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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Character Bio:
Name: Sophia Elpis
Age: 230 (Not sure the age limit of angels in EGG)
Gender: Female

Level 1 Trait:
Polearm Expertise

Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):
Sophia Elpis is an attractive woman as most angels are. Her wings are pure white with the exception of the very tips that shine like gold. This color is also matched by her eyes. Her hair is a similar white to her wings and frames her flawless face. Her body is lithe and well toned though she finds her large breasts embarrassing. Her tanned skin is covered by light loose robes and those are covered with a armored breastplate. Her legs are protected by greaves as well as an armored skirt while her forearms are protected by bracers. Her hands are covered with fingerless gloves that have a section of armor covering the top pf her hand allowing her to easily grip her sturdy polearm.

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.):
Sophia is a generous soul willing to risk her own safety for others. She follows a strict code of honor even though at times it can cause her some distress. She was one of the more promising students during her training and showed great promise during that time. Over all she is good at heart and forgiving though if pressed she can be an unrelenting force of judgement. Though recently she has had her confidence shaken.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Much to her shame Sophia was defeated by a succubus in personal combat. Surprisingly it was not the end of her life as the succubus in question had her way with her and left simply taunting her. "If you want more you know where to find me." Much to her own dismay Sophia found her own mind drifting to the incident in question more than she would like.

It had been a couple of short weeks since her defeat at the hands of the succubus in single combat, who had raped her for nearly an hour and exhausted her before leaving her with her taunt, and Sophia had made her way back to her home in the Celestial plane to recover since her defeat. Some of her friends had come to see her and make sure she was alright in the meantime, telling her how sorry they were to hear what had happened. The words that her opponent had spoken to her before she left also continued to ring in her mind, almost as if it was a recording set to repeat over and over to entice her to come searching for her.

"If you need anything Sophia don't hesitate to tell any of us okay, I was so worried about you when I heard what happened," one of her friends had said with a look of concern after checking up on her, a beautiful red haired warrior angel by the name of Agnes who as stunning a body as Sophia's was.

When she had made her way back to her home in Celestia, Sophia had been quite ashamed of herself over her loss, having to return nearly naked in only the tatters of her clothes that barely covered her private parts had nearly made her die of embarrassment. Sophia had since recovered though since returning and was ready to venture out once more when she wished, though she was feeling a bit different than she had before her defeat. She'd begun to feel more conscious of how sexy her body was to others, and every time she thought about what the succubus did to her her body warmed up and her nipples perked up as well, and she felt a slight tingle between her legs and a few times she'd even caught her hand drifting down to her panties.

Sophia had some choices of what to do now though, however if she wished to go attempt revenge on the succubus that had defeated her she might first want to go see if any of the other angels around knew of where she'd gone.

(Basically just say what you want her to do and where to go at this point. Also was this a good starting post for her? I read what you had in your extra notes portion of her character bio and did the best I could to make yon start since I figured you'd want to pick up not long after her defeat and after she'd recovered from it.)

Settings and a bit of OOC at the bottom:
Here just put beside each option a Y and 1/5 setting with 1 being the lowest frequency of it happening and 5 the highest, and an N for things you don't want to see at all. For example if you want to see humans but not a whole lot it would look like this... (Humans: Y 2/5)... and if you don't want to see bestiality it'd look like this... (Bestiality: N).

Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...):
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.):
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen):
Monster Girls of any kind (from the MGE):
Plants/plant like enemies (like alraune or shorn weeds and the like):
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things):
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari? Would you like to be able to change and/or be changed to a futa? Would you like to run into futanari enemies/NPC's:
Non-Consensual Sex:
Fey Beings:

Roughness - how rough do you want things to get? (same scaling as the above settings with the 1/5 with 5 being very rough.):

If there is anything you'd like included that wasn't mentioned above, add it in here:

(Also the magitech I mentioned in the PM's wouldn't be much more than say airships and possibly early guns unless you'd be against guns being in.)
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Her return was a cause of both joy and embarrisment. For one she had been utterly humiliated on the field of battle by a succubus. What was worse she was also defiled by the same creature forever tarnishing her in the eyes of her peers. Though for the most part her friends rushed to her side giving support and comfort.

