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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha scowled a little bit before answering. "Goblins looking for breeders. Nasty little scamps. I can probably lose them and attack from a flank but I don't want to risk you getting caught. We could make a dash back to the woods and try to hide but there seems to be alot of them." Asha didn't sound worried but Sara could tell they where out numbered.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara shook her head lightly. "You forgot about your other good omen. Me. You aren't the only one who knows how to fight. You can try to flank them, I can make a good distraction. Hell, if you aren't fast enough, there might not be any left for you. As much as I hate to brag and young though I am...there's a reason I am considered a prodigy by my village." There was somewhat of a dark glint in Sara's eyes, letting Asha know she was serious.

"Breeders huh? They want to use us...as breeders? And they just do this to people? I have three words: Not. Any. More." Her voice had taken on a very low and dangerous tone. As an afterthought she whispered, "Make sure one survives, I want to know where these things come from." She gave Asha a few seconds to make her move before turning about to face the goblins.

She turned at the same time Asha made her move, her calling up a barrier of brilliant holy light that only Asha and herself were allowed to pass through. She smirked and in a taunting voice challenged the goblins, saying, "Well, who's ready to play?"

Holy Wall:
The character forms a wall of white light at any location within 50 feet. This wall can be of any reasonable size and shape, and the character that created it can pass through it at will or designate any creature and allow them to do the same.
-The character pays 4 EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-Any creature not allowed to pass through the wall must win a Resistance check against the character in order to do so. Creatures attempting to pass through it take 2d6 points of damage that ignores Armor regardless of whether or not they succeed at the check. Demons and Undead attempting to pass through this wall take a -4 penalty to their Resistance check and have the damage against them doubled.
-The character may pay an additional 4 EP when creating this power to give the wall a +20 bonus to their Resistance. If the character does so, the upkeep cost is increased by 3. This can be done multiple times.
Spending: 4 EP for wall, additional 4 to give +20 resistance. Upkeep is 4 EP. Maintaining Buff (upkeep 3)
Total for round:11
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha tries to sneak away. 33 vs 30, 35 fail!
Goblins attack! the jig is up
Two goblins attack the rest will come in the next round.
G1 moves to attack club drawn
G2 fires and misses by alot

Asha smiled at Sara "Okay there are two behind us I will try to take them out first." Sara blinked there where two behind them she must have missed them. "Okay ready go!" Asha took a quick step as she tried to break line of sight on the goblins. However the wet muddy ground proved to slick for the sure footed Nymph and she fell hard a loud crack and a grunt of pain. Sadly her failed attempt alerted the goblins behind them and they soon ran from their hiding places shouting in their language alerting their companions. Looking over at Asha Sara nearly gasped as the Nymph was on the ground her foot at an odd angle. Asha however was nocking an arrow she may be down but she wasn't out.

Erecting her wall to shield them from the goblin reinforcements Sara faced the two creatures heading for them. One ran forward brandishing a club while the other drew a pistol taking aim at Sara. The loud crack sounded as the shot went wide missing Sara completely. It seemed these things where not that scary after all.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara recovered from her surprise at the two goblins behind them just in time for Asha to slip and mess up her ankle. Shit, not good, not good, she thought to herself when she saw the odd angle of her foot.

Unfortunately, she didn't have time to worry about Asha's injury, the battle was underway. The goblin's first attacks missed, she didn't plan to give them a second attack. She manipulated her spirit into the terrifying black lightning, which manifested around her hands. She pointed at the goblin with the gun, hoping to catch the other goblin with this attack as well, but the one with the gun was the main target. Making eye contact with the despicable thing she said, with an ominous tone in her voice, "Begone, with the thunderclap!" As she shouted this out she unleashed the black lightning bolts, seeking to end these creatures here and now.

