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South City


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Whilst there isn't much to note on this small, back-water city it does have it's own military HQ as well as fifteen warehouses labeled 1-12 and A-C. Though it does have sunshine nearly almost all year round.
Re: South City

James glances out the window as the train nears its destination. "Alright...Guess it's time to find out what the situation is here."
Re: South City

Jack nodded. "I agree. I suppose that someone should talk with the local authorities, while the others search for any clues... Say, how detailed is the info we got so far?"
Re: South City

"Well Mustang told me that the military here was having difficulties with the undead. Something about their supplies going missing or something." Max followed James and Jack off the train and stood on the platform with them. "I suppose we could head to the HQ here and gather more information from them before setting out."
Re: South City

James nodded. "Makes sense to me. Plus, they might be expecting us, if they sent a message in."
Re: South City

Jack shrugged. "Either way, we have to put all our stuff somewhere before we start investigating. Let's just get this over with."
Re: South City

Miranda followed the boys off of the train and kept her thoughts to herself. She thought checking in was a good idea, but she was itching to be off and investigating.
Re: South City

"Right, I believe its............this way," Max starts walking in a random direction, though its clear that he doesn't know where he's going. Regardless of whether anyone is following him he ambles around for a while before stumbling upon South City HQ.
Re: South City

James sighs, and heads in the correct direction, although it takes him the same amount of time to reach it.
Re: South City

Jack used a bit more reliable method of grabbing the first inhabitant of the town he came across and asking him about the location of the HQ. However, he arrived at the same time as Max, mainly because Jack walked at a fairly slowly pace. Cynder wanted to familiarize himself with the city a bit as he made his way to the HQ.
Re: South City

Miranda grumbled at the boys splitting up and she hovered for a moment, before following James.
Re: South City

After having been woken up by a conductor just before the train left, Sen hurriedly disembarks the train. Looking around to find that her companions have seemingly abandoned her, Sen begins to wander the town, trying to either find them. Eventually giving up and not knowing where her companions had gone, Sen doubles back to the train station to hang around outside of it and see if any of them will come back to look for her.
Re: South City

Harrison follows Max, due to his apparent knowledge of the HQ's location. He maintains his usual attitude of hanging around nearby, not saying anything.
Re: South City

Upon their arrival at the military HQ a short, black haired and bespectacled man runs up to them.

"Thank goodness you've arrived," He says as he tries to catch his breath. "I'm glad Col- I mean Fuhrer Mustang sent a team this fast. We've had no end of troubles since those.....things have arrived. Oh, I'm Master Sergeant Kain Fuery, though you can just call me Kain." He says to them as he walks back into the building.
Re: South City

James follows the man inside, then asks, "Report on the situation."
Re: South City

Miranda silently appraised the young man, he was adorable. She wiped the silly grin off of her face and listened to his report.
Re: South City

Kain walked them to his office, he sat down behind his deask where a mountain of paper nearly blocks him from view. After a few minutes of rearranging them he goes into his report.

"We've been fighting these things for a while now. At first it looked like we were winning, but our soldiers are all exhausted and we're running out of supplies. We believe they're stealing our ammo and weapon supplies. A State Alchemist is already at the battle field though we've heard no reply back from them."
Re: South City

James nodded. "Right. And where is the bulk of the fighting concentrated?"

It seems he hadn't quite noticed, yet, that one of the group was missing.
Re: South City

"At the southern border of South City, it's taking us all we can muster to stop their forces from pushing their way up. Please, if you can help us we'd greatly appreciate it!" Fuery sounded as if he was desperate for any and all help he could find.
Re: South City

James nodded again, then turned to look at the group. "We'd better head out and...Wait."

The way he trailed off might concern Fuery. He then questioned the others, "Anyone happen to know where Sen is?"