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Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Malik jumped back, shaking, she was clearly not a very brave girl, a wonder why she was even in the military in the first place. "Wee... we... we di... di... didn't want to run. We were attt... att... attacked. We... we... we.. were in the lobby, and there was an explosion. Aft... afterwards all was quiet, an and some wounded started comming in. But they... they... they were zombies, or something! They got the *snif* Captain first. We tried to fight, but there... there were just too many. We had to run. We... we found our way here, and it's... it's.. it's safe here!. The girl was scared out of her mind from Suzy's words. Her comrade was silently slipping around behind Suzy, ready incase she wanted to start something.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy's look of loathing only deepened from the apparent cowardice of Malik, though before she responded, she turned to face Gray, and said "Don't bother, Private, I'm not here to hurt you. Here, hold this for me, I don't have a sheath at the moment, my uniforms gone, as you can plainly see.", tossing the knife gently at her.

Looking back at Malik, Suzy advanced until she was breathing on the scared woman's face. "I met your captain. He got me. I'll have you know he was at least well endowed, if a little dim. Squirm on that for a while. You could've at least given us some warning." she said, before sighing, and clamping a hand onto Malik's shoulder, pinching on her neck slightly. "I want to hurt you, I just want you to know that. But, unfortunately, now is not the time. We're allies now. I resent that fact, and hate your guts, but I'm not going to do anything about it. It's fine to be scared. I was terrified, myself. What's not fine is turning tail without telling your friends you're leaving. Now, you get to laugh at me, because I need your help. I'm helping defend now, so I need a uniform. You're the only one my size, so I need to borrow some of your spares. Of course, you're perfectly within your rights to refuse. I'll think no less of you for it, as if that were possible. I have, after all, just said that I despise you."

Turning back, Suzy beckoned at Gray to return her knife, waiting for Malik to get over herself and talk. It was true. Given the choice, she'd have beaten the poor woman into the ground to relieve herself of her rage, but not only were there witnesses, but she didn't deserve it. She'd done what Suzy would have done yesterday in her position. Now though, she wasn't so sure. She'd fight and die if need be to protect Alexis, she was certain of that.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"T..t... take it! I... I... I'm sorry! I... I... I'm just a private, I didn't know what to do!" Malik was almost in tears, Suzy could hear some of the NCOs preparing to come check out what was happening.

Gray just stared at Suzy for a long moment ""I know how you feel, but was that necessary?" She haded the knife back, but continued the unblinking death stare. "Women's restroom is where we're staying. You'll find her stuff there."
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Satisfied with Malik, Suzy took the knife from Gray, and said "Not really. But it made me feel better. Thanks for the info, I'll fix her.". Suddenly, Suzy went straight for Malik again, and wrapped her arms around her, drawing her into a powerful hug. "Hush now. There's nothing to worry about. You've given me what I want, so I've no quarrel, sadistic as that may be, hmm?" she cooed, running a hand along the back of her head, stroking her soothingly. "Come on. You've got a job to do, so get to it, Private, we're getting through this, and I want you to, too! If you get killed, who will there be for me to berate?" she continued, before leaving the hug, simply resting her hands on Malik's shoulders, the knife safely tucked in her palm. Sure, her words weren't the most comforting in the world, but Suzy figured it was the least she could do for the poor girl. After all, if she left her a broken and sobbing heap, how would she live up to Alexis?

Finished, Suzy turned around, and patted Gray on the shoulder as she went past. "See you later. Don't let her do anything stupid." she said lightly, heading back to the main camp. Once she got there, the first thing she did was go into the women's restroom, as Gray had said, to get changed into the spare uniform. Sure, it was a little tight and long, but it was fine. She dragged her stuff from the ragged remnants of her trousers, and put the underwear and bandanna in her pack, and the ammo in her pockets. The tattered shirt and trousers went in there too, as emergency spares. Satisfied she looked the part again, Suzy's next job was Alexis. She needed to see how well her visit to the medic was going. Everything else could wait now. Assault rifles, ammo, food, it would all wait until after Alexis. That reminded her. She hadn't eaten since last night. And a lot had happened since then, her stomach rumbled in agreement. Still, after Alexis.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Alexis was just done at the medic when Suzy arrived. She stood up and turned, Suzy could see a nice sized gauze patch on her cheek, where the worst of the acid hit. As if knowing what Suzy was thinking, Alexis's tummy rumbled for food, and the two just looked and smiled.

