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Sophina (darksophina)

Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Free Kara Attempt:

Sophina: 9 vs. Virago: 18. 'Baby' Virago Counter: NO.

Sophina darts in, but the other Virago seemed to be expecting this, and flies into the air, carrying her rape victim, causing Sophina to nearly crash into a tree. With a chuckle, the Virago lands again, and continues to rape Kara.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Kara: 29 vs. Virago: 5.

Kara manages to break free on her own!

With Kara Free, the Golem clocks the wounded Virago for 110 damage! It has 290 HP left.

Grapple Attempts:

Virago: 13 vs. Sophina: 24. Counter Attack = NO.

'Baby' Virago: 25 vs. Sophina: 6. Counter Attack = NO.

Sophina dodges one, but not the second Virago, which happens to be the 'newborn'! She is taken down, pinned to the ground!

Virago: 19/20 Pregnant.


1: Get off me!

2: Fuck me!
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Charging in Sophina recklessly tries to help Kara only to end up being outwitted and hitting her head dazing her for a moment, By the time she realizes whats happened Kara is free and the viragos are trying to mount her, she rapidly lunges to the side to dodge one however the second causes her problems, immediately she tries to struggle and if she gets free she will restart her offence.

<Struggle, and if free start attacking, clear mind if able and swift edge chain the wounded one. and beast cleave on the newborn for a third if i can remain free that long>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sophina: 6 vs. 'Baby' Virago: 16.

The Virago keeps Sophina pinned, and prepares to rape her!

Attack Roll:

Kara: 21 vs. Virago: 13. Counter Attack = NO.

Kara sends a blast of Dark energy at the Virago, and kills it instantly. Turning towards Sophina, she begins to move, her intent to help her friend.

Penetration Attempt:

'Baby' Virago: 19 vs. Sophina: 8.

With a well timed thrust of her hips, the Virago sheathes Sophina inside of her tight pussy, and begins to ride her. Sophina suffers 65 pleasure, and has only 105 stamina left until she is forced to give up her seed in an orgasm. She gains 42 KP from the rape and the penetration.


1: Try to get free.

2: Wait for Kara to get you free.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Sophina is rewinded as the new virago decends upon her still sensitive cock, "Gahhh" he groans out and she tries to throw the enemy off of her. "Kara Kill this thing!" If she can get free she will try to kill it then they will try to get away asap.

[Struggle then if free rune carve chain, if they can kill it loot and run on]
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Sophina: 9 vs. 'Baby' Virago: 25.

Sophina can't get free!

Free Sophina attempt:

Kara: 10 vs. 'Baby' Virago: 12.

Kara misses because the Virago lifts Sophina into the air with it to avoid Kara!

Pleasure Roll:

'Baby' Virago: 22 vs. Sophina: 18.

Even as they fly into the air, the Virago continues to ride Sophina, and the ride continues as they come back to the ground! Sophina suffers 65 pleasure, and has only 40 stamina left until she has an orgasm! She gains 32 KP.


1: Try to get free before you orgasm!

2: Give in and enjoy a possible orgasm.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Sophina moans out as the virago slams down on her, "God... tight... Kara get her off me!" Sophina tries to push the virago off her then proceed with her plan to kill and move on if she can.

[Struggle then if free rune carve chain, if they can kill it loot and run on]
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Sophina: 26 vs. 'Baby' Virago: 5.

Sophina is finally able to toss the Virago off of her!

Attack Roll:

Kara: 20 vs. 'Baby' Virago: 8. Counter Attack = NO.

Kara lashes out for 400 damage, leaving the Virago with 300 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

'Baby' Virago: 18 vs. Sophina: 17. Counter Attack = NO.

The Virago jumps on top of Sophina again, pinning her down, looking to continue raping her!


1: Toss her off again.

2: Leave it to Kara, or get ridden to paradise.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

"God damnit stay off me!" she yells in absolute frustration as she kicks away again

[Struggle then if free rune carve chain, if they can kill it loot and run on]
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sophina: 26 vs. 'Baby' Virago: 15.

Sophina tosses the thing off her again.

Attack Roll:

Kara: 7 vs. 'Baby' Virago: 14. Counter Attack = NO.

Kara can't hit the beast!

Grapple Attempt:

'Baby' Virago: 14 vs. Sophina: 13. Counter Attack = NO.

The beast lets loose a sound which might have been a "NO!", and tackles Sophina again!


Same as before.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Sophina roars in anger and attempts to throw it off again and will keep trying to do so until she either cums or it dies!

[Repeatedly struggle if caught then if free rune carve chain, if they can kill it loot and run on]
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sophina: 26 vs. Virago: 18

Sophina once more tosses the beast off.

Attack Roll:

Kara: 5 vs. Virago: 29

Kara misses again!

Grapple Attempt:

Virago: 25 vs. Sophina: 6. Counter Attack = YES!

Sophina, tired of this fight, manages to bait the Virago into attacking her when she's ready, and thrusts her daggers into it's throat in a counter attack, killing it!

