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Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)


RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
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Not all those with magic power within Valance were eager to join what had so far proven to be a costly war effort. Sophie was one of such people, discovering her magical powers only recently she was afraid she would be press-ganged into joining the military and using her powers to hurt others. As it was, she had little control over her newly awakened powers and had decided instead to simply try to keep herself hidden from anyone that might try to force her into combat. It had not been easy leaving behind her family and friends as she tried to disappear in other towns, hoping to settle into something of a life while the war blew over. It wasn't easy with military agents scouring the nation for every ounce of magical talent under the guise of protection from the kidnappings that had been associated with Tervinan, but Sophie had managed to find something of a quiet life in the boarder village of Ceris. Living out of an inn while working odd jobs for the owner and any other villagers that needed an extra pair of hands. Life had been good, if not a little quieter than she was used to. She had even found another magic user that would help her work with her powers, giving her a chance to try to control her new gift. Everything seemed like it would remain ideal until the war was a painful memory.

One day, while working on sweeping the floors of the inn, preparing for the evenings bar customers, Sophie was approached by the innkeeper, a strong, stocky man called Darris. He explained that her magical mentor had been looking for her and wanted to see her at the usual place just outside of the village. It wasn't an odd request, and Darris was happy to waive her current task for the time being.

“Just make sure you're careful when outside the village. There have been rumours that some groups of bandits have been moving down from the mountains recently. Might just be talk but you should keep an eye out all the same.” Darris informs Sophie as he moves behind the bar to start his own preparations of the evening to come.
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Sophie nodded her head when Darris told her her mentor need her. She walked towards the door and waved goodbye to Darris. She walked into the village and towards her mentors home, which lie on a mountain not to far outside the village. She walked by the small houses in the village along with a few shops, waving to everyone she passed. When she left the village gates she walked towards the mountain where her mentor lived.
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Darris gives Sophie a nod as she leaves. The trip through the village was fairly uneventful, the usual faces greeting her before carrying on with their tasks and chores. It was a peaceful place, with little to disturb the daily routine. It was perhaps not where she imagined herself living but it was better than being pressed into war. At least here, the stories of bloodshed were simply that, which made them easier to ignore.

The walk to the her mentor's home wasn't very long, nor very interesting. She kept her eyes open for potential problem, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Likely it was simply another rumour which would have everyone worried for a few days before passing harmlessly by. The familiar cottage soon came into view, with her mentor already outside and tending to a number of extravagant plants that she kept outside her home.

Ellen was something of an eccentric, that much had become clear to Sophie, she seemed to revel in her solitude and her plants, often disappearing into the fest for days at a time for who knew what reason. The brunette had been very welcoming though, especially in relation to her knowledge of magic and helping Sophie to focus her new found powers in a way that she could control. That had been the purpose of these visits and Ellen normally had some new idea when she called on Sophie like this.

Sophie made it almost up behind Ellen before she realised that she had arrived, though she made a quick hand gesture to shoo Sophie back a little as she watered her plants. "Careful now, these ones will bite if you're not careful. They don't look like much but they make great guardians for my home when I'm away. They have a poison that will knock you out cold for a few days and... well they can be a little feisty."

"Right anyway, that's not why you're here," Ellen spun around with a grin, pushing her glasses back up as she met Sophie's gaze with her striking blue eyes. "Sophie, Sophie, Sophie, I was thinking that it might be an idea for you to come with me on one of my little excursions into the forest. You're so close to making some real progress and I might need a hand with something that's grown to be a little... troublesome. Do you think you'd be interested lovely?"

Ellen claps her hands together and smiles, pleading with her eyes as she waited for a reply.
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Sophie backed away from the biting plants. The last thing she wanted was to get in a fight with a plant. Who nows how potent the plant could be, even at this young age. After she stepped back she listened to Ellen's offer.

She thought for a few minutes considering what could happen. She decided the benefits from the trip would out weigh any loss. Sophie then answered Ellen "yeah I'd love to go with you on a trip, it will probably be good magic practice." Sophie now asked "when do we leave for the forest?"
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Ellen clapped her hands once, her face lighting up when her offer was accepted. "Wonderful, I'll be sure to have you casting spells by the end of this trip no problem at all." She turns back to the plants' idly swatting one that had grabbed her skirt away before moving to open the door to her cottage.

