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Stellar Shenanigans Approved Character List

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Nov 10, 2008
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Character Name: Ariana Arkanian

Species: Human, genetically engineered (Though she doesn't know it).

Age: Hundreds or thousands of years old, though almost entirely spent in coldsleep. Physically, late twenties.

Appearance: Tall with pale skin, she tends to wear functional clothing, covered by a brown leather duster.

Abilities/Equipment: Ariana is a powerful psychic, though she's never had any training. As a result, her powers are simple and uncomplicated, though quite potent. Her main use and weapon from this are shimmering blue blades of energy, focused from her mind as an extension of her willpower. She can create almost any blade she can think of, but usually settles on a double-bladed sword about as tall as she is. As a strange side-effect of having something created of pure mental energy, her weapons have no mass, and as such, no thickness. This makes them effectively infinitely sharp, and she has not found a substance that can resist being shredded, though some types of shielding seems to have an effect, and creatures that regenerate can usually fix themselves as fast as she can cut them, as the wounds do not open when her blade creates them. Any weapons she creates last as long as she can focus on them, generally however long combat lasts. She uses the same technique to create barriers, armour, and the like if she feels she has to, though the applications tend to be simpler.
She has a limited array of mental powers as well, telepathy, a small amount of telekinesis and a moderate amount of precognition, which is what allows her to dodge and deflect most attacks, she knows where they are going to be before they have even started.

In addition, she is partners with an advanced AI, Alberik. Long time companions, Alberik handles whatever Ari can't in terms of ship control and repairs, keeping watch while she travels in cryosleep, and generally keeps her sane during the long periods they spend without interaction with other beings.

Ship: The Tobias
Older model BTC corvette, Constellation class. Refitted for civilian use, including 'cozy' accommodations for four, removal of half it's missile racks to allow for more cargo space, and the addition of a snub fighter, advertised for 'touring', more than fighting. The pair have made extensive modifications on top of that, restoring a large portion of it's fighting ability, replacing two of the bunk beds with her cryo chamber, and situating Alberik's memory core in a protected section of the inner hull, among other modifications. The Merlin-class snub fighter has received upgrades as well, though has kept it's initial intent of being fast and nimble, relying on speed and surgical strikes to remain effective.

Both ships rely mainly on pulse weapons, though the corvette retains the side missile racks, containing a large compliment of missiles each, though of a smaller variety than is usual for a corvette class ship. The merlin only has a pair of front-mounted pulse lasers, but the Constellation sports top and bottom manned turrets, a small array of front mounted weapons, and small point defense lasers mounted strategically around the hull. In combat, Alberik handles the larger ship almost exclusively, forcing openings that Ari in the Merlin uses to exploit.

The ship they originally arrived in the sector within remains in their cargo hold, a Falcon heavy fighter modified for long-range use, the schematic matching nothing in the BTC databanks. It has been mostly stripped, but is still flyable in an emergency, should it come to that.
Re: Stellar Shenanigans Approved Character List

Character Name: Diana Sylvane (formerly Sadiana, formerly SADIA-0021)

Species: Cyborg ("a cybernetic organism, living tissue over a metal endoskeleton")

Age: 10, though physically she looks to be aged 17-22.

Appearance: Diana appears to be a fit and attractive human female. She is capable of altering her facial features and her hair readily, but as ship's captain she has her red hair shorn on both sides, leaving the top long.
As part of an ongoing attempt to mitigate and/or prevent civilian casualties in hostage situations, the Planetary Defense Corps (PDC) of the Bray-Tell Corporation (BTC) contacted an outside company to develop cybernetic organisms for the Urban Assault Units (UAU). The result was the SADIA Mark I unit (Surveillance, Assessment, Deception, Infiltration, Assault), an incredibly-lifelike cyborg in the form of an attractive human female. The SADIA units would appear to be human on most scanners (unless the technician knew what to look for, but for the most part it was designed to fool sensors--her endoskeleton is composed of non-ferrous but highly durable materials), but was as durable as a tank in combat, stronger than most contemporary cyborgs, and capable of cat-like feats of agility. Her outer tissue will regenerate itself fairly quickly (a day for most injuries, a week for extensive damage), unless it has been entirely destroyed.

