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Speak of the Devil - (Pervy/Rep)

It turns out silvered steel does cut well through undead flesh. The zombie finds himself missing an arm still stumbling about trying to claw at the armored warrior.

The skeleton notices the attack by the other undead as he is aiming to strike down another of the walkers. He freezes and that moment his chanting seems to stop too. The white light flickering as it passes 1573770680186.png harmlessly over the other corpses seeming not to affect them. This distraction does give them plenty of time to retaliate, one of them falling on the superior undead as bones crack and splinter. Soon C 1573770666634.png orneilius is nearly standing, his rib-cage a mess of ruined bones, and pelvis now shattered. Barely holding onto the words of the continuous chanting.

The corps before you isn't much of a talker, in fact they seem quite adept in expressing themselves in only moans. A loud one in your face billows from him as you ask about reburial. Once more he falls on you, just getting some of the dark ichor on your armor, staining it but doing you no harm.

Elyn: 5/5 HP
Cornilius: -4/??? HP
Zombie Horde: -3/??? HP (one removed one dead, 3 remain)
Lone Zombie: -1/??? HP

Well, better the skeleton getting his chest smashed in than her.. although it is a bit worrysome that apparently they can hit strong enough to crack bones. Speaking about worrysome, she didn't expect the undead to be this tough.. whilest she managed to disarm him, her next attack has her blade lodged in the undead flesh, doing little damage beyond making her stumble and cuss under her breath!

(nat 1 nues!)
Perhaps the silvered sword cuts a little too well. It got stuck in what you'd assume is part of the flesh-bag's bone. Likewise it seems that Cornilius is doing poorly. His shovel shatters as he swings it wide at the trio of dead. The three retaliate falling on him and a 1573781178881.png pulse of pure white light blasting out from where he was. Once more it seems the light devastates the corpses. The two injured ones burn up from the inside, lighting everything until they simply disintegrate. The final two start to turn toward you leaving a pile of shattered bones behind, one of which was picked up and now is in one zombie's mouth. Cornilius speaks from where he sits, "I'd help you if I could cast, but I can't channel enough power as just a head. As for your earlier comment no, I'll do that when I again can, but that would mean you have to trust me. Something you seem to have trouble with. Now step, left foot back."

It seems he is trying to help but you could certainly ignore it.
Cornilius knows what he is talking about. Almost preternaturally able to tell you how to move. You gain +1 to combat (all attacks and AC)
His voice becomes a nice background to your combat. No stat changes.
Elyn: 5/5 HP
Cornilius: 0/5 HP
Zombie Horde: 4/8 HP (2 remain)
Lone Zombie: 0/2 HP (destroyed by crit)

"If I'd trusted you, I'd have got beat up by them and propably be in your shape now."
She sighs watching Cornelius still trying to be supportive... well for an evil undead he's certainly supportive or at least trying to be, perhaps she should -try- his approach.

She takes a step left, sighs and readies her blade again, deciding that as she promised, she'd finish off the last remaining two undead, like smacking these two about.. and also cleaning her armor after!
"Would you trust yourself in my situation?"
She countered, cutting at the zombie. "Why don't you quit while you're a head."

"... heh. I'm hillarious."

(14 to smack the nearest zombo!)
The skull laughs as you sidestep and avoid the first Shambler who falls as you move out of his way. "Perhaps, or I could have finished these dead off by now because I could have focused on casting while you held them off."
He starts to give more instructions but they aren't fast enough to evade the second zombie as well as the first. As it lunges you manage to slit its throat but that doesn't do anything to stop it, just spray more of the black ichor across the shiny mithril armor. Black ichor that solidifies shortly after slowing any attempts to move and evade. This wasn't good. Strangely it seemed that whatever this black tar was, it was slipping under your armor! Sliding across your skin with a sinister slick touch. Distracting you long enough for the still moving and bleeding corpse to hit you in the gut, hard enough to push the air out.

"Fuckers, this isn't good! Try to evade their attacks instead of making bad jokes and repeat after me, I hope you can cast spells because otherwise we're both fucked! No time to second guess after this one!" He returns to chanting in celestial, slower this time. A pace that could be matched if you so desired, but how would that help you. You didn't have any divine powers?!

Though Cornelius was rather suspect he had tried to help you. It wouldn't hurt to trust him one last time if it might get you out of this bind. (You can take a dodge action but no attacks this round. Also make a concentration [CON] check to maintain the spell.)
This old bag of bones was crazy and he hadn't been that helpful after all. It would be better to just ignore him and move on. (You gain a +1 to all spells you cast for some reason.)

