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Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Kanako, known to some as the Oni of the East. Was currently in a rather inglamorous position.

Namely, it was very hard to be glamorous when you were trapped inside a giant snake, your belly bloated with child, and the snake only letting you out to feed you and relieve its sexual stress in you.

That had been Kanako's life for some years now, each time she was spit out she'd get to see her first daughter, and her multiple snake children since then, growing with each passing year.

How had she gotten here? Well, she had managed to find the immortality she had sought. Deep inside a jungle she had encountered a who had given her the immortality she looked for, but in exchange had taken her soul. Unfortunately Kanako hadn't gotten long to enjoy it, as barely a day later she had been caught while asleep by this snake, and since then had been fucked day in and day out, her mind broken down piece by piece. Until one day, she was spit out for another round of fucking, when she saw her daughter appeared to be fully of age finally, and in a flash of blue she dissapeared, and shortly after that, Kanako felt herself fading away.

Only to come back to consciousness in a town on the edge of the jungle, all her equipment returned to her, a snake tail sticking out from above her ass, and a card with the woman's name on it, a note on the card saying "If you want your soul back you'll have to come find me."

However she got there, now she was infront of where she thought this 'Lilith' was.

Option 1: The Fortress of Inanna (Easy)
Primary Enemy Types: Humans, Warlike Beastkin, Traps

Option 2: The Ice Temple of Akna (Normal)
Primary Enemy Types: Snow Region Beastkin, Elementals, Ice Creatures

Option 3: The Shrine of Inari (Hard)
Primary Enemy Types: Japanese Mythos Monsters, Hermaphrodites, Elves.
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

How did I this happen to me? Kanako thought, feeling the snake’s slimy innards embrace her pregnant body. Ah right, after getting my immortality, I got eaten in my sleep. Kanako thought, barely able to remember what she did before she was became this snake’s toy and breeding bitch. Most of her time was now spend inside this snake, at first she hated it, but the sensation grew on her over time. The feeling of constantly being wrapped up tightly while the baby snakes twist and turn inside of her, kept her constantly hot and bothered. How long was she going to be this snake’s toy? Kanako pondered, while she felt her body slowly slide up to the snake’s mouth, ready to be spit out once again. It wasn’t dinner time yet, so he probably wanted to have fun with her body, or so she assumed. This was the fifth time today the snake spat her out covered in slime. Kanako was greeted each time with a familiar sight, her first born daughter and her multiple snake children. Seeing the snake’s erection, Kanako knew that her assumption was correct. She let the snake wrap around her body, and opened her legs for him. The snake instantly thrusted its twin cocks into her pussy, and violently began thrusting inside her while constricting her body. At the beginning of her capture, she struggled and tried to escape, but the snake would just end up constricting her tighter, until she stopped moving. After a while, she figured out that if she let the snake do what it wants to her, he would be a lot gentler with her. After years of being raped by it however, she was now eagerly spreading her legs for the snake, unable to wait for those twin cocks to sate her lust. How disgraceful, the Oni of the east spreading her legs for an animal. She thought while getting plowed by the snake. After her second orgasm, the snake finally spilled its seed inside her, and swallowed her whole again. While sliding down the snake’s stomach, she realized she was slowly going insane with lust.

This scene repeated itself, until one day, she was spat out, and her daughter looked to be of age. Suddenly a flash of blue light appeared, and her daughter disappeared, at the same time she could feel her consciousness slip away. Until suddenly, she was no longer fucked by the snake, but instead standing outside the edge of a town. It took her a while to realize that she was stuck in her daughter’s body, she only figured it out once she saw the snake tail her daughter had. Was this the kind of immortality she gained? Kanako wondered. ''Oi, are you kidding me? This ain’t the kinda immortality I want!'' Kanako roared out in anger. After roaring out in anger she noticed the card. Ah, so this is where your ass is at. I will teach you not to mess with the Oni of the east. Kanako said in pure rage, and then she sprinted off to the Ice Temple. When she arrived there, the cold wasn’t nearly enough to douse her unending rage
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Name: Kanako, Oni of the East.
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1210&pictureid=18312
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

Kanako found herself in the entrance hall of the ice temple, the walls glistening around her even as a voice echoed. "Ohh hello, looks like you finally got away from that snake. Though you did look like you were having so much fun with him! I guess this means your back for your soul though aren't you? Well, if you beat my dungeon and then beat me at the bottom I'll give it back!"