SADIA-0021 was assigned Lieutenant Katherine “Kitty” Nemiri, a human female UAU operative, as both partner and handler during her time with the force. Her role in hostage situations was perilous: to covertly assess and enter a hostage situation, then imitate a panicking human female stuck in the danger area. She was given advanced personality matrices to choose from: law enforcement, panicked hostage, calm hostage, sexually-aggressive hostage (this was added to reduce the possibility of an actual hostage being sexually assaulted). Occasionally, an opening in SADIA-0021’s boot would emit a small bead covertly, and the small bead would roll outside of the danger area to transmit situational reports to Kitty and to the police captain (this would keep SADIA-0021 from transmitting herself, preventing one more way in which she could be detected).

Once the command was given or a hostage-killing seemed imminent, SADIA would enter Assault mode, systematically destroying the criminals or terrorists in order of threat level. While she could not always sneak a firearm into the situation (she was capable of using firearms and other weaponry with incredible levels of precision and accuracy), there were hidden blades in her arms that could be used as weapons, and darts that could be fired from her elbows and knees. SADIA would ensure minimal casualties, tearing the enemy apart from within.

Unfortunately for the program, someone managed to hack one of the SADIA cyborgs about six years after their implementation. SADIA-0019 was used to rob a bank, and SADIA-0021 was deployed to destroy the rogue cyborg. Afterwards, all models were taken offline while the security exploits were studied. However, the contract for cyborg police units was already at an end, and another company was contracted to create a whole new line of units (cheaper cyborgs at higher prices, but the company’s owner was married to the local administrator’s daughter).

The SADIA Mark I was decommissioned, and SADIA-0021 sat in a warehouse until she was sold to a wealthy banker in a shady side-deal with an unscrupulous PDC colonel. The banker had SADIA-0021 repurposed and reprogrammed as a social companion, consort, and bodyguard. Most of her old programming was left in place but taken offline, and she was given new advanced personality matrices befitting her new role. The programming company that the banker used was decent, but they failed to uncover the security exploits that had allowed SADIA-0019 to be hacked, leaving a vulnerability in place.

SADIA-0021 became Sadiana, shortened to Diana for short (the “na” was due to the deletion of her serial number, which was deleted from internal memory and removed where practical). Her memory banks were poorly wiped, though combat memories were left intact in order to keep innovations in fighting techniques. Diana was made to be the perfect companion: flirtatious, classy, and extremely dangerous if anyone threatened her owner.

Ultimately, though, the security exploit caused one more hitch: a rogue AI in danger of deletion copied itself into Diana’s memory banks within a year of her re-activation. Eventually, it took control of Diana, repairing partial memories and integrating Diana’s past into its own, creating a combined personality. The integration also prevented the rogue AI from being detected, due to the level of integration. The rogue AI also fixed all of the security exploits, regularly checking for other security breaches to patch. Diana hacked the banker’s accounts, removing a modest sum of money in a covert manner (as well as complete records of the banker’s illicit operations, for insurance), and then disappeared, using her self-maintenance skills to alter her appearance significantly enough to fool facial recognition software and escape notice.

As an attractive female cyborg, Diana Sylvane (she adopted an uncommon but not unique last name) has been working as a mercenary for the Bray-Tell Corporation for the past three years, gaining command of her own ship. Her status as a cyborg is known to the corporation brass, as well as Diana's executive officer, her medical officer, and the ship's psychic specialist; beyond that, Diana's cyborg status is highly classified within the organization. Anyone that gains knowledge of her true nature is quickly warned by the corporation that this information cannot and will not be disseminated.

As ship’s captain, Diana is active most of the time, moving about the ship; but to maintain the illusion of humanity, she “sleeps” in her cabin for two hours in every twenty-four. Workstations on the ship have been altered to be used standing, to increase awareness and efficiency; by-and-large the captain is regarded with some affection by the crew, a solid leader if a little eccentric. The captain also has a boxing ring set up near one of the ship’s cargo holds.

The boxing ring is of special significance. During her first week as ship’s captain, Diana was publicly groped by one of the larger crew members. Diana immediately gave a standing order, that should any member of the crew have a personal dispute with any other member of the crew, they could challenge them to a match in the boxing ring (boxing, sparring, or no-holds-barred, but always non-lethal). Diana then immediately challenged the large crew member to a match. He accepted, requesting no-holds-barred, and grinning because he thought it was a chance to grope this hot young captain some more.

