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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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(Since they always put them bios here, I put the bio here)
Name: Adelle Ashlyng
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Gun
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): In game, Adelle is a human, she has sapphire blue hair that falls unbound to her mid back, slightly tanned skin, large F-cup breasts, has green eyes, and stands 5'7” tall.

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.): I'll RP it as best I can. You lazy, lazy illithid :3

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Haven't really thought of anything too out of the ordinary.

At the testing areas of the EGG Corp, another new participant for the program had arrived to take part. For a very visible reason, the supervisor had difficulties keeping his eyes on her eyes when he introduced himself. "Welcome to the testing game, Miss. They call me Jeremy, I am a relatively new employee, but still they said I'm skilled enough for this. I'll also be your outside supervisor, in case something out of ordinary happens." the rather average young man told Adelle, his eyes wandering onto her chest more than a few times as he said it. "But... enough about me. This here is the console, and it works like this..."

The man had soon finished on the tutorial of usage, and shortly afterwards Adelle was free to set her options as the system came to life all around her.

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters: (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Bestiality: (AnimalMonster, Halfhuman, etc): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Egg laying: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body Alterations: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Lewd Compulsions: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?):

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

Those seemed rather usual, but there was no scenario select or similar. It looked like there was only one destination in this game. The Scrapyard.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hello there Jeremy, I'm Adelle," She replied, introducing herself. She sees his eyes wandering away from her eyes and to her chest and smirks at him, continuing.
"I'm sure you'll do just fine Jeremy, and thanks for showing me all of this.

Adelle listens to Jeremy's explanation about how the console works and shortly afterward, she's ready to play and starts it up. When it came on, she saw a screen pop up, saying.

Humans: Y (1)
Male/Female: Y (2)
Female/Female: Y (5)
Pregnancy: Y (4)
Birthing: Y (4)
Non Consent Sex: Y (4)
BDSM: Y (3)
Slavery: N (NO)
Monsters: (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y (4)
Bestiality: (AnimalMonster, Halfhuman, etc): Y (3)
Egg laying: Y (4)
Body Alterations: Y (4)
Lewd Compulsions: Y (3)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): 2

Extra settings: Futa dammit.

Once Adelle had filled out the settings, she saw a difficulty setting and chose Normal.

Once she chose all of her settings, Adelle got ready for the game to start, wondering what she would find in the Scrapyard.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With all the selections done, the menus vanished from sight, resulting in an empty void for a while. Eventually the darkness subsided though, as the world of the game began to make itself visible.

With the whole setting created, Adelle found herself in what had once been a large city bathed in the rays of the afternoon sun. The buildings were still there, but ruins were all over the place, some of them being in a totally uninhabitable state. The setting was dusty, but it still looked like water and electricity were available to make people's lives tolerable. The people themselves were many and varied, of all the normal shapes, sizes and colors. Clothes were not that easy to keep clean in the enviroment, and it looked like most people had at least slightly scuffed clothing. What might be a bigger surprise was the clearly visible amount of cyberization in some folks, who sported varied bodily gadgets. The mechanization went from subtle things like augmented eyes to more visible things like robot arms, some people even reaching near-total cyborg status with their largely metallic bodies. Almost everyone carried some kind of weapon with them, guns, knives and some forms of crude bludgeoning instruments were the most used pieces. All around, peddlers sold their wares, people took care of their friends, arguments were had. Even as this world seemed like it had been through the apocalypse itself, the people were still determined and living their lives to the fullest in the ashes of the old civilization, intent on some day bringing back and eventually surpassing the past.

But even with the strangely exotic folk, the most prominent feature of the world was what one saw as soon as they looked a bit upwards. In the sky, thousands of feet above the ground, hovered something that looked like an UFO. Once it was looked at for a little bit longer, one could see that there was a central pillar that reached up into the skies above and vanished from sight eventually. Upon the main saucer itself, barely noticeable forms of buildings could be made out. It looked as if there was a higher society to this place, another group that lived above the ones down at the Scrapyard.

