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Sonja (freeko)

Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja started to leave, simply being content to win her match. However the roar of the crowd was starting to focus itself toward one thing, the humiliation of her opponent. Winning the crowd was almost always a wise thing, so once the shouts started to come that more money would be involved it was just a matter of trying to think of what she would do to her opponent.

"What should I do to her?"

Trying not to act clueless, but more so to see what the crowd wanted all the same. Sonja would egg the crowd on, and even thought of something while she had a small flashback from her previous match. Why not see if someone wanted to fuck her opponent, and pay Sonja for the privledge? Of course Sonja wanted in on the action as well, but pleasing the crowd at this point was likely far more important.

If the money ended up being right, hell Sonja would allow someone to fuck her opponent.. but also someone could fuck her too. What better way for a no-name like Sonja to get people to notice her more?

With this, hopefully the crowd getting involved would make Sonja some money.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"RAPE HER" "BRING THAT PUSSY HERE" between others things were what they answer back to her question, loking at the woman defeated at her side, she of course shake her head and frown against the idea, but she looks to dont reduce herself to beg to Sonja, as the blonde still try to cover her figure to dont make this need to fuck her on them bigger.

The swordswoman could notice than her defeated foe was in a weak state, close to fall on the floor, maybe a side effect of the magic placed here, but it was better be close to faint than die in battle, unless a huge shame come later of the fight, of course.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would do the first thing that seemed to come to her mind, the crowd not really impressing her with the ideas that were given. Getting a bit of a start, Sonja would tackle the other girl to the ground. It looked like the other girl was tired and unable to resist Sonja, so whatever clothing was left was quickly removed. Exposing her opponent's lower half, Sonja would dive right in.

Her bikini armor starting to affect her as well, Sonja would not be opposed at all to the other girl getting into the action if she wanted. Though the idea really would be to just force this girl into an orgasm with some tongue action. The more of a show that ended up being put on, it was likely the better a reward that Sonja would receive from the crowd after the match.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The whole place have some guards in some places to stop any attemp from the spectators to come inside. Theirs needs to be bigger of what Sonja could do now and also the lancer tried to cover her breasts as much as possible, just struggling at the start to defend her under clothes.

The next time you will the one defeated, so dont dare to go so far with this. The blonde advise to the swordswoman who dont get the attention of her foe to return the pleasure. At least she could feel how easily this girl can get wet and close to cum, soon the lancer girl started to press her legs and lips, her face turning softly pink in her squirm to endure the torture placed on her.

Some rope fall close Sonja "tie the bitch, so she stop to cover herself as you punish her" There was also a small bondage paddler between the few coins than the public send.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would start on the other girl. The other girl starting to wither a little in her resolve, Sonja woyld notice some rope being thrown her way. The crowd wanted to see the other girl tied up, so that is what they were going to get.

Sonja would almost hogtie her defeated opponent. Tying her legs and one arm so that she was not going anywhere. Sonja again would start working at her pussy to get her senses starting to overload on pleasure. Another object would land on the ground soon after, a spanking paddle.

Sonja knew exactly what to do with the paddle and would tan the backside of her opponent a few good times to mix in some pain with the pleasure she had given previously. Making a few taunting gestures, Sonja would deliver a few more playful smacks with the paddle before going for the big finish.

Leaving the girl prone on the ground, Sonja would attempt to get one good squirting orgasm out of her foe and call it a match afterward. With being tied up in the fashion she was, Sonja's adversary was helpless to stop this as her pussy and ass were exposed for all to see. Sonja would go for the direct route and plunge a few fingers in and work them around. It only took but a few seconds for the girl to start moaning uncontrollably.

As Sonja started to sense the impending orgasm, her fingers would speed up. At her limit, the girl could do little else but let out a yell to signify that she had orgasmed. Once it was over, Sonja would drag the other girl off with her to the exit where she would be freed of her restraints.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

There were some attempts to stop what Sonja get in mind for the poor blonde, her struggle of course was weak and futile, groaning and pushing back the swordswoman with completely lack of her power in battle, Sonja soon have her tied in middle of the arena, her body athletic and slighty slim as any trained woman in combat should be for her age, maybe her breasts were slighty big than the average and her curvoceous body made the public enjoy more the after match.