The first week was devoted to her recovery though the inqusitors did pay her a visit. No doubt they just wanted to be sure that she hadn't been tainted by the encounter. After several embarssing question they left seemingly satisfied. Though for her part Sophia knew that she was not the same angel she was before the inccident. The knew awarness of her body and the bodies of others caused her to blush often and she was occasionally troubled by lewd thoughts and desires. For the most part she pushed them aside figuring they where after effects of the dark magic.

The secound week Sophia devoted to clensing meditation where she reviewed her fight against the succbus trying to see where she had errored. It was endlessly frustrating leaving her rather annoyed at how things had played out. Her style was nearly perfect and she concluded that while her foe was skilled it was just dumb luck that had lead to her defeat. Thus she decided that she would have to face her again but first she would have to find her.

Her first stop was her good friend Agnes. A warrior of similar skill and devotion she was sure her friend would have some clues to where her foe had fled. "Agnes dear I find myself troubled by my defeat and must find the demon whore who humilated me. She undoubtedly used trickery in our fight and I must best her to prove once and for all that I am the supiror warrior to her. Do you know where she has hidden herself?"

Settings and OOC
Humans: 4
Male/Female: 4
Female/Female: 5
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...): 4
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.): 2
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen): 1
Anthros: N
Monster Girls of any kind (from the MGE): 2 (depends on the monster)
Plants/plant like enemies (like alraune or shorn weeds and the like): 3
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things): 2
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari? Would you like to be able to change and/or be changed to a futa? Would you like to run into futanari enemies/NPC's: n/n/3
Non-Consensual Sex: 3
Slavery: 3
Fey Beings: 3
Corruption: 4 (depends on what you mean by corruption)
Pregnancy: n
Birthing: n
Oviposition/Seedbearing: 1
Lactation/milking: 3

Roughness - how rough do you want things to get? (same scaling as the above settings with the 1/5 with 5 being very rough.): 3

If there is anything you'd like included that wasn't mentioned above, add it in here:
Magitech:Early guns are fine and should be extremely rare. Who can argue with air ships :)
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Heading out to her friend's home, Sophia flapped her wings and went over that way, flying over the heavenly city in which she lived, spotting many homes and other angels, as well as some of those that had already passed to the afterlife. When she arrived at her destination, Sophia managed to catch Agnes there where she was sitting down to have some afternoon tea after some training.

"Hey Sophia, come on in. Anything wrong? Want some tea?" Agnes said when she greeted Sophia at the door, inviting her on inside and setting another teacup out for Sophia and pouring her some tea if she wanted some.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Smiling at her friend Sophia sat and accepted a cup. "No nothings wrong Agnes. Though I must say I am a bit troubled. I find myself fixated on my defeat and feel that in order to regain my honor I need to face the demon again." Sophia sipped her tea and smiled enjoying the flavor. "Though I must admit I feel a bit worried sense she has beat me before.. next time if I go in unprepaird I might not be so lucky." Sophia lifted her golden eyes to meet Ange's own to gauge her reaction.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As Sophia took a sip of her tea, she'd taste the faint hint of honey in it, as well as lemon, the two tastes mixing perfectly with this particular blend of tea. Agnes listened to Sophia's concerns and troubles while sipping at her tea, brushing her fiery red hair back after setting her teacup back down, where she smiled softly at her friend. Agnes' reactions to what Sophia had said were neutral at first, but it soon changed to a mixed look of a bit of concern and a bit of happiness.

