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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After putting the shears back, Amelia began to go with the others again as they headed of into one direction of the two available, Rachaela leaving behind a new trail of red as they went. It was ultimately not all that necessary as the place looked to be pretty straightforward, but there could be turns later, so maybe it was not all that bad an idea either.

A little ways deeper, after a whole lot of identical corridor, the trio came across a person just standing there near a wall. It was another you man who looked pretty much like he should be dead, with greenish skin like the other one from the previous landscape. He also had a sharp hook impaled through his midsection, where some insides could be seen, though there was no blood to be seen on him. The introduction of the girls did not appear to cause any spark of interest, and he just kept leaning against the wall and swaying slightly against the weight of the hook.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Moving along down the corridor, the girls stayed wary as they went, the whole place looking the same with every step just about. This made Adelle feel a bit spooked, because they might end up the same as outside in the previous room and going in the same direction yet getting nowhere at all.

"Ick... suppose whatever happened to him is whatever did the rest of this in this place," Adelle said when they spotted the guy, a chill running down her spine when she saw him hanging from the old rusty hook. "Let's keep going, if he's anything like the poor guy outside I won't be able to check anything on him without him grabbing me or something," she added before skirting around the guy on the opposite wall he was hooked on, where she'd see if she could get past without a reaction and keep moving afterwards, gesturing the others to follow if it seemed safe enough and lead the way onwards further through the corridor. If it seemed that the same thing was happening as before outside and they kept going in the same direction despite the situation.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Passing through the are with the man proved to be no problem at all, with no interest of any kind coming to them from the hooked person. Continuing along the corridor, the group met another victim, this one being a younger girl inside a gibbet. While she was mostly confined in the cage, her legs were still out which would allow her to walk about if some need arose to do so. But like before, she too appeared to possess no interest towards the group.

As the crew went on, the corridor began to house more and more victims as they advanced, their tortured forms becoming more and more grotesque as the group went forward. At least one tool of torture and death was to be seen in stuck to each of their bodies while others were stuck into gibbets as well. Exposed organs and similar were a prevalent feature too, though blood was ominously lacking from the victims, mostly remaining in dried form on the floors and instruments. The age range was the only thing that combined the prisoners outside of their tortures, most of them being around the twenties, but there were a few that appeared to be younger than that.

No hostility was given to the group, but after a while, some of these tortured souls began to follow after them in ragtag group of their own.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As they traveled along the corridor and saw more and more of the dungeon, Adelle felt more and more in the way of shivering running through her spine, especially when she saw the various other people hanging in the cages from the ceiling of the place. "Jeez, whatever this place is... I really don't like it, and am getting more and more shivers running up my spine. If I get too many more I may fall down from my body shaking so much," Adelle said as they passed a few of the people.

After a while when they'd passed quite a few people in the cages, most of whom seemed to be around her age or slightly older Adelle saw, which spooked her that much more. Anytime she noticed any organs showing from any of the people's bodies, Adelle looked the other way, not wanting to see them for fear that she could be in the same position if they didn't hurry up and get out of there, and or if they made the wrong move.

When she noticed a few of the people starting to follow them, Adelle let out a little eek of fright, not expecting to see them being followed by any of the people they'd seen in there. "J-Jeez... girls... we really need to hurry and get out of here, this is really creeping me right the fuck out," Adelle told the others, gesturing behind them before moving along at a slightly quickened pace, though not too quick so she didn't screw up and lead them right into a trap.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

More and more of the prisoners began to gather as the group picked up speed, mostly gaining distance between them but the ones following them among the tortured started to stir faster as well. It did not look all that bad at first, but soon they had to starting selecting paths through the different ways that the furniture presented as the tormented started to appear from their front as well. Thankfully there was a door in sight pretty fast, but it looked like they would have to go through a few victims as they had packed themselves near the door. A few dozen were coming after them by then, basically a largeish mob of bodies rolling forward to get into grips with the group. What they had intended to do if they caught up, the girls could only guess.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Spotting the group of people following them speed up slightly to keep up, Adelle gripped her sword handle and pistol grip tightly as they kept pushing forward, and when they began coming from the front as well, Adelle nearly screamed, but held her resolve. She didn't know what they wanted from them, but she could only guess it wasn't good, but thankfully though she spotted a door ahead. The only problem was they'd have to bob and weave through the people in order to get to it, which Adelle figured wouldn't be as easy as she'd thought it looked unfortunately.

"Come on girls, let's head through there and get the hell out of this place, I'm really starting to dislike coming in here now," Adelle said, a small quiver in her tone that would tell the others she was finding it tough to cope with this particular dungeon area.

