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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After hearing what Adelle had to say, Rosieta reached for her cheek and tugged at it, hard. "Stop faulting yourself. You didn't hit me. I can usually keep myself safe in battle, but this place has been nothing but bad luck... And... Wait..." the maid spoke up but was cut off by a sudden realization. Getting up, she shaked her legs a bit, and soon Adelle could see the torment panties on the floor as they had slid down her legs. Indeed, the busty girl could feel that hers too had stopped, loosening significantly as well. It did appear that she could now take them off. Maybe the victory over the ropes had earned them release from the constant buzzing. But even if she took them off, there was the whole deal of not having panties and the remaining arousal. Rosie would deal with it easily with her long skirt, but Adelle might have more problems as the dress she wore was almost crotch-short.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle flinched a bit at Rosieta's grabbing her cheek and pulling rather hard on it, letting an "Ouch," out in the process. She blushed a little at the maid's words, thinking to herself that she was doing what Lacri and the others kept telling her to stop doing, cutting herself down all the time. But she still felt it was partially her fault for not being a better fighter, she couldn't help but think that. As she helped Rosie up to her feet and prepared to give a reply to her words, Adelle watched her stretch and shake her legs some, which for some strange reason caused the torture panties to fall off and down the maid's legs. She felt her own pair of torture panties had stopped buzzing inside of her too and loosened up enough for her to take them off.

However in taking them off she realized that she'd be leaving her nether regions totally exposed to the elements. She wasn't sure if them winning had anything to do with the panties stopping their torture or what, but she was glad it'd stopped, as it was becoming too much of a distraction. Adelle decided to take the panties off for now, stowing them into her backpack for safe keeping and later usage, then she'd rummage around in it until she found one of the thongs she'd pilfered from the place and slip it on, then she'd grab her bluejeans which were thankfully still in there and try to slip them on over the thong, pulling them up just under the skirt of her dress.

Once her dressing maneuver was complete, Adelle would look over to Rosieta and ask her if she wished for her to take the lead again, and depending on the maid's answer, Adelle would either take point or the rear guard, though she would have her pistol and sword out constantly now so as to keep ready to fight at a moments notice. Heading to the door they were going to before the rope beasts attacked them, Adelle took the keys and unlocked it if need be, then checked her gun and reloaded if need be, though she didn't remember shooting any bullets in that battle.

"About what I said before... I know I shouldn't belittle myself like that, but sometimes I just can't help it. I've never really been good at anything, except growing these giant breasts at least, and I'm a pretty good shot with a gun, but not all that great really," Adelle said as they were preparing to leave and everything, sounding in better spirits since she'd been told she shouldn't fault herself for what had happened.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While Adelle went to dressing herself up somewhat better, Rosieta punted the discarded dildo panties away to a corner, apparently wanting nothing further to do with the thing. She retreated back to the previous room as well, eventually coming back with no real changes to her looks. But if she took a look into the previous room, the busty girl could see that one of the maid mannequins had been tipped over and looted for pantyhose as well as panties. The newly acquired thong was as usable as expected, but like before, there was no way for Adelle to get her jeans on as they kept being pulled away from her hands by some unseen force. It appeared that the powers that resided over the place were keen on deciding and enforcing their own designs on her clothing instead of letting the gun girl keep her own. Still, it was nothing worse than forcing her to go with the dress, cat ears and collar for now. With both of them done and ready, on to the next door it was. Rosie had little to say at her companion's grievances, sticking to getting the door open instead. The lock clicked open easily enough, and soon they were in a new manufacture area.