"Hmm... well to be honest Sophia, I'm glad to hear you say that you want to go find and defeat her. It eases my heart to know that her defeating you didn't make you all depressed like some of the others have gotten in the past over a defeat such as that," Agnes said, reaching across the table and taking Sophia's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "But you know... I doubt that she'll be an easy foe to take down by any means, especially alone. And you can be damn sure that she'll fight dirty. Hell that's very likely the reason she beat you the last time was because she used some dirty trick to do so," she added.

Pouring them both another glass of tea, Agnes reached for her sugar bowl to find no lumps of sugar left and went to get more, leaving Sophia alone for a minute or so before she returned. "Sophia... What do you plan to do then? Are you going to track her down starting today or what?" Agnes asked as she returned, her solid white wings folded up behind her so they didn't get in the way and bump anything. "Because you know... I could accompany you if you like. To make sure that any fight between you and her is even and all. Besides, I've not gone out like this in a while and I have no missions on the table right now. I think it'd be a good way to stretch my wings some, though I guess it's up to you in the end what you do. But you're my friend, so I'm willing to go with you into any kind of danger to make sure what happened to you doesn't happen again," she then said, dropping a couple of lumps of sugar into her teacup.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Getting up Sophia took her cup and moved to the balcony sipping the tea and gazing over their celstial home. "I would enjoy the company thats for sure." She smiled at Agnes before turning to fully face her. "I doubt I will find her though our meeting was a chance encounter. Still I don't want to sit here at home all the time.. I need to do something." Heading back to the table she sat once more. "Besides if I do bump into her again I would like to have backup though I will insist on challenging her first on my own. It is a mater of honor after all."
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Indeed, I would never get in the way of your honor Sophia, I have my own too after all so I know how you feel somewhat. But you were in the mortal world when you bumped into her weren't you? If so then there's a good chance that she is still down there somewhere, and all we'd need to do is find her... while protecting the innocent of course," Agnes said with a grin, nodding to Sophia as they made their decision to travel together in search of the succubus that had tainted Sophia's honor, as well as her purity. "I'd say the best place to start out up here would be to gather some traveling supplies that we'll likely need. I have some here as I'm sure you have at your home, though we might want to look around a bit and maybe ask some at the high temple where we might begin our search," the red haired angel added with a confident look on her face that they would find that which they sought.

If Sophia was done with her tea, Agnes would suggest they begin sooner rather than later and would head out once she'd cleaned up the dishes they'd dirtied, with Agnes leading the way as they flew towards the high temple and over the markets, leaving it to Sophia to choose which they stopped at first.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia nodded in agreement and helped Agnes with dishes before joining her in flight. "We should get the blessing from the temple first." Following Agnes Sophia was treated to a lovely view of her friends body which caused her to heat up in unfamilar ways. Blushing brightly she sped up to keep more or less side by side with Agnes.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Thanking Sophia for helping with the few dishes that needed cleaning, Agnes led them onwards, looking back to Sophia as they flew and her friend spoke. "Aye, we probably should get a blessing for luck if nothing else," Agnes said, not noticing Sophia's staring at her body, which with the wind blowing softly around them as they flew it caused Agnes' thin robes to billow some.

When they neared the high temple, Sophia saw Agnes begin to descend towards the ground slowly until they got right over the place. If Sophia glanced back at Agnes again with her body heating up some, she'd get another eye full as she could partially see through Agnes' thin robes and under them in a few places, where she'd see her friend's undergarments, which consisted of a white silken bra and a pair of white panties. Upon seeing this Sophia would feel her body continue to heat up a little bit more as they landed and made their way inside the temple.

"Hmm... what's the matter Sophia? You're face is all red. Did flying wear you out that much?" Agnes asked with curious yet slightly worried look on her face. "Come on, we can sit down inside if you're tired any," Agnes added, gently taking Sophia's hand and holding it with a firm yet gentle grip and heading on inside the high temple, where they saw about a 10 or so other angels, half male half female, and a few other various beings, such as exalted humans and a couple of exalted elves.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia was indeed red in the face a little from the effort of flying fast and the peep show she had seen before. What bothered her the most was the fact she had seen such sights before and had been uneffectd. Even bathing nude with the others didn't provoke such reactions. "Oh its nothing just you fly very fast Agnes and I got carried away trying to catch up."
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh... sorry about that, I guess I was going rather quickly. I'll go a bit slower next time," Agnes replied to Sophia, completely unaware that Sophia was stealing glances at her before.