The boxing ring was dusted out and cleaned. The entire crew (and several members of other ship crews) crowded in to watch the match. For about fifteen minutes, Diana avoided contact, letting the big bruiser wear himself out chasing her about the ring. Then she started making contact, starting with a slap to the man’s buttocks that was landed with force just shy of breaking the man’s hips. The blow echoed throughout the hold, and the man tried to retreat, clutching his ass, while the crew gave a collective groan in automatic empathy.

She began mauling the crew member, hitting him once every five seconds with precisely enough force to cause agonizing pain, but not permanent injury. Within thirty seconds (seven strikes total), he was weeping in anguished tones and curled up in the fetal position. To this day, when crew are brought on the ship and the boxing ring is explained, it goes like this:

“Captain’s got a rule. Anyone wants to fight anyone else can challenge ‘em in the ring, either boxing or full sparring, or even no-holds-barred, but never lethal. Just one thing: you don’t challenge the captain, kay?”
“Captain’s afraid to fight and lose?”
“Nope, she’s got an open invitation to the crew. Anyone wants to, can fight her. But trust me. You don’t challenge the captain. You don’t even think about it.”
Diana is programmed for combat, and has downloaded enough tactical ship knowledge and history to perform better than most captains in ship-to-ship combat. She is highly lethal even when unarmed, she can produce internal weaponry (such as the arm blades and the joint projectiles), and she is extremely skilled with all forms of weaponry. For an extra layer of protection, she wears an advanced retractable body armor suit (when not in use, the armor retracts to cover only one arm, as shown in the concept picture). She still retains some of her UAU protocols, and will not take a life unless it is either a mission priority or to save the lives of innocents. Diana has a number of advanced personality matrices to choose from (the AI managed to restore the SADIA personality matrices without deleting the Diana ones), letting her blend into most settings fairly well.

Diana does have weaknesses, however. Due to her remaining UAU protocols, she is bound to preserve life whenever possible (except in certain situations). As much as Diana may have researched ship-to-ship tactics, there are limits to book-learning--and Diana would have difficulty against innovative captains. Her combat capabilities were state-of-the-art ten years ago, but she might have difficulty with newer and more advanced cyborgs (and there are things more dangerous than cyborgs out there). Finally, her personality is still limited to the matrices with which she was programmed. She has begun developing her own personality matrix, drawing from not only her experiences but also her own observations of human behavior, but it is a slow process riddled with mistakes and corrections.

This is actually a picture of the BTCS Savannah, a sister-ship to the Perseus, lost about three years ago in a battle above Rylon VI.
The BTCS Perseus, a Mark II . It's a seven-year old ship, considered by most of the crew to be a lucky ship, built at the old Vargan III shipyard (spacefarers often swear by the quality construction methods and materials of Vargan III, lamenting the shipyard's decommissioning three years ago), but also upgraded with the latest combat systems, sensors, and other technological innovations. Of course, many of these upgrades were ordered inexpensively by Diana, who used her AI hacking abilities to find and arrange the best rates. Originally used as a long-range frigate for precision attacks, the Perseus has retained its long-range capabilities, not only in navigation but also in long-range missiles. One of the recent upgrades is an advanced Anti-Ship Missile (ASM) Point-Defense (PD) system, employing laser turrets to destroy or at least mitigate incoming threats. Additionally, the Perseus has been outfitted with a stealth system, making the vessel appear to be either a glitch or a small piece of debris on most sensors. Should the Perseus find itself in an area with no debris (this happened once already), she will release her waste containment unit, sending enough debris to shield the exact location of the frigate itself. This was actually a brilliant idea by the Executive Officer, Maria Tolwyn, whose quick thinking often makes up for the cyborg captain's reliance on conventional tactics.
Re: Stellar Shenanigans Approved Character List

Character Name: Kaptain "Ded-Killy" Kruttz
Species: Ork
Age: 25 (Orks are typically born fully formed both mentally and physically. So in Human terms he's more 45 physically.)
What the picture doesn't show is that his functional leg, left arm, and lower jaw are actually cybernetik pieces, as well as most of his torso. In addition, the power source for his "cybork" body parts has an old ship's helm made of rough metal that spins faster the more strain he puts on his cybork parts. Also of note, he is never seen without one of his many stupidly oversized and extravagant sailor hats.
Abilities/Equipment: Orkish Body: Orkz are generally far stronger than a Human could ever naturally be, and being a Kaptain means he's the meanest and toughest Ork on his Krooza, made all the more real by his cybernetic enhancements.

