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Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

In the bathroom, Sara was asleep at at last, curled up against Abigail in almost a fetal position. All that was left was for her to start sucking her thumbs. Abigail herself was still awake, on her back with one arm around Sara. She sort of had her ususal look about her, though there was a big dose of sadness mixed in, mainly for the girl next to her.

A few feet away, Alexis was on her bedroll, she'd pulled Suzy's up next to her, being careful to stay between that and the other two girls. "You can snuggle up with me here, I won't mind the other two here." Though she said this quietly. She looked like she wanted more, but was slightly embarrased.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy felt a pang of sorrow for Sara, remembering how Suzy herself had fallen asleep last night, and how Abigail was now acting as the caring figure for her. She gave a sheepish wave, but didn't say anything, the girl needed to sleep before Suzy tried to find out what made her un-likeable to the Private.

Suzy's eyes widened as Alexis mentioned they could sleep together, and a truly happy smile crossed her face. "R-really? How come? You shouldn't change your values just for my sake, Alexis. I'm fine to sleep by myself if you want." she whispered back, her hand starting to tremble a bit as she stroked Alexis' hair. If she really was welcome, Suzy would take off her armoured vest and boots, and gently slide into the covers, Alexis inbetween her and the Privates to hide from Gray, and start to cuddle up, her hand running down Alexis' body underneath the covers, but staying away from her nether regions, the closest she got being the curve of her thigh. "What brought about the change of heart then?" she whispered even quieter, giving Alexis soft, slow touches as she settled down, allowing her back to press into Alexis, meaning Suzy could be the little spoon this time, should Alexis want to cuddle that way.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Alexis pulled Suzy close. "It's nice to have someone, at a time like this." She rubbed Suzy back, mainly around the sholders and a bit of caressing for her face. "Yeah, there are strangers right over there, but I need someone warm right now."

Alexis was quite happy to spoon with Suzy this way, it allowed her to turn her back to the other two. Suzy's ass fit perfectly in front of Alexis, almost as if they were made to be together. The taller woman stroked Suzy's arm as they lay. They might not be able to sleep for long, but it would be nice while it lasted.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy gave no reply, except a slight purr of happiness as she sank into Alexis, slotting in as if it was where she'd always supposed to have been. It was quite clear that she was enjoying being stroked, sharing their warmth as they lay there. As she finally yawned for real, she wriggled a little to get herself even snugger, and whispered, barely audibly even to Alexis "I love you..."

Suzy was more at ease than she could ever remember like this, being cuddled and cared for by the redhead, and she was quickly drifting off to sleep, her hand resting behind her on Alexis' hip.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy didn't know how long she was asleep, though it couldn't have been too long. It was a nice nap, but you can't sleep too long in a situation such as this. Alexis was still alseep, she had her head on Suzy's shoulder and was breathing softly, her breath gently flowing over the smaller girl's ear.

Suzy noticed what had woken her up, Abigail was using the sink to wash her face. The water was still running. Sara was still asleep, however, she was snoring softly, in almost a cute way.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy awoke with a small start, gasping quietly as she scanned her surroundings, sinking back when she remembered where she was, simply enjoying being in Alexis' cuddle. She soon realised that Gray was washing herself in the sink, though didn't seem to have realised Suzy was awake.

Gently sliding the covers off of herself, and even more carefully lowering Alexis' head so as not to wake her, Suzy stood up, smiling softly at the sight and sound of Sara, and whispered. "Abigail? Have you slept? Both of you need your rest...". As she was talking, Suzy stretched her arms above her head, and interlaced her fingers together, cracking off a few rounds in her joints. "I see you got dressed again, but what about Sara? Does she need this uniform back? I can get changed into my other clothes..."
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Abigail didn't look like she'd sleep much, or well. She shifted her eyes to glace at Suzy, though she looked too tired to stare her down as usual. "A little... She might want it back. The Lieutenant says we might make a supply run soon, we might get spare clothes at this rate." The last part was said with more then a little venom.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy looked upset at first, but then a little angry at the venom in Abigail's voice. She padded over to the sink, trying not to wake the others, and hissed "Abigail, tell me what your problem with me is! I don't want to be anyone's enemy here! I'm more than willing to clothe Sara even if that means I have to go around in a miniskirt that's falling apart! I didn't mean to be so harsh on her the first time, but as you said, I was upset! And now she can understand that too, even though we saved her this time! So please, be honest with me..."