Heading inside the temple, they headed over to where a couple of female angels were talking to a male angel near the main altar to their patron. "High priestess Clara, good day to you. I've come with Sophia to ask of the whereabouts of the succubus who tricked my dear friend and defeated her as a result. Might you be able to tell us where she is?" Agnes said to one of the female angels, a golden blonde haired one that had modest breasts compared to Agnes and Sophia, being around a large B-cup bordering on C-cup size, and she had golden irises in her eyes. Sophia would recognize her as one of the most powerful archangels in her celestial homeland and being the high priestess meant she was one of the few that their patron would ever speak through to them.

"Aye Agnes my dear, we can give you that information, for that is actually what we were just talking about between the three of us. We were debating on giving either Sophia the chance to redeem herself by taking on the succubus... or rather asking you and Sophia to go together with perhaps a couple of others to ensure your success against her," high priestess Clara said to them, then she looked over at Sophia. "You see... that succubus that defeated you Sophia... I actually don't think she would have needed to trick you to defeat you. Her name is Azalea, and she is quite powerful... a bit too powerful for you alone I fear, and she is one of the most powerful ones in the mortal realm at the moment. She never left the mortal realm after defeating you though, that much we know, though that is all we know at the moment unfortunately," the high priestess added in a serious tone.

The male angel stepped forward after that and nodded to the two, and Sophia would recognize him as her own captain that had trained her, Maetiel. "We'd like you two to head down there and search for her. I would like to send others with you both but the high priestess thinks sending you two by yourselves would be for the best, that you could meet up with some other angels and or people of the mortal realm that aid us in our struggles against evil if necessary," he said, looking like he was obviously concerned about sending them by themselves.

"I only mention just the two of you going because of your defeat Sophia... to help you regain your honor in battle. Maetiel partially agrees with me, but he thinks that just you two alone wouldn't be enough. I trust though that by the time you run into Azalea that you'll be ready for her, but it's as Maetiel said, if you feel that you ever need help from anyone, you can call upon some of our kind in the enclaves in the mortal realm or the peoples that live there that aid us," Clara said to them, her words perhaps encouraging the two of them a bit... well it did for Agnes at least, it was up to Sophia it it encouraged her or not really. Agnes looked over at Sophia and gave her a nod, waiting to see what she decided on.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Indeed Maeteil was handsome a fact that had eluded Sophia all during her training, but now it was suddenly rushed to her thoughts. Bowing quickly to hide her face so the others would not see the blush Sophia spoke. "Captain you can count on me and Agnes. I will reclaim the honor that was stolen from me and make you proud." Feeling herself calm a little Sophia dared to look up once more. Her thougths where still troubled however. What had the succubus done to her.... these thoughts and feelings where distracting her... it could compromise the mission. Risking her own life was one thing but riskinging Agnes's was another. "C-Clara may I speak with you alone a moment?" Sophia intended to reveal the strange feelins she was having in the hopes of finding a divine solution. As much as she wanted to avenge her honor she didn't want to endanger others in the pursuite of it.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Good Sophia, I'm glad to see you back up and around again. What happened was... regrettable to say the least, but I trust that it won't effect your abilities to fight when the need arises. Be careful though, for this... Azalea is obviously very clever and if high priestess Clara speaks the truth about her being powerful then all the more reason to be at the top of your game," Maetiel said to her with a nod, the handsome angel man not noticing the blush on Sophia's face thanks to her bowing.

"I'll be waiting for you Sophia, come to the main markets where the armories are there, I'll be waiting there getting my sword sharpened and ready for when we leave," Agnes said to Sophia when she asked Clara if she could speak to her, her friend bowing to Maetiel and Clara both before heading out.