As the busty girl wondered at her surroundings, a young whelp of a boy stumbled into her, obviously trying to pat her down for valuables. But he did not try to run, a smile breaking out to his youthful face as he faced Adelle. "Careful missy, you can get pickpocketed easily if you gawk like that." he told her, giving the gun he had snatched back to show that he meant good with the gesture.The boy was quite scrawny, but had obviously survived the place for his life, so it was likely that he was a tougher cookie than his looks suggested. In his ragged long coat, camo pants and beanie, he looked the part as well. "You are not from here lady. Are you lost? If you want, I can show you the nearest bar. Those places are always good for info, and the bounty hunters parade in them as well. Maybe you are one of them? If not, I'd almost recommend you to try and join them." the street urchin asked, apparently quite a good person despite his initial actions.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once all of her selections were done, Adelle watched the menus vanish as the world created itself. Once the world was created, Adelle found herself in what had once been a large city under the afternoon sun. She saw buildings still there, but many ruins around her as well.

After noticing everything around her worth seeing, Adelle looks around and notices almost everyone carried some sort of weapon, whether it was a gun or melee weapon. Adelle looks up into the sky and thousands of feet above the ground there hovered something that looked suspiciously like a UFO. She noticed a central pillar that reached up into the skies above, while on the UFO she saw there were the barely noticeable forms of buildings on top of it.

As she looked around at her surroundings, a young boy bumped into her, obviously trying to pat her down for valuables she thought. He handed her back her gun, telling her to be careful, that she could easily get pickpocketed if she gawks like she'd been doing.

"Thank you," Adelle said when he gave her gun back to her. She listened to him when he told her she should go to the nearest bar to look for information.
"Um sure yeah, if you don't mind showing me the way."

Adelle decides to let him show her the way to one of the mentioned bars, keeping an eye out for pickpockets so she doesn't lose her gun or anything again.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hehe, alright. Follow me then." the boy eagerly replied, apparently quite willing to help Adelle get around the new and unknown location. He stayed relatively close, no doubt being a second pair of eyes to prevent any real pickpocketing attempts.

The gun that Adelle had been handed seemed somewhat futuristic and bulky in it's design, yet used familiar technology. It wasn't a laser gun or anything, just a . The thing would act as a fine improvised club in emergencies, given it's size. She had a holster for the thing as well, along with a decent supply of ammo.

After some minutes of walking along with the crowd, the boy stopped the busty girl in front of their destination. The sight in front of her was so cliche it was hard to believe. Among the taller buildings, someone had set up a bar that sported the look of an Old West saloon, complete with the usual swinging doors and huge wooden sign. "The Watering Hole". Not the most promising of names, all things considered. "Here we are. You should find people and information there. The bounty hunters also gather here, so getting in contact with one of them should be easy as well." the helpful young guy spoke up, turning to leave. "Take care miss, hope you find what you're looking for!" he shouted over his shoulder as he vanished into the crowd once more.

Now it was up to Adelle what she wanted to do.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Thanks for the help, now a reward for helping a lady out," Adelle said to the boy as he was about to turn and leave, Adelle gently grabbed his shoulder and kissed him lightly on the forehead. When he left, most likely blushing, Adelle would wave at him as he did.

Adelle looked up again at the sign of the tavern/bar, it read the Watering Hole. "Typical name considering the looks of the area," Adelle mumbled to herself.

She went on inside and looked around for a moment to find the bar, then headed over to it. Once the bartender came over, Adelle would look at him or her and ask, "Hello there, I'm looking for work around here. Know anyone hiring? Also a scotch if you've got any." Adelle said to the bartender, hoping to find some jobs around she could do.

I'm assuming she's got money with which to buy a drink. If not then I'll edit that out.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Inside, the place was pretty much what one would expect from a post-Apocalypse bar. Somewhat scruffy and dirty, the place still wasn't anywhere near unusable. At the counter, a surprisingly sharply dressed black man was keeping the business going, eyeing the clients when he was not making drinks. While he was simply serving drinks, this man still had the aura and physique of an experienced adventurer about him, even if he was suited in a dress shirt and tie.

When the request for drink came up, the bartender was quick on the draw. It was almost as if he had expected the drink type, the glass and drink coming up with surprising rapidness. "Work hmm? I hope it's not that kind of work, would ruin a pretty package like yourself. Seen too many of those cases." he replied once spoken to, analyzing Adelle from behind his sunglasses, most likely in both the looks and abilities department. "But I think you mean bounty work or something similar, at least if that gun is any indication. Might want to ask Old Samson if he has anything in the works, he can usually provide. Pay is decent too." he carried on, briefly hinting at a man in the corner table while he accepted Adelle's coins for the drink. This guy looked like your stereotypical old cowboy type, probably too old to go on doing any serious tasks anymore.

