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Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Alyssa's character sheet

Alyssa had been chosen out of the first thousand or so people to play the new game, which was being called, The EGG. She was being brought to the facility for the game in her area, and she woke up giddy that morning, getting ready to play from the moment she woke. Soon enough, Alyssa was at the facility for The EGG, and she saw a handful of people in the lobby when she arrived.

"Are you... Alyssa Summers?" A young woman in a labcoat asked Alyssa curiously, holding a clipboard. "You're expected, right this way," the young woman then said, once Alyssa answered her.

After a walk down a long hallway, they came into a room where Alyssa saw a large white pod. "This, is The EGG. One of the most highly advanced virtual reality devices in existence. There are a total of three hundred pods here at this facility, and you were chosen as one of gamers to try it out first. We hope that your experience inside, will tell us how to improve everything for future gamers. So, just take your clothes off, and hop in. And don't worry, it's just me in here with you. But for the system to interface with your body better, it needs to be able to touch your skin directly, as it's a form fitting gel like substance that you sit in," the young woman told Alyssa. "Oh, I'm sorry hon, I'm Harriet. I'll be your tech for this game. Just contact me in game once you get started, and I can help you out some if you need it," she added while Alyssa would be changing out of her clothes, with a locker right there to put them all in.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Alyssa's heart practically hummed with excitement. Of all the applicants she had been chosen. Part of her railed against her, of course she'd been chosen, it cried. Who else led the top guilds in other MMO's!? Who else penned the guides the all others on the net clamored the read! If they hadn't chosen her it'd of been a clear sign they weren't worthy to have her!

But instead she could only smile, cast her head down and walk with an incredible excitement.

"A-ah yes, that's me," she declared meekly, turning towards the woman as she approached swiftly. "W-wow, they look amazing," she whispered striding towards the pod she was led to. "O-of course, I've tested other games before!"

She paused for a moment in hesitation. "E-eh!? Naked?" She'd read about Haptic Feedback, and the design of the full body immersion, but nobody had ever said anything about having to strip down! Naked! In front of strangers! But everything had been leading up to this point, right? It was just like that anime, the gel fitted cockpit. She breathed and exhaled her nerves, "O-okay, but please...l-look away," she asked quiet. Even if the woman refused she would begin to undress her self slowly, arms desperately covering her more private areas. "Harriet, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said shyly, moving to place her clothes inside the locker.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Heh, thanks. And each player gets their own room and pod. Save for those few who are friends and want to go in together. We've made larger pods for them to do this," Harriet said, chuckling as Alyssa beheld the things.

"Yes naked. I'm sorry, but it's procedure, and the gel can't interface with your skin as well if your clothes are in the way," Harriet said softly, looking apologetic about it. "Of course. There's a changing screen over by the pod if you'd like to undress and get straight in without me ever seeing you save for a split second while you get in," she added, gesturing at the changing screen for Alyssa to go behind.

After Alyssa had changed, and gotten into the pod, Harriet closed it down around her, and Alyssa felt the gel squishing against her, leaving her face uncovered enough to breath. It quickly formed to her bodily shape, and she felt the cool gel warming up as it began glowing red, and once she heard a loud thump from The EGG machine, she saw the glow change from red to a soft blue. Moments later, her vision darkened and faded to black, as the virtual reality took hold.

"Alright Alyssa, it's Harriet. You should be seeing blackness right now. Don't worry, that's supposed to happen. It'll change soon enough," Harriet called to her through an intercom that was pretty much in her ear, likely built into the gel.

After a few moments, Alyssa saw a strange world forming around her, a large grassy hill, with her at the top of it, and rolling grassy green hills flowing all around her. "Alright Alyssa, input your settings. Just imagine how you want them when the viewscreen pops up in front of you," Harriet told her.