When Sophia asked high priestess Clara if she could speak with her alone for a moment, Clara smiled softly at her and gestured for her to follow. "Yes Sophia dear, please follow me to my chambers," she said, leading the way through the temple and up some stairs within through a side door to the main temple area. "What is troubling you dear? I can tell that something is. Come you can tell me, whatever you speak to me about will remain between just us unless I need to speak of it to one of the healers or something for your own good that is," Clara asked Sophia as they entered the high priestess's bedchambers that were at the top of the temple, the beautiful golden haired archangel looking at her with a concerned expression on her face.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

For Sophia the scenery was lost on her. The beautiful adornments and sublime artwork failing to catch her attention. "Pristess Im troubled by.. forign thoughts. After my defeat and what the succubus did to me. Im worried that I've been tainted." Sophia looked away in shame. It hurt to admit this and the consiquinses could be high. But she would not allow this to endanger others. Falling to her knees Sophia looked down. "Clara... is there anything you can do to help me." Her eyes watered slightly the weight of her shame and this moment of weakness nearly overcomming her.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Clara knelt down in front of Sophia and placed a hand on her shoulder, a gentle smile on her face. "Sophia dear... what she did to you was terrible. But these feelings that you're having aren't all alien to us. And yes there is a small amount of taint in you from what she did to you yes, I can sense that. However the feelings that you're having are what the mortals call the desire to mate," Clara said to Sophia, pulling her into a loving motherly hug. "They are feelings that not all of us, but quite a few angels have eventually at some point in their lives, usually when we are either like you and myself, defeated by one of those like a succubus that force these feelings upon us, and sometimes for other reasons, all of which are better than the first reason as with you and myself. And yes, I was once defeated by a succubus just as you were, many years ago... and she did the same to me as Azalea did to you... she raped me, for hours and hours she went without giving me a chance to rest. When finally I was rescued my body was drenched white with her seed, for she conjured a man's penis on herself and used it on me," Clara went on to say, revealing that she too had lost to a succubus long ago.

"The only real way to help you my dear is for you to help yourself, for this isn't something that can be unseen once our eyes have seen it you might say. It's kind of like coming to terms with it in a way I suppose you might say," Clara said as she released Sophia from her motherly hug, where she kissed her on the forehead. "Just know this Sophia, you aren't the only one that has these feelings, so don't feel so alone. And this is also one reason I want to send you with just Agnes for your support, so that you can reclaim your honor after that defeat... just as I was able to do. And since we're being honest with one another here... I really think your captain is quite handsome actually hmhm," Clara added, revealing why she was sending Sophia with just Agnes and giggling like a few of the young women Sophia had seen do in the mortal world when she mentioned what she did about her thoughts on captain Maetiel.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Pristess.. you where defiled as well?" Clara revealing this to Sophia did much to improve her mood. If someone as powerful as Clara had suffered as she had and made it threw than she could as well. Standing up Sophia hugged Clara again. "Thank you Clara I feel much better knowing that im not alone." Blushing slightly she couldn't help but inquire about the inccident. "I-I don't remember much about what happened to me but.. you said your attack conjured a male penis?" The blush got a little deeper as a part of her imagined what Clara would look naked and exposed. Changing subjects about how the only way for Sophia to help herself was to defeat her foe she brightened. "No worries Clara with Agnes by side we will surely defeat this Azalea" Much happer and far more assured of herself Sophia gave Clara a peck on the cheek before departing to meet Agnes at the weapon shop. Though a tiny spark at the back of her mind made her wonder if she had heard that name before.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Yes Sophia, I was indeed defiled long ago, but I have since recovered. Though the barest hint of the taint will always remain within those of use. And yes it was a succubus much the same as your opponent was, and she used her magics to conjure a penis on herself which she used to rape me with... very thoroughly I might add," Clara said, thinking back on the whole event yet not looking overly embarrassed about it. "But like I said, defeating that Azalea will help you to move past this I think, though you may simply come to terms with it like some others do and move past it. Other than those I don't really know of much else to tell you other than I believe in you, as do plenty of other angels, most of whom have been through the same thing as you but have come back alright in the end," she added, looking curiously at Sophia as she blushed when imagining the high priestess nude and exposed for her to see.