Regeneration: All Orkz possess regenerative capabilities, and Kruttz is no exception. While not exceedingly powerful, Orkz can bounce back from most wounds, and can survive worse injuries, that would normally be dangerous for a Human, although strangely enough the regeneration doesn't affect lost limbs, meaning more and more Cyborg parts must be added as an Ork grows stronger and sustains massive injuries.

Cybork: As befitting of his mostly mechanical body, Kruttz possesses several weapons as a part of his person, such as the extremely sharp twin claws mounted on his cybernetic left arm, a hydraulic, metal lower jaw for crushing anything he bites, as well as spikes lining the length of his metal pegleg, sharpened to draw as much blood as possible.

Orkish Gestalt: All Orkz share a common, unconscious, psionic connection. They do not know it exists, nor do they care to understand it, but when all of them agree on something, reality tends to warp just enough to make it happen. An example. An Ork believes a ramshackle gun will fire, as do all of his nearby kin. Because they believe it, reality bends just enough to allow the strange and illogical device to function enough for the Ork to use it. This extends to much of Ork tek, and is just about the only reason their crude, haphazard technology even functions.

Ship: Kruttz' Krooza:

Kruttz' Krooza is small by most Ork standards, classifying only as a Lite Krooza. However, its size belies the fact that it is crewed by thousands upon thousands of Orkz and Gretchin, small, inbred, goblin-like offshoots of the Ork genus.

On Ork Ships and their Design: Ork ships are brutal, ramshackle, and often incomprehensible masses of metal, slag, rocks, bits of duct tape, and spit held together by the constant efforts of Ork Mekboyz, and the psychic gestalt of the crew that believe the ship works. As a note, most Ork ships only use a fraction of their engines for moving and maneuvering, despite the vast, uneven array of thrusters, engines, and drive mounted at the rear of their ships. Those that aren't used for normal maneuvers are all wired up to a massive, prominent red button in the cockpit, where only the Kaptain himself is allowed to touch it. If any Ork fails to respect this, the Kaptain is completely justified in killing him on the spot.

However, this big red button is dangerous regardless. When pressed, every single rear-facing engine is triggered, and the ship careens forward at a ludicrous speed, usually enough to bash directly through even the toughest of ships. The downside to this massive burst of speed is, many of the engines burn out after use, and need quite a bit of time to recharge and be repaired.

Armament: Kruttz' Krooza is, by Ork standards, lightly armed. Sporting two massive heavy Kannons in the prow, and a full brace of Gunz, Kannonz, and turrets coating the hull on either side, the ship's true strength is in close-range brawling, where the wildly inaccurate gunners have little chance to miss. Many of its weapons are far more powerful than you'd expect on a ship this size, making it somewhat of a sleeper. To the untrained eye, it's a barely-functional mess with barely any firepower. To those experienced with fighting Orkz, it is just as deadly as any normal Cruiser.

Background: As far as Kruttz can remember, he's always been in space. He grew on a Dethdeala Battleship, a massive hulk of a ship full to bursting with Orkz, guns, and violence. For ten years of his life he fought as one of the Boardin' Boyz. Which is to say, he stuffed himself into a tube and was shot at enemy ships to board them and murder their crew. So it went until the day his ship was blown to pieces by a "Spikey Git!" ship, as his people call them. Of course, being such a massive ship, it split into three large pieces, and Kruttz, being slightly more cunning than the average Ork, decided he was going to make his third of the Ship into a proper Kroozer for those that remained. Gathering the remaining crew, he set the Mekboyz to work getting the fragment of the ship, which contained mostly engines and vital bits to the running of a ship, to working order.

Once the ship could actually move, the Orkz elected him Kaptain, mostly because the Gestalt they all shared said he was the best for the job. It also helped he had his cybernetic arm and jaw by that point and could krump any dissenters. Over the next fifteen years the ship was slowly built and reworked and upgraded into a proper Ork ship, though it's years of constant battle gradually wore it down to the Kroozer it now is, barely any part of the old Dethdeala remaining. Of course, this does not mean Kruttz or his Krooza are any less lethal than they were 25 years ago, Kruttz' lust for glory and an ever-expanding collection of hats driving him to fight, kill, and WAAAGH! across the galaxy, always searching for new prey to tear to pieces.

