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Speak of the Devil - (Pervy/Rep)

1574295881323.png Nodding as he moves to the back. "Come on, the room is this way." Leading down a short hallway he shows his guest to a room adding, "There is a key inside if you wish to lock the door, but you shouldn't be disturbed back here. Sleep well." He moves on to his office a little further down the hall.

Stepping into the room there is a soft looking mattress resting on the well tightened frame. The other elements of the room include a side table, a desk, hard chair, hooded lantern, and a soft wolf-skin rug set on the floor. There too was a key-ring attached to the wall beside the sturdy door and a padlock resting from one handle. At first it seems odd that such nice room would be lain out in a temple and the single priest not use it. Then the realization that Oban hosts other religious leaders and travelers regularly hits the night-watch woman. So she rested in the soft, walnut scented room. It was nice while it lasted, and the simple, lightly seasoned breakfast served by the host. Together the two head off into the night, ready to face whatever may come.

Though as Id gave up his post he didn't complain too much. Elyn was early, and he chatted jovially with the priest before he excused himself saying his wife would be expecting him soon. Thus the two were left in the silent graveyard, watching as the sun sank behind the horizon. "Ah, a beautiful sight, but we should probably go see where you fought those undead, you said they were zombies?"

The soft mattress was very tempting, far more than she'd anticipated. Dropping her equipment by the side, she basically.. fell down upon it.

She is quick to eliminate the delivered breakfast when it comes, her stomach reminding her she didn't exactly have dinner. Quickly, she armors up once more, this time more determined on what she'd deal with. All too quickly, she stood back at the graveyard..

"Beautiful?" She raised a brow. She was already not the type to see beauty in.. impractical things, and this was more macabre than beautiful or peaceful, definitly after last night..
"Right the undead.. Cornelius might have cleaned up, but right this way."
She lead the way, hand on her blade, as she indicated the direction.. huh, Cornelius was likely not around for questioning, believing he spread the curse.
"They came from deeper in the cemetary though... I tried to patrol the place but it's.. well it isn't that large, but it's set up with just this kind of architecture that makes it just confusing enough to be hard to explore throughoutly. There were five undead, all too decayed to be fresh bodies, I didn't have the peace of mind to search for which graves might have been disturbed.."
She admitted. With all the curses and the battering she'd gotten yesterday, she felt like that was understandable, as she lead the priest in the best most likely direction..
1574303129060.png Oban didn't respond to the inquisitive comment, instead muttering some prayer and lifting his staff up before it lights up shedding light about the two of them. "Yes, to the undead, please lead the way."
In a friendly tone the cleric comforts, "I agree this place seems deceptively small in daylight. Only when it looks different does its real size and intricacies become apparent. Well, I certainly hope there are disturbed graves." He adds foreboding.

Much to both seeker's dismay there were no graves open nor unexpectedly disturbed. After about two hours of searching, the two had to conclude that these zombies hadn't originated from this graveyard. Oban calls Elyn over suddenly watching the ground suspiciously. Quietly he informs, "Don't make it too obvious, but Corneilius is following us. Act like you saw him and want me to cover my eyes. He thinks that will protect me from the curse and it would do well for us to humor him." The holy man continues to watch the grave, raising his voice and commenting about how the dirt here seemed slightly off.

Now that he mentioned it, Corneilius was following them, watching them from the shadows. Just a part of his white skull peeking from around a decrepit marker. Seeing the warrior catch his eye the bone-man points at the nearby shrine. A shrine Elyn had never seen before. Actually she'd seen it earlier in the night, but never had she stumbled upon it in the cemetery before. Just above the center of the simple stone shrine shimmered... something. The wind whispered through the graveyard, tousling the grave-keeper's hair with its warm kiss. Something was off here.

"Zombies from outside? Doesn't make sense.." She complained, and grew only more annoyed when the priests began his antics. "Seriously?"
She sighed.... and turned around, her voice rather flat.
"No the dirt seems normal to me.. oh wow is that Cornelius, better cover your eyes so you don't get cursed.