Suzy's hiss held no malice, only hurt. It was plain that she was upset at having caused Abigail to resent her, even though Suzy considered herself innocent of any crimes against the taller Private.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"You think, you're the only one those monster's had their way with? Well you aren't, they got me yesterday too. Some giant squid monster pumped me full of their seed more times then I can count. But you know, what, I dealt with it. I didn't have someone to rescue me. Then, when I got here, Sara took care of me as best she could. I'm not one to dump my problems on other people, but she was real supportive. Then you come in here and start yelling at her for something she couldn't help and already felt really bad about. I know you went through something tough, but don't take it out on her!
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy paused, looking confused. It took her about 10 seconds to recover enough to speak. "I... I'm sorry... I didn't know, Abi... I tried to make it up, but I had to let off some steam... Can I do something to make you like me, or at least not hate me? Like I said... I don't want enemies... Let me help you... Both of you... I'm sorry..." she muttered timidly, and Abigail could see she had shattered the Corporal's fragile confidence in that one swift hammer blow.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Slowly, and evil smile crossed Abigail's face. "I believe there is something you can help me with. She walked over to a bathroom stall and opened the door. Get in here with me. If looks were in the dictionary, you could find Abigail's face next to "evil smirk".
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Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy blanched at the look on Abi's face, though it was hard to see because of how pale her face was naturally. She swallowed, and followed her in, even though the look was making her mind scream at her to flee this woman. Something was completely terrifying about her right now.

Still, Suzy followed her in, and shut the door behind her. She opened her arms, and flinched pre-emptively, saying quietly "W-what is i-it then?". The fear in her voice was plain, though she was doing her best to control it, and at least she wasn't shaking. Not yet at least. Somehow, Gray was far more intimidating than all the monsters she'd faced so far together, more terrifying than the nightmare she'd had earlier, but Suzy promised herself she wouldn't give in, steeling herself for whatever was approaching.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"Now, this won't be too bad for you, some girls even like it. Now, get on your knees." Abigail said this as she shut the stall door and locked it, then putting the seat down all the way on the toilet. As she sat down, she continued "Semen can stay in a woman for up to a week after intercourse. You're going to help me get the last of it out. I've already gotten most of it out, but I'm sure there's a bit more to be had. Abi blushed a bit at this last part, but quickly recovered. "I want you to suck on it, then swallow it all. Every last drop. Then you shall be forgiven. The smile on the soldier's face was the world of the devil himself. She removed her bottom and panties, showing her pussy to Suzy, indicating she should start.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy fell to her knees obediently, as soon as she was told to, listening to the Private talk with a growing display of horror. "B-b-b-but how will I help!?" was all she could manage, her lower lips trembling in fright. As Abi dropped her lower clothing, Suzy stared at the flower revealed to her, not doing anything for a couple of seconds. She leant forward, placing her hands on Abi's thighs, but didn't dive in, instead turning to look at her face. "A-and you have to be quiet! We can't wake the others up!" she hissed. Abi could tell how afraid she was of waking the others up, and could probably guess that she was more concerned with Alexis than Sara. Indecision was etched across her face as she hovered over Abi's flower, not wanting to prostitute herself for forgiveness, yet...
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"I've proven I can control myself just fine. I was counting on using myself to muffle any noise you happened to make. While I may enjoy the thought of your girlfriend's face as she watches you pleasure me, I'm not going to do that to you. Suzy couldn't help but notice the mixed tone's the the girls voice. While Abi clearly didn't like Suzy, she had a somewhat better opinion of Alexis. "Now, I think we should begin, don't you?" The woman sure did love to give Suzy that smile, looking her right in the eyes. She brought one hand behind Suzy's head, running it through her red hair. She didn't force Suzy just yet, but might if she didn't move soon. Instead, Abi was content to rub the back of her head, for now.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy stared, shocked, for a moment, and whispered "D-don't you dare get Alexis up! She deserves better! I-I-I... I'll do it...". She trembled again at Abi's evil stare and grin, the hand in her hair making her shudder.

