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Sonja (freeko)

Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower blinks and sighs. Felt like she was carrying this all on her back. Maybe she should get a big carrying case and trot Sonja out when she needed something flailed at. Whatever, it was what it was.

She stood up again and stretched a moment before looking to Sonja and gesturing, "Fix your shirt before we go out there." She paused a moment then tested the door.

"Hey, you lot out there. You mind holding up a bit? We're mercenaries and we'd like to not be sealed into this awful place. Or have to blow the door down., Called Sunflower through the door, before testing to see if she could get it open.

Frankly she doubted boarding this place up would work anyhow, she;d rather level it, but there was missing captives to find too. Still, she couldn't blame them for trying. It made a certain level of sense to try and contain the threat, she just doubted boards could stop these things, especially since they clearly could stuff sophisticated teleporting magic all over.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The guys at the other side were pacefully doing their work until suddenly a female voice come out the enchanted tower. Just in the instant they get on guard and the closer ones jump away.

For all the #$%&

I said to all of you than we should end this fast A man far away spoke.

As Sunflower tried to open the door, soon her attempts show than were futile as there was something at the other side avoiding it.

We havent heard or seen than someone get inside this damn place for days and even weeks.

Dont talk with her, she must be a demon or a ghost.

I dont care what the hell that is we have orders to take of anything coming out before seal this hellish place.

Truly some of these men would need a change of underclothes after know than something is on the tower.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

About all Sonja would do, is flip her top back down over her breasts. Her presumption being likely correct that whatever it was outside did not want to be inside and therefore would likely be less hostile than what has been so far encountered within the tower itself.

"They dont sound like they want to go in here, so we are going to have to go out there. Are we not here to rescue kidnapped poeple inside the tower? If we leave the tower, we may as well not be here at all then. Might be worth a shot to tell them there are missing people and see if they can help us find them?"
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower rolls her eyes as she hears the commotion outside her voice caused. Idiots. She should have expected as much.

"Ugh, don't be stupid. First off, while there are demons in here, they'd just break the door down then attack you, not talk to you. Second of all, they can teleport so sealing the doors is pointless. Hell I could just blast the door down right now, but frankly that's a stupid idea. Look, we're here to get rid of the monsters and try to find the missing people. You want to keep more people from getting grabbed or killed. I can respect that. But you're not going to get much done sealing us in. Look, tell you what. Just tell me which compass direction this door is facing, and we'll call it even. We'll solve this crap, and then blow the door down to get out, and if we fail, then you have the extra two minutes it takes them to knock the door down to get out and all still.," sighs Sunflower as she tries to convince them of their folly and maybe get some useful information out of them.

It'd be worth the annoyance if they could tell her which way was north from here.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

After the great attempt to get them at their side, the people outside remain silent for a second before a few of them started to show their fluid and educated lexicon, then the last man decide to continue the light talk.

They havent breaken the door all these years.

Yeah Even if they do it after a while we would had already got our payment another said. However if you take down that door it would be the towns around these lands the ones who would suffer the consequences, not us.

I think than we still could solve this together and without make any serious mistake.

I seriously hate f#$%ing mages, blasting shit just because they can.

She could be just an expert in explosives.

They are the same bullshit! Where is the damn paper? that $%&# food was terrible.

Just say them than is south so we can end the work and leave, damit. There then was a small silence and some hits were heared a little far away of the door. Answered her question Jean could just leave or continue talking as these guys continue their work.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Yeah cus they can teleport around. They probably had no reason to try either. Anyways, I don't intend to hurt anyone or cause any trouble, we're here to clear this mess out. I hope for our sake you aren't lying cus that direction is the difference between life and death here. Alright, we're getting back to it. Good luck with your work.," grumbles Sunflower before looking to Sonja.

"You heard him, the door faces south. But we still don't know what this sun god is supposed to be. Let's check those stairs in the first room.," says Sunflower, heading back for the room with the paintings, cursing at her sensitive body quietly as she went, continuing to be stubborn.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Wait, South according to him, or south according to us?"

Sonja only hearing the last part of their conversation where they were talking much louder had only that to say as she would resume following Jane.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Maybe Sonja still wonders if that information owned some moments ago is real but they needed to solve this soon before more of these creatures found them. They soon decide to check the stairs at the first room where they meet each other.

Their lucky smile them again as not a single opponent is at their way, so soon they get up to the upper floor. Looking at this new place they found themselves in what looks to be a bedroom with a door at the other side. This bedroom was of an average size and there was not too much in it except from some marks around the bed, the mark is in the form of a circle with others symbols inside than they cant see as the bed was on the way. There was not a single window and then they noticed a small bright at the corner behind the bed thanks to the soft light created by small jewels at some parts of the ceiling, just by the intensity of these they could suppose than they could trade them for some amount of money.

The door to proceed is barred by a iron jar with a wooden seal to hide the inside of it to them.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

So far so good, the way was clear. Sunflower had been specific on what she said so hopefully they hadn't lied. And luckily the path ahead was clear! They came into what appeared to be a bedroom. A weird one. There were gems in the area, and something seemed to be behind the bed. Unfortunatly there seemed to be some sort of circle the bed was in and it was in the way.

Sunflower hummed as she looked it over. "The gems might be worth something but money is no good to us while we're sealed in here, and got nothing to really carry em in anyways. Let's try to move the bed without getting into the circle."

She moved over and tentatively reached for one of the legs of the bed to try and pull it aside.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Silly Jane, did you forget that I still have the backpack."

Sonja would add these jewels to her pack.