The area beyond the door seemed to be one designed for stage props and filming equipment, for that was what the pair came across when they made for the new room. It looked like they were kinda circling around, for the door on the left went back to the area with the bottles, while there was a new one that they had yet to reach on the opposite side. Before they could get anywhere though, the door behind them locked up again as spotlights from the ceiling lighted up and set to highlighting both of them. The stage lit up as well when a few cameras became operational, confusing Rosieta a good deal. Finally, a big spot lighted up over the test stage in the middle of the room, revealing a big and stereotypical heart-shaped bed. A real love nest. Then, what looked like a person rolled over from the middle and stopped just before the edge, remaining there in a lying position and leaning on one arm as it saw them. The thing was almost indistinguishable from a real human, though there was a certain glassiness in it's eyes that revealed the thing as a high-class mannequin or sex doll of some sort, a heavily muscled and bulging male dressed only in a thong, a bow tie and a top hat. The fake man broke into a massive, almost inhumanly wide grin as it saw the pair of girls, gesturing them to come to it's parlour.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle watched Rosieta head back to the previous room while she made her own dressing maneuver, finding that she couldn't pull her jeans back on as some strange invisible force prevented her from doing so. "Oh man... come on dammit, why me? Dammit, this sucks," Adelle complained as she pulled her jeans back off and stuff them back into her backpack.

When she'd put her jeans back up and everything, Adelle decided to check and see what Rosie was doing and when she peeked back into the room she'd gone into she noticed Rosie had raided a maid mannequin for its maid outfit and underclothes. Adelle was a little peeved that she couldn't choose what clothing she wanted to wear, but there was little she could do about it, and the dress she was being forced to wear wasn't all that bad looking she thought. So she was stuck with simply wearing the thong under the skirt, which she didn't like as the skirt was very short, but it wasn't like anyone would see her like that besides Rosie, and she was a girl and likely didn't care.

Once Rosieta was back in the room, they started for the next door and Adelle unlocked the door and then they went on through. Inside the next room Adelle saw what that it seemed to be for a movie shoot or something to that effect. She could tell that the door to their left led back to the room with the bottle creatures, so they didn't need to go that way, but she also noticed another door that led elsewhere that she thought to take instead. As they started across towards the new door though Adelle watched the spotlights and cameras turn on, both pointing at them and putting them into the spotlight. Then a stage lit up as well, revealing a heart-shaped bed on it, and Adelle was just as confused as Rosie was, looking curiously at the entire thing.

When she saw the very real looking mannequin man roll over and look at them and saw what he was wearing, then patting the bed to gesture them over, Adelle simply shook her head at him no, saying, "No no, I don't want to come over there. We're busy, maybe some other time," Adelle said to the thing in a slightly frightened tone, keeping her gun and sword at the ready in case the thing attacked them and tried to make them come over there anyway.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Surprisingly, the response from Adelle didn't invoke any kind of violent response from this weird being, only a frown. Still, it did another roll, landing onto the floor in all fours before kinda creeping up to stand. A whole squad of similar-looking if a little more average male things emerged from under the large bed, but the main dude gestured them to go back, which they did. Turning on place, the apparent leader of the doll squad pulled of a reverse cartwheel, then a backflip and finally a larger whirling backflip towards the girls. The distance was closed in a flash, and as the mannequin came down, something seemed to have appeared in it's hand. There was no time at all for the busty girl to avoid whatever was being done, but it turned out to be nothing she needed to worry about. A quick slip of the hand left what looked like a business card and a small red rose into her open cleavage before the high-class mannequin flipped away and performed the same maneuvers again, doing a landing to the bed and remaining there in the previous pose as the doors could be heard unlocking themselves. On the card, there was a name, most like a stage one. The Amazing Baller. Most likely this this thing was some kind of stage magician as well, there was a certain flair to his actions that the magicians had. From there, nothing further happened, only the laying in pose and looking at the girls.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Adelle spoke to the man she was rather surprised that her words didn't cause the thing to attack them both like she had expected it to. She watched as the man thing suddenly rolled again and fell onto the floor, where it stood up and looked at them. When the rest of the man looking things came out from under the bed Adelle almost pulled her gun up when the apparent leader of them motioned for them to stop, which made Adelle stop bringing her gun up for the moment. She then watched the mannequin's feat of acrobatics as he flipped towards the two of them, her in particular, where the thing landed and before she could barely even blink, a quick sleight of hand and flip away later left a card and a little rose in her cleavage.

