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Apr 21, 2019
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A darkness that never begun and will never end...there is no sense of self, or sense of thought...

Perhaps, not existing would better describe your current state. Normally, someone who wouldn't exist wouldn't be able to hear anything...yet you were...awakened...by a chorus of voices.

They are so close...right in your head. Yet, they are so far away...probably too far away to listen to them. You can hear every word clearly...yet you simply can't pay attention to them...you only remember some of the lengthy chant.

"Great Lord we kneel before you...please, accept our sacrifice...."

"Abthalom arahat, furad...."

"We beseech you, grant us our request..."

"Salob malan aralaman...."

"...we summon you....of all evil! Rise....and OBEY!"


You feel that something is pulling you somewhere...something is...creating you....no, that's not true...it is simply recreating you. You were before.

You were...you are....who you are, actually?
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Who am I?

Well, all evil sounded wrong. Pretty wrong anyway. Like, she'd been doing a few... things when she was younger, but everyone did things, didn't they?
Hold that thought. New thought. She. Feminine. We were getting somewhere. That was like 50% of the questions gone well, 52%, some lacked gender entirely...

Sorry, could you call again later, I'm a little.... hmnn.
The soft, yet confident voice hesitated. Had she thought that, or spoken that. She tried looking down on herself, perhaps that'd help.

I'm being summoned. So am I like.. a demon lady?.. Nah doesn't feel right. Angel lady? More closely. Anyway, people are telling me to obey, before the second date. I think I ought to.. Hey.. I wonder what happens when I reciprocate the chanting on my end.

She.. if she had hands, folded them together, and focused. She was pretty sure she was supposed to have hands. At least one and a half of them!

"Abthalom arahat, furad...."

"Salob malan aralaman...."

"... Never give up"
She tried to repeat the prayer on her end...but what was her end?

The random thoughts of her chaotic mind came to an abrupt stop, as the head of her new body formed. Wild thoughts left, feeling of weakness came in.

Weak. So weak. When was the last time she felt so weak? Blurry memories of a past life...someone...had betrayed her? But now that was just a dream...a dream from a past life.

"She is here." she heard the female voice claiming.

Maybe she should try to open her eyes and look around...or try to move her body...or even BREATH. But sadly, all of those were impossible. She could only lie down, like a puppet with it's strings cut.

"Damn. An other failure. We need better sacrifices." the woman sighed, now closer.

"But...what else is there to give...why...will we have to give up?"

"Sister, do not despair. We can only try again. Lets go back for today." a male voice comforted her.

"...Right. Eh. I am tired. Really tired. Of everything. We have given up everything, for nothing." the woman said, and for a while, a heave silence filled the area.

"Lets get rid of the body tomorrow."


Hours of struggling. She had been left alone, her body slowly recovering. Finally, she was able to open her eyes. A beautiful full-moon shined on the night sky. A firefly danced around her nose, finally landing on it...giving her a tingling sensation.

Later, she regained control of the rest of her body...finally, she could move her hands, and she could stand up.

She was lying on top of a small hill, on a stone slab. The only light was coming from the full moon above her. She was naked. It was cold. In the distance, she could see some lights...houses? Some shadows that were probably trees were on the other side, but between her and the houses in the distance she could only detect a few shadows...

The sounds of the night were the only thing she could hear.

Well. This wasn't that great of an improvement. In the dark, able to hear, but not see, smell or well.. do much at all. Was this revival magic? It felt like something beyond that. and how did she know such magic existed anyway?

She opened her eyes and stared at the little firefly. Well, it could be a mosquito. It could be worse.
Guess I'm an optimist huh?

She struggled to lift her hand, scratching her nose and sighing out heavily. "gchh...

.ghhao. .. Geeesh.. finally.. this *cough* bitch of an itch.. hoooh boy. Right."
She flexed slowly, hopping up and down and trying out her.. everything. "Pfeww. ow.. pain.. but that's good.. pain is good. means I'm alive.
... I'm also naked. This better not be some weird sex-cult thing."
She complained, to the nearest firefly.