Unable to get free for herself, the next part of the event come, her groans by the hits in her back tried to get muffed in vain and the red marks werent the only effect on Sonja's hits, the lower libs on the tied woman started to get wet more as her boody get temporaly marked.

Once the threatment done, the blonde warrior stop to fight back, the cheers grow and many persons looking at this should be already masturbating in secret. Defeated in mind by the hits from before, the girl remain panting with her whole body exposed, not any attempt to cover herself with her free hand, as she remain moaning with her eyes closed mostly the last of her last punishment, with a final loud moan she almost pass out there by the intense pleasure. With an extra 400 golds from the public, Sonja take her oponent out the arena and untie her, she could wait until the woman recover herself or go get her money earned by the fight, the day battle already done for her to decide what to do now.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Sorry, its all part of the show" Would be about all Sonja would bother to say to her defeated adversary after she untied her. With her clothing destroyed, Sonja would try to see if she could get to a tailor before the day was done.

First though, her armor or at least what was left of it in the form of that cursed bikini armor, was causing Sonja to have an itch that she could not scratch. The feeling inside of her almost welling over and exploding now that the adrenaline rush of the combat had subsided, she would just about beg her previous foe to "finish her off". If she could bring Sonja to an orgasm right there in the waiting area, 50 gold would go her way.

Maybe part desperation, and part act of good will it was up to her opponent if she wanted to take out her revenge on Sonja now. All Sonja knew right now was that she needed a release from the tension that had built up in the arena.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja's words made her oponent turn to her gazing at her with some hate behind a huge cloud of lust still on her, maybe a side effect of the magic placed on the duel to avoid wounds on the two warriors. Now free of the rope on her, the blonde warrior slowly get up from the floor until Sonja's proposal come out.

The rumors abut my body and exposed body will be shared almost to all the city thanks to you and now you want me to finish you right in front of where others fighters can see us? Said this, Sonja could detect some blush on her angry face and small drops falling from the blonde's crotch, proof enough about the mutual need in both women to need some help.

In the instant the blonde warrior takled Sonja with the remain of her strenghts which werent enough to make the swordswoman fall, but ler her off guard of a sudden kiss on her lips, as the lancer hold her closer for some instants before her hand went down and start to rub the neithers of the one than won this duel.

Sonja could feel soon how the lower part of her armor turn slowly in soft clothes, making the skilled fingers get the fabric to a side and slowly start to sattled that continuous itch on her privates, it dont take so long for Sonja get her legs weak enough to need to sit in one of the few wooden benches inside the room, her legs spread and her panty falling from them making her naughty sex drenched area fully exposed to the wind what make the moment more enjoyable for the bikini warrior.

Minutes passed where Sonja cant have enough of such icks circling on her lower lips and fingers growing more the arousal until her clit get exposed and in gently touch loved, making her need more and more minutes of this pleasure, in a meanwhile she has already cumming in the place three times, making this work really cheap for just 50 golds, her naughty almost animal sounds and moans should expose both to the public outside or at least some rooms around them.

It was up to Sonja decide if that was enough, but her bikini armor would magicaly return to its place minutes later once she stop the blonde and her arousal fade enough. The tailor in charge of the arena is full of job, Sonja know it and maybe with luck end her clothes for the start of her fight tomorrow or maybe not.

The day still have some hours before the night fall, so she can do some things more to earn and buy the few things than the shops could have or call this a day to pass the rest of the day pleasuring herself or resting.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja's desire was seemingly sated by her defeated opponent. Now that she was almost right of mind again, Sonja realized that she never even got her opponent's name. As such, before they parted ways she would at least ask that much.

With at least a little time on her hands, it might be off to the tailor's shops again to see if she could get something made for her. Knowing now how the arena would work during the tournament, Sonja decided that just getting a bunch of cheap clothing so that they could be shredded up was probably better than investing in anything that would really protect her.

Though when she had that last thought, she remembered that she had bought the lens from the smith. Maybe using that on the bikini armor would help her try to figure out what exactly it was? If the smithy was open, it would not at least hurt to take a look to see if anything new had arrived. With only a single day passing it was unlikely, but you just never know sometimes.