Maintain psy shield buff and wall: 7 EP
Devil's Lightning: 8 EP: All creatures within 5 feet of a 100 foot line take (1d8 + 4) * 8 Electricity damage
Harmful Spirit: Minimum damage of power is set to half the max roll of dice.
Potent Spirit: +8 to effective resistance whenever power requires target to make resistance check against caster.
Multifocused: The character uses their Spirit stat in place of Body and Mind when making attacks with Spells, unarmed attacks, or weapons. They also gain a static +4 bonus to attack rolls in general
attack (hit both goblins if possible, aim for goblin with gun if that's not possible): D. Lightning: d20+78+4
damage: 1d8 (min 4)*8
holy wall: resistance: 39+20+8= 57
psychic shield: +18 dodge, resistance, grapple. +6 AV

EP spent this turn: 15
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara unleashes her fury: Can't miss due to high spirit score.
G1 and G2 both die painful electric deaths. (min damage due to aptitudes is instant kill)
G3-G6 enter the fray! and move clubs drawn
G-7 fires at Sara 50 vs 73 miss
G-8 fires at Asha 64 vs 41 hit! 20 damage

Sara: 54/54hp 56/88ep 54/54pp
Asha: 46/66hp 49/49ep 49/49pp

Sara turned to the two goblins who had kept a close formation and unleashed her lighting turning the two into blacked twitching messes. Her success was short lived however as the rest of the goblins had reached them. 4 of them charged forth wielding clubs their formation erratic and spaced out. Two of them however held back and pulled pistols from their belts and fired. As before the shot that went for Sara missed though it was much closer than before the bullet sparking off her physic armor. Asha however was not as lucky. A well placed shot rang out and hit the Nymph in the back causing the woman to cry out in pain as her leather armor did little to protect her. Wounded and disabled Asha still tried to turn to her attackers.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara didn't worry about the little goblins with their pathetic clubs. They would not make it through her wall. Instead she looked at the bastard that had shot Asha. He would die. Here and now. With a blast of celestial energy she sought to immolate him with a ray of solar power.

Starbeam: They deal (1d10+3) * 8 damage to one target creature
attack: d20+78+4 pay: 8 EP
maintain buff and wall: 7 EP 15 EP total
same aptitudes as before
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara uses starbeam
auto hit insta gib (okay ill need something stronger for you to fight every once in awhile)
Goblins flee
Sara: 54/54hp 45/88ep 54/54pp
Asha: 38/66hp 49/49ep 49/49pp
Sara reached out with her power drawing forth the energy of the heavens. It coalesed in the sky above giving a bright light. This caused the Goblins to stop their charge and freeze in awe as with a simple gesture Sara called down the wrath of the heavens incinerating the goblin who shot Asha leaving nothing but ash and a scorch mark.

This caused the rest of the goblin forces to flee running for their lives and it was up to Sara if she would let them leave with them. Either way a moment later Asha would scream and claw at her back. "IT BURNS IT BURNS!"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh no you don't." As the gun wielding goblin turned to flee, Sara locked on to him mentally and sent a tidal wave of mental energy blasting through his mind, intent on dominating him and using him to find whatever rat nest they were based out of so she could wipe them from existence, there was no mercy to be found in her this day.

Regardless of the move's success or failure, Asha's cries would break her out her fog of hate, and she dropped her barrier and the wall, though not relinquishing her hold on the goblin if she had gotten him as she rushed to her lover's side, cradling her on her lap. "Oh Asha! NO! Dammit nononono!" She knew a healing power, but she didn't know that it would be enough in this case, and she wasn't all that experienced. She needed help for this, and without a second thought used a summoning ability to summon a fey sorceress. When the sorceress appeared, Sara would look at her tearfully, crying out, "Please help her! She's been shot in the back!"

