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Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

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Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

There was a long expanse of short grass stretching on for about half a mile before he reached the next patch of tall grass.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Damn, and me without Shi. Oh well here goes nothing," Benson thinks to himself as he spots the tall grass, and with a burst of energy the boy plows right through it , hoping not to be jumped along the way.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Fortunately, Benton did not encounter any Pokemon through the last stretch of tall grass. The entrance to Oldale Town right at the end.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Doubled over, Benton pauses for a few minutes at the gate to allow himself to catch his breath, sweat pouring down his face he wipes it away with the back of his hand. Once he had recovered Benton quickly scans the town over, and after a moment spots what he was looking for; the Pokemon Market.

"Uh... hi, I'd like to cash this in," The boy says as he takes the voucher out of his wallet and hands it to the cashier.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

The cashier quickly scanned the voucher and Benton's PokeNav, and turned to him and smiled. He then handed him 5 PokeBalls, 5 Potions, and one Escape Rope.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Quickly thanking the man Benton deposits everything into his backpack before setting off back to where he had left Shitake and Jack, running as fast as he can manage.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Benton notices several ledges that he could jump down easily and make it back to the severely injured Poochyena without crossing through any tall grass.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Noting the curiously designed ledges Benton decides to hop over them, idly wondering why someone wouldn't the ledges so that they could be climbed over from each side. After all, wouldn't it be better if they were designed so people could jump over them from both sides?
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack sits up, the blade of grass he was balancing on his nose flying off in the wind. "Oi, over here Benton!" he almost shouts, waving his right arm over his head. His Torchic had been making sure the Poochyena was still alive by prodding it every once in a while with one of its legs.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Hearing the voice of his travelling companion Benton turns midstep and heads towards the direction that it came from. After several more minutes of running Benton finally arrives where he left Shitake, Jack and the injured dog Pokemon.

"Got.... got the... Pokeballs..." The boy says between breaths, his legs and lungs burning from overexersion. Once he manages to slow his breathing to a calmer speed Benton takes one of the balls from his backpack. "Ready to get a new friend, Shi?" He asks his Pokemon before throwing the Pokeball at the canine.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

The Poochyena went inside the Pokeball and didn't even struggle. The wild Poochyena was caught!
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Poochyena. It savagely threatens foes with bared fangs. 
It chases after fleeing targets tenaciously. It turns tail and runs, 
however, if the foe strikes back.

"Huh, so that's what it's called, is it?" Benton says aloud as the Pokedex automatically records the data of his newly acquiored Pokemon. "Hrm... what to call him... How about Kain?" Benton says, turning to Shitake.

"Shroom, shroom!" Shitake replies excitedly, hopping up and down.

"Well, that's settled then," Benton bends down to allow Shitake to jump back up onto his head. "Looks like that's one to me." Benton says jokingly to Jack.
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Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Lucky." Is all that Jack says, sitting up, his torchic climbing up on his shoulder as he stands. "I've still got to get my poke balls." he says, then suddenly breaks off in a sprint towards Oldale town. "Get a move on!"
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

As Jack runs ahead through the last quarter mile stretch of tall grass before Oldale Town. But as he foolishly waited ahead of his partner, a wild Wurmple and Poochyena appeared.

[Torchic has the speed priority over the two wild pokemon. Shitake cannot join the battle until at least one round or battle has passed]
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Lucky, eh? Guess I'll have to prove you wrong," Benton calls out to Jack as he sprints off to town. Before setting off back to Oldale town Benton calls his Poochyena, Kain, out of the Pokeball. "Now hold still." He says calmly to the injured beast as the boy reaches into his backpack and pulls out a Potion. Benton then uses it on the Poochyena hoping that it'll be enough for now. Benton waits a few minutes, petting his newly acquired Pokemon, allowing Shitake and Kain to get used to each other before recalling the canine. He then makes his way to town at a leisurely pace, purposely going through the tall grass.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack skids to a halt, looking between the two pokemon, debating which he should attack first. He reaches up and grabs his torchic, then sets him on the ground. "See that dog over there, Torch? Hit it with some rocks." he says, the Torchic turning and kicking up some rocks towards the Poochyena in a makeshift Rockslide, since a sloped surface was lacking.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

The Poochyena evaded the attack and full-body tackled Torch. The Wurmple did the same. Torch is in trouble!
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack growls as he stomps his right foot on the ground, raising his right fist. "Oi, don't let them hit you like that! Scratch that pooch!" he shouts, his Torchic raising his right claw and scratching at the Poochyena
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

As Benton catches up to Jack he wonders why the man isn't moving towards Oldale, though a moment later the reason is made clear for him.

"Think you're up for another battle?" Benton asks Shitake, who answers by hopping down and running towards the battle. "Try to take that Poochyena out with a Seed Bomb." At his friends command Shitake leaps into the air and spits out a large seed which hurtles towards the canine.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

The seed bomb explodes CRITICALLY on the Poochyena's side after it was scratched by Torch, who was harmlessly propelled away from its target by the explosion, which managed to score some residual blast damage onto the Wurmple as well. The Poochyena was stunned by the surprise critical hit and isn't able to get an attack in during this round. The Wurmple took its time tracking Torch as he moved and was about to perform a finishing Tackle into him, but the residual damage from Shitake's Seed Bomb threw it off course causing it to miss Torch completely.
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