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Special Event: The Terror vs Freudian Farms


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Not pillow.

Name: Nadia
Class: Warrior
Race: Angel
Sex: Female

Body: 62
Mind: 26
Spirit: 40

Hit Points (HP): 62 + 26/2 + 40/2 = 95
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 26 + 62/2 + 40/2 = 77
Spirit Energy (EP): 40 + 20 + 26/2 + 62/2 = 104
Speed: 25 + 8 = 33
Dodge: 66
Armor: 2
Resistance: 39
Perception: 27
Stealth: 23
Grapple: 74

Experience: 50 (spent 38)
Corruption: 68

2x Exceptional (+8 stat points)
Two Weapon Fighter (Attack with two weapons at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls)
Natural Spirit (Spirit Warrior: Energy Blade, Battle Aura and Energy Wave)
Skill with Bastard Swords (+12 to attack rolls with bastard swords)
Resistant (+8 Resistance)
Quick (+8 Speed)
Greater Energy Pool (+20 Max EP)
Skilled (3 skills)
Grapple Expert (+12 Grapple)

*Sensitive (+4 to pleasure taken)
*Open Soul (+4 EP damage)
*Tainted Bloodline (1.5x corruption)
Fetish: Energy Drain
2x Mutated

Mutations: Mutations until Nadia becomes Supernatural: 7/12
*Warped (causes 1/2 corruption)
*Faerie (Resist Cold and Electricity 5)
*Greater Wings (Fly at speed)
*Selective Fertility
Glowing Skin - Your character shines slightly in the dark, making them more visible but granting them light to see by. The character gets +2 to Perception, but a -2 to Stealth.
2x Tight (+2 PP damage during penetrative sex)
Soft Skin (+2 PP during non-oral foreplay)
Skyclad (-2 penalty to non-damage rolls unless naked)
Whip Tongue (+2 PP when giving head)
Multy-Orgasmic (Reset to ½ PP on orgasm)

Whirling Death
Scissor Defense
Quick Draw
Death from the Draw

Spirit Ceiling: 21
Note: All attacks use Body to determine attack rolls in place of Spirit thanks to Bladesinger
-Battle Aura
-Energy Wave
-Energy Blade
-Energy Blast

White Sundress over a bikini: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Nadia sat upon the beach overlooking the ochre sunset as it reflected off of the ocean, content to simply enjoy the serenity of her surroundings. Her pure white wings were stretched lazily behind her, high enough to keep them from touching the sand but otherwise relaxed. Much the same could be said about the angel herself as her hands rested on her chin, a relaxed smile upon her face and her sky blue eyes half closed. She was completely alone for the moment, a welcome break from all of the unusual but wonderful people she'd met over the last few days. Tomoe. Bakan. Anthriel. Pale. Luciana. Skye...

She sat, lost in reflection about all of those she had encountered, and barely paying attention to her immediate surroundings as she stared out across the bay.

(Oni, put the sheets for whichever characters you're using here. The only items they'll have access to are basic clothes, and only buff spells/powers can be used. Whether you want to have Eleanor and company just arrived on the island or have them know their way around is up to you.)
Re: Special Event: The Terror vs Freudian Farms

"Goddamn, just who does that bastard think he is, dropping us in this weird place," The tranquility of the beach is quite abruptly broken as three figures walk in the direction of the relaxing angel, unaware they have company. Eleanor, the woman currently voicing her complaints, and the second tallest of the three, wears a white and red polka dot bikini top, which seems to barely contain her ample chest and boy shorts with her white hair tied up into a ponytail, quite the contrast to her current agitation.

"Awww, c'mon mom, this might be fun," Lani's turn to talk. The shortest of the three, coming to just below Eleanor's chest, and with a much more cheerful disposition than her mother is wearing a red one piece swimsuit, which hugs tightly to her breasts and ass, as if it is slightly too small for her. With her white and red hair tied up in twin pigtails the young demoness' stubby horns can clearly be seen, and coupled with her little bat wings and spaded tail, they give away Lani's demonic heritage.