"Hmhm, you were undressing me with your eyes weren't you Sophia?" Clara went on to ask her, giggling softly and looking quite flattered actually. "It's alright dear, I expected it from the moment I was informed of what happened to you. As I said though, these feelings you're experiencing aren't totally bad and wrong. You merely need to understand how to not let those feelings rule you is all dear, alright. Now run along and meet up with Agnes, I'm sure she's worried about you and wants to help you. She obviously cares deeply for you," she added in a kind and motherly tone, smiling softly at her as Sophia headed on out.

Heading on out to meet up with Agnes, Sophia flew over the celestial city and landed near the blacksmith, where she saw Agnes standing inside talking to an exalted dwarf man who was looking her weapons over, which were a longsword and a shortsword. She was apparently talking to him and haggling over whatever work she was wanting done on them.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Being caught by Clara only made Sophia blush deeper but she became much relived after the pristess laughed.Hearing the final encouraging words Sophia bowed and made her way out quickly winging over to the smiths. Heading over Sophia looked over the weapons and armor on display. Most where of excellent quality while others seemed to be practice peices done by apprentces. Thankfully her weapon had made it threw the battle alright and besides having to replace her armor she was ready to go for the most part. "Hey Agnes. How long till your weapons are ready?" Given the excellent craftsmenship around it wouldn't take long but would undoubtly leave enough time to gather other supplies.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmm, oh hey Sophia. They'll be ready soon enough, I'm just getting them sharpened up real good and was haggling over the price. Would probably give us a good twenty minutes or so to grab a couple of other necessities that we'll need," Agnes replied, waving to Sophia when she spoke on her way inside the place, then she turned back to the dwarf and handed him some gold pieces for the work to be done on her swords before following Sophia back out of the place. "We can get you some new armor of some sort when we get back, but I prefer only very light armor if any at all myself, just a bit of leather to cover all of my most important bits," Agnes added as they headed out and went down the street to another shop which they grabbed some other supplies from such as camping gear and foodstuffs to hold them over while on the road.

Agnes then suggested they head back to their houses to grab some extra clothes too just in case, which they did and grabbed their packs as well while at their respective homes and loaded them up with their gear and supplies they'd be taking before heading back to the blacksmith.

"Alright, just my swords and whatever you'd like to have as your armor and we're ready to go. Then all we've got to do is go to the portal and head through down to the mortal world. It's been a while since I've been down there honestly, but I think we'll do alright. Have a look around and I'll get you some armor, but don't pick out anything too heavy else we won't be able to move around too quickly," Agnes said when they got back to the blacksmith, where she grabbed her swords and fixed them over her shoulders while Sophia picked out some armor for herself.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Right." Sophia nodded and headed back to her home to gather some extra cloths. In all honesty there was little to grab. Her own home was a small appartment with a small cooking area and bedroom with a small bathroom tucked inside. She did have a small area to entertain people but she had converted it to an exercise area with only a single chair to rest on and eat food. The rest was stuffed dummies or weights. Gathering up her extra cloths she left her home with a final sigh. No doubt her neighbors wouldn't mind her absence as they would finaly get some undisturbed rest. Glaive in hand Sophia locked her door and turned her key over to the landlord. Meeting Agnes back at the smiths she went into the armor section and started to get fitted for her new gear. She chose to keep her armor loadout from the last time having found it a good mix of protection and moblity. She wouldn't be as light on her feet as Agnes but it would be good enough. "Alright Agnes lets get going. How much food did you bring? I didn't have alot on hand so Ill need to hit the market before we go." With that taken care of and one last stop Sophia found herself before the portal once more.