..Cornelius what do you want? Got some idea on the undead that'd been here yesterday?. woah what is.."

She hesitated, touching the priests shoulder. "Something over there.."
She mused, narrowing her eyes and approaching the shrine cautiously, with slow steps.. she didn't trust Cornelius. So alright, if he was this well known he likely was a non-manevolent as he was hard to get rid of.. but still!

Even so, the shrine gave her a far more eerie feeling..
1574384544110.png 1574384555971.png Oban was just wrapping his eyes in a scarf when he felt a tap on his shoulder, startled he flinches asking. "W-who did that? It isn't funny to sneak up on people you know Cornelius!" As that was happening the skeleton himself came out from hiding and joined the small group.

The three of you start approaching and the bone-man starts to explain himself, "Remember how I told you last night about the portal? Well here it is. Oh, Oban it is good to see you again old man. I'll help you up to the shrine then step back, don't want the priest of Pelor being cursed now do we?"

Inching closer gave a better view of exactly what the shimmer was. Slowly moving up to it one could see a rift in the air almost perfectly circular in shape. It had no sound, no smell, though the wind does whip a little louder bringing the scent of rain on its touch. Squinting at the rift Elyn could swear there was a feminine shape just behind it, that was stationary and looking around it simply didn't exist.

"Is, is that Seni?" Oban asks, having lifted the blindfold after being told it was safe. "What, who? I don't see anything in there." The dead compatriot answers. For a moment the indistinct shape seems to resolve itself a little, and perhaps it is Seni, but that would be too convenient, right? The raven-haired woman blinks and the image within the shimmer vanishes. Well, that is odd.

"Truth be told, I thought this whole portal thing was just insane gibberish.. in my defense it was an awful first impression, have you considered putting on some pants? Maybe a straw-hat? Just.. mellow out the whole skeleton look..
We could get you a shovel too, to help with the digging around.."

She mused, now that she accepted Cornelius was propably around to help and well respected by folks,.. even a pelor-priest, she couldn't help but give the skeleton advice..

".. whoever she is, she's gone again. I don't know much about portals, but it could be unstable.. Seni might have checked it out, daringly stepped into it, only to realize there was no way back. The areas it shows could be miles apart.
It could also be the source of the undead. Which'd be bad. Because there could be more..
Well there's the first test."

She mused, picking up a pebble, and tossing it at the distortion and observing its progression.
1574540846036.png The bone-man nods at the suggestions, admitting, "True, I wasn't dressed my best. Though the problem with sleeping in nice clothes is they rot faster. Who do you expect to be put together right as they get out of bed? If anything I should be offended you were in my house without invitation, and waiting right outside my bedroom as I went for the loo." The toothy maw is hard to read, but the tone of voice definitely is that of a smug smile. "Either way, I think my nicer clothes are in the guardhouse, funny enough, Seni said something similar when we met."
The holy man sighs at the banter, "Children, please. Can we focus on the task at hand?" 1574540870068.png

Three pairs of eyes watched the rock as it sailed through the air at the disturbance then simply vanish before reaching it. "Erm, Oban? Did you see that?" "Hmm, yes it seems entering the shrine is enough for this portal, as you called it, to activate. Not just touching that disturbance." It was certainly a quandary, though the rock didn't reappear in the distortion.

"I have an idea, stay here!" Moving around to the opposite side, the skeleton was perfectly obscured from sight, and on informing both of you his intent to throw his ear-bone in Oban lifted his blindfold again. A couple of moments later a small shape appeared in the distortion then after a few seconds vanished. "I saw it this time Cornelius. I've lowered my fold, come back now." But Cornelius didn't reappear, there was only silence. The wind whipped about the pair blasting both toward the shrine and its distortion. So strong and cold, that it blasted the priest off his feet, just for him to catch onto Elyn. [[Make a STR check]]

"Well maybe if your house wasn't a graveyard ...