"What a shame though.. how can you not want to just use the bed.. whatever the hell it was that is messing with my head is rather turning me on right now."

Sonja was still rather horny and possibly not as able to outwardly repress the feeling like Jane was seemingly able to do. The bed just seemed to be a trigger for Sonja to outwardly want to seek some release.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Yes, but it's still meaningless weight when we have no use for them.," grunts Sunflower as she starts to pull the bed aside slowly due to its weight.

She glances irritably at Sonja at her comments. "Yes, we're both forced aroused. Just deal with it. It's horrible but we can power through. Just remember why we're here, to save those girls and destroy these beasts, not... Whatever the hell you're thinking. Just don't think about it, it helps. Mind over matter.," she says, before turning back to her task, pulling the bed and making grumpy irritable noises as she tries to ignore her body, not appreciating the reminder.

Either way it was hard work by herself.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Julia decide to continue to endure this curse or as she said trying to ignore it. Moving the bed made her be able to see what is behind it. It was a small figure than have the shape of a Sun and behind it a cilinder part.

It could be from a puzzle or a symbol of thes cultists who know. Anyway they dont have the time to find it out now as suddenly below the bed a giant spider come out to salute them. It was not the only surprise than this room could have for them but at least it was small to dont have too much of these traps.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower blinked as she saw the little sun god device, but a hiss got her attention instead. A enormous spider suddenly came forth from beneath the bed! Ugly thing, she was not going to become spider food!

"Burn.," growls Sunflower, before raising a hand and trying to engulf the spider in pain, gritting her teeth and ignoring the throb of her loins and busom.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would engage combat mode, by flipping up her shirt again to liberate her breasts so that she would not have to deal with her clothing rubbing against them and distracting her. Just trying to walk around was torture to her already ravaged sensitive spots, so it would be near impossible to focus on fighting if she left her clothing as it was. So any part she could do to alleviate those feelings, was a start. She would probably have stripped naked were she to have had the time, but the spider nor Jane did not really seem too interested in waiting for that to happen.

Sonja as would be customary for her, would just blindly get right in there and do battle. Were the distance enough, she would charge into the fray.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The spider notice the danger in the air so with a quick move return down the bed. Thanks to the curse on her Jean was unable to focus on time as she saw her magic hit the floor starting to make the wood floor get on fire.

At the same time Sonja charge to the battlefield and tried to attackw what the mage was aiming. They could move the bed to try to find it or burn the bed in any way the damn spider was not there only that circle on the floor than looks to be used for something more than just decorate the floor. The magic fire was spreading at a normal speed some smoke there and at anothers areas, anyway they had lost their target and they dont know how that could be possible in such so small room.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower yelps in alarm as her loins throbbed hard a moment, throwing her aim off. She cursed as the spider dove back into cover, but her attention was on the wooden floor that she had ignited. "Oh no, not again! Damn it all!," swears Sunflower, before hurrying over and yanking the blanket off of the bed and throwing over the flames before starting to stomp on it and smother the flames before they spread.

They couldn't burn down the tower, they were in the tower! They'd go with it! forgetting the spider for now, she dedicated to stopping them from going up in smoke like her hair.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Once you are done with that, should we turn the bed over on its side?"

When Jane would be done snuffing out the remnants of the fire she caused, it would be up to her to go with this plan. Sonja wanted to just flip the bed over on its side removing any place that spider could be hiding from them. Though she also thought that the spider was not exactly hostile toward them.

Then again, they could just use the bed for what it is meant to be used for and relieve their sexual tensions. Sonja would be perfectly fine with that too all told.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower needed to work a little more of the expected to turn off the fire before this get out of control. Once done Sonja decide to check where that spider could be turning the bed over, but the giant spider was not there and with that size it was not possible than it could had escaped as the fire was settle down, leaving both girls wondering how it had made this.

The girls could still use the bed, it have some dust but they could solve this issue easily not like the heat inside theirs bodies. The place also lacks of the expected spiderwebs than a thing like this should have there were just a few below the bed but that was all.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would try to take advantage of this situation. Jane might not like it too much, but considering the alternative is being raped by another invisible demon, Jane was gonna have to do. Sonja would wait for Jane to finish putting out the fire and then attempt to throw her onto the bed.

The way Sonja saw it, Jane would have two options as to what she could do once she was actually on the bed, Nothing or Like it. Heck, maybe even Jane actually stops posing so much with that exterior projecting and just lets go for a little while. Sonja saw it as a team building excercise, and that she was going to be able to scratch that itch she has been having was all the more reason to just go for it.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower sighed when she finally got the fire out. What a pain in the ass. Not a new one though, she'd nearly burnt down her own home countless times. She usually carried a bucket of water everywhere, but she figured she wouldn't have to worry about it on a job like this. Oh well.

She glared over at Sonja who was flipping the bed over and messing with it. "Quit messing around. I don't know where the hell it went, but the fires out, let's get a hold of that idol and move on before it comes back or worse."

She turned to the idol, hearing the bed set down again, before she was grabbed from behind. She yelped in alarm and pleasure, her hands igniting again as she promptly assumed she was being assaulted before she was airborne and then atop the bed, the fires going out before she lit the mattress on fire.

She looked up for her attacker but it was only Sonja and the way she was looking at her she didn't like. "Get a grip, Sonja! You're letting that damn stuff rule your head. Do you really want to be the same as those monsters down there? I'm warning you, back off."

She didn't know if the girl was drugged, possessed or mind controlled, but in either case this needed to be addressed clearly.