She lowered herself down, the scent of the woman enveloping her sense of smell. Not bothering with sucking on the Private's clitoris as she had done with Alexis, Suzy went straight for the big deal, plunging her face into Abi's nether lips, sticking her tongue all the way in, lapping around, forcing her tongue to squirm around as much as she could, while thrusting in and out at the same time. Tears of humiliation started to leak down her face as she continued to eat Abi out, making herself toy with her clitoris with one hand, determined to make her orgasm as fast as possible, to get what was basically rape out of the way as quickly as she could. She couldn't understand what the woman's motives could be, but she didn't care. The sooner this was over with, the better, in her opinion.

Suzy continued, using all her ability to increase Abi's pleasure as much as she could, lapping wildly at her folds, drinking all of Abi's leaking love juices as she had been commanded, tears flowing freely as she went on. 'Why!? Why is she doing this to me...' Suzy cried at herself, though the only sounds in the room were the snoring of the two sleeping women, and the wet, dirty slurping sounds of Suzy submitting, to perform her cunnilingus for the sadistic woman sitting there. She wished she'd stayed in bed with Alexis, so comfortable she'd been there, and now, she was getting the supreme lesson in humiliation, from a woman who had obviously taken being raped even worse than Suzy had...
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Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Abigail leaned back, enjoying the sensations, eyes fluttering. She continued to rub the back of Suzy's head. "That's it. Just like that." Abi noticed the Suzy's tears, kind of hard not to, considering they were running down her naked leg. "What's the matter, don't you want to atone for your sins?" She let Suzy's head rock back a little, on the off chance the girl had a reply. She really did feel bad for Suzy, but this was for her own good.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy almost sobbed as she continued, but regained control of herself at the last second, remaining silent. When her head was rocked back, she gasped slightly, inhaling deeply, and quietly whined back, still too concerned with keeping Alexis and Sara asleep "This isn't the right way to do this! How is it for my own good, Abi!"

It seemed as if even though she seemed rather distraught by what she was being blackmailed into doing, she was still trying to fight against it, there was even a hint of anger in her pathetic voice. Perhaps she'd learnt her lesson sooner than expected? But then again, was it right to let her off her 'punishment' because of this? However, Suzy hid her face again before she could be answered, by burying herself into Abi's pussy again, still trying to eat her out to orgasm as quickly as possible, though she stopped crying shortly after, and Abi might feel a slight nick of pain as Suzy's teeth scraped across her labia, only once, and not particularly hard, but it was still there.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Abigail didn't respond at first to Suzy's comment. She just pressed Suzy's head back in once she reengaged, still massaging. "You're helping a victim such as yourself instead of degrading them, that's how. The first step to recovery."

When Suzy hit with her teeth, Abi did indeed feel some pain, clentching her fist that was in Suzy's hair. "You know Suzy, did I tell you in detail what the squids did to me? Let me enlighten you a bit. They had a gold of me for THREE HOURS. Three hours of pain and humiliation. After that, I'm having trouble feeling pain and pleasure from sexual stimulation. By all means, try and speed this up, it won't work. Go ahead, try and cause me pain, it'll just make me angry. Abi stopped pulling on Suzy's hair, and continued. "I'm trying to make this as easy as possible for you, I don't think you want to make me angry." This time she did not let up to let Suzy respond, keeping her firmly in place against any struggle attempts.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

A strangled whimper rose from Suzy as Abi twisted her ginger hair around, forcing her further into Abi's folds. Somehow, having Abi's experience described to her excited Suzy a bit, and she could feel herself get slightly damp. She tried to come up for a breath, but couldn't, being forced to inhale the scent of Abi's excited pussy for her oxygen. To Suzy, it was a nice scent, but she scolded herself, knowing it was all to increase her humiliation. But now, Suzy was turning her self-pity into anger, she was going to finish this, but wanted to make it as unpleasant as possible for Abi as well, since she was already in as low as possible a position.

And so Suzy sped up, though every know and again as she dipped her chin back and forth to increase the thrusting sensations, her teeth would scrape across Abi again, not particularly painfully still, and infrequent enough in fact that it was possible to mistake them for accidents, but she could guess that Abi knew better, but Suzy didn't care. She was too angry and humiliated at the moments, her face glowing red hot as she continued to perform her task, driving Abi ever closer to the inevitable orgasm. Suzy wasn't quite able to mentally prepare herself for that though. 'Oh god, I don't want to drink her cum! There's nothing worse! Alexis... Alexis...' Suzy groaned to herself, but made no audible sound other than the wet slurping, and her heavy breathing as she struggled to get enough oxygen in.