There was a table in the station, and they opened a can of beans and a can of beef... beef something or other. Alexis was a bit quiet, keeping her thoughts to herself, though Suzy could see she was clearly happy to be back with her. Finally, Alexis spoke "So, what did you do while I was getting patched up?"
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy smiled nervously at the sight of the gauze on Alexis' cheek, walking forwards a little quicker to meet her, but figuring she wouldn't want a hug, not right here. Instead she just reached for Alexis' hand and face, stroking gently across her wound, looking lovingly into her eyes, before falling in at her side to walk to the table. Words didn't need to be said, yet.

Tucking in ravenously to the food, Suzy paused, and set the can down, "Ah, you know, getting a new uniform, which I hopefully won't be so quick to lose, and sorting out some poor girl who shouldn't really be here." she said, indicating towards the north stairwell where Gray and Malik were. She slid her hand across the table until it rested on top of Alexis'. "Al... I'm sorry about what happened earlier, thank you for saving me, again." she said, giving a half-hearted shake of the head. "I hope that gets better soon, do you want me to do anything? A hug or kiss perhaps? I want to help!" she inquired, leaning forward to reach for Alexis' face with her other hand. "It feels good to be back to a proper semblance of civilisation. Though I think my favourite time was this morning, hmm ~?" Suzy continued, giving a seductive wink to Alexis.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Alexis smirked at Suzy's words. "No, I'm fine, no public displays of affection, please. Though, don't shorten my name, it's kind of annoying." Alexis still seemed a bit down, however, in addition cringing a bit when she noticed her words might sound a bit harsh. She just wasn't big about having her relationships, not like there had been many, know to the whole world.

She continued to eat without saying much, thinking about something, before she spoke at last. "You know... I could teach you how to defend yourself better... if you want..." She said this shyly, almost blushing.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy herself shrunk away, muttering timidly "Yeah... Ok, Alexis, uh... Sometime later then...?", a little embarrassed at her mistake. She didn't want to make Alexis uncomfortable, but still wanted to make her feel better...

Suzy went a bit further than Alexis, blushing bright red at her offer. "Umm... Uh, yeah, I would like that Alexis... I don't know why I seem incapable of defending myself, but I'm sure you can help with that, heh." she said, downing the last bit of food, and setting aside the can.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Alexis did blush when Suzy did. "Well... I can show you how to aim better. I.. I don't want to show you in public though. It's not like we'd be doing anything intimate... probably, but I'm still not comfortable with so many people around... I don't like crowds..." Alexis was acting kind of strange, and that might be an understatement. Perhaps if the two could get alone, Suzy could find out what was bugging her. It also might be a good idea to have Alexis teach her to shoot better before the next attack. There were limited places for privacy around here, but there wasn't anyone in the makeshift women's quarters, and it was doubtfull one of the other three women here would swing by any time soon.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"Yes, I would like that, Alexis. Maybe we should try the women's room? We've got some time..." Suzy said, confused as to why Alexis was suddenly acting nervous, but smiling at her statement about them probably not doing anything intimate. Sure, it wasn't exactly high on her list of priorities right now, but she wouldn't mind a bit of attention from the other. She reached out to put a hand on her shoulder, then clenched the hand and pulled it away, remembering Alexis didn't want it out in the open.

When they reached the women's restroom, and determined it was, indeed, empty, Suzy turned on Alexis, and placed her hands on her shoulders, pulling the redhead a little closer, saying "Alexis... What's wrong? Is there something I can do to help? I think you've done plenty enough for me to at least let me try and help you..."
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Alexis sighed. "I almost failed to protect you back there. Sure, we managed in the end, and help was comming anyway, but that's not the point. I shouldn't have let you go first. I should have been the one to get the worst of it." After she said this, a look of determination came over her face. She pulled Suzy close, the girl's back pressing against the taller woman's front. "Get the pistol out, I'm going to teach you how to use it properly" Alexis said, her voice had an unknown element to it, not quite bitter, not quite angry, but something between the two, clearly a "bad" emotion. Suzy could tell it wasn't directed at her, but inwards, into Alexis herself.

When they were ready, Alexis gently took control of Suzy's arms as she pressed close, hand on Suzy gripping the pistol. She raised Suzy's arms into the firing position and brought her head next to Suzy's ear. When she spoke it was in a deep voice, almost sexy, but that wasn't what Alexis was going for. "Now, you have the grip pretty good. That's part of our training. What isn't is how to react. Turn your head with mine." Alexis turned her head side to side slowly. "Focus on your target, don't blink. Anyone can aim a gun, but few can aim a gun at the right spot." Suzy could feel Alexis pressing against her, and while the taller woman seemed entirely focused on the little lecture going on, she was of course accidentally brushing Suzy in ways that could greatly arouse the short woman.