Anyway. If just getting close gobbles you up there's a good chance we found the reason why no one can find Seni."

She mused, drawing her sword, and picking up a few more pebbles, before chugging them, mumbling a spell that made her sword seem grey and heavy.. and then scratching over the ground.

"This seems about the limit of the effect. I'd recommend coming back here in a few days, chugging a few more rocks and seeing if you have a real problem.

As in, if it spreads outwards."

She raised a brow at Cornelius. truth be told, she'd suggested he should check it out first, as he couldn't exactly die. She still wasn't sure if it was a good idea. Yeah, he appeared briefly there.. if it was a teleportation it was long range. Perhaps...
A gust of wind took her, making her stumble, as she growled and slammed her sword into the ground to stabilize herself.. luckily the hardening spell was still active to avoid damaging it..
(11 str!)
Stumbling and falling through the air soon the wind is knocked out of Elyn as she lands hard on soft ground. Gently a breeze blows past, pulling loose hairs with it and brushing blades of grass against the warrior's cheek. Warmth spilled across her body, as if it were bathed by the bright sun, ans something flickered just past her eyelids. Something hard pressed against her armored back, oddly shaped stones perhaps. There also was the matter of the hand grasping her leg still. Perhaps it was time to get up and see what had happened. A ringing noise emanates somewhere to the left of the warrior's head as she continues to stay laying down.

As her eyes finally flutter open the pale blue of a mid-afternoon sky comes into focus. A single puffy white cloud lazily drifting by. The green ankle deep grass of the meadow stretches as far as her eye can see, with bright flowers peeking out in various locations. The meadow is interrupted by the stone shrine behind her, still glowing with the same off light. The hand on her leg belongs to Oban, his white robes haphazardly draped about him as he seems asleep, face down in the grass. The ringing seems to emanate from a small white object, it would probably fit on the tip of Elyn's smallest finger and still have room for more. It glows faintly and if touched stops ringing. Moving a bit more she finds that she was laying on a pile of bones, too large and too numerous to be just Corneilius' though the lack of a skull is somewhat concerning.

It isn't as concerning as the heavy footsteps and light clacking that sounds up suddenly from behind the warrioress. Spinning about a pair of skeletons appear, wearing metal plates and each holding a sharp looking gladius. It seems they are coming mindlessly towards the pair as well... [[ROLL INITIATIVE!]]

"Ugh. fuu.. what..." She mumbles, not particularly articulate, or graceful. Admittedly, this was not a normal situation either!

It was -not- afternoon.. where she'd been before, anyway.. so this really had been a portal. And it sucked her in. And just to where? Things kept getting better..
Huh, it seemed Oban tried to catch her.. still she shakes her ankle loose of him, to try and struggle to her feed, get a better idea of where she is or what's going on.. huh, there's the shrine, so perhaps there's an easy way back right there... but where then was Cornelius? And just who'd built a portal in a graveyard?

She struggles a little, picking up a white.. ringing.. something.. only to notice with a startle that the ground was.. very bony.

So she was likely not in another place in the real world... a graveyard-world? She narrowed her eyes. But either way, it seemed she had to ready her blade.. "Hoi! Wake up priest, we got company.. and they are slightly less tolerable than Cornelius."
She narrowed her eyes, drawing her blade and mumbling a soft chant of sharpening.. armed skeletons..

(6 initiative.. not mah day!)
UD2a__8211__Armoured_Skeletons_I_3(1).jpg As soon as the bone is plucked up the noises from it cease. Cornelius' voice trickles into the warrioress' mind. "Well this is awkward, I think I'm trapped in my ear bone. If you could return me to my body that would be appreciated." Sadly it seemed he had no more answers to her questions than she did.