She pondered, getting up.. a part of her first felt compelled to look around for this sacrifice-thing.. if there was nothing but her and the stone-slab, she'd.. well, make her way down towards what might be houses, what better option did she have. She sure hoped she could steal some underewear along the way. Making her think.. just what was the plan for if she had awoken earlier? Just what was the plan at all.. she'd peek into those houses first.. sure, she couldn't see in the dark, or much at all with the full moon shining down on her, but she felt like she could discern the houses of wicked cultists from the houses of .. well whatever better options there were.
Then again, if you were a cultist, you wouldn't exactly advertise it, would you?
She pondered that on her way down...
Looking around the stone slab, you find a small fire pit, few half burned sticks still inside - proof that it had been extinguished rather than burned down. Picking the biggest stick as a weapon, you move towards the village. Going down the hill, you notice that the small lights become hidden. You realize what is going on - the village was a wall around it. Still, there is a torchligh where you suppose the gates should be.

22610 The village isn't too far, if you didn't have to stumble all the way there it would have been at most ten minute walk. Unluckily, you had to walk in the shadows, careful not to step on a snake or anything. Luckily, after you found the path leading to the village, things became easier.

Finally, you can see it. A pityful wooden wall...and above the gate, near the torch, a single human. More alert than what you would expect from a village militia, yet he was only one. If you walked around, you could probably climb up the wall without being seen, as long as you made little noise. Or you could just talk to him...then again, you were still naked.

Well, now she has a stick. She isn't quite sure of her name, but holding onto -something- kind of helps.

She doesn't really feel like walking up to the man, naked as she was, so finding a good place to climb over, with a little lowering of the barricade, or a tree growing besides, seemed like the best idea.
on tip-toes she snuck past the guard, before looking for a place to climb up on.. and then shimmied over, ideally without splinters in soft places... and whilest keeping her stick. This was all she had to her name and better then nothing!

Alright, next priority: Stealing a bedsheet. Or some simple clothes. Modesty and the cold night air took priority over thirst and hunger, for now. Oh also, a lot of questions.

(18 stealth, 13 acrobatics, I defeated the wall!)
Climbing the wooden wall was not hard...you find yourself in the backyard of a wooden but sturdy looking house. Sadly, there is no laundry on sight. You think you spot something white behind the next house. There is nothing really seperating the two houses, so you walk over. However, suddenly you see that the white thing wasn't a bedsheet as you had hoped...instead, it was a sleeping white dog. It sniffs in its sleep...and it slowly raises it's head, to look straight at you!

You realize that it will start barking, maybe even try to bite you, if it gets the chance...

She felt like she wasn't bad with dogs, but she wasn't exactly sure how to deal with them right now. "Err.. . good boy. relax.. err.. lie down, I got this stick.. it's like all of my posessions but..." She try-started at the sight of the white guard-dog. In hindsight, the guard would have been better...

If it started barking perhaps she could abscond and hide again?

(8 trying to handle!)
(18 to hide again though!)
The dog doesn't seem to care about the stick...instead, it started barking, moving towards you.

Needless to say, there was more than enough noise, and you can hear voices from the house nearby.

From your experience with dogs, you realize that it won't bite you as long as you keep calm and stay your ground...outrunning it will be almost impossible...and to hide you would need to get away from it first. Then again, maybe you could knock it out and run for it, before the villagers find you? Or maybe it would be better to talk it out?

The first true obstacle of her life.. that she can keep in mind.. she is pretty sure this does not compare though.. hmnn...

Well, it is an obstacle still! She retreats from the canine menace, huffing half loudly: "I shall keep my stick then!"
She huffed, retreating and realizing that, lacking a leash, hiding from the dog might get risky too.

"Fffhhh.. haaah.."
She exhaled heavily, before trying to at least find the nearest, most pleasant looking, non-nettled bush. She'd be partially covered on discovery at least!

Whence the villagers came close to her she'd stash her stick and raise her hands.. well, one of them, the other would try to cover her voluptous breasts as she mused.

"Good evening! If you give me a moment to make it up, I'll have a really good explanation for this whole situation..." She offered. "Someone ought to give that dog a treat by the way." She suggested.
The dog kept barking and barking, and barking itself silly. As you jump in the bush, it rushes, and circles around, probably looking to bite something. Luckily, it just keeps barking.

Sure enough, alerted villagers start appearing.

"HU! Who is there! Get out!" a fat angry looking villager shouted, aiming a scary looking crossbow at the bush.

"Is is a thief?"

"Looks like..."

"Get out and explain yourself! Jack, back here my boy!" he called, and the dog finally stopped trying to bite your butt, returning to its owner.

