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Spam bots strike back

Re: Spam bots strike back

Are they even adbots? I don't see any advertisements in their posts, just a wall of random text. It's like a spider program crawled over Wikipedia and picked out random strings of words from random pages and mashed them together.
Re: Spam bots strike back

They do have random product names scattered among the shitpiles, so yeah they are. At least I think so.
Re: Spam bots strike back

And poor newbie, apparently botters love him, he's gotten 16 spammed ads directly on his page.
Re: Spam bots strike back

Might as well get while we're getting fucked.
Re: Spam bots strike back

There's... a buuuuunch
Re: Spam bots strike back

Didn't Nu say something about tweaking the sign-up stuff? Maybe we ought to tweak it back?
Re: Spam bots strike back

This is a bit worse.
Re: Spam bots strike back

No kidding. Also, thinking of putting this in the member announcements thread, but it's sort of 'we know there are bots. Please do not report the threads. It's kind of hard to miss the wall o' spam running down the entire role-play section and then some.'
Re: Spam bots strike back

Does the roleplaying/PbP section even have its own mod? I know Sin can take care of the blank page even when Nunu or aika aren't on, but as far as I know there isn't anybody who can deal with the roleplaying sections similarly.
Re: Spam bots strike back

I think individual thread moderators can, like RJ can do MGI, Siphon can do Multiverse, but other than that, dunno.
Re: Spam bots strike back

Technically, anyone set as a mod for a section can deal with the issue, but I am unsure of the technicalities and severity, having never gained mod status back when I was running Path of Ashes to know better :S
Re: Spam bots strike back

I know that much, but a lot of those games are dead, and for some of the still active ones the GM isn't around very often.
Re: Spam bots strike back

Okay i think i got them all...

To be fair that looked like the one place that we just cycled through their spam system and X amount made it through and did 50 posts each.

One that note I did use the delete as spam function which occasionaly gets rid of legit threads as it destroys anything the adbots touch. I only did soft delete though so its all recoverable, but on that note in a day or two i'm going to clear out all the soft deleted things from the forum and you've got till then to tell me if something went missing.
Re: Spam bots strike back

I believe that got most of them Nunu, and I just went through a few of the subforum areas that I noticed the spambots posting in and didn't notice anything missing that shouldn't have been, but others should check too just in case I think, because I didn't go through the hentai section any at all, so there could be some that I missed.

There were a few that were missed though in the purge, so just letting you know in case you didn't notice them. You can get to them whenever though, as they're all in old subforums as far as I can tell that aren't really active and haven't been in a some time, so no rush really.

1 in Farren's Games, 1 in Across the Void, 1 in Own the Night, 1 in Wicked Age, 1 in Clover Grove, and 1 in Maid RPG for the Role Play Section. Then there is 1 other in Defeat the Tentacles in the Play by Post section. If I've missed any then anyone feel free to add them in.
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