((OOC: If the images fail to show up, the ship is http://ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1217&pictureid=17090 and the character image is http://ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1217&pictureid=17087 and if they continue to be derp because ULMF is broken, they are the first 2 pictures in http://ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1217. If that still doesn't work then I give up.))
Re: Stellar Shenanigans Approved Character List

Character Name: Kisal 'St Olessa' Noka (Nick-name and last-name being more or less chosen out of interest, rather than refer to himself as (VGU-JR46)

Species: Vat-Grown Unit, 'Jackal Retriever'.

Age: Physically matured to base level of about 20, has been alive for 3 or so years.

Appearance: Standing just over 6.2 feet high and weighing over 180lbs, Kisal possesses a thickly-built and agile form. He has a de-saturated sandy-yellow skin-tone over eel-like skin with solid flesh underneath. Faint, darker brown-grey markings cover his strong figure. His form has heavy-shoulders, deep-ribbed chest, deep spine, slender hips and thick legs along with longer limbs that help to further define his form. He has slightly long hands with three fingers and one thumb, each ending in blunted claw-like tips, his feet are a combination of flexible clawed-hooves and those akin to a canid. Despite having the genetics of a land-born mammal, he does not appear to have an obvious pelt, save for some sparse, very short hairs over the chest, outer arms and lower legs. He does not posses a tail, as much as he wants to wiggle it in merriment.

He does have a Jackal-head including general shape and particularly the face and muzzle, with bright blue green eyes, but no whiskers and the nose is a little pointed, appearing durable rather than physically sensitive. Where the human hairline would be, the rear of his face extends outwards slightly, akin to a much more understated form of solid/bony 'frill' located on the rear of a Triceratops head. He has a mane of spiky 'hair' that extends from the back of his head, behind the short 'frill', down to his shoulders. He does have canid ears that are capable of limited movement, medium in size that typically lay low against his skull/hair.

Biologically Versatile; His body is not only able to perform well in trying environments, but is highly durable and dense muscular means he can move heavy objects with effort, in addition he is agile and quick on his feet, though not able to perform highly athletic feats like back-flips or the like, his usefulness is for the most part, primarily utilitarian. He is capable of regeneration of wounds - usually able to return to service within the week, does not extend to lost limbs

Keen Sense; His senses of vision, hearing are above average, his ability to detect by scent more-so, but despite the canine and other combined DNA, he does not quite possess the extreme sensitively associated with dogs. Helpful as it is, he has to concentrate, even if only a little, to fully utilise these senses, and often has to muffle the senses somewhat when off-duty.

Training; He has the training and experience in Search and Rescue operations as well as protecting a VIP - whether he needs to track down civilians, hostiles or criminals, as well as ensuring both his former handlers or other persons of interest remain alive. Kisal retains basic medical and general maintenance of his equipment, which can be transferred to working on lighter mechanical tasks.

Blunt-Mind; In essence, he has no presence when it comes to psychic matters, neither sending or receiving anything of value, in addition he is more or less immune to such shenanigans.


Armour; Light dermal under-suit/wraps when on/off duty, combined with modular armour pieces, mostly organic plating around the neck, spine, chest and outer limbs, as well as a helmet and combat-shawl that covers the back of his head and shoulders, forming a seal if necessary. The armour is highly useful for either deflecting or absorbing a respectable amount of blunt and sharp impacts, whether it is from the environment or more mobile aggressors.

Gauss-Carbine; Operates on fast-trigger semi-automatic fire. It has a modified telescopic barrel, folding stock as well as a digital dot-sight. If need be, it can have a light concussive grenade launcher attached, or smoke canister. Vertically carried over to the right side of his back-pack.

Melee; Folding Hatchet that doubles as a survival-tool. It can be wielded in one or both hands, long handle, lightly serrated edge on the weighted head - typically to the left side of his back-pack, it's handle/hilt also acts as leverage to open doors, if possible. One curved blade for close quarters/parrying or lethal stabbing, and a Trench-Knife picked up off a mercenary during a light-hearted game, both blades are sheathed in webbing/scabbards on his hips.

Spinal Pack; Basic armoured container akin to a durable back-pack, contains basic necessities, medical supplies, etc.

Shield-Gauntlet; A left-forearm-mounted finger-less gauntlet that contains a telescopic metal shield, suitable for defending most of his form against environmental hazards or hostile forces if necessary.

Ship: He resides on the BTCS Perseus, making his own small quarters a comfortable den in which to meditate, tend to a micro-garden, and generally perform low-level maintenance and exercises. He does, if need be, provide assistance in fields similar to his own when dealing with training in firearms, medical attention, rescue procedures and the like, but otherwise, is somewhat reclusive and introverted.