Elyn: 4/5 HP - slowed (AC reduction!)
Cornilius: 0/5 HP
Zombie Horde: 3/8 HP (2 remain)

"I respect that you want me as a meat-shield seeing how you are so utterly lacking in that department, but no. You can apparently reform, I can not."
That was a pretty good reason, she felt.

"Ugh.. whatever this disgusting stuff is I'll need hours to clean it off..."
She was very proud of her high quality crafted armor, and equally annoyed at the zombies for ruining it.. oh well, almost finished them off...

She coughed, as an undeadly strong punch drove a bit of air out of her, the stupid zombie-blood having distracted her prior.

"Listen, I can't speak celestial, for one. For two, I am bad with magic that doesn't involve stone or metal, for three, beating them up, so far, worked quite well, so watch this... Sharpen edge!"

She declared, a glint reflecting off of the edge of her blade as she struck at the second-to-last zombie..... but the undeads chanting was distracting her, as was the pain in her abdomen.. "Perhaps I should just use a proper spell of my own.."
She grumbled.. although most of her magic was focused on smacking things around, really... she tried her best to back off a little, she did not want to get doubled-teamed by the undead!

(aaand another nat 1. Not my fight!)
Cornelius didn't respond to the verbal jab at his bony body. He seemed a little too intent on reciting those distracting words. The disgusting, thickening substance continued to cling to the warrior's breathless body. Muttering out the words to her spell then crying out it name she sliced meaningfully through the air. That was the intent right? To be able to cut air?

Well whatever the intent was it distracted the zombies enough to not notice the grave-markers at their feet that they stumbled over reaching for Elyn. Giving her a chance to recover and attempt something else. Realizing how little he was helping Cornelius stops his chanting to say, "Well fine then. You are right about the reforming, and now I have two more vertebrae I can lend a hand." He mutters again then a spectral hand appears, caresses the raven haired girl's cheek and interposes itself between her and the zombies. It doesn't seem like much but it might help. (You gain a +2 to AC this round... canceling out the slow)

Elyn: 4/5 HP - slowed, and aided
Cornilius: 0.25/5 HP
Zombie Horde: 3/8 HP (2 remain)

She raised a brow at the caressing spooky hand.. but didn't comment, whoever he was, he tried to help her, she couldn't deny that. "Alright, fine.. you want to know what magic I use.. Metallicum incarnum.. Sharpen steel. Greater Sharpen Steel. Fine edge.

Edge of sharpened steel!"

She declared, blueish-white light crackling along her almost see-through thin blade as she rushed forwards.. and cleaved a zombie in two, head to torso! (A roll of 17, dared to presume success!)
A confident smile on her lips she nodded, exhaling, a clear satisfaction in her voice. "No nonsense magic.. I'd harden my armor plates too but their blows are more disgusting than powerful, actually.."
She mused, a little bruised, but not too bad, as she turned to the final zombie, reading her blade in a low guard stance again.. not that this would help against an undead foe, but it was ingrained training to not leave her body open in silly wide swings or dramatic poses.
It was really quite effective to wait for the zombie to start standing again before trying to cleave it. The two blacken halves test sliding apart slowly. That just left one more to deal with! Wait where is the other one? Turning about it seemed it was gone then a hand grasped Elyn's leg and pulled hard enough to send her tumbling onto one of the graves denting her armor and bruising her hip. That wouldn't be pretty in the morning. The good news was there was only one sucker left and he was hers! Cornilius was even helping by sending his hand to poke the bloated squishy eyes out of the rotting face.

Both orbs pop leaving the lone shambler easy to hit and swaying heavily. "And take that you sorry excuse for an undead!" Your companion commented. (you gain 'advantage' to hit the zombie, they have 'disadvantage' to hit you
Just like in 5e when the odds are stacked in one sides favor I award advantage or disadvantage. In both cases you roll an extra d20 and take one. Higher is advantage, lower for disadvantage. Having both advantage and disadvantage cancels and sometimes multiple advantages stack (after a point it might just become an auto-hit.)

Elyn: 3/5 HP - slowed, and aided
Cornilius: 0.25/5 HP
Zombie Horde: 2/8 HP (1 remains)

"Owww! Kharaz'Akdan!"
She cussed in dwarfish as she stumbled, groaning to hold her side, before lifting her blade to deal with the last of the creatures, only to growl and stab her sword, with a swift jab, right into the head of the last undead!

"First things first I'll need an.. ughn.. pay raise for this."
She huffed, holding her side.