"W-What the?" was all Adelle managed to say before he was gone.

Adelle gulped and couldn't help but blush as she pulled the card out from between her breasts and looked at it, then grabbed the rose and smelled it out of instinct. She glanced up as he landed on the bed and then heard the doors unlock, which prompted her to look around a little dumbfounded at the whole thing. She saw the card had a name on it and after seeing what it was she glanced back up at the very real looking mannequin and couldn't but smile a little about what he'd done. He reminded her of an old magician she'd seen when she was little that her parents took her and her little sisters to a long time ago when her sisters were just about 5 years old or so and she was 10 herself. The magician did something of the same thing to her mother, leaving a rose there and giving one to her as well, which had made her really happy, then she remembered the old magician vanished in a puff of smoke only to be standing back up on stage when the smoke cleared.

After reliving that memory from her past, Adelle smiled and bowed her head to the mannequin in thanks and then gestured for Rosieta to come on before he changed his mind. Just as they were about to go through the currently unexplored door, Adelle would turn around and blow a kiss at the mannequin for being nice before opening the door and following Rosie through.

"I wonder why he didn't attack us? With all that help they could probably have easily overpowered us both," Adelle said, deciding to keep that particular room in mind as a sort of rest room if they needed to fall back for some reason, though she thought that if they came back through she may have to do something in exchange for safe passage, and though that bothered her quite a bit, it seemed as if the thing would at least be gentlemanly about it and all.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While the mannequin didn't pose a threat to them, Rosieta was not totally convinced, her wary gaze never straying too far as they went to the unexplored door. "I wouldn't know... maybe he has more class and manners than the other things... Pride and all that..." the maid pondered a possible answer as Adelle asked her question of this most curious of happenings. With the door unlocked, they left the studio part behind in order to move onwards.

The remaining area was yet another vibrator place, similar to the very first one they had seen upon entering the facility side. There were collapsed piles of boxes near the door to the first area, making access there almost impossible without any machinery to aid them. The contents of the boxes seemed to be ball vibrators, and a whole bunch of them had been scattered across the ground as well. On the far right corner, there was a stairway that went down to a basement floor.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle noticed that Rosieta didn't seem very convinced that the mannequin wasn't going to attack them from behind and that she seemed to be keeping a close eye on the thing while she opened the door. "I guess, but then again maybe he didn't intend on hurting us in the first place, you never know. What I want to know is why all of these things are coming after us. I mean how are they animating and doing so? Magic or what you think?" Adelle replied as she pulled the door open and they went on through.

They made their way into another room full of vibrators that was very like the first room they'd seen when they came inside the place. She noticed all of the boxes that were overturned against the door leading to the first area they'd come through when entering the factory. She also saw what was inside of the boxes, and couldn't help but blush a little at the ball vibrators, thinking that those things could fit perfectly inside of her panties and either up against her flower or even inside it, so she leaned over and scooped one up to take with her for later use, trying to do so without Rosieta noticing her as she went towards the right corner of the room where the stairway was leading down.

"Hey, do you think the briefcase might be downstairs by some chance?" Adelle asked, pondering their next move. If the maid agreed they might find it downstairs, then Adelle would start on down the steps, with Rosieta behind, her weapons still at the ready.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I wouldn't be able to tell you... my bet is either some kind of unknown tech of the past times... or the supernatural... Since there are magic users and all kinds of fantastical creatures to be found around certain areas... I wouldn't count ghosts out from the realm of possibility... even if this place is strange for them to appear in..." the maid offered her thoughts about the events that had happened around the factory.