Adelle started for the door she'd spotted gently pushing the people out of the way if possible, but harder if need be in order to break through. She hoped that these tortured souls wouldn't hurt them, but the undead like this really frightened her and she couldn't help but imagine what horrors might befall them should they be unable to get out of here.

(Yes she's scared of the undead. XD)
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Most people kinda are.)

Quickly making a decision to try and make their escape through the door, the ladies went towards the few victims that remained between them and their goal. The creatures activated as soon as they got nearby, so going gentle with them was not likely an option that they should try. Adelle managed to tackle the one that had been blocking her route, avoiding the sharp stake that protruded from it's body and bowling the thing over with a burst of strength. Amelia came in with a somewhat less furious tackle maneuver, but she too cleared away an undead that was blocking them with the charge. Rachaela however, fared less than favorably. The undead that she had been trying to get past was one of the walking gibbet types, and going against the metal frame of that particular tortured soul proved to be way more than the physically incapable little wizardess could handle, even with the help of her staff. The attempt that she had going was quickly stopped as the thing reached out from within it's prison and pinned the mage against the metal. Then, something that the two others did not in all likeness want to occur, happened. A red mist enveloped both the gibbet and Rachaela for a second or so before fading away, revealing that the undead had vanished from the cage and the magic sister now occupied the spot it had been in, the cage actually having changed size to completely house the diminutive sister inside. An inner framework of metal bands had also appeared inside from out of nowhere, perfectly fitting Rachaela's form to keep her completely helpless inside the outer cage, the bands holding her in stiff attention with all her limbs kept pinned down against her body while a metal mask obscured any sight or speech. In all, it was pretty much a perfect personal prison.

The cage clanked down onto the floor, thankfully remaining upright as Adelle saw their situation. The door was now right there within arm's reach and the undead were not right up their grill, but if they delayed too much, that would correct itself as the horde still approached them and the tackled ones were slowly recovering. In addition to that, they had the small issue of the caged Rachaela to deal with as well.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(True I suppose.)

Seeing that they wouldn't be able to easily push them out of the way, Adelle started shoving them away from them, avoiding the tools that were sticking out of them thankfully. Amelia she noticed managed to take out the one blocking her path as well, though Rachaela unfortunately didn't fair quite as well, since she was the smallest of the 4 sisters, and she saw she was forced the gibbet of the undead that had grabbed her and emitted this strange red mist. Letting out a gasp at Rachaela's plight, Adelle glanced at Amelia and then back to the crowd of the undead moving towards them still, then to the door.

"D-Dammit... Amelia, grab Rachaela. Drag her through the door, I'll cover you both, we'll get her out of that when we get away from these things and get the chance, come on hurry. Now I've had enough of this shit, I'm not gonna let you take us," Adelle said to Amelia, rushing her over to grab Rachaela's imprisoned form to pull through the door, while she herself pulled her gun up and pointed it at the undead coming towards them, hoping that would scare them off, but if they continued coming even a step closer, Adelle would fire at the nearest of them with her more powerful pistol, aiming to hit them so they fell and stumbled over each other to buy Amelia all the time she needed to get Rachaela through the door, and she'd hack and slash with her sword too if they got too close to force them back while Amelia got Rachaela out, where she'd hurry on through after her.

Once through the door and after shutting it behind them, Adelle would take aim at the lock on Rachaela's gibbet door, then fire into it in order free Rachaela, hacking at the thing with her sword to force it open if need be to free her friend from the confines of the little prison that was almost made just for her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

For a moment, it looked as if Amelia was going to do what she had been told, but the princess soon turned back just as Adelle was about to start taking shots at the oncoming horde. "No. I think you should do that. She is your friend, and I do not like such brash young ladies. Besides, I think it is time that I exercised what a ruler should do, protect their subjects from danger." she told the busty girl, brushing her gun to the side as she urged Adelle to take care of the caged mage instead, somehow managing to slip the gun that she had been given back to her as well. Regardless of what she chose to do, Amelia proceeded to open up her purse and actually talk into it for some reason. "Alright, give me a blade." she said, and as odd as it appeared, someone appeared to reply. What exactly was being said avoided Adelle's detection as it was way too quiet for her, but that did not stop the princess from doing it. The reply did not appear to please her as it caused a small outburst. "I don't care if it's daddy's favorite, give it to me you peasant! That is what you get paid for, do your job! Or I'll have you tarred and feathered." the princess flailed before reaching her hand into the talking purse. What came next was just as absurd as the situation they currently were in. The handle of a sword poked out from the purse, and Amelia grabbed it, giving the thing a determined pull. Somehow, she drew the biggest darn sword that Adelle had ever seen out from the tiny little girl purse, by any standard. The thing flipped through the air as Amelia lost grip on it slightly after the pull, somehow suggesting that she had not been the only one doing the effort to get the weapon out, before landing upright on the floor. The fact that it could break the rock that the floor was made of showed that this was not a weapon that anyone could take lightly. Still, the princess took it up, not really managing a high stance with the thing but still wielding it with what appeared to be skill and familiarity. "Finally, I get to have some REAL fun."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"But... we aren't your subjects exactly princess, plus it's my job to keep you safe even at risk to my own life, and I accepted that job knowing that," Adelle said, sheathing her sword as Amelia gave her other pistol back to her, which Adelle pulled back out so she could dual wield them both. "But if you really insist, then I'll take her, but you be right behind us got it, or I'm jumping back in to pull you out," Adelle went on to say to Amelia, holstering her old smaller pistol and grabbing Rachaela's cage before dragging it through the door along with her, kicking and pushing any of the undead that got close to them as she listened to Amelia speaking to her purse for some reason.