She watched the dog, with .. careful respect. She definitly didn't want to whack it with a stick, but she would, if she had to!
She exhaled.

Then she peeked out of the bush. Head first only.
"So. First of all, please don't shoot that crossbow, if it hits, I'll be very sorry.

So, Errr,, I'm struggling with the story still.. I kinda woke up on that stone-slab you got up on that hill."
She pointed, deciding to try for honesty.. was worth a try no? "I'll come out if someone can borrow me a cloak or.. a large enough shirt, good?

Anyway. counter-question: Where am I and have you been sacrificing anything lately because I kind of don't like the sound of that..."
She mused, looking at the villagers chidingly.. well as much as she could see, in the dark light, with her white, long hair poking out of a bush and said push poking her in the boobs uncomfortably.
"The slab? Ah? AH? The shrine?"

"Wait...did the ritual work?"

"Are you an idiot? She is clearly lying. She is working with the witch."

"AH shut up, ya'll." the man lowers the crossbow and approaches, to take a better look at you, shining light at you with his lantern.

"AH, what, you naked?" he says looking the other way. "You, go fetch some clothes."

After some awkward dressing inside the bush, you are now wearing a shirt few size larger than what it should be, which practally makes it a short dress. The man with the crossbow had apparently decided that it was enough.

"Come, to the witches house."

[you can try to persuade him that you absolutely need pants, or refuse to come along at all, but he will be displeased.]

She blinked at the light, then nodded. "Yes clothes.. good idea.. you know! That thing that wasn't anywhere at that ritual-side, you perverts." She huffed..

Well, the shirt would have to do, for now, she decided.

"Alright.. I'm coming along.. so err.. is this a 'Muwhahaha you're all frogs now' or more of a 'Take this wyrmroot against your wankers cramp' kind of witch?" She asked, one hand holding the shirt down a little, the other having re-aquired her stick. That stick and her had been through some hard times already!

She also noticed she struggled to keep entirely serious... perhaps she was coping. She'd just spent most of her life laying around on a cold slab, quasi dead, after all!
"I'll still catch a cold at this rate... and you'll be the first one I'll sneeze at!" She allowed herself to complain.

In the dark, it was hard to get a good look at her.. she was a relatively tall woman, with light blue eyes and long, white hair. There was definite hints of the toned body of a warrior, but also a thoughtful expression in her eyes as she took in her surroundings and the witch to come...
The villager ignored your complains...you were paraded through the whole village - you could feel curious and maybe lustful gazes watching over you. Pulling the shirt from one side, only revealed more on the other side....

The village was dark, but the man was carrying a lantern that shed light on the road...and on you. The man's steps were too slow...but it wasn't like you could rush ahead by yourself.

Finally, after giving the whole village an eyefull, you arrived at a small house that was resting against the wall.

22616 "Witch! Open up! We be needing ya!" the man shouted, knocking the door loudly.

"Ah...wait, wait..." a voice could be heard inside. After a while, the door opened.

"...Yes? Wait, WHAT?" the young woman cried in shock, when she saw you.

"You aren't dead? How? How? Come inside!" she hurried you, opening the door.

"Uh. I guess you do know her. Fine then. Go." the villager said, pushing lightly your butt to nudge you to enter the house.
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She huffed, with a slight flushing on her cheeks in response two whichever villagers were still awake. It sure felt like all of them.

"No! You're not dead either! Let's bond over our mutual interests inside."
She suggested, pointing inside where it was warmer and she was definitly not happy with the shirt and.. accidentially ... poking the man with her stick along the way inside. Hard.

"Sooooo.. you tried some magic to bring me back to life, which is awesome on my end, because I am was propably someone pretty awesome.
Not sure what you sacrificed though. Also, think whatever magic you used was propably not the most natural, because this does not look like a temple, and I felt like crap. Do you have some tea? I could go for peppermint pretty please."
She explained, long windedly, before looking for a place to sit down.

"..although I guess being alive beats the alternative, so thanks on that end?" She mused, tilting her head thoughtfully.
"Ah! Don't blame me! I just followed the book! I do have tea...ah...sit on my bed..." the witch said, as you entered her house.

The house was simple - just a single room. The kitchen on one side, a table filled with open books, herbs, bottles on it, and a simple bed on the side. The table had chairs, but they were filled with books too.

"I will explain everything!" she said, as she placed a kettle on the fire, before returning.

