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Southern Sanctum

Re: Southern Sanctum

Cally giggled again and grabbed Servante's arm, "And I'll mindblast who i can!" the giggle began to get more high pitched.
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Alright, we'll want Camping Gear, Supplies, and probably a Horse or two. Calcius, Barry, if you two can grab us the horses, the rest of us will find some camping equipment. After that we'll meet up and get some supplies."

"I can do that."
Re: Southern Sanctum

The selkie sidesteps slightly to avoid Cally's grasp, "Er, maybe it would be better if we had three of us to handle the horses? I studied horse riding for a semester."

((Servante is attempting to tell a lie here. If possible, he discreetly uses a small touch of his illusory magic to make his face a little more sincere.))
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Until we actually have the horses, we've got to carry everything ourselves. With 6 people, we might have quite a bit. So we need the majority of our team to carry it until we can get the horses. Ideally I'd send four people, but I'm not having anyone travel alone for now. Besides, you and Calcius were a little hostile earlier, so I'm not so sure it's a good idea to put you two together until we've had a chance to patch up our relationships with one another."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Servante crosses his arms. "Fine. You're the boss, I guess." His displeasure is visibly displayed in his contemptuous sneer, and he files out of the Southern Sanctum with a curled lip and a furrowed brow.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Barry nods quickly. "Can do. Shall we get started then Calcius?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Alright, let's go."

As Calcius leaves with Barry, Corvus facepalms and heads off after Servante.
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Servante!" She clutched at his arm, "Lets head to the market i know the best place to get tents!"