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Southern Sanctum

Re: Southern Sanctum

Orma just shook her head, but there was a smile there both on her lips and in her eyes.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Vance simply sighs and rubs his forehead with his right hand "Better than being one of my kind, that's for damn sure." he says, glacing over at Saul and grinning "Since we all know each other now.......What say we get started on our jobs. I'm fine with whatever I'm going to do. So, I'll leave the decision to you" he says, then turns away from the group and resumes his quiet thinking
Re: Southern Sanctum

Jess sniggers at Saul's puns as she stops juggling, letting the knives drop one by one. The first hits the floor, the other four hit tip-to-top on top of it, forming a stack of knives five high. "Well I'm set, when do we leave?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

I'm glad you all have had a chance, you'll be more familiar soon... She coughed, Group one is Cally, Servante, Calcius, Corvus, and Vance. Group two is Orma, Jess, Saul, Misha, Maithgen, and Kua. We have one more that we're waiting on before we go. And then we'll figure out which group we're sending to do which job.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Maithgen laughs heartily at Saul's puns before moving over to be near the others in his group. "Who are we still waiting on?"
Without much warning, can be heard as an impromtu stage is pushed in from one direction by a minotaur with a large boombox on its shoulder. On the stage is a humanoid male in a dark blue robe and a welding mask. The man is apparently singing along with the music. He's also playing the keyboard section of a piano, although that's the only part of it present.

"Put down that chainsaw and listen to me. It's time for us to join in the fight. It's time to let your babies grow up to be cowboys. It's time to let the bedbugs bite. You'd better put all your eggs in one basket. You'd better count your chickens before they hatch."

Once the odd procession comes to a halt just inside the room, the man jumps over the piano segment, and lands in front of it. With a quick backwards flick of his head, the mask is flipped up. He seems about read to speak, but then looks back at his apparent aid, and quickly draws his hand through the air in front of his throat. The minotaur shrugs, then presses something on the boombox, stopping the music. The man turns back to the others in the room, addressing them this time. "Greetings."

((Link is to a YouTube video for Wierd Al Yankovic's "Dare To Be Stupid", which is the song being sung.))
Re: Southern Sanctum

The secretary blinked, They sent you? We're doomed. She sighed and shook her head.
Re: Southern Sanctum

The bear lycan watches at the bizarre proceedings, shaking his head. "When I gave up drinking, I figured that would be the last I saw of this guy. We must truly be in deep shit." Saul sighs, part of him thinking for the first time how nice it would be to go back to mercenary work.

Servante takes a step closer to the secretary, his eyes darting between Cally and the odd newcomer. He mutters to the sick human, "You sure I couldn't be in that group with the funny were-bear?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

Upon hearing she was to be in Saul's group, she leaps up onto him and tries to climb up to sit on his shoulders. "Don't mind me mum, just trying to get a good vantage point." She makes it up just in time for the new person to make an entrance. A big smile crosses her face at the antics, and she waves hello to him from her perch.

((Will edit if Saul decides that's a no-no))
Re: Southern Sanctum

Orma somehow manages to suppress a smile, though it might be evident to any telepath that she was slightly amused, both at the newcomer's entry, and with Jess jumping onto Saul. She did however make a mental note to herself to speak to the young woman about a specific something.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Both Misha and Cally appeared to be dumbfounded by the appearance of this person, and the creature with him.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Maithgen just sort of stands their, staring agape at the newest arrival.
Re: Southern Sanctum

The man shrugs at the secretary's comment. "Well, the blind old guy was busy elsewhere, and I ended up with the short straw."

He immediately gets serious, as the platform and the mask suddenly vanish. "Alright, listen up! There's going to be some of this that you may have already heard, but you're getting to hear it again.

First off, this current plague is indeed the same as the previous one. It was created using a copy of the notes that detailed the original plague. Each of you that is unaffected by it has been chosen for a reason, for a part you must play in this. And as you have already planned on, there needs to be two groups. One must take out the man responsible for the plague. The other group must find a cure. The notes may help in this, but make damn sure that you have every copy of them. Once you've gotten the cure, destroy them."
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Re: Southern Sanctum

Thank goodness, you do know how to be serious... The Secretary sighed in relief.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Vance hisses on the extravagant appearance of the man, then sighs "As I said, I couldn't care less what I get stuck doing. Just so long as we can move quickly." Vance says, crossing his arms and shaking his head as he thinks
Re: Southern Sanctum

Saul grunts in surprise at the halfling climbing him, but allows her to perch on his shoulder. Saul looks at the secretary for a moment. "I'm sure he didn't come down here just to tell us what we already know."

The werebear looks to the newcomer again. "You're here to set us off down our paths, I think. I also think they're going to be uncertain and deadly paths."

Servante addresses the newcomer from under his hood. "And how is it that we are supposed to know that all copies have been destroyed? There could be a copy hidden anywhere."
Re: Southern Sanctum

The man nods at both Saul and Servante. "Both of you are correct. It's going to be dangerous, and difficult. However, those here are not the only ones saved from the ravages of the plague. If you find one of the others, you might be able to persuade them to assist. As for the notes, while I'm not allowed to give specifics...I'll let you know once all of the copies are destroyed."

"Now, onto a few things you might not already know. The man responsible for this believes that some prophecy or another meant that he's supposed to wipe everything out, and create a new world. He also likely believes that he'll be in charge. I've yet to hear anything about such a prophecy myself. However, be aware that words probably won't be very useful should you encounter him, since there's a pretty fair chance he's insane, to some degree.

I suspect that he may know where at least one copy of notes is, if he doesn't keep them on his person. However, diseases aren't my specialty, so I can't say whether or not those notes would even help find a cure. The disease may not be exactly the same any more. They might help, they might not. I can't say."
Re: Southern Sanctum

"So what are we waiting for then? Time's wasting, lets get going!" Jess speaks up from her perch, raising her hand to help her to be noticed. "I officially nominate our group to go find the lunatic, 'cause finding a cure is going to be less fun and more boring, so I don't wanna do it!"
Re: Southern Sanctum

Cally pressed herself closer to Servante and Misha raised her hand, "So... Who's in charge of what group Mr. Diety?"

(((I posted that in the first post of the character sheets thread wolffers xD )))
Re: Southern Sanctum

The man pauses at Misha's question, then suddenly facepalms. "I knew I was forgetting something...

To answer your question, Corvus and Saul will lead their respective groups. Also, for those unfamiliar with me, my name is James. And no, I really don't mess around with titles, so don't worry about them."