"I should have most of everything ready in a few minutes. If you'd like we could eat first and if there is anything you need we can stop by town. If you'd like though we can be out in the wilderness soon. Soon would probably be better than not but I don't want to drag you out there unprepared. Wouldn't be a good example for me to set now would it?" She waits at the door to her home, wondering if she would just be making a quick dash inside or if she should start preparing some food for the pair of them.
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Sophie smiled and said "we can eat first, I'm kind of hungry." "Come on Ellen I'll help make some food with you." Sophie walked to Ellen, following her into the house. As they walked into the kitchen Sophie told Ellen "we don't have to stop in town I brought everything I need."

The two women started getting some bread, meat, and a few vegetables. Sophie chopped the vegetables, while Ellen sliced the bread and meat. They put the chopped vegetables and meat between two pieces of bread, they split the meal between both of them. They ate the meal, after finishing the meal Sophie asked "are we ready to leave on our little trip into the woods?"
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

After sharing the quick meal with Ellen, the sorceress finished packing up her supplies, making sure to bring some food and water. When she was finished she nodded happily, grabbing a decorated wooden staff and heading to the door.

"Unless there is anything else you feel you need, I do think we're all ready to have a little adventure together." She nods to herself, making one last round of her cottage to ensure she hadn't left anything that she had wanted to get together.
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Sophie answered Ellens question "No I brought everything I need." "We can leave whenever your ready" Sophie added. Sophie left the cottage withe her magical supplies, and a bag of medicine. She leaned against a tree waiting for Ellen to leave her cottage.
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Ellen didn't leave Sophie waiting long, quickly gathering up what she needed. By the time she was done she had a fairly large pack slung behind her, not that it hindered her usual bouncy steps. "Good, good, good, I think this will be very much fun for the both of us lovely."

As the pair headed into the forest, Ellen recounted the trouble she had been having the last few days. Some of the plant life was growing at an increasingly alarming rate, while it was mostly harmless in of itself, it was driving a number of less harmless creatures closer to the village. It wasn't quite at the stage of being a major problem, but Ellen wanted to see if she could figure out a way to deal with the plants before it became too much of an issue.

"You don't have to worry, nothing out here is really all that dangerous. If anything does decide to be a pain I'm sure we can deal with it together." Ellen smiles, giving a twirl as she walked ahead down the trail. "If nothing else we can have a bit of fun right?"

The pleasant walk was soon interrupted however, a yell for help breaking the otherwise peaceful ambiance of the forest. Ellen stopped and looked off in the direction of the call, frowning a little as she stood up on tip-toes as if it would help her see through the fairly dense forest.

"Now who on earth would be out here," she muttered, turning back to Sophie. "Shall we go take a look?"
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Sophie and her mentor were walking through the forest. Sophie listened to Ellen tell her what was going on in the forest, how the plants in the forest were growing faster. Sophie thought "we should probably try getting rid of the plants." Sophie now asked "do you have any ideas what may be causing this?" Ellen was about to answer when the duo heard a scream echo through the forest.

Alarmed Sophie quickly said "we should help whoever is out there." Sophie then began to run through the dense forest, Ellen a short distance behind. They dodged branches, and roots throughout the forest. They arrived in a clearing in the forest, where the scream had originated from.
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Coming upon a small clearing with Ellen hot on her heels, Shopie is greeted by the sight of a man struggling with a large, thorn covered vine wrapped around his legs. The vine seemed to be pulling him towards a wall of vines and judging by the odd weapons scattered in the clearing, he might not be alone, or might not have been alone

The man was hacking at the vine with his axe, though he wasn't making a lot of progress as he was slowly dragged closer to the larger mass of the plant. Judging by his rough attire, it was quite possible he was a bandit of some sort. While he hadn't noticed the girls arrival, he was quite adamant to continue calling out for help.

"Oh my, that's a big plant." Ellen points out the obvious as she adjusts her glasses, starting at the mass of tendrils, "Umm, I suggest we don't go and engage it's body, it's possible it might put out spores. Potentially nasty ones."
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

"Does that mean we should attack the roots?" Sophie now starts chanting a evocation spell (lvl 1). When she finishes the chanting, she raises her staff. A few icicles fire from the staff straight at the vines of the plant.
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Mental check 16 - Passed Spell cast
Ranged Skill 28 - Passed Hit check
Wayward tendril takes 1 damage


The icicles collide with the tendril, piercing it and making it rear up, it's grip on the struggling man loosened some. His own attack misses the mark though as the tendril whips around, trying to regain it's grip on the man.