Yes, she has enough money to make do with for a few days. Also, go ahead and describe what Adelle is wearing in the game. It is a somewhat important detail.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Adelle got up to the counter she saw a large mirror behind it, which allowed her to see exactly what kind of clothes she had on. She wore a short blue shirt that ended just above her waistline, showing her navel as the color went perfect with her hair, she had a pair of short shorts on that were cutoff to about six inches long, she also had a black cowboy hat on and a long black scarf that hung down on either side of her back all the way to the tops of her knees.

"Ah thanks, I needed this," Adelle said when her handed her drink to her and replied to her questions as she drank the scotch. Once he was done she replied to his words, saying, "Yeah I'm not here for that kind of work, much to the sadness of most of these guys in here I'm sure, probably even some of the girls too. And this here is my baby Sally, she was my mother's way of keeping me safe from... strangers that wanted to cop a feel on me. So Sampson is who I should talk to then eh. Thanks again."

Adelle handed him a few coins for the drink and enough for a second as she downed the last of her first one. Adelle headed towards the old stereotypical cowboy sitting in the corner.

"Excuse me sir. Are you Sampson? I'm Adelle," Adelle asked the old cowboy, even though she was pretty sure the bartender wouldn't lie about his name. Once he replied yes she continued, "I was told to come and talk to you about some bounty work or similar jobs that you may have in the works. Said the pay is decent and all that. If you do have a nice job I'd like to get in if possible."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Hmm, them almost-Daisy Dukes? Alright, if that is what you want to go with.)

Upon being addressed, the old man looked at Adelle in a slightly bad way. "It's Samson, girlie, Samson. Ain't no Sampsons in my family tree." he was quick to correct her, tossing his remaining cigar in the ashtray at the table. "Yes, I could have something for a eager young thing like yourself. There's a few fugitives who escaped down into the some areas of the undercity. Now the authorities put up a reward for their capture or kill, not having all that many people to put up for the task themselves. These are pretty petty criminals, so I'd imagine you and another hunter should be able to track them. The second one for the job is yet to arrive, so take a seat and wait with me. Once she gets here, I'll give you further details and mugshots." the old man explained, offering the girl a seat at the other side of the table. He also offered her a drink, if that was desired. Despite the slight crankiness, it seemed this old timer was a pretty decent guy.

Some time passed and the two of them talked about this and that, Old Samson eventually admitting Adelle that he trusted her ability, even if her chest was admittedly huge. He wondered if having such a rack was a burden at times, both in and out of combat. Before they could dive too deep into the subject, another girl approached them. Dressed in a black, super-frilly gothic lolita dress, the girl looked like something pulled straight out from a fashion magazine. The clothing was set up in way that covered almost all of her skin, only her face being exposed to the outside, a big contrast to Adelle's own get-up. Silk gloves, combat boots and other choice bits of clothing took care that she was not showing off anything. Still, her figure was not small in the least, this one was quite visibly an adult with her nice chest. Still, there was a certain degree of childishness on her powdered, doll-like facial features which contrasted heavily against the black of her clothing. Even as she got to the table, the other hunter didn't speak to them, maintaining an emotionless facade. "This here is to be your partner on the first hunt. Adelle, meet... ahh...." the man had a sudden memory loss at the other one's name. "Mariela Whitemoon." the girl intercepted, speaking in a somewhat stiff manner as she offered a handshake to Adelle.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Yeah I figured what with the post apocalyptic world that them Daisy Dukes would be perfect, but she's likely going to lose those and will change her clothing later. :D

And oops on the Sampson, I got in a bit of a hurry I guess. :eek:

"I uh... s-sorry," Adelle replied when he corrected her of the pronunciation of his name.

After he explained that he could have something for an 'eager young thing like herself', she took a seat on the opposite side of the table from him and waited for her supposed partner in this. While she waited, Adelle reached into her pocket and pulled out a cigar of her own and lit it using a match like she'd been taught to do so as to preserve the flavor she was told. As time passed they talked back and forth, and old Samson eventually admitted to Adelle that he trusted her ability, even if her chest was quite large. He wondered if having such a large bust was a burden at time, both in and out of combat.

"Well it does sometimes get in the way I guess, but it's how I was made," Adelle answered him about the question of her overly large chest, taking a puff of her own cigar as she did. She decided to ask one thing before her supposed partner arrived but just as she opened her mouth, another girl approached them. She was dressed in and all black lolita dress, a very frilly one at that. Her get-up was a big contrast to Adelle's own clothing, save the boots, Adelle's were much more suited for traveling and fighting in she thought.