(20 to hit total with advantage, yey!)
With the final zombie blinded it just took a little time to disassemble him. Leaving the raven haired warrior the only creature standing in the graveyard.

"Hey, I know you aren't all that fond of me, but could you lend me a hand? If we get my body put in the right places I'll reassemble faster then I can start to dig graves for the corpses. Also the night is almost over and I'd rather be underground myself for the daylight to not spread the curse too far and all that, if you know what I mean." Well it was peaceful for a moment. The duty still called, and the spectral hand was also gathering bones into place for the skull now sitting on three vertebrae in the dirt. It would be so satisfying to just run up to him and kick his skull deep into the graveyard. Then the night guard would have some peace and quiet!

Regardless of what she decided the morning sun did soon rise on the silent, mist-less graveyard to find that all corpses below ground again. Id takes his post waving happily as Elyn heads off for the day. Perhaps she should see the local priest about this curse, they wake with the sun right?

>If you want to talk to Cornelius any more this is the last chance. Otherwise I'm moving onto the day.

She looked down at the skeleton and shrugged with a: "Fine..."
Before picking up the bits she thought were the skeletons (more bones, no flesh) as she sighed inwardly. "This is my second shittiest night."
She informs, almost casually, as she leaves the skeleton to.. reburry? Himself, just grunting at the day-guard, before making her way to the temple.. first that, then cleaning her armor. At the very least she has her side to get a healing touch to after the nasty fall and she still struggles to believe this curse-story...
It isn't long till most of the pieces are in place and slowly with some clicking he manages to stand up on slowly sealing bone. "Thank you for that. 1574172238964.png Also I am sorry about tonight being rough for you, but I'll say generally nights aren't that bad. Also, second worst?"

The temple of Pelor stands in the center of town, a beacon for the villagers and those in need of aid. The temple is built of a light grey stone which is roofed by something coated in gold leaf. The bells toll on the hour, though the automation has been off for years, meaning the town is often considered an hour off, not that anyone cares. The single priest Oban keeps things together, watching over his flock of followers and lending aid to anyone who asks. Sometimes he is even known to call on the blessings of Pelor to help the growth of crops in the village.

Opening the soft wooden door as you approach the blond middling aged man with kindly, brown eyes running up and down your battered and dirtied form. "Well seems you had a rough night. Please, come in. I'll get my components ready." He hobbles off, leaving the door open to the well built worship space. Wooden pews angled to the stone alter, the place where you know he prefers to heal people at. From deeper in he calls, "Feel free to take off your armor. It would make this more effective, or if you need I can help once the ritual is ready." His voice is returning now, in his hand is a silver sun symbol and a bowl of rose petals in water. You remember this is his stock of holy water, blessed and refreshed every week. "So, tell me what happened, child."

"Heh..." She smiled at the friendly priest, nodding and beginning the unbuckling of her armor as she explained. "Some necromancers shenanigans at the local graveyard. I met an advanced skeleton that could speak and claimed I was cursed, then got in a scuffle with some undead. I'd like you to check for the curse... although I admit, my side hurts a fair bit too.."
She sighed, finally, wearing a short arming-dress, she let herself fall upon the nearest seating possibility, exhaling a heavy breath. It had been a long night and she still wasn't entirely used to the change in her daytime activities. "Have you heard.. complaints about this graveyard before?"
1574176629672.png Oban starts to chuckle, "I take it you met Corlilius then? Yes, I've heard of that one. My predecessor disproved that the curse was tied to him but for being a skeleton it is rather hard to get through to him. Oh, don't give me that look. Don't you think the whole town would be up in arms about an undead that I can't kill freely walking about at night, even if he just wants to help where he can." Taking one of the cushions from under the bench he gently lowers himself beside you. "Let me see this injury please, the magic works more completely this way." Many would be impressed by this man's restraint, his eyes never wonder as he kneels. They flick only between Elyn's face and his hands as he places the water down, dipping two fingers in it.

"Now where was I? Ah, right the curse. A more complete account of how it works is written somewhere. I think we have Seni to thank for that, as she is the only person I have heard of to consider leaving that post and decided to believe in the curse, take what I assume to be a devil or inevitable seriously when they visited."

He sighs, takes up the symbol and holds it to the light streaming in from the windows to reflect off the uplifted amulet. "Great Father, bless this ritual for in your name more can be protected." He then lowers the symbol to the side, "May I drip the holy water upon you child?" Offering the hand which rested in the rose water for some time.

"Huh.. he seemed suprisingly cordial about things yes..

