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Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Usual fare for these kinds of things.

Also, I'm going to try to keep a few "database" threads for things like approved characters, lore crap, and a list of introduced/active/defeated enemy groups.

As far as starting, initial start will be in space. And since it's the plan for the first bit of story crap, try to figure out a reason for your characters to be looking for the Triptych Research Station, whether it be personal interest or whatever.
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Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

Diana is a mercenary, working with the Bray-Tell Corporation under a loose contract that permits her and her crew to take on classified work in exchange for discretion. The vast majority of her crew consists of mercenaries, although the ship's administrative officer is a Lieutenant Commander with the Planetary Defense Corps. The crew (and captain) receive a monthly retainer from the Bray-Tell Corporation, and the Perseus is under a lease-to-own contract (technically Diana has the funds to fully own it now, but there are significant tax benefits to prolonging this lease that outweigh the interest costs, and money manipulation is a game Diana knows well).

Diana received a notice about a substantial bonus offered for information regarding incidents at the Triptych Research Station, not only for ship's captain but for the entire crew. Wanting to ensure the well-being of her crew, Diana gathers the ship's department heads and informs them of the upcoming mission. While the executive officer, Maria Tolwyn, is ensuring that the ship travels there safely, Diana is using her data systems abilities to find all information available about the Triptych Research Station, wanting to have as much of an advantage as possible before arrival. She arranges a briefing with the crew for twenty-four hours prior to arrival, so that she can pass along the necessary intelligence to them.
Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

Kruttz WAS just the average Freebootah Kaptain in his own universe. When he krump'd an Imperium captain and noticed his hat was bigger and shinier than his current one, of course he put on the bigger one. When he put it on, it let out a kind of pulse through the ship. Him and his Boyz lost a good bit of their natural need to murder everything that moves, and his ability to rationalize non-Ork things was altared for the better. Of course, when he tried to warp jump, the Weirdboy had a bit of a brainfart and they ended up ripping reality a new asshole, as Orkz are wont to do, and ended up in this reality, the Kaptain heading towards the first Humie place he could to WAAAGH! himself some new dakka and tek for his ship.

Least, that's the reason I just pulled out of my ass for "Suddenly, WAAAGH!"
Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

Just as a quick note, I've edited in a short bio for the "Head Janitor", as he is planned to play a slight role early on in the search for Triptych. Kind of realized I'd forgotten to add that in earlier...
Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

Heh, no worries. I'm at my weekend LARP at the moment, should be making a post when I get home, in about 5 or 6 hours. Hopefully I'll get mine out before Caulder, but it doesn't really matter. I figure Ari is already in the area for her own reasons, best way to rope her into the current plot.
Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

Hello there, working on a Vat-Grown Alien/humanoid, Search and Rescue/Bodyguard male, wondering if that'd be fine, SBI?

Been chatting with Hope, he has no ship of his own and may be stationed within Diana's craft, under her protection from bureaucratic authorities left behind.

His primary function would be tracking hostiles or VIP's/other lost civilians, skirmisher with ranged/melee capabilities, and something of a jack of all trades. He's capable of acting as a 'healing tank' in infantry confrontations with light armour, area/gauntlet shielding (though a tad iffy on the 'shield' part) and some medical ability.
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Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

Hello there, working on a Vat-Grown Alien/humanoid, Search and Rescue/Bodyguard male, wondering if that'd be fine, SBI?

Been chatting with Hope, he has no ship of his own and may be stationed within Diana's craft, under her protection from Bureaucratic authorities left behind.

His primary function would be tracking hostiles or VIP's/other lost civilians, skirmisher with ranged/melee capabilities, and something of a jack of all trades. He's capable of acting as a 'healing tank' in infantry confrontations with light armour, area/gauntlet shielding and some medical ability.

Diana would likely have cleared this with higher authorities within the Bray-Tell Corporation, bringing documentation with her that will let her deflect any concerns or even questions regarding the entity's legality and status. She's rather detail-oriented in that way.
Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

Go ahead and send any ideas on that you've got in a forum PM. I'll have to look at it tomorrow morning, but I'm fairly sure it's workable. I'm not going to think too much on it just at the moment though, since I'm tired and heading to bed so I'm not wiped out at work tomorrow.

EDIT: Since it'd likely be easy for at least some of the PCs to figure out, here's what happened to the transmitter: A comet crashed into it, which destroyed part of the external equipment. Feedback from the damaged caused one of the control rooms to suffer damage, with control consoles exploding and killing some of the crew while also knocking a few systems offline.

The clean-up crew struck on the brilliant idea of just tossing the waste stuff out the airlocks. They also forgot to turn the grav-controls back on before they left.
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Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

Is Diana able to extract any more useful information out of the computer records?
Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

About the only thing she'd be able to get, without being on the station, is that there's no one scheduled to be on board right now.
Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

Yes, the computers in the command center can be turned on easily. They're just unplugged, so to speak.
Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

Added a still-work-in-progress thread intended to give rough lists of tech and tech-related information. I'll likely expand it as I get more ideas and/or work things out.

No existing characters will have to be changed because of this.
Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

After some discussion with Caulder, Kruttz is being placed into "follow/krump" mode for the moment. Things will be moving on, and hopefully the situation in question won't last for too long.
Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

Okay, I'm going to put a hold on this for the next few days. Will post again when an issue that's come up is dealt with.
Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

As a small note, "ground-based civilian cargo carrier" is my pseudo-fancy way of saying "pick-up truck".
Re: Stellar Shenanigans OOC thread

After something that came up last night, I'm putting this on hold while I deal with a situation affecting me. I'll give an alert here when I feel the situation has cleared enough for me to feel up to continuing.