Non Consensual Sex:
Consensual Sex/Seduction:
Coercion(Lust Aura's/Manipulation):
Body Modification(Gaining things):
Intelligent monster like humanoids (such as orcs, goblins, etc...):
Slavery (sex slavery mainly really):
Bugs of any kind:



(Input your own)
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"To-together!?" she exclaimed blushing bright at her sudden outburst. "A-ah, of course." Mollified by the expression and explanation she soon acquiesced. "Thank you, that would be much better...s-sorry if I am causing any trouble," she said sincerely as she slipped behind the screen to change, slipping swiftly into the pod. She squealed quietly as she felt the gel press around her. Such a strange sensation, but behind the pod she was obscured from the woman. It didn't feel altogether...bad, just strange. She relaxed, it was time to get her game face on! The pleasant warming gel took her mind away, and with eyes closed she soon found herself relaxing. She welcomed the rush of virtual reality.

"Right, I'm ready," she seemed completely different. Confident, firm, ready. She grinned. A world built around her, stretching naturally. "Wow..." she said quietly, caught up in the wonder of the scene. She nodded and began to input her settings.

I'll assume my settings for the first chunk, thought if you want hers let me know and I'll update it.
0 is plz no, 1 is alright, 3 is cool, 5 is most welcome.
Male: 2
Female: 5
Pregnancy: 1
Non Consensual Sex: 3
Consensual Sex/Seduction: 5 (but she's a fighter)
Coercion(Lust Aura's/Manipulation): 5
BDSM(light): 4
BDSM(moderate): 4 (being bound isn't bad it's mostly being tied up in ways that forces stimulation)
Tentacles: 4
Slime: 4
Beasts: 2
Demons: 5
Angels/Divine: 5
Plants: 3
Magic: 5
Vore(LIGHT?): 4 (not being eaten)
Undead: 1 (zombies) 3 (vampires and others)
Constructions(Robots): 4 (impassionate toying with her)
Futanari: 3
Faeries: 4 (fun loving!)
Corruption: 3 (the slow descent)
Body Modification(Gaining things): 5 (temporary changes, im not a fan of excessively large things) 1 (permanent body changes) 4 (permanent body changes, like powers/desire)
Lactation: 0
Intelligent monster like humanoids (such as orcs, goblins, etc...): 3
Slavery (sex slavery mainly really): 2
Bugs of any kind : 3
Roughness: low low, any high roughness will lead to non-con scenes which get messy

Extras: uhhh, deals for in game power at cost of her giving in to sexual pleasure? not sure if there is a category for that.

Not sure what each of these entails, let's go hard, maybe difficult.

Any is fine, modern/futuristic if it isn't a super civilized world, I like exploring things which is why fantasy works.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"No hon, no trouble at all," Harriet replied, nodding before Alyssa moved to the pod and it closed up.


After she put all of her settings in, Alyssa saw the virtual world crumbling away again, and soon it was reforming itself. Soon, Alyssa found a forest forming around her. After a minute or two, the world stopped forming around her, and she was in the middle of a large grove. The sun was shining beautifully, the grass was green, and Alyssa was soon able to move now. "Alyssa, can you hear me? I can see you, so you need only nod for me unless you want to do more," Harriet asked, letting Alyssa know she wasn't alone. "You've got several ways you can go. But I won't spoil anything more than this, there's a town to the north, and one to the south. You also have a hundred gold pieces to start with, and your gear that you chose during your avatar creation," she added.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Alyssa nodded once. "Understood, I'll let you know if there are any issues, but otherwise I'll be fine. Don't worry about me," she said confidently. Towns in both directions, she could scamper off to go hunt some monsters, perhaps attempt to level up? She thumbed over her abilities for a long moment before she headed off north. "Thanks for the advice," she noted, but it was not terribly earnest. What did she need to learn from someone about a game? It was almost laughable! The most fun was in figuring out things for her own. Her weapon of choice was a simple staff, not much for show considering it was starting gear.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Very well, I'll be monitoring your advancement through the world from my station in the real world. I'll have telemetry and everything on you during your travels. Also, it may feel like many days or even weeks through your sessions before coming back to the real world, just so you know, even though you'll only be in there for eight to ten hours in the real world and all," Harriet informed Alyssa.