"Holy hell... that's an impressive sword Amelia..." Adelle said as she admired the large sword while pulling Rachaela's cage over to and through the doorway. As soon as Adelle had Rachaela's cage through, she immediately called for Amelia to come on, where as soon as she was through Adelle would slam the door shut, shooting at anything that got too close to Amelia that the other girl didn't notice. Once they'd gotten through Adelle would take her sword and attempt to smash the lock on Rachaela's cage open to free her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The cage was heavy, as any metallic thing of that size surely was, and the added weight of Rachaela too did not lighten it any. But Adelle could move it when she really put her strength to it, helping the process along by tilting it a bit as well. There was little that actually tried to hinder her, one of the tackled undead falling back down after she was forced to kick it, the punt sending it back to trip up the other one that had been trying to clamber back up. The two ended up in another pile, and would not be up again in time as some of the things in their bodies tangled together as well. Given that relief, the busty girl was able to drag the cage over to the room beyond the door. Meanwhile, Amelia bought them some more time, dropping her huge blade into a low position and taking a dash forward. With sparks flying as the blade came along behind her, the princess swung upward at an angle, the weight and edge of the sword cutting legs as it went. But the legs were apparently not what she was targeting, and when it came to the third target, Adelle too could see what she had been aiming at as the sword collided with and almost collapsed a gibbet undead's cage with the impact. But the metal held, sending the undead backwards from the blow to initiate a widespread trip-up as the cage toppled several members of the horde at the front, soon spreading a bit more as many others began to trip and tangle on the ones in front of them. Utilizing the momentum in a spectacular manner, Amelia spun with her sword like a ballerina, quickly coming around with a second swing to slam another gibbet into the pile and further increasing the chaos. She soon followed after Adelle, sticking her tongue out to the pile before picking up her sword like it was a dog or something.

The room beyond the door was a much more calm and less creepy than the one before it, basically looking like a large bedroom that was lit by moonlight from windows on one wall. A queen-size bed with curtains was the dominating feature, someone apparently sleeping on it. But there were other things in there as well, four strange and tall creatures. They basically looked like big single legs with a slim lower portion but a wide thigh. They all had a glowing green eye on the middle of the thigh, or head, or whatever, it was hard to say. They were primarily colored a deep ebony, with faintly glowing blue veins here and there. Also, it looked as if the creatures were weeping, their eyes dripping purple liquid as they stood and observed the one in the bed. They were mostly not interested in the newcomers, but one of them did turn so it could follow what they were doing.

Hitting the lock with her sword only proved to be counter-productive as the damage affected Adelle's blade more than it did affect the lock. Too many strikes might cause the blade to snap, and it had already acquired a few dents.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was thankfully able to pull Rachaela along in the cage, though she'd had to fight off one or two along the way with a swift but strong kick to push them away from them. As she got to the door and opened it and began dragging Rachaela through, Adelle glanced over to see Amelia pretty much obliterating the undead coming towards them, her sword obviously very powerful to say the least from the fact she'd pretty much caved in a couple of the gibbets they were in.

"Nice work Amelia, you'd make one helluva member for the guild. And that sword is amazing," Adelle said as she tried to hack the lock off with her sword only to fail at that, which kind of ticked her off as she looked closely at the sword and noticed it wasn't in the best of shape any longer to say the least, meaning she'd need to pay a visit to the man she'd gotten it from to have it repaired tomorrow... or at the earliest opportunity rather. Then she took a look around the room and breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't another dungeon like area, though it had its own sort of creepiness she thought, especially when one of the strange creatures looked over at them.