(Your Mil score is now 3 instead of 2. Everyone gets the chance to bump this up by one sometime in the game)
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Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy scrunched up her face. "Don't tell yourself off for that, Alexis! I need to do things for myself too! I can't let you fight all my battles for me, you went in front anyway when the squids showed up, and look what happened, uh, not that I'm complaining, I actually kinda like it..." she said, blushing a little before Alexis pulled her close, slipping the pistol out. Doubt crossed Suzy's face, noticing the bad feelings she was giving off, and feeling powerless to help her. She followed Alexis' orders obediently, swivelling her head and arms round as she was commanded.

Suzy blushed a little, getting a little hot as Alexis brushed against her nicely, specifically her breasts pressing into Suzy's shoulders. The distracting arousal wasn't at all helped by the way Alexis was speaking to her, in such a pretty voice... Try as she might, Suzy couldn't stop herself from blinking right after she was told not to, and could only hope Alexis wouldn't notice, though her face retained the awkward flush.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

As the two were close together, waving the gun around, they failed to notice another figure standing in the door. As they swiveled that way, they finally saw Gray standing in the door, mouth slightly open in an expression of shock, but she still had that death glare Suzy encountered earlier. "We can hear them comming, grab a rifle and join the line." With that, she left, though Suzy swore she saw the girl shake her head slightly and mutter something.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy froze as she saw Gray standing in the doorway, her eyes shooting wide open. There went her air of authority over the two women. She pulled away from Alexis, as if to follow Gray, then stopped, looking downcast. She turned back to Alexis, and spun the pistol around, offering the handgrip to the taller woman. She then patted herself, and made for the door. "Come on then, we can continue this later..." she murmured, holding the door open for her. She'd talk to Gray and Malik later, too...
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

The two exited the room. The Sergeant signaled for them to get an assault rifle from a foot locker he had out in the middle of the station. "We're low on ammo, so I hope you can make due with just two each." He said this as he handed them extra ammo. "Now head over to the emplaced gun, they're comming from that way again."

There were several other soliders already here. The same guy was manning the gun, but he had a solider on either side of him, ready to fire. The LT was also here, standing a bit back, but ready to fire if he needed to. As the girls got closer they could hear the splashing. Everyone held their breath as the first few came into view. "Open fire!" The gunner complied with the Lieutenant's order, cutting down the first two squids with ease.

However, something was wrong. Only a few squid came around the tunnel at a time. The gunner was taking care of them with no problems. However, just as the observant soliders, such as Alexis and the Lieutenant, were getting a bad feeling, they heard a scream. "Aieeeee!" "Damn it! They're comming down the stairs. Biggs, Rider, get over there and help them out!" The Lieutenant almost showed a hint of the worry he was feeling. The monsters had never come from more then one direction at once before.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy slammed into the emplacement, going down to get some cover as she poked the rifle over the top, and pulled back the cocking handle to get the first round chambered. After the first couple of attacks, she relaxed a little from her straining position, letting the rifle sink a little into her arms, and coming away from the sights to relieve her eyes. She was starting to worry herself at how light it was when she heard the scream. It sounded like Malik, and probably Gray, back at the stairwell.

Suzy stood at the Lieutenants command, holding her weapon down her front, snapping "Yes, sir!" as she made for the stairwell, Alexis just in front of her. Dread was filling her. She was certain that there would always be less coming down the main tunnel now, since there were so few at the rear. Would six extra magazines be enough to hold them off? Suzy shook her head as she ran, pushing the thoughts out of her mind. Pessimism would kill them, or worse.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

As the two rounded the corner and the stairwell came into view, they found both Malik and Gray being held fast by two spiders each. Malik looked like she wanted to scream, but the spider at her arms was holding a sharp leg right over her face, just daring her to try it.

There were also two dead spiders, it looked like the two Privates had atleast managed to kill a few. One was right at the bottom of the stairs, almost cut in half by someone's overzealous firing, and the other was about half way between the downed girls, struck down mid leap.

As the two snipers prepared to react, two more spiders jumped down the stairs, aiming for them. They jumped right over Malik as the tried to break free, ignoring the two as already beat, going for the clear threat right away.