As Adelle had sneaked the vibrator into her possession, the thing became alive without any action that could have caused it. Soon, it forced it's way out from her hand and flew to the others as they began to clump together. A whole pile of them formed, growing to be big enough to engulf one of the girls in it's mass. Then, as one, the vibrators turned on, a surprisingly loud buzz starting to sound across the room.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Listening to Rosieta's words, Adelle nodded as they went for the door, with Adelle leaning down and grabbing one of the ball vibrators. When she picked it up, the thing suddenly started buzzing in her hand which startled her quite a bit as she didn't do anything to make it do so. When it started trying to get out of her hand she simply let it go, allowing it to jump out of her hand, where it rejoined the rest of the ones on the ground. She watched on as the vibrators began forming together to make a mass of them, which then turned on, the sound of them all going at the same time being a bit annoying to hear to say the least.

"Oh what the hell, come on. Can't this place just let us find what we came to find and leave in peace?" Adelle said, groaning a little as she readied herself to fight once more, knowing they had to hurry, as the longer they stayed in this place the more would happen to them. She pulled her gun up and took a shot at the thing before it could come at them if it seemed hostile, glancing around the room quickly to see if there was anything she could use to maybe do a bit more damage than just her pistol and sword. If it looked like Rosieta would flee though, then Adelle would follow, being right on her heels.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she had shown no dislike or fear towards combat earlier, it did appear that Rosieta was beginning to feel the same way as Adelle about all these things. The maid was clearly pondering the chance of fleeing down the stairs as she took glances towards there a few times, which seemed to be wide enough to let the girls go down but leave the vibrator ball stuck in the upper floor as it was kinda big. But she was not unprepared, and had her guns out. There were a few spots where the box stacks might be tipped over and onto something unwitting if the girls managed to lure their target onto the danger zone somehow.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After glancing over at Rosieta, Adelle saw that her companion looked like she wanted to run, but she didn't go ahead and do it, so Adelle returned her gaze back to the vibrator ball... thing. She also noticed the stack of boxes in the room that could be turned over onto the thing, but it looked like one of them would have to be bait.

"Hey... Rosie, you see that stack of boxes over there? Get ready to turn them over onto the thing, I'll bait it in so you can, just get ready," Adelle whispered to the maid, cautiously moving in and taking a shot at the thing they were fighting to get its attention, where she would then nimbly lure it back to where Rosieta would be able to drop the stack of boxes onto it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle shot her gun as she retreated from the thing, somehow managing to miss the big ball of balls, switches and power cords that formed the creature they were facing. Still, Rosieta agreed with her plan, moving behind a cratepile when asked. The girls had success on their side as the tricking maneuver worked on the odd thing against them, a heavy box stumbling onto it and breaking a good deal from it's component mass. Even battered, the thing still came after them though, rolling out from under the boxes and giving chase as it sought to reach them.

Adelle 5/5 FP 3/10 AP Rosieta 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Vibrator Ball 3/7 HP
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When she fired her gun at the mass of vibrator balls and other things, Adelle somehow missed the large thing, but wasn't sure how exactly she could miss something that large, but that didn't matter. Amazingly Adelle's plan worked after Rosie quickly moved in behind the stack of crates, while Adelle drew the thing in, and then Rosieta pushed the stack of crates over onto the strange creature, damaging it quite a bit in the process.

However it seemed that it being damaged like that wasn't going to deter it from attacking them as it came out from under the stack of crates and stuff and came at them. Adelle readied herself to continue fighting after turning around to face the thing when it came after the two of them, aiming her gun and shooting right into the thing's center mass, hoping to slow it down at least.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was little success in Adelle's second gunshot of the round, about as much as the previous miss. Rosieta saved the situation still, her shot succeeding in a rather astounding fashion and blowing another hole in the thingy coming towards them. The ball's clumsy attempt at plowing one of them went stray and left the pair in favorable position to end the fight before it even began properly. And that was what the busty girl did, taking a presented rear(?) shot at the assailer, reducing it back to the vibrators it was supposed to be. Another victory had found them, mostly due to the succesful crate drop onto the mechanical monster.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Adelle took her pot shot at the vibrator beast, which missed just the same as her first shot, which kind of angered her a bit, as she'd intended to hit it that time rather than just try and get its attention. Rosieta however shot her guns at the thing and was this time able to actually do some damage, which was a little amazing to the busty Adelle, as Rosie hadn't really done much in the way of damage to pretty much anything since the two of them came in to this place.