With that the voice faded away, and Kanako found herself with the entrance sealed, and two ways to go, North and West.
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Kanako’s face flushed red when the voice mentioned the fun time she had. How much of that did she see? Kanako wondered while grinding her teeth in anger and embarrassment. ''Like hell I did!'' Kanako shouted back in anger, futilely trying to deny Lilith’s words. ''Of course I wanna get my soul back! What kinda idiot wants immortality like this?'' Kanako shouted out angrily at the voice.

Kanako was determined to get her soul back, and teach that succubus a lesson for messing with her. Besides, with the entrance sealing up behind her, she didn’t have any other choice but to proceed. Angrily she swung open the door to the west.
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Kanako headed West

Name: Kanako, Oni of the East.
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1210&pictureid=18312
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

"Lots of people surprisingly enough." The succubus' voice was full of amusement.

Heading west, Kanako found...an empty room. The only thing of note was a bag in the corner that seemed like it might have something in it.
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Curious, it looked like this room was completely empty. Bah, what a waste of time. She thought, until she noticed a bag sitting in the corner of the room. Curious to what might be in the bag. Kananko picked it up and opened it, greedily looking inside. If this place had treasure, she couldn’t wait to sack the place.
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Kanako headed West

Name: Kanako, Oni of the East.
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1210&pictureid=18312
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

Not checking the bag for traps first could have gone very badly, but it didn't, or well, it didn't exactly. It could have gone much worse!

Opening the bag caused it to 'huff' and sprayed Kanako with flour. Though after the spray was done, she noticed the bag was still 'huffing' and actually appeared to be some sort of non-hostile mimic.

Whatever it was didn't seem to be out to attack her, maybe she could keep it with her? Or she could kill it, or toss it back where she found it.
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Kanako flinched when the bag suddenly huffed out a bunch of flour over her, quickly wiping the flour of her. She had to be a lot more careful, it seems that chests and bags could be trapped in this place. Taking a better look at the bag, she noticed it was weird type of mimic she wasn’t familiar with, but it didn’t look like it was hostile to her. The safest option would be to leave it were she found it, but she was way too greedy for that. Instead she decided to keep it, maybe if she gave it something useless, it would spit out something useful, or perhaps this bag at some other use.

After strapping the bag to her hips, she made her way back to the entrance, and then went north, the only direction she had left to go.
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Kanako headed West
Turn 2, Floor 1: Kanako headed east
Turn 3, Floor 1: Kanako headed north.

Name: Kanako, Oni of the East.
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1210&pictureid=18312
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Bag Muncher Mimic: It's a mimic, that's a bag. Who knows what it will do, but it seems hungry.

Taking the bag mimic, Kanaco would head back to the entrance and went north. Finding herself in a room with, a pair of...quite large all considered, snow rabbits. The two creatures blinked and looked at her, and looked like they were hostile somehow.

(Choose your draw ratio, max 7 cards, max 4 from any specific deck)
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Kanako blinked back at them when she saw the two fluffy rabbits. Was the succubus even taking her serious, they were big, but snow rabbits. Kanako felt slightly humiliated having to fight such cute and cuddly creature. Until she realized, that losing to a cute and cuddly creature would be much more humiliating then fighting one. ''O-Oi, is this a joke or something?'' Kanako called out slightly afraid of actually losing now. She prepared for battle, determined not to lose this fight.

(Cards: 3 Atk // 2 Mag // 2 Def)
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Kanako headed West
Turn 2, Floor 1: Kanako headed east
Turn 3, Floor 1: Kanako headed north.

Name: Kanako, Oni of the East.
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1210&pictureid=18312
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Bag Muncher Mimic: It's a mimic, that's a bag. Who knows what it will do, but it seems hungry.

The rabbits were actually quite large, even if they were still cute and cuddly. The beings were right up to her breasts even when they were on all fours. As it was though they were bouncing toward her rapidly, and she'd definately need to defend herself.

(Kanako draws: 3,1,11||2,7||11,19)
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Kanako gripped her weapon while glaring at the snow rabbits. Being blindsided by a snake was one thing, but being defeated by cute and cuddly rabbits was another, even if they’re huge. The thought alone of losing to such a cute and cuddly creature made her feel humiliated. With a big roar she charged at them, putting everything she had in her swing, while preparing to counter any attack coming her way.

( 1 + 11 Atk // 7 Mag // 19 Def)
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Kanako headed West
Turn 2, Floor 1: Kanako headed east
Turn 3, Floor 1: Kanako headed north.

Name: Kanako, Oni of the East.
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1210&pictureid=18312
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 6 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Bag Muncher Mimic: It's a mimic, that's a bag. Who knows what it will do, but it seems hungry.