"Just be careful. You've chosen a quite difficult setting, so, don't be surprised if various creatures try and... do things to you," Harriet said, giving her a fair warning.

Heading northward, Alyssa soon found a path that looked well traveled, and she found signs of recent travel at that. It was likely if she continued following it, she'd find the actual road soon enough. To her left, in the distance, Alyssa heard what sounded like music playing, a soft gentle tune.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Make sure to have a nice meal prepared for me when I get out, Harriet," she wondered if she could be visibly seen and so she shot out wide smile and stuck out her tongue teasing. "Do things? Don't worry. Whoever you designed those settings for aren't anything like me~" she giggled. and pressed on.

Hm? Music? Wow, it sounded so...real! So gentle. Alyssa smiled softly and turned towards the sound, of course she was going to investigate. Ignoring events was for morons, easter eggs often held greater rewards for the inquisitive, and this place was bound to have plenty. Still, it could be a trap, a lure for the unwary. She readied her staff and approached.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Heh, well... it's realistic, and... some can find it a bit... lewd," Harriet said, seeming like she was hesitating a tiny bit, or having to think hard on the wording to use there.

Heading towards the music, Alyssa made her way easily enough, and the music grew louder and louder as she went. After a few minutes, Alyssa saw what looked like a woman sitting on a stump. She had long blonde hair, pointed elven like ears, ample breasts that swayed and jiggled slightly with every movement she made, and she was quite beautiful as well. She was playing an ocarina as she sat there, a soft gentle tune, that was rather entrancing. Alyssa saw that it seemed to be just the woman there though.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Lewd? What an odd choice of words. A chilling set of words now that she was thinking about it. For a moment she faltered, blushing faintly. No, she was the Gamer, that was for people who lost anyway!

Ah, there she was. Alyssa marveled at her for a moment moment, circling her slowly, inspecting her. She looked so real, so lifelike. She looked down at herself and grinned, she did too! What a beauty! She wished she looked like this in real life...

Oh right, she was getting distracted, that melody was so beautiful, whoever composed it should be proud of themselves, she thought to herself.

"Hello miss, my name is Alyssa. Was there anything I could help you with?" She practically screamed quest!
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

The pointed ear woman looked up at Alyssa when she spoke, and smiled at her. "Oh hello there. Why don't you come and sit with me. And... do you really want to help me, you cutie?" the girl said, giggling softly as she gestured to the stump next to her, where she scooted over and made a spot for Alyssa to sit.

"I could use some help gathering some herbs soon, if you really want to help me out. I'm Violet, by the way," the woman told Alyssa.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Alyssa smiled warmly, she was on the path now. This would be a simple enough introduction she was sure. "Of course," she said happily. She seemed so lifelike, so alive, she was soon beginning to feel that disconnect between reality in the game fade. Moments passed where she lost the sensation of knowing she had a body that existed outside of the game. It was wonderful, true immersion!

She moved over and took a seat beside, looking over her for a moment in wonder. "Ah, herbs, I can certainly help with that Violet. What kind are they, where might I find them?" Straight to business.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Well, come, and I'll show you," Violet said, smiling softly and taking Alyssa's hand, before she began leading her out of the grove on the opposite side Alyssa had entered from.