Telepathy: 8 EP to dominate, goblin gets resistance check vs. 47
after that, summon fey sorceress: 5 EP
dropping holy wall and psychic shield
EP spent: 13
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The goblins mind was simple enough to grab onto and it stood there dumbfounded as Sara panicked over Asha. Calling on her powers Sara reached out and was pleasantly surprised when Spring answered her summons. Upon seeing the situation Spring left her usual greeting behind. "Sara what has happened?" Spring looked to Sara and then to Asha and frowned. Leaning down she inspected the wound just as Asha shuddered again and tried clawing at her back. "Calm her or she will hurt herself!" It was strangely commanding of the Nymph and Sara found her self trying to comfort Asha while Spring went to work. "I see steel shot no wonder it plagues her so."

Reaching into the wound Spring grabbed something and winced a grimace of pain washing over her face. With a quick jerk she pulled the deformed round out of Asha's back. Wincing Sara saw it smoke on Springs hand before the Nymph tossed it away. Turning to Asha and Sara Spring knelt down with them. "Relax sister relax I will mend your wounds just sleep and be at peace." Sara could here Springs voice take on a melodic tone similar to Asha's from the night before though this time it wasn't directed at her.

Soon Asha stopped struggling and went still her breathing regular. "Sleep and rest let me heal the wounds." Channeling the nature energy Spring slowly and careful placed her hands around the wound. Almost instantly the flesh knit itself back together looking as good as new. Moving on to the ankle Spring performed a similar treatment. Standing back her work done Spring smiled at Sara. "She will be alright Sara she just needs to rest." Looking down at Asha the Nymph smiled. "So tell me Sara how did you find a glad runner to escort you threw the woods? They are very rare these days most having been lost in battle."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It was good to see Spring again, Sara gave a sob of relief when she saw her familiar face, hurriedly complying with her instructions. She caught the change in tone in the nymph druid's voice, similar to what Asha had used on her once, and once Asha had been put to sleep, she watched the nymph heal her partner's wounds, grateful for the assistance.

When Spring had finished, Sara quickly wrapped her up in a hug, extremely thankful for her healing abilities. "Thank you so much Spring," she paused to wipe a few tears from her eyes, "I know a holy healing power, but I just felt so helpless this time... Here, you hurt yourself on the bullet let me see your hands." She took Spring's hands in her own and channeled her Lay on Hands power to heal what was likely no more serious than a minor burn left over by the bullet she had removed. "Are all fey harmed by metal like this?"

When Spring asked her question, Sara cocked her head to the side. "Glade runner...the woman in the bar called her that too. I must confess that I don't know what that means, to be a glade runner. And I guess I never got around to asking Asha. Anyway, I met her in the village I was going to after our...bonding time..." She blushed lightly but giggled, clearly not actually embarrassed, more looking on it as a very fond memory. "An innkeeper pointed me in her direction, telling me how her daughter had been kidnapped by slavers and she was searching for her. I was moved by her story, and so I offered to help. I scried her daughter in a brothel called the Silken Princess in a city in Crolia called 'Endus'. After that she let me come with her, so I guess you could say I'm the one escorting her, this is definitely her journey more than mine, she has a lot at stake in this." She paused for a moment before she remembered, "Oh and get this, she's been looking for her daughter non-stop for ten years! I was shocked when I found out, I don't know how she managed. But it's coming to an end now, I'm here, and by all that is holy I will help her get her daughter back. Right after we clear out whatever base these goblins have..." She indicated the corpses and the dominated goblin nearby.

Thinking for a moment it occurred to her to ask, "So what is a glade runner exactly? I'd ask Asha, but she looks like she could use the rest. Also, how long can you stay around with us? I have every intention of paying your...fee, but I'm sure you realize this is hardly the place." Her tone became considerably more curious and there was a hopeful look on her face as she asked, "Maybe you'd like to stay until Asha recovers and we get this unfortunate business with the goblins sorted out? I'm sure she wouldn't mind a third woman in our tent tonight, after all it does get a little...chilly out here." She gave a very hopeful look at Spring, hoping to coax her into staying the night and perhaps sharing a bed with her and Asha.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Spring let Sara take her hand and heal the very minor burn. "Indeed forged iron and steel are bane to fae. I was surprised to see the steel shot however. Most bullets I have seen are lead. These goblins must be hunting fae to be using such ammo." Spring scowled at the drooling goblin before looking back at Sara and smiled.

