean nobody is watching or interested. Lot of lurkers around here, I used to be one myself. :)


Demon Girl
Nov 23, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Slavefire - new game project

Sounds interesting. Another thing to look forward to ^-^


Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

question in regards to content. will we be seeing bestiality, pregnancy or corruption?

bestiality as in space dogs or what ever 4 legged creature exist in space (lol krypto)

pregnancy. since it is sex, pregnancy should always be considered and risk of too much could potentially lead to pregnancy.

corruption you try to orgasm too many times, you start to enjoy it rather then need it.


Dec 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Slavefire - new game project

3d you say..
Starfire you say...

As for the whole discussion of copywrite, porn of Starfire is about as much of a parody of Teen Titans as Mario Kart is a parody of Mario. It isn't, it's just a different genre utilizing the same property.

Not that it particularly matters to me. I don't see DC making porn games any time soon, and while you may be making money from their property, you aren't hurting their products in any way. Plus, the world gets a Starfire porn game...

..and at the end of the day, isn't that the most important thing of all?


Demon Girl
Dec 3, 2013
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

Kyrieru said:
porn of Starfire is about as much of a parody of Teen Titans as Mario Kart is a parody of Mario. It isn't, it's just a different genre utilizing the same property.
I get what you mean but at this point in time "porn parodies" are a <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101799/">pretty established thing </a> a parody takes an existing character or setting and distorts or exaggerates it, usually for comedic effect but they've already occupied that space with Teen Titans Go, which is a parody of the earlier show. I'm taking some of the grimdark elements of the old DC comic (Star's sex slave past) and mixing it with the cartoon's lighter look, I'd argue that's a parody. Anyway I doubt It'll ever get to me arguing this in a courtroom :)

Dartred said:
question in regards to content. will we be seeing bestiality, pregnancy or corruption?

bestiality as in space dogs or what ever 4 legged creature exist in space (lol krypto)
I'm not opposed to it and the game certainly has scope to include it. I'm going to focus on releasing a stage with one kind of robot guard and one kind of (humanoid) customer to figure out the basic gameplay before expanding with more variety

pregnancy. since it is sex, pregnancy should always be considered and risk of too much could potentially lead to pregnancy.
All the customers are aliens and the girls are shot up with contraceptives, also the timeframe would be a little short. That said, a customer type who tries to implant fast growing eggs like in Parasite in the City or a preggo game over screen are possible.

corruption you try to orgasm too many times, you start to enjoy it rather then need it.
Yes, I considered a mechanic where by she gets lowered resistance to alien types after several orgasms, this would be easy to implement, a counter for orgasms from a particular enemy type lowering the effectiveness of the struggle action because she isn't trying very hard to escape.

Another mechanism might be increased need for stimulation to get the same results, so she may need to get gangbanged or bigger cocks to achieve the same orgasms she could get from one dude on level one. Difficulty increases but also sex content, everyone is happy!

Luckcrazy said:
What engine do you plan to develop this game in?
I'm using blender and the blender game engine, it's more than powerful enough to do everything I need, see , also it's lightweight (I've seen people post unity demos weighing almost a gig!) and being open source I don't have to worry about some game company finding out people are making porn and adding restrictions to their engine.

Do you plan to make this game a sequence of levels or a general map like kinda, megaman ZX?
Separate self contained levels, I want to make the development as modular as possible, if I can make only one level with 2 enemy types or if I can make 6 levels with 18 enemy types before I call the game finished I want every stage of development to be as close to completed as possible.

For the parts related to the buying clothes, getting them stolen, approaching customers to get currency, you are going to make a neutral stages/rooms in which you interact with npcs by talking to them or you're going to make an overworld map which you do this by random events similarly to the akabur games?
The money mechanic is like a space rfid chip, sex happens and automatic credit is given, then she can spend it on shops along the path that may be simply vending machines. NPC interaction is possible but it would be an add on subplot

How do you plan to make the game main objective progress? (as like, the stages you need to finish that need some pre-requisites, with or without main plot elements with character interactions)
The bare bones would be "keep moving to the right" like in Parasite in the city or other games, I have ideas for subplots and in game objectives but those get bolted on top if development allows.


Tentacle God
Apr 10, 2011
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

interesting, I haven't seen that show in some time but I remember there pretty much was a episode that was just like this Blackfire was selling her as a wife to like a slimy tentacle thingy, and she had restrains on in the 1st episode, but she was still a beast. I don't know about this choice to have sex part though....


Grim Reaper
Sep 18, 2012
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

About the copyright i suggest to do someting original (i'm actually redoing the character for a beat em up pj cos that.).
Also your gif is sexy and i think that it can fit any character, not' necessary starfire. That's what matter.
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Demon Girl
Dec 3, 2013
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

Did some work on character controls/animation and interface, that closeup will show orgasmic expressions when she's getting rogered, probably will end up using prerendered stuff as the realtime model will be optimized to look like a sprite, but we'll see...

She can now hover around and swing her arm and a starbolt comes out at the end of the swing! Game's about done I figure ;)

(That was a joke)

edit: here's a different layout for the closeup, I think it works better

edit2, just added for the first enemy type I'll be adding

edit3 poll's closed, gynoid robot wins, new poll about the slave collar added

edit4 (Not gonna bump my own thread) some sprite generation experiments

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Demon Girl
Dec 3, 2013
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

Well all right, just one bump.

This is obviously far from final, but just to show I'm alive.


Tentacle God
Sep 26, 2011
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

And we'll all float on~


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Slavefire - new game project

Have to move this thread to Under Construction. When you get a functioning proof of concept, send me a message and I'll be happy to move it back.


Demon Girl Pro
Mar 9, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Slavefire - new game project

Still working on this project? it seems great with lots of potencial.

When are we going to have a playable demo?


Demon Girl Pro
Mar 9, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Slavefire - new game project

Good to see you are keeping the game alive, i saw your post in your blog

keep the good work!