"Yes, mother is right. We all could do with some time to relax. Think of this as an impromptu vacation~" Kaliyah is the last to speak, and the tallest of the three, reaching almost six foot though her slender frame accentuates her feminine features. Unlike her mother and grandmother Kali's skin is toned a light bronze thanks to her vampire mother, and at a B-cup she also lacks their voluptuous chest. Much like Eleanor, Kali's soft pink hair is tied into a simple ponytail, which hangs just below her backside. Wearing a simple cream bikini with a pale blue sarong tied around her waist and an arm hanging over Lani's shoulder Kaliyah looks to be the most elegant woman out of the three.

"Well... I guess you're right... I have been working pretty hard on the farm..." Finally conceding defeat Eleanor begins to calm down, her gaze falling on the sun set. "It has been a while since I've spent time doing stuff other than work on the farm after all."
Re: Special Event: The Terror vs Freudian Farms

Nadia turns her head at the sound of voices nearby, but otherwise remains completely still as the three strange women hold their conversation. They were within easy view of the angel's sharp eyes, and the very first thing that she noticed about the trio was exclusive to Lani, her horns marking her clearly as a demon, or at least someone with demonic heritage. Though that would normally have set the redhaired angel on her guard, the safety provided by the island's creator left her largely unworried about the presence of demons.

The next thing she noted was, of course, that each of them was at quite attractive in their own way, though the unusual hair colors possessed by each of them dominated much of Nadia's attention. She did pay attention to what they said as well, however, and the words of the shortest of the three caused her to raise an eyebrow. Had she called the first speaker "mother?" The woman looked barely old enough to be of age to have children! And then the tallest of them called the short one "mother" as well!

"Excuse me.... I couldn't help but overhear you three, but... Did you just call her your mother?" Nadia spoke up suddenly, having turned her body to face the three even though she hadn't gotten up. She glanced from Lani to Kali when she asked her question, indicating whom she was referring to. The smaller girl being the child of the other redhead truly wasn't that farfetched given their unusual hair coloration, but the tallest of the three being the youngest and the oldest looking as if she was barely into her 20s struck as unusual to Nadia even given her own supernatural origins. Were all three of them demons, or just the shortest? And what did that make the other two?
Re: Special Event: The Terror vs Freudian Farms

The three women were content to walk right past the relaxing angel as they ventured across the beach, though as she addresses the family the three of them stop, Lani smiling and hugging her daughter around the waist as Eleanor rolls her eyes and smirks as her arms fold over her chest.

Yep, that's right!" Lani replies quickly, though Kali is quick to interject.

"Yes, you heard right, miss. Lani here is indeed my mother," Sounding a lot calmer and much more dignified than her mother, Kaliyah slides her arm back over Lani's shoulder as the other comes to rest on her head. "It surprised me at first as well. I had assumed Eleanor," She motions to the third woman. "was my mother when I first arrived on their farm. It turned out she is my grandmother, and Lani is my mother. Well, I guess in this instance she took the role of 'father', but that's just getting a bit technical now." Kali lets out a soft laugh before Eleanor turns on her.

"Hey, I told you before. None of this 'grandmother' business. It makes me sound old," Hands on her hips and leaning towards the younger women Eleanor playfully scolds Kaliyah before standing back up and patting her backside.
Re: Special Event: The Terror vs Freudian Farms

"Huh...." Nadia said thoughtfully at the explanation offered by the family of three, and then sat still and silent for a moment. "How long have you been on the island? If you don't mind me asking of course. I've had to explain the nature of the battles that our host makes us fight in exchange for his hospitality to many new arrivals so far, and it's beginning to become a habit. Though, it strikes me as odd that the creator of this place would bring those related to one another here, given the perverse nature of the bouts that go on here. Oh! I nearly forgot.... Forgive me my failing in manners! I am called Nadia. What are your names?"
Re: Special Event: The Terror vs Freudian Farms

"Long enough," Eleanor replies, a frown forming on her face once more.

"You'll have to excuse Eleanor," Kali jumps in, looking at the oldest woman briefly before turning back to look at Nadia. "She's been working on her farm for several years now, it's what she's become used to. So this sudden 'holiday' is quite new to her. Anyway, to answer your question; we've only been here for several hours, though I can see that the owner of this place has impeccable taste. As to our names, mine is Kaliyah, but you can call me Kali." She then gestures to the older woman. "This is Eleanor Whitehurst, and my mother is called Lani Whitehurst."