Adelle took in all of the girl's features and everything as she got to the table, the girls face maintaining an emotionless facade.

"I'm Adelle, Adelle Ashlyng, pleasure to meet you. I hope we can work well together," Adelle replied in a friendly tone, giving her own introduction to the girl when she introduced herself.

Adelle, and probably Mariela also turned to look back at Samson and ask about the job's details.

"What can we expect from these petty criminals as you put it? Also where were they last spotted so we can track them easier. And the most important question I need answered is... do we get payed more for their capture or kill? Other than those three things, all I need to know really is what they look like so I'll know what to look for," Adelle asked the old cowboy.

After getting her questions answered and all of the rest of the details they needed, and of course after Mariela asked any questions she wanted to ask, she and Mariela would begin to wherever they would likely find their marks trails to track them down.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Mariela followed the handshake with a small curtsey, lifting up her dress a bit as was the style with that gesture, apparently liking the friendly reply. What this girl lost in emotion was immidiately gained back in manners, which she seemed to have in spades.

"These three are something of a small gang, each of them have done many things from petty pickpocketing to assaults and even a case of rape which then proceeded into a murder. Not too skilled in combat, they usually attack only lone targets and trust their numerical advantage. Like I mentioned, they were last seen at the entry areas of the undercity, Mariela will know where to go if you don't. Here's how they look." Samson moved onto answering more questions as they were thrown at him, giving out a trio of pictures for them to investigate. "You can keep those for later identification. As for the whole dead or alive thing, the lawkeepers do like it if you bring them back alive, so that slightly increased effort brings a better pay too. So if you want the bigger cut, bring them back alive." the old man carried on while the two looked at the pictures.

The pair were to depart shortly, but not after Samson had given Adelle a warning. "The undercity is a home to many nasty creatures, so be careful out there. There might be a few of them until you find those scummers, so keep your eyes peeled." To Mariela, it wasn't something she hadn't heard before, and thus it was completely dismissed by her.

With the dress girl leading the pair, they went on to leave the bar and travel for a few blocks of the city, eventually ending up in a dinky warehouse building. Only a few beggars lived there, mostly going completely over Mariela's attention. The girl took them into a mechanical door on the floor of one room, which revealed an entry deeper down.

At the bottom, a much less desirable place awaited them, splitting into two directions. A rat scurried by the two, avoiding a small patch of unidentifiable slime that was staining the corner. They had two possible routes to take, and the silent Mariela was apparently giving Adelle the choice.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Mariela took Adelle's hand and shook it when the blue haired girl offered it, and followed the handshake with a small curtsy of her own. This took Adelle a little by surprise, as she hadn't expected such courtesy to be honest, since the post apocalyptic world and all. Adelle noticed that Mariela seemed to like her friendly gesture, but before she could say or do anything more, Samson started filling them in on the details of the job.

After getting all of the details from Samson, Adelle and Mariela got ready to leave, but Samson stopped Adelle and gave her a warning about the undercity, saying that it was home to many nasty creature and to be careful out there.

"Alright Samson I'll be extra careful, thanks again," Adelle replied to his warning.

Mariela led them out of the bar and they traveled for a few blocks of the city, eventually making it to a old warehouse building. Adelle saw a few beggars living there, but they mostly left her alone and went for Mariela's attention. Adelle wanted to help them, but she herself didn't really have anything to give them without leaving herself without anything, so she simply followed Mariela's lead.

While on the way down to the undercity, Adelle finally asked about what Samson meant about the creatures.

"Um Mariela, what did Samson mean by 'nasty' creatures down here?" Adelle asked as they traveled down, wanting to know what to expect.

Adelle didn't stop and wait for an answer though as they continued working their way down and eventually they arrived at the bottom, the undercity was a very undesirable place to Adelle, she noticed a rat scurry past them while avoiding a small patch of strange looking slime. Adelle noticed they had two possible routes to take and Mariela seemed to be waiting for Adelle to choose which path.

Adelle decided to look for any clues as to which way their marks went so they could follow their trail and then get payed. If they couldn't find anything, then Adelle would flip a coin and heads they'd go right, tails they'd go left. It ended up landing on heads so she chose right.

