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Suing Akia probably will lose

Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

Hm...Very well. Does the prosecution wish to call any witnesses?
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

But feel free to question anyone you see thats not me or Aika on that thread just in case Aika edited his post.
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

Understood. The defense may now present its case.
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

Your honour, I actually plan on using the same piece of evidence.

Because what I first plan on proving is that ZeroSpace showing incapability to find himself his own lawyer.

THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!! I can just drown people in chicken feed!!!!

Is a good example of how ZeroSpace was more interested in trifling matters than defending himself against allegations.

Moreover, his choice to represent himself in this very case shows his unliklihood to have himself sought out a lawyer to defend his case.

Its not insanity, its called think positive and improvise.

This quote here shows his attempts to defend himself. It doesn't even make sense... improvisation and insanity are completely different things. Insanity and improvisation are in no way mutually exclusive as an insane person can, and often will improvise with any given situation.
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

Then, to summarize, the defense's position is that the plaintiff was assigned a legal advocate in that instance due to being to uninformed of legal means to represent himself?
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

Of course.

It is the governing body's (the forum staff) duty to provide a person with a legal advisor and representative when they demonstrate an inability to do so themselves.

Furthermore, it can be seen from the same page of the same thread that ZeroSpace was indeed content with the outcome of the case after I has been assigned to him, the situation ended with him happily bouncing around in his padded cell.

I would ask the prosecutor how he could even contemplate suing his assigned lawyer when he was genuinely satisfied with the outcome of the case?
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

Ah, but this case is about you being my lawyer without me giving permition. And on a further notice I said Its NOT insanity, which means that I am not insane and was merely being positive and trying to improvise.
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

...in an insane way. Involving drowning your poor victims in chicken feed.

Your honour, in a case where the defendant showed signs of instability and insanity, would it still be necessary to gain this individual's approval before assigning to him a person whose job it was to defend him against such allegations?
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

The court recognizes the legal precedents for a local governing body to assign a legal advocate in situations where a defendant has demonstrated an inability to defend themselves.
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

Therefore, unless the prosecution has any further points to make, I rest my case.
Re: Suing Aika probably will lose

But how can you prove someone cannot defend themselves from just something they say? Unless you have absolute proof that the person or persons, cannot defend themselves in court you can't assume that person can't defend themselves.
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

The prosecution and defense are both aware that all such determinations are made by the local governing body, which is the forum staff in this case, correct?
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Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

Well I think you will find that this is true. That's why you should hire a knowledgable lawyer to handle your cases. Which is why I provided you with one in the thread in question.
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

Does the prosecution or the defense have any closing remarks?
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

yea, can we restart?
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

I will very quickly summarise:

*ZeroSpace was unable / unwilling to obtain a legal representative himself
*The governing state appointed one for him
*The governing state in this case is the forum staff
*I was appointed to be his legal representative and advisor
*ZeroSpace was content with the outcome of the case.

That is all.
Re: Suing Akia probably will lose

The court will now begin deliberating on judgment. Does the defense wish for a jury's decision, or the judge's decision?
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