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Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

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Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Torch, you okay?" he asks his Torchic, who responds by righting itself from its prone position, chirping and then growling low "Throw some more rocks at that little bug. Crush it!" he yells, pointing at the Wurmple, his Torchic kicking a storm of rocks at the Wurmple with its feet.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Here, use this," Benton calls out to Jack as he takes a potion out of his bag and throws it to the man. "Hit that bug with another Seed Bomb." This time Shitake runs around the Wurmple, getting out of the range of Rock Slide before letting loose another seed.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

The Wurmple was stunned from missing it's target and couldn't move out of the way. It was hit by the shower of pebbles, some of them hitting and KO'ing the Poochyena. The blast from Shitake's Seed Bomb didn't seem to do much, but it did the job and finished the Wild Wurpmple off. The Shitake and Torch gained a decent amount of experience from that battle. Jack's PokeNav then *ping*ed to indicate that Torch has learned a new battle technique called "Focus Energy".
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Well, looks like that's two wins to your one," Benton brags, a smirk spreading across his face. "Want to call it at that, or do you want to carry on for a bit?"
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack catches the thrown Potion, motioning with his head for his torchic to come to him, then kneeling down to scoop the little bird up. "Torch has about had it. We should get to Oldale town." he says, his tone a lot more serious than what Benton has heard previously. He then sprays his Torchic with the potion and begins walking to the north, taking out his Pokenav with his free hand and checking the map, not to mention the new ability Torch had learned.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Oldale Town was just up ahead, the Pokemon Center on the west side of the Town.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"Sure, I need to get Kain to the Pokemon Center as well," Benton comments, and scooping Shitake up into his arms he heads towards Oldale.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Once they had finally arrived at Oldale town, Jack made a beeline for the pokemon enter, entering with his Torchic cradled in his arms and looking about, taking in the surroundings to try and find someone who could take care of Torch for him.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Walking in behind Jack, Benton tracks down a free nurse and walks over to her taking out Kains ball as he nears the woman

"Uh, I think my Poochyena needs some help. See, when I was battling it my Shroomish's Seed Bomb hit it... in it's behind... which kind of caused a lot of damage. I think," Benton explains as best as he can, hoping the nurse would know what to do. "Could you also give my Shroomish, Shitake, a look over as well, please?" Benton offers the woman the Pokeball housing Kain and places Shitake on the counter.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

As they made it back to the Pokemon Center, he looked at it in more detail. In one of the corners, he noticed a large bin with a sign that says "Please Recycle". In another corner there was a lounge with lots of couches and a few living room tables. Against the wall of the lounge was a large screen TV that was playing the news channel. On the other side of the Pokemon Center was a cafe, and set of stairs that led up to a room with areas for trainers to sleep or hang out. After Benton and Jack handed over their Pokemon to nurse Joy, she first examined the Poochyena and gasped.

"Oh my! We need to get started on helping this poor Pokemon! Chansey! Ready the stem-cells!"


The Nurse passed the painfully injured Poochyena over to her Chansey helper which carried it to the back room. Nurse Joy then quickly healed Torch and Shitake and handed them over to their trainers.
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Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack smiles as his Torch begins playing around on his shoulders after he receives him from the nurse. "Thanks nurse. Dunno what I'd do without the little guy." he says, then remembers he's got that voucher for the pokemart. "Hey, I'm going to the store, Benton. Need anything?" he asks, heading for the door.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"I'm alright," Benton calls out to Jack as the man was about to leave for the shops. "I cashed in my voucher earlier so I have everything I need." Benton decides to sit down and relax for a bit, watching Shitake play around on the floor.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack waves to Benton as he walks out the door, locating the Pokemart and walking towards it, looking around at the surrounding town.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Oldale is a small, quaint little town surrounded by trees. It is very peaceful.
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack walks into the pokemart, walking up to the counter and handing in his voucher "Uh, yeah, I have this voucher for here. Can you guys do anything with it?" he asks, hen spies a pack of his brand of cigarettes, taking it and setting it on the counter, before taking his wallet out of one of his many cargo pockets and opening it to reveal he had barely enough money for the pack. "Uh, I'll also take this pack of smokes." he says, setting the money on the counter and picking the pack of smokes up, waiting for the cashier to process the voucher
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

The cashier quickly scans the voucher and Jack's PokeNav, and then smiles as he gives him 5 PokeBalls, 5 Potions, and 1 Escape Rope. He then accepts the payment for the cigarettes and hands them to Jack.

"Thank you for shopping with us. Please come again~."
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack takes the items from the cashier, thanking him and smiling as his torchic plays about on his shoulder, begging for attention as he stashes the cigarettes away, along with the potions and the pokeballs, coiling the rope around one of his belt loops to hang down at his left side. Once he had all of that stored away, he departed back towards the pokemon center, and walked towards Benton once inside. "Hey, I've got my gear and enough smokes to last us until Petalburg City. How's the pooch doing?"
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

"No, not yet," Benton replies, his eyes never leaving Shitake as he continues to run around. "I assumed one of the nurses would've let me know if anything came up. Though it doesn't hurt to check." Getting up Benton walks over to the nurses station.

"Hey, I wondered if you could help me. My Poochyena was taken away earlier to be fixed up, and I was wondering if you knew if anything."
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Jack reaches up to grab his Torchic off his shoulders, then cradles him in his arms as he follows Benton. "At least you don't have to watch out for a little ball of fire and curiosity." he says, his left index finger flicking the Torchic on the beak once as it chirps and tries to nip at said finger. "Hope he's alright, after the colon-ectomy you gave him."
Re: Spores & Flames (Benton & Jack's Adventure)

Nurse Joy turned to Benton and answered him.

"I'm sorry, but due to the Pokemon's extensive injuries, he will need to stay here over night to fully recover."
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