Infact, the spiders holding the girls were ready to claim their prize. As the newcommers advanced over them, they ripped the clothes off both the downed Privates. Malik was lucky, the spider only got her uniform, not her bra or panties. Her flinch at the last second move the straps just enough. Gray wasn't so lucky, however, and she was naked in a flash.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

As Suzy came round the corner, she stiffened up. Spiders. Big, fucking, spiders. She hated spiders, and the other creepy-crawlies, but when they were the size of a human... Gross... She saw the two girls, and the dead spiders, a brief look of approval crossing her face, wiped out by the sound of ripping, and the sight of two more bounding down the steps. She eyed the naked grey for a fraction of a second, and called out "Gray! Malik! Hold on!", raising her rifle to her shoulder as she prepared to wipe out the attackers. Sure, she thought Malik was a coward, who shouldn't even have picked up a gun in the first place, but that didn't mean, she'd leave her, nor Gray, to the fate she'd suffered. Of course, Alexis was here too. Suzy couldn't flee, or she'd lose all respect from her girlfriend.

After aiming, Suzy squeezed her finger down on the trigger, sending a long stream of hot lead at the two spiders not occupied with the downed Privates, presumably with Alexis joining her. They'd best be thankful later. Every fibre of her body was screaming to flee, but she held herself firm, Alexis at her side.
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Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Hit Chances

1: 1 + 38 - 15 = 24 // 1 + 33 = 34 ... failure
2: 47 + 20 - 15 = 52 // 19 + 33 = 52 ... success
3: 19 + 32 - 15 = 36 // 2 + 33 = 35 ... success
4: 22 + 30 - 15 = 37 // 14 + 33 = 47 ... failure
5: 26 + 28 - 15 = 39 // 4 + 33 = 37 ... success
6: 45 + 45 - 15 = 75 // 20 + 33 = 53 ... success

Damage Rolls (S6M1 - Full Auto - 6d10)

1: 8 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 9 + 7 = 36
2: 4 + 6 + 8 + 7 + 5 + 6 = 36
3: 4 + 8 + 4 + 10 + 4 + 10 = 40
------ Monsters killed here ----

(If damage/2 > 80, you've killed the two comming at you)

Suzy blows the two spiders away, her first kills sense the explosion. She doesn't even have to fire as much as she intended, using only 15 shots, leaving her mag half full.

Hit Chances

1: 34 + 20 - 19 = 35 // 9 + 33 = 42 ... failure
2: 21 + 21 - 19 = 23 // 13 + 33 = 46 ... failure
3: 44 + 49 - 19 = 74 // 5 + 33 = 38 ... success
4: 22 + 19 - 19 = 22 // 8 + 33 = 41 ... failure
5: 20 + 42 - 19 = 43 // 17 + 33 = 50 ... failure
6: 9 + 45 - 19 = 35 // 3 + 33 = 36 ... failure

sum: 232, average: 38.66, success: 1/6 17%

Damage Rolls (S6M1 - Simi-Auto - 2d10)

3 + 10 = 13

Alexis aims at the spider holding Gray's feet. She can only fire simi-auto, for fear of hitting Gray. Still, only one bullet hits, but causes some damage. The monster takes 13 HP damage, leaving it with 27 HP. It lets up off Gray and faces the two snipers.

Two more spiders drop down the stairs and run to roughly where the two slain ones are, eager to replace the losses. Malik's spiders don't budge, and rip off her undergarments as she lets out a scream. The last spider, still near Gray's arms, defeats her attempts to escape and tries to stick its cock in her mouth, but a lucky squirm causes it to miss. Still, a sticky trail of pre-cum is seen on Gray's forehead.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Ducking under the small cloud of cordite hovering over her rifle, blocking her view, Suzy grimaced at the sight of the two new spiders. They needed to stop the girls from losing their dignity. And the only way to do that was to get rid of the disgusting arachnids. Taking a look down the sights again, Suzy emptied the other half of her magazine into both the injured one that had left Gray, and the two new spiders in an attempt to mow them down as she had the first pair.

When she was finished, Suzy took a step back, and called "I'm out!", reaching to her open pocket to scoop a new magazine out as she pressed the release catch on the rifle, the empty magazine clattering to the floor as the fresh one slid in. Hearing the click as it reached it's destination, Suzy's hand went up to the cocking handle again, and pulled it back, readying the weapon to fire again, and stepping back into line with Alexis. Malik's screaming was irritating, but she wasn't doing much worse than Suzy had. At least her rapists had looked more or less human. She could imagine how terrifying it would be trapped under the giant spiders.