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Southern Sanctum

Re: Southern Sanctum

Suddenly the redtailed hawk patterned Birdfolk rushed through the door, "Sorry I'm late!" she called out almost cheerfully, "I was working on some homework and the elemental i called up didn't want to go home. What's this about that Larazo person Professor Scythetail taught about in Magical History?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

Orma finally found her voice. "Larazo was the one who unleashed the first plague. To bring this subject up can only mean..."

She trailed off a moment before continuing. "It can only mean that there is suspicion that this plague is exactly the same. Which leaves the question of, how can that be?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

Saul visibly pales at this discussion, but remains quiet for the moment, listening to a history with which he is rather familiar. He focuses on the expressions and body language of the others, looking about to get a first impression of everyone's reactions.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Vance sighs at the thought of a plague, his already coiled tail coiling even tighter "I heard about that plague....Very devassssssstating" he says with a hiss "Which means.........We're in deep trouble"
Re: Southern Sanctum

Servante glared at Calcius, edging on blasting him in the face with some lightning, though going against it as most likely they'd all jump him.

"Fine, but dont ask me to enjoy it." Servante turned away and faced the woman.

"I've heard of him in passing. You're saying he's the reason behind this...illness?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

"I'm confused I thought Lazaro and his teachings had been destroyed. How can they be the cause of this plague?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

Saul responds gravely, "The destruction of those notes is ancient history. Any historian will tell you about historical inaccuracies, especially as the history gets older and the sources get fewer."
Re: Southern Sanctum

"As I ssssssaid. We're in deep." Vance says, uncoiling and slithering over next to Saul "I agree with the Lycan. Hissssssstory is inaccurate, and thus, the truth on Lazaro's teaching will never come to light. I say we stop disssssscussing whether Lazaro's teachings are here, and more on whether this is some foolish man trying to rule the world, as many ssssssstupid men wish to do."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Cally sidled in through the door looking worried. The Selkie girl had been eavesdropping and was currently on a low, she sighed mournfully, "If this is the same disease, how are we, a bunch of students and a coach, ever going to fix things?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

Orma turned slightly to face the newcomer. "I'm not sure myself, but.... we have to try at least."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Cally sighed again, "I suppose, though it won't do any good..."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Kua looked up at the saddened newcomer and racked his brain on anything to say but never really had a way with words. He instead shifted his mouth to the side, disappointed in himself and tried to show as much sympathy as blackened eyes will allow as he sighed aloud.
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Fix things?" Saul turned to fix the newcomer with a sympathetic gaze. "I don't think we can fix this. We might be able to help reduce the damage, though, maybe even help some people in need. I think the secretary here might have something of a plan, even."

I hope she does, anyway, the lycan thought to himself. He turned back towards the sickly secretary.
Re: Southern Sanctum

"I agree we may not be able to fix the damage already done, but we can at least try to help. Now we just need to learn how we can help, which I'm sure will be explained shortly."

Maithgen thinks, "I wish I had paid attention to the others at the school I hardly know any of these people. Or what they're like."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Servante looks quickly at the door as it opens to see who it is that is arriving. A sudden rush comes over him.

"By god, what's she doing here?" Servante thinks to himself, quickly looking back at the secretary and pulling his hood up over his head so as to not be recognised by the Selkie.
Re: Southern Sanctum

A figure, clad entirely in dark gray robes, and a matching faceplate, slips into the room and stands next to the door, apparently merely observing.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Misha's face took on a worried expression, and she shuffled a little bit.

Cally looked at the figure that just pulled his hood up suspiciously, and then slowly shuffled towards him.

The Secretary took a deep breath before she coughed again, The virus is the same. Someone has apparently found the notes, because I have a suspicion they were never destroyed. We're assuming a lot young ones. But every race that was created at the end of the last virus is going to be affected. Selkies included, young Servante. You... she pointed at them, Are our only hope to kill the new magician that has brought this virus back. We're sorry we can't help more, but every government is open to you. The world's leaders will help you in any way they can to exterminate the problem. She leaned back and started to cough again.
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Re: Southern Sanctum

At the mention of killing the new source of this plague, the blue lenses of Richard's faceplate seem to glow brighter, and a *FWOOSH* can be heard as his hands ignite. "So...This means we get to kill something?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

"sssssettle down, human" Vance says, hissing as he sees the persons hands ignite "Why is it that every human I meet wants to kill ssssssssssomething" he says, his arms crossed as he slithers towards Richard, a glare in his yellow eyes "If you do wish to sssssssssstop this plague, then use your brain, not your instinctsssssssssss" he says, a smirk on his face "We wouldn't want anyone getting hurt now, would we?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

The flames die out...Only to be replaced by the distinctive signs of frost. "You obviously seem to care about something. Quite unusual. Sorry to shatter your illusions, but I don't care about altruism. I'm only going along with this because I'm bored."