Kanako actually hit both rabbits quite hard, but that didn't keep them from leaping on her and knocking her over, the combined tackles rubbing her in places that were causing sparks of pleasure through her before she threw them off.

(Large Winter Rabbit: 1/5 HP 5/5 RP
Large Winter Rabbit: 2/5 HP 5/5 RP)

(Kanako draws: 3,4,19,11||2,6,6||11,2,15)
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

After landing a satisfying hit, Kanako was tackled to the ground. The tackle didn’t hurt at all. Instead, it felt really good, a little too good, as the rabbits soft fur rubbed pleasantly against her skin while they nuzzled against her breasts and crotch. ''Get off me, you perverted rabbits.'' Kanako yelled flustered, quickly throwing the rabbits off her, before they could do something else to her.

Kanako quickly stood back up, and glared at the rabbits that defiled her. ''Don’t think I will let you get away with that!'' She yelled, before charging back in and taking a swing at them.

( 4 + 11 Atk // 2 + 6 Sex/Mag // 11 + 2 Def)
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Kanako headed West
Turn 2, Floor 1: Kanako headed east
Turn 3, Floor 1: Kanako headed north.

Name: Kanako, Oni of the East.
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1210&pictureid=18312
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 5 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)
EXP: 60/100

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Bag Muncher Mimic: It's a mimic, that's a bag. Who knows what it will do, but it seems hungry.

Kanako managed to catch one of the rabbits with her club and it dissapeared into a motes of dust before vanishing entirely. The other rabbit though struck back, and leaped on her again, wiggling and rubbing against her again before once more it was thrown off as well, and when it crashed to the ground it dissipated into dust as well.

(Large Winter Rabbit: 0/5 HP 5/5 RP
Large Winter Rabbit: 0/5 HP 5/5 RP)

Kanako beats the two Large Winter Rabbits, gains +60EXP

There are exits to the east and west
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Kanako got surprised when her club went straight through one of the rabbits, she didn’t expect it to disappear in motes of dust, making the force of her swing throw her off balance. The other rabbit took this opportunity to push her down once more, and rub against her butt. Again, it didn’t really hurt, but the rabbit rubbing against her butt felt better than it should. Quickly she threw off the rabbit, making it disappear in motes of dust when it hit the floor.

Kanako stood back up, and fixed her clothing, pulling out the fabric of her skirt from between her butt cheeks. ''Damn perverted rabbits, I gotta remind myself to never make a deal with a succubus again.'' Kanako said to herself a little flustered, before heading east.
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Kanako headed West
Turn 2, Floor 1: Kanako headed east
Turn 3, Floor 1: Kanako headed north.
Turn 4, Floor 1: Kanako headed east.

Name: Kanako, Oni of the East.
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1210&pictureid=18312
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 5 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)
EXP: 60/100

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Bag Muncher Mimic: It's a mimic, that's a bag. Who knows what it will do, but it seems hungry.

Heading east, Kanako found an empty room, this one branched North, South, and continued to the east.
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

With the room being completely empty, she continued forward to the east with her iron club hoisted against her shoulder. Hopefully there would be something to fight in the next room, as she was starting to feel restless, and wanted to let out her aggression on something.
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Kanako headed West
Turn 2, Floor 1: Kanako headed east
Turn 3, Floor 1: Kanako headed north.
Turn 4, Floor 1: Kanako headed east.
Turn 5, Floor 1: Kanako headed east.

Name: Kanako, Oni of the East.
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1210&pictureid=18312
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 5 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)
EXP: 60/100

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Bag Muncher Mimic: It's a mimic, that's a bag. Who knows what it will do, but it seems hungry.

Kanako finds herself coming into a rather cold room, more so then the rest had been, and hears a low growl around her. Looking she'd see winter wolves moving around her, seemingly ready to attack her.
Re: Stealing Immortality, and Your Soul(Fmokou)

When Kanako entered the extremely cold room, she cursed herself for wearing such little clothing, even with her rage fueling her heat, this room was particularly cold. The scantily dressed woman was clearly shivering when wielding her huge iron club towards the growling wolves, but it wasn’t exactly fear that made her shiver it was the intense cold instead. Hopefully the cold wouldn’t hinder her too much in the oncoming battle, she thought, as she prepared herself to slay these wolves. ''L-Let’s end this quickly filthy beasts, I dun wanna stay longer in this room then I have to.''

( In case I have to draw: 3 Atk // 2 sex/mag // 2 Def )