Adelle managed to dodge the thing as it came in preparing to slam her into the floor under its mass, while Rosie shot it again, then Adelle regained her feet and shot as well, her bullet hitting the thing right in the ass. After her shot struck true on the thing, it fell apart and turned back into a pile of vibrators, where Adelle then grabbed one, probably not the same one she'd originally grabbed, but it made little difference to her, as she'd gotten herself a trophy from this victorious fight. It seemed that the stack of crates she'd led the thing into that Rosie dropped on it did more damage than she'd thought, which was likely the main reason they ended up winning so easily.

"Wow, I hate to boast about winning again, but... hell yeah. Now we'll probably run into a hundred different things with no hope of winning knowing our luck," Adelle said in a joking manner, though she had the look on her face that said she wouldn't expect any less than what she'd just said to happen.

With that, Adelle would reload her gun and make sure she had a full mag before heading over to see if she could get that door open that led to the where the front was, so they would have a quick escape route if need be, then they would head on down those steps and see what was down there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rosieta seemed to agree upon the winning being a good thing, though she had her objections against the joke. "Better not jinx it... there might still be a lot of ground to cover down there." the maid aired her thoughts. The door leading to the first factory area could be cleared if the girls got the forklift machine in the corner of the room to work, and if it was indeed in operable condition at this point of time.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sorry, wasn't trying to jinx it, just trying to lighten the mood a little is all," Adelle said as she noticed the forklift over in the corner of the room, which was pretty much the only thing they could use to clear the doorway leading to the first part of the factory for a quick exit.

"You think we could get that forklift to work Rosie? If so we could use it to clear us a path over at those doors, and give us a quick way out of here if we need to run back upstairs," Adelle asked Rosieta, looking for a way to start the forklift and use it. Should they be able to get the forklift started and used, then they would move on downstairs afterwards, however if they didn't manage to get it working then they would just move on down the stairs and explore the rest of the factory.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Might be a possibility." the maid said as she was asked about an opinion for them clearing an easier way out. Letting Adelle take the controls, she went to take a look into the engine department, returning after a few minutes. "Looks like it's clear. A bit dusty, but nothing serious, I'd imagine." she announced the results of her inspection. But as Adelle turned the key, a clunking sound could be heard as she tried to power up the machine. A few tries later there was a loud sound, and the engine spit out a few small parts and lots of black smoke. "Looks like... I was not correct in my assumption..." Rosieta admitted as she emerged from the cloud, now sporting some black stains all over her frontside.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle hopped up into the forklift's seat as Rosieta replied to her question, the busty girl sitting down and preparing to turn the forklift on once Rosie got back from where she went. When the maid did return from her inspection and told Adelle that it looked clear enough, but dusty, so Adelle figured to go ahead and try the machine to hopefully get themselves a quicker way out of this place once they found the briefcase they'd been looking for. However as she attempted turning the thing on, Adelle heard the engine turn over a few times before the thing made a quite loud sound that told her the thing was broken as it spit out bits of the engine, billowing out a puff of black smoke right at Rosieta, covering her front in black stains.

"Wow... um... sorry for even suggesting that we try this Rosie. I was hoping we'd be able to clear ourselves a good path out but it appears that our luck with this place is just terrible. But we can't quit now, we've come too far to, and I need the pay from this so you know, I'm not leaving unless you do," Adelle said after Rosie spoke when the engine of the forklift broke.

With that, Adelle hopped back down off of the forklift and helped Rosieta dust herself off before suggesting they try and move on. "Looks like we'll just have to take the long way out I guess. Unless we can find us a window to knock out and hop through," Adelle said after helping Rosieta get as clean as she could make her. Then they would move on, heading down the steps and preparing themselves for whatever may happen.