Once the beginning of the errands were run, if Sonja had more time she would try to look into what she discovered further. Though the likely outcome would be that she simply would call it a night at the end of her errands and look to solve anything that came up tomorrow when she would possibly have more time to do so.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Rachel was the name of the spearlady, it was placed in the info of her duel, but the woman give it anyway before they depart before someone more find them in their ashamed state.

Dressed in just her bikini armor again, Sonja went then to the tailor shop, as before there were two choices for where to buy her clothes. One was the official place to ask for personalized armor and clothes, the other shop was just a cheap cloth shop, most of that cloth was not high in modesty and decency, but was cheap.

After make this choice, she have the time to return to the market area and try to buy something, yet she doont have too much gold to be in a shopping spree and less when the prices are so high from the ussual. At least she remember how to use the item appraiser and do it right in the first try, so she could use this item again.

virginity armor (corrupted)

Increase battle and sex skills
Increase defense and charm the battlefield
Gets more corrupted with each defeat
Cant get removed of user if this is not complete.
No Virgins can wear this corrupted armor
Arousal rise up with the time and can cause body changes

With this info she could go to sleep, the curse on her would make a rutine on her of arouse herself many times of the day, what would take more time alone than with some company in the bed. Her morning would give her some time before she prepare for what the arena have for her, mostly the whole hotel was full of life with the many challenguers ready to start theirs fights. As the last night the shop would have a lot of customers and not much things to buy, for what it looks only normal cheap offers were now on display. Even the dog girl was busy working there and most of the customers have some moments with her spanking her or touching her body as she works, at least having an owner make her remain dressed and unused by the many guys and girls than touch her.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

If she could, Sonja would try to see if she can catch a glimpse of when her next fight was. Now knowing the rules of the arena, and that her clothing was basically going to get destroyed no matter what, she would opt to go for the cheaper route. Again trying to find clothing that would cover herself without leaving too much to the imagination.

Checking in with the smithy, she would see nothing that particularly interested her. Though at this point, the only thing she was going to be buying was more parts to the armor that she would need to uncurse herself. Probably not the easiest of tasks, but whoever put the armor at the smithy in the first place would likely try to torment its wearer more as part of the sick game. That thought did not really sit well with Sonja, but its not like she could really do anything about it now.

Barring any other pieces being available at the smithy, it was time to go pay the area on the card a visit again. Maybe she could find something of use there. The day was not exactly done, but there would be little else she would be able to do since most normal places were going to be closing soon.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The whole choth shoping take 30 golds of her pocket, but certainly these will last her for some days in the tournament, if all goes right. However, most of the clothes choiced would certainly rise the attention of the public in her fights and in the street, for some reason she notice that in her clothes once in the hotel.

But there was not time to loss, with the lack of parts of her armor today in the shop, she let the many guys do their things with the dog girl and move to see what she could get of the old suburbs in the first hours of the night. As she walks in the dangerous place, she could see this area full of life, the whores in the corners were waiting for fun, some even invite her to spend some coins in them, others were already passing their time with a guy or many of them, some of the girls could be already getting raped by a bunch or just working, was hard to decide without get closer.

Sonja walk looking the streets iluminated with candles or oil lamps, pup and bars opened to many clients to sattle all theirs needs, but she was focused on that single place. Her travel was safe, out of dangers, but as she get close the entrance, she could sense the many gazes in the darkness aiming to her.

The place as the others was full with life, the bar have some males of some races drinking, not so drunk yet certainly to try to take them off guard. The casino inside was also a chance to work or she could try to sell herself in this place and share room with many guys than would pay her well and a bed is many times better than the cold dirty street.

As always the bartender shuld be advised of her jobs there, maybe then they will allow her to join them and work in their franchise
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would do some light shopping, getting some clothing for her to get shredded up in the matches to come. 30 gold lighter, at least the shopping spree was worth it. Getting a few fights worth of clothing, Sonja would move onto the armory and see that nothing of interest was there. Sonja would then head back to her room, but decided to head out again. Leaving most of what she had with her, save for 50 gold, Sonja made up her mind to go out again tonight.

(All she should have is 50 gold and the clothes she is wearing. No weapon, no backpack, as everything else was left in the room.)