"Hey... you think that big ass sword of yours could cut this lock off so we can get her out of there? If so then give it a swing, just try and not hit or hurt her," Adelle asked Amelia curiously as she glanced at the large blade in the girl's hands, moving back so she could try, and if it worked she'd help Rachaela out of the gibbet, then she'd attempt to get a closer look at the bed, though she didn't show any hostility and sheathed her sword, to keep the creatures from attacking, since everything in here seemed to react to forms of hostility for the most part.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It is my daddy's favorite sword, this was the one blade that he used to create the kingdom. He does not mind me borrowing it though, as it barely sees any action these days." the princess told a little info about the sword, still keeping it around as it might be of use. And use it did get, as soon as the two were out from their discussion. "Of course it can. I just have to get a bit of momentum." she told the busty girl, stepping back a bit and telling Adelle too to stay back as she began to twirl the blade around her body. After four swirls, she pulled up on the handle to heft the massive sword above her head and come down with hard overhead strike that not only smashed the lock mechanism off completely, but also made a crack on the floor where it came down. The noise seemed to agitate the creatures, their eyes changing to red as they heard the loud slam. Regardless, they did not go hostile, and reverted back to green after a while.

With the lock out of the way, the two had no further issues with the outer shell of the cage, but the inner framework that did the most of the restraining still kept Rachaela inside ít. The thing looked pretty damn solid and had no clear ways to unlock it, almost looking like it had been made to be never removed. Even the mask that obscured all interaction had metal hoops that connected it to the "spine" of the inner frame. Getting the mage out would require tools or some serious brute-forcing on the parts where seams and bolts were.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then, I'll let you take a swing real quick on it then," Adelle said, stepping back while Amelia did that.

She watched Amelia bring the large sword up over her head and bring it down and onto the lock of Rachaela's cage which seemed to piss the creatures off a bit, but she wasn't really worried about that since they calmed down shortly after that. Adelle was a bit worried since the blow to the cage didn't free Rachaela completely from the thing unfortunately. Seeing that Rachaela was pretty much stuck in the gibbet cage for now rather worried her, but there seemed to be little they could actually do about it at the moment without much help.

"Dammit, how do we get her out of there?" Adelle asked as she saw the inner cage around Rachaela, looking for any weak points in the damn thing. "I could shoot at the thing, but I'd be too afraid the bullet would ricochet and hit one of us," she added, giving the thing a pull just to see how tightly Rachaela was trapped inside before looking around the room a bit better, thinking perhaps something might be in there that could help them.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It does looks like a sturdy contraption..." Amelia remarked as the two looked over the inner frame one more time. The easiest thing to access were the screws that held the spine inside the outer shell, those could most likely be taken off with a simple flathead screwdriver, which would allow them to get the spine and Rachaela out from the main body of the gibbet. The spine itself was composed of the long bar that the mage was pressed against and the flat hoops of metal that pinned her against it. The hoops had seams that looked like they were welded, which were most likely the weakest part of the whole thing. But that would require them being able to grab the hoops, and the things were on so darn tight that slipping a hand between the hoop and the sister's body would probably take some squeezing into, and then there would be need to apply enough strength to bend it. So, they would need something to help them with this.

The room hardly had anything else besides the bed and the odd, staring leg-creatures inside it. There was a desk near the windows, but it had nothing in the drawers, and the only thing on it was an old lamp that had no power cord on it. Not that there were any visible electric sockets to put it into, the walls of the room being completely devoid of any standard electric equipment such as sockets or light switches. The bed was what remained as an option, the approach towards it igniting the red eyes of the creatures again, but still they made no move against Adelle as she had shown them no reason to get violent. They did still follow her every move as she got within a certain range, still looking after the occupant of the bed. Flipping the curtain aside revealed that there indeed was someone sleeping there, a young girl with brown twin braids. The young lady was probably a year or two older than Clara, sporting a pink sweater with a trio of brown stars overlaying a checkerboard pattern on the chest and a knee-length skirt of darker red. She was already sleeping a little more light, thanks to the earlier scuffling about. Waking her up would most likely not be hard, if the busty girl desired to do so, but she should be mindful of the large kitchen knife that the girl clutched though. The thing had old stains on it, which were good indicators that she had not just scared things with it. The creatures around her were looking as if they did not want anything to happen, either.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye it is fairly sturdy, but... I think I see some screws here that can be unscrewed to get her out. But I need something that I can fit in there that's like a flathead screwdriver. Because I don't imagine we'll force it any easier than we'll dismantle it," Adelle replied to Amelia, opting to look over around the bed for anything she might use.