Spring didn't look to surprised at Sara's comments about Asha. "We have heard the tale of our sister and her search for her only child. I never expected to meet her though." Spring knelt down and brushed the hair away from Asha's face. "She has been changed by her time away from our kind. Her heart is cold though I see hope." Spring looked at Sara once more. "Its a great gift you have given her."

After a moment Spring answered Sara's question about Glade Runners. "In the order of battle a Glade Runner is the protector of the young. She watches over the young of our race for the brief time that they are vulnerable. Most have been lost to the wars with demons and the alien incursion." Spring looked at Asha one more time before gazing back to Sara. "Well I can stay and make sure Asha will be alright after all the bullet could have fractured. We will not know for sure until she wakes."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Nodding when Spring told her about steel and iron, Sara got a dark look when the nymph surmised that the goblins were actively hunting fey. "Well that's reason enough for me to stop them. Though I must wonder what possesses them to pursue such prey."

She was somewhat surprised to hear that Spring knew who Asha was at least by name, and the way she talked it seemed a lot of nymphs did. "So a lot of you know about Asha? I didn't realize. And I'm afraid I don't know much about any gift, but I'm glad to help her, she has seemed to lighten her heart somewhat in the brief time we've been together."

When Spring told Sara about what Glade Runners were, she looked a little sad. "Oh, I see, her memory makes a little more sense now. She must be quite renowned among the nymphs to have been charged with protection of the young, of the future." She smiled when Spring told her she would stay at least until they were sure Asha was better. "Thanks again for your help, I don't know what I would have done without you." She kissed the nymph lightly on the cheek out of gratitude, content to wait until Asha regained consciousness.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Goblins are demons our sworn enemies no doubt they have some sort of bounty for us." Spring took a few moments to right Asha's sleeping form before settling down next to the fallen Nymph. "You would have done fine Sara you have good instincts. Though Asha must be close to you if you acted the way you did." Spring turned to look at Sara trying to gauge her reaction.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara nodded solemnly as the Spring explained that the Fey and Demons were enemies. "Oh, I see." She smiled at the nymph's encouragement. "Thank you, I will be better-prepared to act if it happens again, though I hope I never have to."

When Spring mentioned her closeness to Asha, Sara blushed a little as her mind flashed back to what they had done the night before. She reached down and gently brushed a strand of hair out of her lover's face, smiling fondly, if a little shyly. "Well...yes, I can't exactly say why, but I er...I do find myself...drawn to her, though like I said I can't explain why. I guess part of it is the way she's been chasing her daughter for so long, and I had to go through her memories, see them from her perspective, to be able to scry her daughter who I've never seen before. They were...powerful memories, and I guess it brought about a sense of empathy, a great understanding of her. And then it brought...intimacy..." She left off at that, looking at Spring, wondering what another nymph would think of this.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Nothing wrong with that Sara but where do you see this going if anywhere?" Spring was being really curious about Sara's relation ship with Asha. If she only knew that Spring was asking not for her self but her Lady Nyeri. Still if Sara grew to annoyed Spring would change subject and ask how her adventure was going thus far.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was not annoyed in the slightest by Spring's questions. Rather, she took them to heart and she sat for awhile, the look on her face showing she was in deep thought. Some people could have wondered why the other nymph was so interested in Sara's relationship, but the human woman was too busy considering the question itself to wonder why Spring was asking it. She had no idea that Spring knew Lady Nyeri, or that Nyeri merited the title of Lady, or even that Nyeri was all that interested in her.