Finding a rather beat up top and skirt, Sonja decided to head out to the place that was on the card given to her again tonight. Walking around the area, it was clear that she seemed to fit in. Some working girls were out and about, with some of the girls already working by the looks of it. The only way she could tell if it was a girl working or getting raped would be to get right up on them, but past experiences made Sonja know that line was blurry at best anyway. Simply best to ignore it as much she could and move on.

Arriving at a bar, Sonja would look to see what she could do there. If there was little of interest here, she would look to investigate the casino.
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Re: Sonja (freeko)

Leaving all in her room except the clothes than she is wearing and 50 golds, Sonja move to look for what she could find in the next hours at this poor area of the city. Her outfit pretty much fit her more in this place, making her pass unnoticied most of the time.

Of course than once inside the bar was something different, she could see some girls pressing themselves at some clients of the place, theirs curves and most of theirs bodies exposed for them to touch at any time. This kind of events caused maybe a small mistake when Sonja move to see if the bartender have something for her, her walk trhough the tables made some of the males react, a pair press her butt what could make her react against it or just let it pass, she maybe was unnarmed but at least her training should make her be able to defend herself if the opponents dont are too much to face.

We have enough workers in the bar, yet i could rent you a room and you could do your service with some of ours clients, after they end to pay me, of course. The bartender answer to Sonja when this ask for information, the room would cost 10 golds and she will use it most of the night with who know how many men, the number would be mostly luck and her charisma work.

The other choice was the cassino, there high sums of money were in gamble, so 50 golds would be almost a joke, but money its money. Luckily there was some needs for employers in the cassino, she could ask some info at the bartender and this certainly will give her some instructions to meet someone inside, the price could be high yet who know what kind of jobs she will do.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would head over to the bar and casino to see the nightlife. As she went to the bar, she was felt up a few times on her way to talk to the bartender. When propositioned to rent a room, Sonja would think about it and then remember her cursed armor. As much as the money would be welcome the frustration of her "clients" looking for a quick and cheap fuck would get ugly quick. Then again, maybe she could just offer herself up and see if the armor instead of simply being displaced could be removed entirely were she able to get fucked by enough people. An idea for another time perhaps.

Sonja would turn her attention to the casino. Almost immediately realizing that she should have kept more than 50 gold on her, she would ask the bartender if there was a contact in the casino. If she could not find herself a job there, Sonja would try to see if there was some kind of betting action that could be found.

Right now, Sonja was more interested in getting information. The bar, the casino, her armor, or anything else for that matter. The more she knew, the better Sonja thought.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

In her needs to gather more money and so be ready to buy the remain parts of the cursed armor than curse her, Sonja decide to ask for a job in the casino and so the bartender accept after some coins inform her of one. The job was easy and Sonja only need to reduce herself to wear a bunnygirl suit and serve the customers, the ones of course take advantage of their position to fondle her body, she as a warrior could try to defend herself but the contract stablishes than she cant hurt or go against the client's will.

The days pass and as this happens her life goes down into an spiral, she of course earns some battles in the turnament and as she does her needs of money increase and so soon her victories turn into she be able to be the one in control of the spectacle... humans, beasts or monsters, she tain and expose her nude body and soul with every battle slowly loving it and goes more deep in expose herself in sense the joy of be seen and be taken.

With the time parts of her armor appear in the shop or as prizes in the special battles, this only made her use all her gold to get them and a better equipment, her fears to losts the special matches get subdue by her lust and as a tramp placed she lost it all in one of these events as she was completely out of money, turning herself into a mere slave and so her whole day goal is serve and pleasure what turn take her.

Of course she fight to save herself but as the weeks goes on she lost her mind into the endless fights and services, from the start her armor could get removed by her partners but once she end to serve them magicaly her armor get placed on her again sealing her holes to self pleasure herself. This curse gets to an unexpected end than reduce her torture. The virgin armor slowly turn into mere naughty pieces of gold metal, shackles, collar, chains, piercings and more decorations for the new meat slave in what Sonja was turning.

It was hard to find out how much longer her weak soul would resist into this cage world placed on her to turn her into just a sex toy for her evil owners. Traped in ilusions and desires she falls more and more each day, soon not looking more for an escape as she gets drowned into an endless pleasure.

Soon her last sane part of her soul begs for someone to save her as her body is taken again as usual by countless males in every hole and way possible and free.

--------------------GAMME OVER: LIVING PUBLIC SEX DOLL--------------------------