Oban moaned as his name was called but it seemed he had taken a harder knock on the head for still he did not rouse. The two skeletons swiftly moved in, each positioning itself to make it awkward to fight the other without turning away from the other. Each swinging the short, deadly blade about with a practiced effortlessness. The first managing to pull the blade along a chink in Elyn's armor, and its sweet bite against her skin. The other clanging uselessly off the Mithril bracer, as it readies for the counter assault. Each clanging with the sounds of bone and metal reverberating about the clearing.

Skeleton 1: ??? HP
Skeleton 2: ??? HP
Elyn: 5/5 HP
Oban: ??? HP
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"What the.. there's bones all over!.. ugh.. I have bigger, bonier problem. Cousins of yours?" She sighed, poketing the Cornelibone for now.

She tried her back, but Elyn was caught on the back-foot (6 counter attack)

At least it seemed as if the skeletons had a malevolent intelligence to them, so perhaps if she backed off, she could draw them away from the priest, and fight them more head on. Why was everything recently trying to team up on her, this was a pain with her dueling-focused style..

"Come on rattly bones!"
For a moment it seemed the bone was going to respond, then as it lost contact with Elyn's hand, it seemed the mental connection broke.

Oban slowly arouse as his companion worked on waking him, then protecting him from the violent skeletons which ignored the stabbing strike between the radius and humerus. Stepping closer to match the distance the warrior moved back, they work on trying to batter down Elyn's defenses again, twisting and weaving in patterns known to most simple swordsmen, but executed at a speed few could pray to match. Luckily they stumbled over the pile of assorted bones by the shine as they gave chase to the grave-keeper, missing her entirely in this bout of their assault.

Skeleton 1: ??? HP
Skeleton 2: ??? HP
Elyn: 4/5 HP
Oban: ??? HP (now awake! and will act this turn[after you])
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"These things are damned fast.. "

She noted, before twirling her weapon, and tossing it at one of the skeletons!.. only to miss terribly, but followed up by folding her hands and focusing calmly.. as she could, anyway, still backing off, slowly.
1575419886728.png Oban watches in horror as Elyn tosses away her weapon. Almost too stunned to move. Then he starts to chant slowly, as if waiting for something.

The skeletons too seem surprised. They watch as the blade falls into the grass behind them, turning back to the warrior and hesitating. The left lowers their blade and the other grows still. Both seem to be waiting for something, though what is unclear. A best guess from their stances is they are confused at why a warrior would release their blade, or perhaps hesitation to strike an unarmed foe? It certainly is an opening that could be used.

Skeleton 1: ??? HP
Skeleton 2: ??? HP
Elyn: 4/5 HP
Oban: ??? HP

"Look, pa, no hands."
She cheered, lifting her hands and wiggling them. As, unbeknownst to the skeletons, her sword lifted and wiggled in the air as well.. "Nothing in my left hand, nothing in my right hand. What's that though? Is that a rune of steelshaping on the back of my hand? Oh yes it is..
What does it mean? That I can use magic to make my sword sharper? Yes! But little reason doing that against bonepiles. how about instead, I use a more advanced spell. Return."

She declared, her sword floating up, before spinning back towards her now outstretched hand reaching out for it. With a skeleton on the way.

(using int for casting rather than dex for attack here.. for a 19'!)

"I decided I have better things to do than die here you see..."
Tilting its head to the side, the skeleton was taken by surprise as the blade came crashing hilt first through it. Scattering the pieces everywhere. 1575427127183.png It seems Oban's chanting finished as well. Well it didn't seem to do anything. He did laugh at the jokes, seems the living audience was entertained. The sword now in Elyn's hand the other skeleton seems more ready for combat.

The priest rolls back to the shrine, and braces against its wall standing and calling a word. Shimmering light flits down and presses close to the skeleton, but it ducks and dives to the side before the two connect. Though the light does shine nicely against both Elyn's plates and the skeleton's amour.