Heading over towards the bed sparked a reaction from the creatures, but Adelle held her hands up in a sign of peace and that she meant no harm, which seemed to calm them down enough again for her to approach. Looking inside the curtain, Adelle saw the young girl on the bed who held a bloodstained knife in her hands, making Adelle wonder who she'd stabbed with it to get it so bloody like that. She figured that knife would be flat enough to reach the screws and free Rachaela, but she doubted the creatures, or the girl would allow her to take it without any trouble and her ending up with a cut somewhere on her.

Adelle instead attempted to find a piece of the bed or some piece of scrap... anything really that she could use to fit the screws, though if nothing could be found then she'd come back over to Amelia and Rachaela and first attempt to use her own sword since it was rather small considering. Though if it didn't work then she'd look to Amelia. "Say Amelia, can you pull a screwdriver out of that magic purse of yours? Or just a small dagger instead perhaps would do," Adelle would ask Amelia should her sword not fit the screws or should she be unable to find anything over by the bed.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was little need to ask for a screwdriver, Amelia having already gone over to her bag as Adelle was searching and looking around. Once she was actually asking for it, the princess was already reaching inside her silly handbag, producing the tool and handing it over. This allowed the busty girl to go to work on the screws, which came out after a bit of fiddling. She would most likely need to turn the cage upside down as there appeared to be more screws on the bottom of the cage as well. It would also take some looking after the binded mage as she might tip over and land on her face once the spine was not attached anymore.

But there was a sudden resolution to the situation as Amelia went around the room while Adelle was working, her too taking a stop at the bed and wondering about the girl wordlessly. In some strange thought, she decided to poke at the sleeper. "You think you could help us here?" Adelle could hear the princess ask before her balance failed as a result of the cage dissappearing while she had been leaning against it. The event ended up with landing face-to-face on top of the mage, who was now free once more. "That was... interesting, if uncomfortable and tight. Was not quite expecting that to happen." she expressed her thoughts about the predicament that she had been in for a few minutes, still as calm and collected as ever despite that and the fact that Adelle was on top of her.
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright you're awesome Amelia, thanks, should do just nicely," Adelle said to Amelia before taking the screwdriver from her and unscrewing the screws on Rachaela's cage.

Turning the cage enough so she could get the bottom screws, Adelle began taking them out while Amelia looked around the room some herself. When Amelia asked the girl on the bed what she had, Adelle glanced over where the cage suddenly disappeared and she fell over on top of Rachaela, throwing an arm out to catch herself so she didn't force her whole weight on top of the smaller girl, figuring she'd hurt her.

"You alright now Rachaela? It did look awful cramped in there," Adelle asked Rachaela, rolling off of her and offering her a hand up while Amelia was over at the bed, and helping to dust her off once she was up, then she looked over at Amelia and made her way over with Rachaela to see if the girl on the bed had woken up and see if they could tell just what was going on.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yes, there is nothing to worry about. It was a tight experience on a level of it's own, but it wasn't anything that I couldn't take for a few minutes. If it had gone for longer periods, I might have had issues with it. Still, it was a surprise to see that those things worked like that." the mage calmed any concerns that Adelle might have had.

Once the two got up, the room had reverted to something different entirely, now looking like it was an office more than a bedroom with cabinets full of papers and such. A dark cloth had been pulled up to cover the windows, and there were used noodle cups and empty water bottles everywhere, giving the impression that someone had been living there for a while. A makeshift bed was laid out on the one couch that the place had, and Amelia was having a conflict with the girl who was most likely the inhabitant on it. The girl had lashed out with her knife, but the princess had stopped the blade by catching the point with her purse, a small metal plate on the side with some brand name on it acting as a shield of sorts."Go away, leave me alone." the girl raised her voice a bit as she saw all the people there.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I'll bet you need to stretch a bit after that though, so go ahead and do so as much as you need before we try to move on any," Adelle told Rachaela as they got back up, where she looked around the room to see that it'd changed to what appeared to be an office of some sort rather than the bedroom it had been.

The girl that'd been on the bed she saw had apparently lunged out with her knife at Amelia, which caused Adelle's eyes to widen in terror a bit until she noticed that Amelia had caught the knife with her purse and kept from taking the blade in her stomach. "Wait young one, please... can you tell us where we are exactly? Everything or everyone else we've met in this place have either not spoken at all or pretty much refused to speak to us," Adelle asked the young girl after she'd spoke. "If you could tell us some things about this place I promise we'll leave you alone, but we're... kind of lost in here," she added to the girl, assuring if she could at least tell them where they were and how to get out that they'd not bother her any more.