Another pair of tendrils start to slide towards Sophie and Ellen from the larger mass, though they are currently out of range. They seem to be able to cover a good amount of ground though, it won't take them long to reach the girls.

Ellen starts to whisper the words to a spell, holding her staff before her and focusing her magical energy.

Combat Order
Tendril A - Injured
Tendril B - Out of range
Tendril C - Out of range
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Sophie smiled seeing her attack hit the plants tendril. Now she had to make her next plan of attack. She told Ellen "If you can, focus your spell on one of the other tendrils, I can finish this one off." She started chanting the words of a evocation spell (lvl 1). Once the chant ended Sophie unleashed another volley of icicles at the tendril holding the man.
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Mental check 26 - Passed Spell cast
Ranged Skill 70 - Failed Hit check


The second volley of bolts shot towards the tendril like the first but this time the creature flicked it's length out of harms way with surprising dexterity. it wasn't so lucky when it came to avoiding the axe that split through it a moment later as the bandit freed himself from the vine's grip.

The other two tendrils closed the distance with the girls, both taking a swing at them. Sophie was able to easily dodge out of the way of her attacker and Ellen finished her cast just before the other tentacle landed it's blow, incinerating it in a gout of flame.

Combat Order
Tendril A - Out of action
Tendril B - Out of action
Tendril C
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

"Thanks," Sophie said to Ellen. "You saved me from that tendril." "Now to continue the attack, fire seemed to work well" Sophie thought. She then focused quickly to use another evocation spell (lvl 1). As Sophie finished her focus, she shot a fire ball from her staff, straight at the tendril.
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Mental Check: 45 - Passed Spell Cast
Ranged Skill: 15 - Passed Hit Check

The fireball slams straight into the last tendril, making it reel in pain, giving enough time for the bandit to close the distance between them. With a good swing of his axe the tendril was severed. It twitched once before becoming still, the remaining sections of the tendrils retreating back into the mass at the edge of the clearing.

Combat Over

Ellen sighed happily in relief as the tendrils retreated, adjusting her glasses to gaze at the larger mass. Her face was marred by a frown as she turned her attention to the bandit. "Do you know how dangerous it is to aggravate those things? You're lucky we came along when we did." She huffed, clearly not worried over the mans clothing.

"How the hell was I supposed to know the plants here would try to eat me?" The man snapped back, though he didn't take his eyes off the plant for the time being. "Besides I thought I heard someone calling for help and came to see what was going on."

"Oh? Interesting. I wonder if they've started mimicking calls as well. Anyway I guess you're free to go now, try not to annoy anything else on your way." Ellen continued, dismissing the man as she brushed herself off and cautiously stepped towards the edge of the clearing.

"Hey, I wasn't annoying anything. You've got some nerve you know." The man huffed, casting a glance over to Sophie before returning his gaze to the plant.
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Sophie saw the mans gaze, and told him "I wouldn't be to worried about the plant." "I doubt it would attack us again." Sophie then looked towards Ellen, to see what kind of thought she may have now. Sophie then had a thought, she asked the Bandit "did the plant take any friends of yours, we could probably help you if they have." Sophie now looked at the Bandit again waiting for an answer.
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

"Not that are around here as far as I know." The bandit replies, turning his attention more fully to Sophie. "I wouldn't wait around to find out what else it's eaten though, I doubt I'm the only one it lured her apart from you." He keeps a tight grip on his axe, clearly ready for more tendrils or some other danger from the plant.

Ellen on the hand seems completely at ease with the potential danger, quickly waving a hand to dismiss the notion of running away. "It isn't going to waste energy trying to attack prey that escaped. Besides it's not like you were in any real danger." She turns her focus back to the large plant and is happy to approach it further. "Um hello, can you understand me? I'd just like to talk some if that's okay."
Re: Sophie Frazier (Aztlan)

Sophie left Ellen to do what she was doing and focused on the bandits. "well, at least you didn't lose anyone" Sophie said. "I'm sure we could help you if you needed any, all you have to do is ask" Sophie added now waiting for an answer.