The bone man t 1575427135366.png akes a step closer swiping his sword quickly to the rearmed woman. Seems it is no play this time as he aims straight for her throat. A strike that is easily deflected by the duelest's guard. Seems she was well prepared for this strike and now the openings present themselves for her own finishing blows.
Skeleton 1: 0/2 HP
Skeleton 2: 2/2 HP (you have advantage to strike this one)
Elyn: 4/5 HP
Oban: ??? HP

"Pfew. had to expend a bit of magical energy, but now.. fighting like this feels more familiar.."
She chuckled,, parrying and readying her guard, seeming now able to properly keep up with the skeleton, despite it's speed, using her superior reach to pressure it down slowly, before striking at the unbalanced pile of bones...

One on one, against an opponent with a familiar weapon, it was no contest at all, even the unnatural speed and unholy physiology of her opponent just slowed her down marginally as she parried and pushed the assault, pretty much dismantling the skeletons offense.. and the skeleton, very literally.
"So that was that, priest.. any idea where we are?" She inquired

(Critical hit, 23 dex total!)
1575947067461.png Now well within her wheel house Elyn puts the skeleton to shame. Not only does her longer blade give her leverage for chopping apart the bone-man, but it gives her some extra time to study the way he moves. The near mechanical precision which he moves. The way to become the monkey wrench that tears it limb from limb. By the end she's able to not only match the animated dead, but play with it. Sadly all good things must come to an end, and the dismembered body falls before the grave-keeping warrioress.

Oban stands while the last of the undead are dispatched and seems to be looking about when asked about where they are. "Well, I'm not too sure. I am rather sure that the clouds look like rain is approaching though. Perhaps we should go back?" He looks over to Elyn who now also has a chance to look further than the little meadow the pair found themselves in. The trees ringing the shine meadow were dark green conifers and it seemed the forest stretched out for many leagues. To the east they rise up on mountainside, while to the west there seems a break between the trees large enough to be called a path. Moderately traveled since no undergrowth encroaches on it. To the north only trees and sky, though the latter seems to be partly blotted out by thick, dark clouds. Also from the north blows a cold wind, which rustles the trees and brings with it a fresh, pine scent. To the southern side of the clearing only a game trail seems of any interest, perhaps deer travel it, since it is rather large for a boar trail.

The priest takes the moment to walk over to the now vibrating shrine and place his hand on it... Only for nothing to happen... He tries again... still nothing. "Um, Elyn dear? Would you mind testing this for me? It seems... locked? or something?" He ponders.

She had to unleas her full magical ability to get the bone-men off their game, but it worked out in the end. Satsified, Elyn sheated her sword.

"It seems a one way path.. here.. ask the bone. I bet he tried to come back too."
She suggested, pulling out the Cornelibone, handing 'him' to the priest.. not at all because it weirded her out a little bit..

"And before you ask.. the shrine is made of stone, my magic is useless..."
She glanced about.
"Guess we go that way."
She nodded, before walking on the only path-like path with a regretful shrug.

"I mean it's that or your choice of trees, trees,.. or trees. Anyway. If we are stuck in a different world, I guess I should stop being annoyed and tell you a bit about .. my things..

I'm Elyn, a metal mage.. you know, you know. But.. thing is, my magic is mostly focused on making my armor lighter, sword sharper, these things. I never.. saw much point in juggling a sword about, summoning floating daggers, these things. I can detect metals and maybe shape them in the hands of my enemies, if I have the time. I can even do the sword-juggling, but not for long.
I also don't like things getting in the way of my day to day life.. like this bone-greeting. Someone wanted us dead, you realize that yes? Cornelius propably beat up a few, he's suprisingly capable, before being messed up, and with you knocked out we almost had that same fate. So someone made a portal, send undead through but doesn't want anyone to come visit.. alive.

Oh also, if my predecessor is still alive, she ran... unless there's multiple teleport places.

Anyway. First question: Where are we? Because it's not where we were. Second question: Are there more undead that want to.. get to know us.
Third question:..."

She patted her lower armor..
"Where's some food."