Hrmnn.. oh, yes, do your thing, priest."
She nodded at his question. "I guess by the way you go on about it you have no way of curing this thing eh?"
She sighed, and winced slightly at the holy mans treatment of her exposed midriff.

"Anyway.. Cornelius aside that doesn't explain the other undead. Are things known to get worse on occasion.. I should really talk to Seni, has anyone seen her back up to action yet? I have this notebook she left but her handwriting is awful.."
She chuckled, letting the priest heal her. Yeah she was -not- going to do this job for the rest of her life, even as a once a month thing.

She'd propably take the 'day' tomorrow off, just to see if she felt any... cursedness, she decided.
Gentle hands drip two drops of holy water on Elyn's forehead then press softly about the bruise. Oban chants a short phrase and warmth presses in from his hands 1574210947586.png and the pain fades, looking at the area it seems as if the flesh had never been injured to begin with. "Sadly no, I haven't the information to even attempt to undo the curse on that cemetery, which would in turn release you from it. If I tried to play with it as things lay now I could mess it up so badly that day watch would be caught too or that anyone who enters the graveyard dies on entry. No, it is better to leave things as they are and try to aid those who suffer of the curse."

Pulling his hands back he nods and motions for the warrior to cover herself again as he replaces the cushion and sits on the pew next to Elyn. At the mention of other undead he shoots up from his relaxed position and swings to face the battle-mage. "What other undead? Corneilus jokes that the others rise on occasion but I have heard nothing of that until now. I'd dismissed it as his age driving him crazy but if you are confirming it..." The kindly man's face grows stern as he watches carefully how Elyn handles herself.

Sighing deeply and sorrowfully, for the first time the priest shows his age, with smile lines running deep near his eyes and obvious worry shaping his movements. "Sadly no, Seni was a pillar in this community, and for her to just disappear... it is not a good sign. They are still out looking for her, but the search is mostly a gesture. They found her will, laying on the top of her desk in its sealed envelope, and by our best guess unopened. She gave most of her worldly possessions to the town, some to friends and neighbors but mostly to helping those most in need or to help fund the churches. Always a goo.. wait, did you say her notebook?" Once more he grows serious, "She never let that leave her person, may. May I see it?" The man looks both nervous and excited at the prospect to see this record of times from your predecessor.

"Well, smelling my breath, so I am not drunk. Looking at my armor, it would take some serious force to press an injury through.. so chances are that yeah, there's more than just one undead. This Cornelius kept talking about.. lots of things."
She nodded, deciding to sling her armor over her back.. she was gonna rest soon, no point redoing it.

She then shrugged, unfolding the sash by her side to produce the weathered notebook. "I guess it's mine now. I considered that the other undead might have gotten to Seni, but, feels as if Cornelius would have told me about that...

Anyway. I didn't expect to get in a fight, I really need to rest up."

She yawned, half demosntratively. The priests concern was a bit infectious, perhaps she should give the graveyard a more.. throughout look over tomorrow night?

"Anyway, why didn't you just close down this graveyard if it is that haunted? I was already worrying why there was even a day-watch.. guess I now know why."
1574268759645.png Nodding the priestly man agrees that Elyn's conclusion is reasonable and before settling down adds, "Then I will just have to join you on your watch tonight. That is if you are keeping your post."

"Yes it is yours now. Keep it on you, I'm sure she has some sage advice hidden in there." He agrees once more relaxing into the pew. The gentleman smiles at the raven-haired woman as she makes to leave.

"You are welcome to stay the day here if you prefer, and feel free to visit anytime." It seemed a strange offer to get from the priest, but there couldn't be any harm in it, right? "As I thought was clear, we only had one undead there, Corneilius. As for why we keep it open, people would ask many questions if we left a watch for a closed graveyard, especially one that attracts the imagination of the youth without being shut down." He sighs, "Then there are the people who aught to be aware, like the 'owner' who refuses to listen when she's told of this. Then again, some folks who know choose just to ignore it. I was good you came to me child. Also the day watch is more to keep necromancers out, just like in any other town." He gets up and gathers his implements smiling at the warrior as he heads off to put them away.

".. actually, I guess if I get some help, I can take a look again tomorrow night, but guess I should rest now, and you rest early then."
She decided. No asshole graveyard was going to curse her!
"I mean if you got a comfier bed than the inn.."
She chuckled, not minding the priests offer.. she could really use a good rest after the strange day.. perhaps find once more that page on the curse to fall asleep to..

She'll take the priests offer if he has a halfway comfortable bed, or else head towards the inn. The priest does show a lot of interest in this.. but he's a priest of Pelor, that just makes sense, right?