Both women gain 1,500 XP.

Loot Phase:

Harpy: Nothing!

Predator: HP Potion.

Karsetti: Nothing!

Virago: Nothing!

Virago: Map Piece!

The women gain an HP potion, and more importantly, a Map Piece! Shortly after Kara grabs it and shows it to Sophina, Cassidy appears.

"Congratulations, you have found the next piece of the map you need. This map will allow me to lead you to your first true test, fighting the overlord of this area, Blood Raven. When you are ready, I will take you to where you must battle with her."


1: Charge headstrong into battle!

2: Take advantage of the free time and restore to 100% stats before engaging in another fight (cannot be caught during this time)
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

After successfully removing the virago from her for the countless time she found her footing. She crouched down in a ready stance and sliced at the Virago's throat as she dived. the beast fell to earth and didnt move. Finally they killed the creatures, Sophina immediately collapses and breathes heavily... "F-finally we can rest..." Just then Cassidy appears and informs them that she can lead them to the boss now. "Kara how're you holding up?" after waiting for her to respond Sophina continues "We should rest up then go see whats the deal with this blood raven I think."

<rest then go fight>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Kara nods slightly, and carefully sits down. After some time, both women are feeling refreshed, and ready for whatever challenge awaits them. Standing up again, Kara asks "are you ready?"


1: Let's do this!

2: Gimme another minute, my mind isn't right.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

"Right lets go, first prio is we need to kill off the minions if she has any. Hit them with everything." Sophina walks intp battle ready knwing what her first move will be, to clear focus and rune carve chain any minions.

<Go fight. First acions in combat wll be to clear focus and rune carve chain>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Enemy Spawn:

Blood Raven: 10,000 HP. Pleasure: 40. Stamina: 300

Possessed Ape 1: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Damage: 5. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (can't resist it's rape for one turn. 15 turn c/d). 3/3 Anger Slots.

Possessed Ape 2: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Damage: 5. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (can't resist it's rape for one turn. 15 turn c/d). 3/3 Anger Slots.

Possessed Ape 3: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Damage: 5. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (can't resist it's rape for one turn. 15 turn c/d). 3/3 Anger Slots.

The women advance into battle, coming across three Ape creatures, and Blood Raven. No words are said, and the battle is very quickly started.

Initiative Rolls:

Kara: 18 (4th)
Sophina: 11 (Last)
Blood Raven: 24 (2nd)
Ape 1: 19 (3rd)
Ape 2: 29 (1st)
Ape 3: 13 (5th)

Grapple Attempts:

Ape 2: 12 vs. Kara: 11. Counter Attack = NO.

Kara is quickly grabbed as the Ape bounds over with shocking speed!

Blood Raven: 22 vs. Sophina: 15. Counter Attack = NO.

Sophina finds herself grabbed by Blood Raven herself!

Ape 1: 22 vs. Kara: 8. Counter Attack = NO.

Kara is pounced by a second Ape, and ends up on the ground with both Apes holding her down!

Escape Grapple Attempt: (Kara vs. BOTH Apes rather than two different rolls for Kara).

Kara: 5 vs. Ape 1: 15 and Ape 2: 12.

Kara can't get free!

Grapple Attempt:

Ape 3: 4 vs. Sophina: 3.

Sophina is grabbed by a second enemy!


1: Try to get free.

2: Other.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

(Sorry for the large gap of time.... Things happened... im glad the game is still running)

The blinding speed of these creatures was absurd "We need to get free now! Fight them!" Sophina will start struggling as much as she can and if she can she will unload everything she has on the foul beasts.

-Struggle, If free Runecarve, beast cleave with clear focus apes until all are dead assuming she gets free of her "predicament"
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

((No problem, glad to see you're back and all :) Also, going to convert your fights to the same style as the others after this post, given how long you've been away for. Get ya back into it quickly.))

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Sophina: 8 vs. Blood Raven: 22 and Ape 3: 2

Sophina manages to toss off the Ape, but not Blood Raven.

Penetration Attempts:

Ape 2: 12 vs. Kara: 2

Blood Raven: 12 vs. Sophina: 17

Ape 1: 29 vs. Kara: 5

Kara is unable to keep the Apes from penetrating her, stiffening and crying out as one Ape thrusts into her pussy, and the other into her tight ass. Quickly the two apes begin to piston in and out of her, trying their best to fuck the

Necromancer to an orgasm as quickly as possible. Kara suffers 45 Pleasure from the two rapes, and gains 100 KP. She has 155 Stamina left.

Each Ape has 120 Stamina left.

Sophina manages to resist any kind of penetration!

Escape Rape Attempts:

Kara: 20 vs. Ape: 1: 12 & Ape 2: 2

Kara manages to get free of both Apes!

Grapple Attempt:

Ape 3: 27 vs. Sophina: 21+5=26

Sophina is grappled by the Ape again, and double teamed once more!


1: Try to escape (Would she give in if raped, and if so for how long?)

2: Enjoy some sex (for how long?)