"Well heads it is, so right it is," Adelle would say and begin walking, hoping her companion followed and didn't get mad at her reasoning for going this way.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The girl didn't pay any heed to Adelle's random selection method, letting her do as she pleased. While the bustier part of the duo was making decisions, Mariela reached behind her back, drawing out what looked like a from the sheath she had in her back. With one fluid motion, the large blade was set into a wieldable state, the dress girl holding it like it was another part of her arm. "There are many things here. Once-human mutants, large slimes, giant specimens of vermin... many things. But it doesn't matter. They will still go down before me, no matter how fearsome." she commented about the creatures, showing that there was no fear in her mind. Once the blue-haired girl moved onward, Mariela followed, not being a type to go against the other's wishes.

A short walk through the corridor later, the two arrived in a room that had a few beaten-up barrels in it. But those were not the only thing this dimly lit room housed, for there was a pair of odd humanoids in there too. These things had somewhat melted features and meaty tails, with four arms and their legs had arms on the ends too. A few miserable scraps of clothing were the only thing they had on. "Hmmm, mutants..." Mariela whispered as she walked past Adelle, the blade on her hands slightly rising as she got closer. The pair had caught the creatures by surprise, the opposition unaware of the approaching girl and her blade. Regardless of what Adelle did, it seemed like Mariela was not going to back away.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Mariela didn't pay any heed to Adelle's method of selecting their path, letting her do as she pleased, which Adelle was thankful for. While Adelle was making decisions, Mariela reached behind her back and drew out what looked a large butterfly knife from that sheath she had on her back. She told Adelle that there were many creatures down there, once human mutants, large slimes, giant vermin, but that it didn't matter that they would all go down before her no matter how strong.

Adelle was quite surprised by Mariela's words, thinking that maybe it was good that she had such a confident partner for this mission. short walk later, the two arrived in a room with a few old beaten-up barrels inside. Though that wasn't the only thing in the dimly lit room, there were also a pair of odd humanoids within as well. Adelle took in their features and shuddered a bit at the disgusting sight, almost retching when Mariela whispered and said they were mutants. If that was what passed for a mutant down here, then she didn't want to know about anything else, the sooner they got their mars and out the better, she thought. Nevertheless, Adelle followed Mariela as she got closer, softly tapping the girl on her shoulder and brandishing her gun and when Mariela would glance back, Adelle would give it a shake and motion towards the two mutants, asking silently if she could shoot down here.

If so then Adelle would gesture at the one on the right with her gun, taking aim at the things head, while nodding to Mariela and then the mutant on the left, silently telling her that she'd handle the one on the right, while she dealt with the one on the left. When the time was right, Adelle would still her breathing and arms, steadying herself so she didn't shake and miss, then she would slowly let out her breath and pull the trigger, meaning to hit the thing right in its head.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

20 vs 19 Adelle hits with the sneak attack | 20 vs 3 Mariela hits a critical sneak attack!

"By all means, please do shoot at them. Try to avoid hitting me though..." Mariela accepted Adelle's plan with a whisper, moving to the side and towards her creature with her blade ready. Once the slightly strange girl was within striking distance, the steadily aiming Adelle pulled the trigger, sending the first strike onwards. Her aim was true, but the mutated being happened to shift it's head forward just at that exact moment, managing to avoid a lethal headshot and turning it into a less dangerous impact. Still, a bit from it's head blew away as the bullet teared through, leaving an impact on it.

Mariela seemed to have better luck, managing to hit the one she was going for with a huge slash that trailed diagonally downwards across the second mutant's body, making a huge gash that went partially through the creature. Purplish slime and blood fountained from the thing after such a damaging strike, but with some degree of inhuman fortitude the thing still remained alive, spraying the surroundings with it's innards and causing Mariela to back down a bit. The girl didn't want to get stained, that much was clear.

The pair had gotten a great start, the creatures were reduced to near-death states in this one ambush attack. Still, the things seemed intent on trying to get to them, now being aware of the girls being there.

Adelle 5/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Mutant A 2/4 HP | Mutant B 1/5 HP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's aim was true and hit the mutant creature in the head, though it moved just as she pulled the trigger and so it wasn't as effective as she wanted it to be. It did however give the creature a probable mortal wound as it tore through and blew a bit of its head away.

Adelle glanced over and saw that Mariela's attack was a little better and did slightly more damage, she gave her target a diagonal downwards slash, leaving a great gash that nearly split the mutant creature in half. A purplish slime and blood spewed out of the thing after Mariela's attack, but it somehow remained on its feet and alive, how it did though Adelle didn't know, but the creature's innards sprayed out some as well, causing Mariela to take a step back.