After a minute or so, Violet stopped and knelt down next to a flower of some sort, which was quite beautiful. It was red, and shaped like a lotus of some sort. "I need a dozen of these, and a half a dozen of those greenish colored mushrooms there, as well as the roots of a dozen of those flowers there, the blueish ones. There's only a couple of each around here, but you should be able to find more easily enough," Violet said, pointing over to a green mushroom and the blue flowers she mentioned, of which there a couple of the latter, and one of the former. "I need to make something with them, and if you help me to collect them all, I wouldn't mind giving you some of the potion I make from them. Just bring them back to the grove you met me at when you have enough," she added with a smile.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Oh of course," Alyssa took the woman's hand and gasped quietly, shyly for a moment as she was led out of the grove to the opposite side. The touch was so real, so human, that she reverted for a moment. No, she was Alyssa! The gamer, this was nothing at all. She squeezed gently, as if somehow attempting to 'win' holding hands.

As they emerged near the flowers Alyssa turned to get a good view of it committing to the memory. "A dozen of the red lotus-like, half dozen green mushrooms, and a dozen of the blue roots." Alyssa nodded once, assured that she would not forget. "Absolutely, won't take me any time at all, I promise. Sit tight and I'll be right back." With that Alyssa set herself to the task, wary for any sort of wandering monsters. The world was so inviting, the scents and sights so real, that she found it an actual challenge to keep her mind focused on the reality that she was in, for lack of a better word, a dangerous place.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Oh thank you so much. And... if you see any big plants next to the blue plants, be careful. They... tend to get angry sometimes, and may try and stop you," Violet said, smiling as Alyssa as she bounced off to get the things in question.

Alyssa hurried on and quickly found the mushrooms, finding a large patch of them not too far away, and she was easily able to collect all she needed. Along the way she found a small patch of the red lotuses and got a little over half of what she needed of them right then and there. The blue flower roots though took her a little longer to find, but she did find a patch of them after a few minutes of searching, though, as Violet had warned her, she saw a large blue flower plant nearby the patch of the smaller blue flowers. It was larger than her even, and quite frightening to see, however its petals were closed at the moment.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Big plants, understood," she said with a smile. This was easy enough, collect some plants, get a potion! Ah this was her domain, everything was so much simpler here, so much easier. The mushrooms were easy, she stowed them away in her small pack and managed to get most of the lotuses immediately. Good, she hummed quietly, bustling about to complete her task but stopping when she spotted the plant. Hmph, of course it would be near a patch of them, she couldn't risk using fire and torching the thing.

She proceeded quietly, moving to gather the required roots silently, readying to use her magic if the thing woke up. Maybe she could evade an encounter entirely!
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Moving in stealthily, Alyssa began collecting a few of the blue flowers and their roots, and each time she picked up to get its roots, she saw the larger one shudder a little bit. It was almost as if it were connected to the littler ones, but maybe it was just coincidence. After picking a few more, Alyssa found the large flower was opening up, and inside of it was a plant like woman, green skinned, with long blue hair the same color as her flower's petals.

"Who is picking my saplings?" the plant woman demanded, looking around down at Alyssa as many tentacles flailed about dangerously.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

One by one, the flower shuddered, perhaps they shared roots. It didn't matter, if she was gentle she wouldn't hurt it too much- she almost scolded herself. What did it matter it was just a thing! Digital code! This was growing difficult to keep in order.

"W-wah!" She slipped back suddenly, eyes flicking towards the tentacles as she readied a spell. "I am! I need them for a potion, and I'm nearly done!"
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"That hurts, and you never asked me if you could do that. Leave now, or I will spank you," the plant woman told Alyssa, swinging one of her tentacles out and trying to trip up the young human.

Alyssa managed to stumble out of the way just in time, and rolled to the side. "Come here," the plant woman called to Alyssa, swinging out and actually spanking Alyssa this time across the butt, but not too hard.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Well obviously I didn't know you were alive! You don't normally expect a plant to talk!" She darted nimbly to the side. "Hey! Knock that off!" Diplomacy was rapidly failing her.

"Hey! Ow! What do you think you're doing," she cried as she was spanked across the butt. "That's it," gesturing for a moment she thrusted a hand to let loose a ray of frost towards the plant woman. "If you won't be nice, I'll just take them from you!"