"Battles..?" At the mention of the 'residents' of the island having to fight Lani looks to the angel, an expression of confusion on her face. "Why would we have to fight each other..?"
Re: Special Event: The Terror vs Freudian Farms

Nadia nodded at each woman in turn as Kali listed their names, though she still couldn't quite shake the oddness of the tallest of them calling the shortest her mother. Even so, Nadia pleasantly replied, "It's nice to meet all of you!" Introductions out of the way, Nadia then replied to Lani's question, "I wouldn't be surprised if you were made to battle one another, or if you were forced to fight someone else as a group even. The rules of this place do prevent anyone from coming to any real harm at least, but violence is not the only way that victory can be obtained. In fact, most often it is by more... Improper methods that win battles. By the rules of the lord of this place, bringing one's opponent to orgasm is as valid a method of victory as knocking them unconscious. The inhabitants of the island are often forced into battle with one another without warning, twice now I've simply been dropped into arenas with people that I'd just met."

Just then, a strange crimson aura appeared all around the four of them, cordoning off a wide section of the beach. Her heart sinking, Nadia sighed and rose to her feet, stretching her white feathery wings and rolling her neck, causing it to crack. After a brief stretch in which she faced away from the three women, her back cracked as well, and then she turned to face them squarely with a frown upon her face. "....Sort of like what just happened there. I apologize that this is necessary, but it appears that there is little choice now."
Re: Special Event: The Terror vs Freudian Farms

"Likewise," Kali replies, slightly bowing her head.

The three women listen in silence as Nadia explains what she had meant by battling, a faint smile forming on Kali's lips. "Hmmm... I believe I understand what you are getting at. This lord, whoever he is, delights in seeing women fighting each other. Or well, from you explanation at least, that's used as an excuse to see a bit of girl on girl action." Kneeling down Kali wraps her arms around Lani's waist, who lets out a surprised squeak. "And I don't think he'll have to worry about forcing us to fight," Kali's hands slide over Lani's flat stomach, one hand placed on the young demoness' chest as the other comes to rest between her legs. Red begins to rise in Lani's cheeks as she looks down at her daughter, though doesn't attempt to stop her. "The three of us would happily indulge our lust, regardless of whether we were ordered to 'battle' or not. Isn't that right, dearest mother?"

"K-Kali... c'mon now..." Despite her words suggesting she didn't want this Lani offers no resistance to her daughter, and turning her head to face Kali she tries to kiss the taller woman. Giggling lightly Kali lets go of her mother before standing back up.

As the aura designated what appears to be the combat area all three girls look around, surprised that they have been thrown into battle so soon.

"This is turning out to be some vacation, huh?" Eleanor comments, a hand now resting on her hip.

"Mmmmm, indeed. Though," Kali's gaze falls on Nadia, her smile returning. Mother and myself have yet to feast on an angels soul. This could be quite the experience."

At Kali's words Lani turns to face her, an excited look on the young girl's face. "We're going to fight now? The demon girl then turns to face Nadia, lust in her red eyes. "We can win by making her orgasm, right? I... I wonder what angels taste like..."

"Man, there's no stopping you two once you've set your mind on something, huh?" It's Eleanor's turn to chuckle before joining the side of the other two. No need to apologise, once Lani and Kali's set their sights on someone there's no stopping them. Heh, I should know."
Re: Special Event: The Terror vs Freudian Farms

"Mother and myself have yet to feast on an angels soul...." Nadia winced at Kali's words, dark memories bringing themselves to the surface of the angel's thoughts. "I... I wonder what angels taste like..." Again Nadia winced, but this time the shiver that ran across her body was more pronounced. Recollections of her time in Artmirst whirled through her thoughts for a moment as the red haired angel stared off into space. The internal battle was invisible to Nadia's three opponents save perhaps for the tightening of her muscles and the light twitching of her wings.