Adelle took aim at her target's chest this time, not wanting to risk missing it. If she managed to take it down, then she would start to move to help Mariela if she wasn't able to finish off her target.
Last edited:
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

9 vs 17 Adelle shoots and misses | 9 vs 10 Mariela also misses her blade swipe, just by a little
9 vs 8 Mutant A moves in and pulls Adelle into a grapple | 2 vs 8 Mutant B is easily avoided by the agile Mariela

Now that the creatures were aware of the pair aiming for them, they moved into action, the first one moving towards Adelle with surprising speed, considering it's slime-like bulk. The busty female's shot went wide as she pulled the trigger for a second time, not scaring the creature even if it had gotten a shot from the revolver earlier. No, it simply proceeded onwards and reached Adelle before she could react accordingly, grabbing the girl with it's four arms. Now the situation looked somewhat more alarming and disgusting for the gunner, with this freak of nature clinging onto her arms and body.

Mariela fared only moderately better, just barely missing her attempted execution blow. The second one still attempted to flail at her, but neither the creature's body or blood and guts managed to hit the girl, who moved with surprising grace. With all that dress on her, it was hard to imagine Mariela being as agile as she was.

Adelle 5/5 FP 0/10 AP Grappled (-2 on attacks, can break out without penalty but lose the action) | Mariela 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Mutant A 2/4 HP Grappling Adelle (-2 on defense against attacks from outside the grapple) | Mutant B 1/5 HP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The creatures now knew they were there and swiftly moved into action, the first came at Adelle while the second went for Mariela. When Adelle shot at the things chest, she missed, her aim a little off as the mutant creature came at her quite fast, considering how bulky and everything, Adelle was a little surprised about this. Her shot didn't even cause the thing to flinch as it came at her. Before she could react, it had reached her and grabbed her with all four of its arms, with Adelle letting out a yelp as she was grabbed by the horrendous looking thing.

Mariela it seemed didn't fare much better as her blade missed cleaving right through its intended target. The finely dressed girl was able to keep from getting hit or grabbed though.

Adelle struggled wildly enough to plant the barrel of her gun against the mutant creature's head, where she would pull the trigger, taking the disgusting thing's head clean off its shoulders.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

9 vs 19 Adelle tries to get in a shot, but is held back and misses | 18 vs 11 Mariela finishes off Mutant B with her blade
13 vs 10 Mutant A pukes on Adelle, worsening the situation somewhat

Now in the grip of the mutant, Adelle sought to bring her gun in line with the creature's head, aiming to take it off with a second shot. While she did put up a good struggle, the thing seemed to know what it was contending with, keeping the revolver arm away from itself as the busty girl pulled the trigger again. As her aim was nowhere near there, only a faint clank could be heard as the shot hit the ceiling. But it did not stop there, for the disgusting being belched up a stream of purplish slime onto Adelle's upper body, further hampering her as the stuff acted like a revolting form of glue and sought to slow and restrain her movements.

But it was not all bad for the girls. The spraying and spurting mutant was not good enough fend of Mariela and her blade for another swing, and the dress girl finished what her earlier hit had started, tearing through the almost dead thing and splitting it in two. With her opponent now dead, Mariela turned and was coming to Adelle's aid.

Adelle 4/5 FP 0/10 AP Grappled and Slimed (-4 on attacks -2 on escapes) | Mariela 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Mutant A 2/4 HP Grappling Adelle (-2 on defense against attacks from outside the grapple) | Mutant B 1/5 HP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

If Mariela finished her mutant enemy off, then how does it still have HP?

Adelle tried, but just couldn't get her gun up to the creature's head, her shot going high up into the ceiling. The thing managed to keep her gun arm away from itself as she had pulled the trigger again. It then doused her down with a stream of the purplish slime, that landed all over Adelle's upper body. The stuff felt like glue and began restraining her movements a bit, though not enough to keep her from struggling free it seemed.

Mariela managed to take care of her own foe however and split it in two with her blade. Adelle saw her coming to aid her once hers was dead.

"Get off of me you ugly... FUCKING... THING!" Adelle cried out, still thrashing around to get free. She once again attempted to shoot the thing by bringing her gun up this time to its chest, to give Mariela a chance to take it down by distracting the thing.