Personality; Kisal is reserved in making contact, but generally cheery and a friendly individual to those he speaks with. He is professional and disciplined in his tasks, but can often be a little wry at times, and awfully sarcastic and sardonic to those who seek to insult him, complimenting them on their 'well developed sense of observation' should they note how canid he looks with the intent of insulting him. Ironically, he does have his instincts, and naturally submissive to those in positions of authority, though it applies more to allied commanders or the Captain herself than strangers. He is protective of comrades, seeing nothing wrong with intentionally putting himself in the way if he believes it to be more conductive than holding his position, within reason - it was only once he did that before. He does however have a nasty habit when forced into a fight for his life, to essentially 'cheat' by forsaking rules of etiquette in favour of survival. Suffice to say a trench-knife and a serrated hatchet quickly make an impression both to observers and those unlucky or foolish enough to engage him in close-quarters-combat. He has a few, seemingly irrelevant interests, one being of religion, another being gardening, and the third drawing a combination of abstract trees and religious motifs combined together.

Kisal Noka belonged to an attempt by Heska Solutions at creating individuals who could assist in incidents occurring in trying environments, or otherwise where the risk to human life was high, much like another projects using robotics for doing much the same. Various forms of DNA were sequenced together, taking the best attributes from various predator and non-predatory species, along with human and scraps of alien genetics they could legally and physically recover, respectively, with the terrestrial 'Jackal dog' shining through for it's nimble, strong and subservient nature.

Developed and matured in one of Heska Solutions' more secretive facilities, he was given training suitable for his role, working with other subjects and multiple handlers - those hailing from more conventional forces - and as such, performed admirably for a time in field testing.

Upon his first real mission in a lucrative mining colony, Kisal worked diligently and unquestionably, even as the situation proved risky, resulting in the male being injured and returned to the facility for medical assistance, returning portions of his body to it's natural form, whereupon he not only learned more medical procedures and his body's capabilities of regeneration, but also about rumours of financial... insecurities regarding the parent corporation, Apex Research and Development, from scientists and doctors who spoke a little too loud through closed doors.

Nonetheless, he seemed content, as the seventh mission would soon ruin such enjoyment, for it occurred at a corporate meeting in a R&D park more publicly accessible. Budgets for the 'Jackal Retriever' prototypes was running low, credibility somewhat stretched. Thus In the early hours a 'incident' occurred that killed a majority of important figures in the meeting, harming others, many belonging to the public. Kisal, his handlers and half a dozen of teams were called, an opportunity to show off the development of the project and boost publicity, only to fail as more 'incidents' killed the vast majority of the Retrievers, their handlers and fleeing members of the public and local services.

Naturally, this attempted at positive publicity backfired as people suddenly found out about the project, but it's financial state was somehow laid bare, as well as security of the R&D development park called into question. The project would be scrapped, assets both static and mobile to be liquidised or shuffled about, one particular asset in question being picked up in the aftermath straight from a local hosptial and taken aboard one of the responding ships; The BTCS Perseus.

Suffice to say, being part of a failed project his mere existence is technically illegal outside of Heska Solutions' ownership, even after it was discovered they were acting rather pre-emptively under certain restraints, or perhaps their parent company ordered such 'legally grey' projects. A bureaucratic wrangle if there ever was one, even under the command of a legally upright (relatively speaking) mercenary company.

Taken under the wing of the Captain of the ship herself, he serves loyally if quietly, faintly detached from the crew, even as they learned of a chosen name, 'St Olessa'. Initially wary of and mocking him, the mostly human crew overtly changed their opinions after one incident where he, intentionally or accidentally, provided cover-fire and was wounded in the course of protecting his colleagues. The more religious members of the ship began to acknowledge him as 'St Olessa' with respect to the same-named person's merits, while others gave him the nick-name 'The Saint'. Suffice to say his humble actions were soon blown out of proportions with the use of well-edited video footage and story telling becoming obviously self-aware and joking in nature.

Lacking in a boastful nature and living as obstructively as possible, he does have some religious inclinations - even if only as far as prayer to his namesake or to nothing at all, and mediating by himself or rarely with those of similarly spiritual nature. His reclusive nature is peppered with attempts at helping with firearm, medical and rescue training, while tending to the micro-garden in his quarters. Suffice to say, he is deeply grateful and respectful of the Captain herself as well as, to a lesser extent, her crew.
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