"Eh...you...you can use my blanket..." she offered, blushing when she realized you were half naked.

"You see, my gandma left me a prophesy before she died...she said that dark times were coming. She told me that I had to read the book, and summon a mighty warrior, to save the realm."

"As for the sacrifices...the book wrote about diamonds...but...eh...whatever, since it worked like that, it was worth it!"

"So...are you a mighty warrior? You know, troubles have started already...we kinda need a hero..."
she awkwardly explained.

She adjusted the shirt, although that seemed like a task of futility.. her hair was distracting too.. there was so much of it!
"I'll blame the book, let me see that bastard. I'ma leave little crinkles all over it." She determined just flat enough to make one hesitate in guessing if she was serious here. She shuffled herself into a sitting position, legs crossed, best as the tomes all around allowed. A research-witch?

"Wait.. crinkles are those little cookies aren't they.. well good enough." She mused. "Everything? Well that'll take a while, let's start with pretzels. what are the holes for?... err.. I'd feel kind of bad taking your blanket, to be honest. I.. .. will figure something out soon." She nodded.. whilest basic-instincting the witch.

"Alright.. hmnn.. hold on.. I heard of magic that uses diamonds to bring back the dead, but.. I am almost entirely sure you need a body for that. So did you get any of my stuff? I'm not even sure what my stuff is, but right now, I only got a stick and a shirt and I feel like I had more .. stuff.." She tipped her chin and thought about this for a long moment.

"Anyway.. yeah,.. pretty sure I'm a hero." She nodded cherfully, patting her chest.. weird, she felt as if a scar should be there, but her skin felt unblemished..

"It's a bit hard to remember but.. hmnn.. I am Cyra Darkbane. I could both fight and use magic, I think. .. I feel like there's more to this but hmnn.. in due time. So what trouble is going on?" She asked.. before feeling an odd urge to add:

"I hope it's not an evil dragon, my hair takes time to grow you know."
"I am Sera...wait, our names sound similar, don't they?"

"But you sound...weird. I hope you didn't go crazy or something..."
she pondered

"No, you appeared naked...and we didn't have a body. There are many troubles brewing...the other witches had prophesies too. The war left an opening for darkness to spread...the books have stories, it has happened in the past...monsters become stronger, and villains appear, to plague the lands. We already have troubles with the goblins, and this is just the beginning."

"The book. Yeah of course it is here..."
she turned around, looking on the table... "Where is it? Eh...I didn't move it...where did it go?" she started anxiously looking around...but she failed to find anything.

"It...it disappeared?"


"Yeah, pronounciation wise definitly. Perhaps I'm your long lost relative.. I hope not ancestor.. and thats how you could revive me?" She chuckled. Well, without being a priest. She felt like the whole reviving required divine permission. She hoped. She didn't feel overly undead, what with how cold she'd been outside and the scraping of small rocks against her feet..

"I'm coping. I could spent an hour wailing about my lost life, if that helps, but I feel like it doesn't. I'm also hungry for a pretzel now. Hrmn." She pondered and dismissed the crazy comment. She was entirely sane. From her perspective. Then again, weren't all crazy people?

"Ugh, people and their wars, you want to smack them over the back of the head to be more reasonable, but then you just have another front.. so who fought whom for what? .. Skip on complicated names, assume I don't recognize them anyway... Also, I feel like I can handle goblins, but that's not the worst of your problems, is it?

So a big war weakened humanity and now all the undesierables are cropping up. I guess you don't just need a hero, you need someone to rally around.. hrmnn.. I guess I could try that. Again?

.. wait you lost a book with powerful spell magic.. so who were the others with you, because I heard at least two voices.

.. also, one problem at a time.. hrmnn.."
She tipped her chin, lifting her hand and then counted off.. issues.:

"Is the tea doing well? Where can I grab a proper sword and a shield too? Wait.. no.. shields aren't my style.. bit of amor? I doubt I can find -my- proper sword, I distinctively remember something big and shiny.. Why are your fortifications so bad? Naked girl with no tools can climb over. ... what else
Oh! Pants. I should have started with that. And a snug cloak.. oh and.. I feel like I need a holy symbol. No cheap bling, something with proper magic, old magic, something crafted with respect and care for days whilest thinking about how to help people, rather than hammered on an anvil.. yeah.."
She nodded to herself. Then, as if to un-reassure the girl, added: "Also, pretzels."