She came out of it in time to hear Eleanor's words and watch the eldest of the Whitehursts join Lani and Kali as they arrayed against her. Even with three against one and the clearly inhuman nature of at least two of her opponents, Nadia smiled wryly. She replied, clearly and calmly as before, but her tone had lost some of its politeness and in its place adopted a hardened edge, "I wasn't apologizing for the fact that we must battle. I was apologizing for what I'm about to do to the three of you." A soft golden glow had begun to spread out from her body, and her deep blue eyes began to glow brightly as the angel enabled her battle aura.

(Activate Battle Aura, X = 4)
Re: Special Event: The Terror vs Freudian Farms

"What you're going to do to the three of us?" Eleanor repeats, a curious look on her face as she cracks her knuckles. "Well, this certainly sounds like it'll be fun regardless of what happens."

"Hmmm, you are right there, Eleanor~" With a smile stretching across Kaliyah's face she steps forward, a hand coming to the woman's waist, lightly pulling at the sarong until it falls free from Kali's hips, floating down on the sand. "This should turn out to be quite the experience for us, no matter if we win or lose. I just hope this poor angel knows what she is getting herself in to. No one has been able to resist my touch for long~"

Stepping forward as well, Lani's unblinking gaze never leaves Nadia, the young demoness' eyes beginning to glow a dazzling red as a bulge forms in her swimsuit, quickly growing almost all the way to her navel. Hee, this is going to be fun. I hope you're ready!"

At Lani's word all three girls lunge forward, aiming to grapple Nadia.

Lani: 2 EP for Vamp Futa
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Re: Special Event: The Terror vs Freudian Farms

GM Note: Initiative will be rolled for each of Oni's characters.
Round start.
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 77, EP = 104, Status = Fine.

Eleanor: HP = 57, PP = 51, EP = 40, Status = Fine.
Kaliyah: HP = 63, PP = 39, EP = 84, Status = Fine.
Lani: HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine.
Initiative: Nadia = 18, Eleanor = 12, Kaliyah = 3, Lani = 11.

Nadia uses Battle Aura x = 4.
2 EP upkeep. (For future reference)

Eleanor attempts to grapple Nadia:
Attack: 7 + 40 = 47 vs 78 = 12 + 66. Miss.

Lani uses vampiric futanari for 6 EP and attempts to grapple, since futa is a free action in mud wrestling.
Attack: 17 + 58 = 75 vs 78 = 12 + 66. Miss.

Kaliyah attempts to grapple.
Attack: 14 + 18 = 32 vs 78 = 12 + 66. Miss.
Round end
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 77, EP = 100/104, Status = Battle Aura [4]

Eleanor: HP = 57, PP = 51, EP = 40, Status = Fine.
Kaliyah: HP = 63, PP = 39, EP = 84, Status = Fine.
Lani: HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 38/40, Status = Vampiric Futanari.
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Re: Special Event: The Terror vs Freudian Farms

Nadia scowled sternly at Eleanor's words, but then her visage shifted into a grin. She couldn't blame the woman for getting into the spirit of things, after all. She watched Kali drop the outer portion of her bottoms and Lani grow a fairly impressive cock, the bulge visible beneath her swimsuit, and returned her expression to a neutral one as images of what they might be able to do to her played through the angel's mind. She almost didn't dodge their initial rush, but as the three rushed her in slightly slowed motion courtesy of her aura, Nadia spread her wings and took off, flying over all three of them before landing back on the ground. "Too slow... Perhaps I'm not holding back enough?" Nadia remarked casually as the three whirled to face her.

Quick as a flash, the crimson-haired angel was in their midst, "Take your punishment for your lewdness!" she cried in a mock dramatic voice, the grin on her face telling her opponents that Nadia wasn't serious. Whirling about and moving with superhuman speed, Nadia gave each of the three women a firm smack on their backside, lightly pinching their soft flesh before withdrawing and moving to her next victim. She started with Eleanor, and then turned to Kali, and finally gave Lani a similar treatment.

Nadia uses whirlwind if Oni's alright with it, spinning about and giving everyone a smack on the bum.

Attack: 64 + 12 - 10 = 66 to attack
Damage: 2d4 + 16 + 12 - 10 = 2d4 + 18 damage per hit.
She also takes a -10 penalty to dodge, giving her a total of 68.

If Oni is against this plan, just remove the -10 penalty to all three of those numbers and spank Eleanor.