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Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

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Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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And so Benton and Jack decided to head out on their journey together:
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

As Jack headed off towards Oldale town with Benton, he walked with his Torchic playing across his shoulders and on his head. "So, Benton. You know much about roughing it in the wilderness? It's a long way through Petalburg Woods." he says, holding his arm up as the torchic cheeps and hops onto his wrist like a pet falcon. "But first thing's first, we need to pick up supplies in Oldale. And I'd like to hear your story, if you don't mind me asking. Why did you become a trainer?"
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Benton quickly falls in line with Jack, keeping up with the mans pace. "Yeah, I know a fair bit about roughing it. Been doing mostly that since I left home," He replies, sliding his hand into his pocket the boy pulls out a bag of trailmix. Opening it up he takes a handful of the seed out and raises his hand to Shitake, who proceeds to gulp it all down.

"My story, huh?" Benton repeats, thinking for a moment. "There's not really much of a story as to why I became a trainer. It's a pretty boring story actually. My family and I came to Hoenn when I was a kid to visit a relative, and before we left she gave me a Pokemon egg to keep. Not long after Shitake hatched out and since then we've been together. Not too long ago I decided I wanted to see more of the world, and what better way to do that than by being a Pokemon Trainer. After all I already had my first Pokemon. And I decided to come to Hoenn because it's where I recieved Shitake. It's kind of when my Pokemon journey began, and Shitake's parents were originally from Petalburg Woods." Benton pauses for a moment as he finishes his story. "And that's my story."
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack smiles as his Torchic pecks at him, a game they play where they try to peck each other's noses, though he is listening to the story as best he can. "Beats my story. I've been living in Lavaridge most of my life. That is, until one of the gym trainers gave me Torch's egg. He's been my best friend ever since." he says, setting the torchic on top of his head, who turns around and makes faces at Shitake. "The two of us patrol Route 112 and the slopes of Mt. Chimney to keep them safe from bandits and other ilk. Not to mention the occasional Torkoal who gets testy." he says, laughing as he takes out his pack of cigarettes "Hope you don't mind me smoking. Can't seem to break the habit."
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Nah, I don't mind. Sounds like you lived a pretty active life before deciding to go on this journey," Benton comments. Shitake shifts himself to face the Torchic, who begins to pull faces at the orange bird as well. "I take it from the name that Lavaridge is a pretty hot place?"
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Yeah, it was pretty active. Beats twiddling my thumbs all day." Jack says, his Torchic continuing to make faces at the Shroomish, as Jack took out a cigarette and lit it with his zippo. "It's fairly hot. But you get used to it real quick. Plenty of fire pokemon up on Mount Chimney, though, so I'm happy." he says, taking a drag on his cigarette as he looks around at the path they are traveling, looking around for pokemon he can train his Torchic on.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

In front of them, was a vast expanse of tall grass.
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Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Fire types, huh? Guess that would make sense for a hot area," Benton helped himself to a handful of trailmix before continuing. "Celadon, being one of the major cities of Kanto, had it's fair share of Pokemon roaming the streets. Mostly poison types from the old factory though Rattata would roam the streets at night. Of course the gym itself had a variety of grass types. That's where Shitake and myself trained before coming here."
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Huh. You trained in a gym. One of my closest friends is a gym trainer. Taught me everything I know about battling, but I mostly trained my Torchic myself on the slopes of the mountain." Jack says, exhaling a puff of smoke from his mouth as he sees the tall grass. "Hey, watch your step. Might be some Wurmple around here." he says, stepping into the grass and running his hands along the individual blades, chuckling to himself as he turns around. "Hey! First one to knock out a Zigzagoon buys the camping gear at Oldale town." he says in a mocking tone of voice, his torchic opening its beak fully and chirping happily.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Well, I didn't train directly under the gym leader. It was more Erika held a class a couple of times a week and we were all supposed to train with each other, her aides helping us when we needed it," At the word of battling Shitake jumped down off Benton's head and stood at the boys feet, eager to show off what he's got.

"You're eager as ever," Benton comments, a grin beginning to spread on his face. "Okay, sure, you're on. But don't cry once I've won." The boy added jokingly as he ventures into the grass.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

They made it through the vast expanse of grass without encountering any pokemon.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Well... that was unexpected," Benton comments, slightly disheartened by the lack of Pokemon ready to rush them. "Time to try again." Benton then proceeds to walk through the sea of grass once more.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

The second time around, a single Poochyena appeared, but it didn't seem to be aware of the adventurers' presence.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Ha, got the jump on it," Benton says as he notices the canine Pokemon. "Shi, hide in the grass and snipe it with a Seed Bomb."
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack exits on the opposite side of the grass and frowns as he turns about, Benton already barreling back into the grass. "Hey, wait for me!" he yells, then charges in after Benton.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

The Poochyena was busy nibbling on an extremely rare Salac Berry to notice the shroomish setting itself up for a surprise attack.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack trips on a rock and lands face-first on the ground next to Benton, his Torchic tumbling off his head and rolling directly past the Poochyena.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

The Poochyena looked at the Torchic that went tumbling by in confusion as it yelped in surprise, and it attempted to get out of the way, but it was too late, the Seed Bomb was already under way, and hilariously enough, bullseyed the Poochyena in it's Pokecolon. The resulting explosion of the seed rendering the beast completely incapacitated whining and writhing in agony.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Wow, that looks really painful," Benton says as he walks towards the KO'd Pokemon. "Kind of feel sorry for the poor guy." Checking his pockets the boy lets out a disappointed sigh. "Wait here, Shi. Got to go buy a couple of Pokeballs to get this fellow healed up. It's the least I could do." Shitake simply nods at Benton as the boy quickly heads in the direction that his PokeNav tells him to go.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack looks at the injured Poochyena, a frown on his face. "Torch. Keep him as comfortable as you can." he says, rolling over on his back and sighing. "We'll wait here for Benton."
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