She sighed, "I honestly don't know. It could be that this journey is all that binds us together, and afterwards we will drift our separate ways. Or it could be that even once we have rescued her daughter, and we will rescue her daughter, we will be bound together by the fact. A wise man in my village said once, 'few can know where their road will take them until they come to its end. And so it is." Sara looked thoughtfully at Spring for a moment and then continued. "And I guess you could say I am very inexperienced. As I am sure you have figured out, I have had a very intimate moment with Asha, but other than that I have only ever had any such experiences with yourself, though I suppose you could say that was more a matter of business, although I certainly enjoyed it and I hope you did too. And there was one other, also a nymph as it happens. I...helped her out once, and she spent a great deal of time educating me on the ways to love a woman."

At this she laughed lightly, adding, "Though I hardly expected the repayment, it was my first, well, sexual experience and I certainly won't forget it any time soon, especially with my new looks to remember her by. You understand if I can't tell you her name, I don't want to seem boastful and I don't know what she feels about talking about lovers. Though in the human realm we have a saying that one should 'never kiss and tell.' Sara giggled, "Though we certainly did more than kiss, I'm sure you understand the sentiment, even though I don't know if nymphs share the same views on the matter, I would certainly never do something that might offend her or place her in an uncomfortable position."

Thinking for a moment, she brought herself back to the original question, concluding, "Anyway, to answer your question, I am not experienced in life or in love. It could happen that we become something more, though it might not. I know little of how your kind view sexual encounters, so I cannot make any assumptions. It also bears consideration that Asha has many human lifetimes worth of experience and maturity, and I...well I'm barely a new-born compared to her."

As she finished, it finally occurred to her that Spring was taking a lot of interest in her love-life, certainly more than she had expected, though she completely misinterpreted why she was asking the questions. She looked at her quizzically and asked, "Why are you so curious, if you don't mind my asking? Is there something I should know, about you or Asha? Oh goodness, do you have feelings for her? I...I don't want to interfere in someone else's relationship, so if you two were an item, just say so and I won't do anything more!"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Spring giggled at the last bit of Sara's speech. "No no I have never met her before today. I was just curious after all my contacts with humans has really only been like this. Being summoned full filling a task and getting payment." Springs eyes sparkled with mischief as she looked at Sara. "I really do like payment especially with woman its much more sensual and pleasing. Though I wouldn't have had all my lovely children if not for the male summoners that have called me." Asha turned in her sleep muttering something causing both woman to look down at her for a moment. "She should wake soon do you wish to pay me now or shall we wait a bit longer?" Sara could see the flush in Springs cheeks apparently their conversation had aroused her slightly.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara blushed a little at Spring's insinuations, but she was relieved that she wasn't in the middle of a love triangle, that she knew of at least. However, she did get a coy look of her own when the nymph mentioned she preferred females to males, but couldn't have children without the male summoners. "Oh, is that what you think? Well as a matter of fact, there is a power that exists that can give us girls a little something...extra..." She made a very obvious elongating motion over her crotch, making it clear she was referring to giving herself a cock. "And I may happen to know that power, if you really wanted the best of both worlds."

She giggled lightly. "Well you did save the day, so I feel more in your debt than normal. Given that, you can decide when to take your payment. If you want to now, I will gladly oblige, or you can wait until things are taken care of here and then who knows, maybe Asha would like to join in as well? It's your choice Spring."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Spring watched amused at Sara's example of the power she described. "Really now? Im almost tempted to ask for a sample but I fear my current duties do not allow for me to risk such fun." Still spring got close and placed a hand on Sara's shoulder. "I was never one for orgies or threesomes I prefer the closeness of one person loving another person. Its much more intimate."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Shrugging, Sara replied, "Well next time you find yourself in a position to learn something new, let me know and I can teach you how to use it. What's more, you can put it on yourself, or your partner." She was still unaware of Spring's intentions for helping Lady Nyeri

She smiled as Spring said she preferred the intimacy of one on one sex to threesomes and orgies. In a soft voice she replied, "Ah, such a romantic you are..." She kissed the nymph gently on the lips. "How about you lead and I'll follow today?" Still a little tired from her battle and emotional stress earlier, she hoped Spring would take the lead. She knew from experience that Spring knew what she was doing.